Development and Redevelopment Mitigation Notification Form Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services Agency Notification Recvd. Date: Time: Form #PCO13 (rev. 2/2013) Application/Permit Number:_____D Information Regarding Site Where Mitigation is Requested: Name of Development: Street Name & Number: Original Tax Parcel: Name of Creek System Where Development is Located: Total Area of Project (acres): Total Disturbed Area (acres): % Built Upon: Fee Paid: $ Amendment to Permit #: Type of Development: Commercial Residential (As defined in the Post-Construction Storm Water Ordinance.) Jurisdiction or Town: Resubmittal: Yes No If yes provide notification date that resubmittal was required: Owner’s Name: Owner’s Address: Owner’s Phone Number: Fax: Owner’s Email: Calculation of Mitigation Fee: Use the Site Evaluation Tool (SET) developed for compliance with the Huntersville Low Impact Development Ordinance to complete calculations. A copy of the SET analysis showing all calculations must be attached to this form for it to be valid. SET is available at the following website: (Select Regulations; Select Low Impact Development (LID); Select Huntersville LID; Select Mecklenburg County Site Evaluation Tool v3.3). 1 Total sediment loading from site (post-development without BMPs) = 2 Sediment loading at 85% removal efficiency (row 1 x 0.85) = 3 85% loading reduction calculated over 20 years (row 2 x 20) = 4 Mitigation Fee (row 3 x $1,000) = 5 Mitigation Fee + $4,400/acre for Operation & Maintenance Fee (row 4 + ($4,400 x total site acreage)) 6 Mitigation Fee + Maintenance Fee increased by 12% for administrative costs (row 5 x 1.12) 7 Total Mitigation Fee = IMPORTANT: Check must be made payable to applicable Jurisdiction. tons / yr tons / yr tons $ $ $ $ This form serves as notification to the Storm Water Administrator that the owner shall mitigate the above described site by paying the Mitigation Fee indicated in row 7 of the above table. This form must be submitted with the Concept Plan Application form. Total payment is due to the Storm Water Administrator within 30 calendar days of receipt of notification of approval of the Concept Plan Application. Failure to receive such payment shall nullify this mitigation option and full compliance with the Post-Construction Storm Water Ordinance shall be required. Received By: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________