INVITED PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. S. Liu, “Carbon Equivalent Equations in Steel Welding”, AWS Lancaster Section Meeting, April 1986. S. Liu, “Simulation of Multi-Pass Welding using a Personal Computer”, AWS Johnstown Section Meeting, February 1987. D. Thomas and S. Liu, “Interpretive Report on Electroslag, Electrogas, and Related Welding Processes”, Welding Research Council Bulletin 338, November l988. D.L. Olson and S. Liu, “Welding Metallurgy of Ferrous Materials - Metalurgia de Soldagem de Materiais Ferrosos”, Brazilian Society for Metals - Associação Brasileira de Metais, São Paulo, Brazil, June 1989. S. Liu, “Cast Iron Welding Consumables Research”, AWS Cast Iron Welding Symposium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 1989. S. Liu, G.R. Edwards, G.P. Martins, and D.L. Olson, “The Physical Basis of Brazing: Transient Liquid Phase and Reactive Metal Brazing”, Quintech ’89 - Golden Gate Materials Technology Conference, Santa Clara, CA, February 1989. G.R. Edwards and S. Liu, “Recent Developments in HSLA Steel Welding”, First US-Japan Symposium on ’Advances in Welding Metallurgy’ -AWS/JWS/JWES, San Francisco, U.S.A. and Yokohama, Japan, June 1990. S. Liu, “Microstructure of Industrial Brazements”, 25th IMS Convention, Denver, Colorado, August 1992. S. Liu, “Equal Property Diagrams for Weld Properties Prediction”, Technology Transfer Conference, NIST, Boulder, Colorado, September 1992. S. Liu, “Fundamental Studies in Ceramic-to-Metal Brazing”, Keynote Address at the 1992 Brazilian Materials Congress, Águas de Lindoia, São Paulo, Brazil, December 1992. S. Liu, “Underwater Welding Technology”, AWS Colorado Section Meeting, March 1993. S. Liu and D.L. Olson, “Welding Metallurgy Seminar Series”, Gansu University of Technology, Shaanxi University of Technology and Xian Jiao Tong University, China, May 1993. S. Liu, “Underwater Welding Metallurgy”, Northeastern Junior College Welding Seminar and Exposition, January 1994. S. Liu and D.L. Olson, “Welding Flux: Nature and Behavior”, ASME-OMAE Workshop on ’Steel and Weldment for the Offshore Structures: Testing and Data Analysis’, Houston, Texas, February 1994. S. Liu, “Metallurgy of Structural Steel Welding”, Eastern Wyoming College, AWS Colorado Section Outreach Program, March 1994. S. Liu, “Welding in China - Industrial and Educational Outlook”, AWS Colorado Section Meeting, May 1994. A. Sanchez, S. Liu and D.L. Olson, “Soldaura Submarina Mojada”, Keynote Address (Presentation Magisterial) at the 2nd Intl. Congress of Welding in Mexico, Monterrey, Mexico, November 1994. S. Liu, “Weld Pool Phenomena in Underwater Wet Welding", Colorado School of Mines, Dept. of Chemistry and Geochemistry Seminar, January 1995. S. Liu, “Role of Oxygen on the Cu-O-Ti/Sapphire Interfacial Region Formation”, GKSS Materials Research Center, Geesthacht, and Universität der Bunderswehr - Hamburg, Germany, June 1995. S. Liu, “Interfacial Reactions and Surface Modification Studies at CWJCR,” CSM - Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Rome, Italy, June 1996. S. Liu, “Recent Developments in the Welding of High Strength and High Toughness Steels,” Keynote Address, Israeli Metallurgical Society - Annual Welding Convention, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 1996. S. Liu, “Recent Development in Underwater Wet Welding - Consumable Formulation,” Israeli Metallurgical Society - Annual Welding Convention, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 1996. S. Liu, “A Century of Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Low Tech or High Tech?”, CSM Materials Program Seminar Series, Golden, Colorado, November 1996. S. Liu, “Critical Issues in Quality Underwater Wet Welding: A Review”, Keynote Address (Presentation Magisterial) at the Primer Simposium Internacional de Soldadura, ITESM-Monterrey, Mexico, March 1998. S. Liu, “Welding Engineering Education: Mission and Responsibility of High Education Institutions”, Plummer Memorial Educational Lecture presented at the AWS Annual Convention in Detroit, Michigan, April 1998. S. Liu, “Arc Welding Consumables - A Century of Evolution”, Keynote Presentation presented at the 5th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research, Pine Mountain, Georgia,1-5 June 1998. 27. D.L. Olson, S. Liu and S. Caldwell, “Use of Intermetallic Alloys as Additions to Tungsten Electrodes”, Keynote Presentation presented at the III Pacific Rim Advanced Materials Conference, TMS, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 1998. 28. S. Liu and P. Camargo, “Role of Oxygen on the Cu-O-Ti/Saphire Interfacial Region Formation”, Invited Presentation at the Conf. On Advanced Joining Technologies, Rosemont, Illinois, October 1998. 29. S. Liu, “Seminario Taller de Soldadura y Tratamientos Termicos”, Keynote Presentation, Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru, Huancayo, Peru, November 1998. 30. S. Liu, “Seminario de Soldadura Humeda”, Invited Presentation, PEMEX/IMP, Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico, February 1999. 31. S. Liu, “Overview of Mechanical Properties of Materials for Engineers”, Invited Educational Publication, ASME Career Development Series – 4-Hour Module, ASME International, March 1999. 32. S. Liu, “Recent Approaches in the Design of Flux-Related Arc Welding Consumables”, Keynote Lecture in the 5th International Seminar on “Numerical Analysis of Weldability”, Graz, Austria, October 4-6, 1999. 33. S. Liu, “Surface Engineering of Titanium Alloys by Laser Gas Alloying”, Keynote Lecture for the International Conference: Welding and Joining – New Materials and New Perspectives, Tel Aviv, Israel, July 18-20, 2000. 34. S. Liu, “Consumables Development for Shipbuilding in the 21st Century”, Invited Presentation at National Shipbuilding Research Program - SP-7 “Steels in Shipbuilding” Symposium, Seattle, September 20, 2000. 35. S. Liu, “Underwater Welding of Offshore Facilities – Recent Developments”, Invited Presentation at the Second Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Workshop on “Assessing and Maintaining the Integrity of Existing Offshore and Gas Facilities”, Beijing, China, October 9-11, 2000. 36. S. Liu, “Advanced Laser Processing of Materials”, Invited Presentation at the IIW Asian-Pacific Welding Conference and WTIA Conference, Melbourne, Australia, October 29-November 3, 2000. 37. S. Liu, “Hydrogen Management in High Strength Steel Welding”, Invited Presentation at the IIW AsianPacific Welding Conference and WTIA Conference, Melbourne, Australia, October 29-November 3, 2000. 38. S. Liu, “Underwater Wet Welding – Recent Developments”, Invited Presentation at the Japan ATI-SNIRI Workshop on “Elucidation of Welding Processes,” Takamatsu, Japan, March 19-20, 2001. 39. S. Liu, “Hydrogen Management Strategies in Arc Welding”, Invited Presentation at the Japan ATI-SNIRI Workshop on “Elucidation of Welding Processes,” Takamatsu, Japan, March 19-20, 2001. 40. S. Liu, “Underwater Wet Welding of Offshore Structures – Recent Developments”, Invited Presentation at the ASM International - Rocky Mountain Chapter Meeting, Golden, Colorado, September 6, 2001. 41. S. Liu, “Metallurgical Considerations Consumable Development for Welding High Strength, High Toughness Steels,” Keynote Lecture at ABM 2002 Assembly, São Paulo, July 23-25, 2002. 42. S. Liu, “Problems on Welding High Strength Low Alloy Steels,” Invited Workshop at ABM 2002 Assembly, São Paulo, July 23-25, 2002. 43. S. Liu, “Metallurgical Consideration in Gas Metal Arc Welding,” Invited Presentation at Gas Metal Arc Welding Conference, AWS, Orlando, Florida, September 2002. 44. S. Liu, “Welding Concerns of High Strength Steels, X-80 and Beyond,” Keynote Presentation at the International Conference on the Application and Evaluation of High-Grade Linepipes in Hostile Environments, Yokohama, Japan, November 6-8, 2002. 45. S. Liu, “Metallurgical Considerations Consumable Development for Welding High Strength, High Toughness Steels,” Invited Lecture at the Osaka University, November 5, 2002. 46. S. Liu, “Metallurgical Considerations Consumable Development for Welding High Strength, High Toughness Steels,” Invited Lecture at Nippon Steel Corporation, Kimitsu Labs, November 11, 2002. 47. S. Liu, “Metallurgical Considerations Consumable Development for Welding High Strength, High Toughness Steels,” Invited Lecture at Sumitomo Metals Research, Kashima Works, November 12, 2002. 48. S. Liu, “Underwater Wet Welding Research at Colorado School of Mines,” Invited Seminar at the Women in Mining Society (WIM) Denver Chapter Meeting, September 17, 2003. 49. S. Liu, “Microstructure and Property Control in High Strength, High Toughness Steel Welds,” Keynote Presentation at the Intl. Conf. On Welding and Joining of Materials, Lima, Peru, October 27-29, 2003. 50. S. Liu, “Two Decades of Progress in Underwater Wet Welding Using the SMAW Process,” Invited Seminar at the Rocky Mountain Chinese Society of Science and Engineering (RMCSSE) Technical Seminars Meeting, Denver, April 24, 2004. 51. S. Liu, “Welding High Strength, High Toughness Steels,” Invited Lecture at Shipbuilding Materials Research Institute 527, Luoyang, China, May 31, 2004. 52. S. Liu, “Underwater Wet Welding in Shipbuilding and Offshore Industries,” Invited Lecture at Shipbuilding Materials Research Institute 527, Luoyang, China, June 1, 2004. 53. S. Liu, “Critical Issues in High Strength Steel Welding - Evolutional and Revolutionary Approaches,“ Keynote Presentation at the Associação Brasileira de Soldagem 2004 Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 1316, 2004. 54. T.A. Siewert, J.C. Madeni and S. Liu, “Lead Free Solder Data Collection and Development,” Plenary Keynote Presentation at the Welding & Joining 2005, Tel Aviv, Israel, January 26-27, 2005. 55. S. Liu, “Evolutionary and Revolutionary Approaches in High Strength Steel Welding,” Plenary Keynote Presentation at the Welding & Joining 2005, Tel Aviv, Israel, January 26-27, 2005. 56. S. Liu, “Recent Progress in Underwater Wet Welding: Porosity and Microstructural Concerns,” Inviteed Seminar at the LeTourneau University, Materials Joining Department, February 16, 2007. 57. S. Liu, “Weld Residual Stress Management through Controlled Phase Transformations,” Invited Seminar at the ASM International Los Alamos National Laboratory Chapter, March 15, 2007. 58. S. Liu, “Residual Stress Management through Controlled Phase Transformations to Improve Fatigue Strength of Weldments,” Plenary Keynote Presentation at II International Conference on Welding & Joining of Materials, Cusco, Peru, April 26-27, 2007.