The Surface Water Improvement and Management (S.W.I.M.) buffer ordinances allow... of disturbances and are generally less restrictive than the water... S.W.I.M. and Post-Construction Buffer Disturbances

S.W.I.M. and Post-Construction Buffer Disturbances
General Information
The Surface Water Improvement and Management (S.W.I.M.) buffer ordinances allow a variety
of disturbances and are generally less restrictive than the water supply watershed buffer rules. In
addition, the S.W.I.M. buffers have three (3) zones, including the stream side, managed use and
upland zones. The allowable disturbances within the buffer vary depending on the zone. The
post-construction buffer requirements for all the jurisdictions in Charlotte-Mecklenburg specify
that the uses allowed in the different S.W.I.M. buffer zones, as well as the other provisions of the
S.W.I.M. ordinances, apply to post-construction buffers. There are a few very important
distinctions regarding the post-construction buffers as follows:
1. If a S.W.I.M. buffer zone, including stream side, managed use and upland, is not
indicated for a buffer width in the post-construction ordinance language, then the uses
specified for these zones in the S.W.I.M. buffer ordinance do not apply and disturbance
of this buffer is not allowed unless specifically stated in the post-construction ordinance.
For example, in many of the jurisdictions the post-construction ordinance requires a 30foot vegetated buffer with a 10-foot zone adjacent to the bank for streams draining less
than 50 acres. This 10-foot zone is not referred to as a stream side, managed use or
upland zone; therefore, the uses allowed in S.W.I.M. buffer ordinances for these zones do
not apply to this 30-foot buffer, including the installation of BMPs, outbuildings, etc.
The post-construction ordinance specifically states that disturbance of the 30-foot buffer
is allowed and that revegetation is required. Prior approval from the appropriate agency
must be obtained for this disturbance through the submittal of an Authorization
Certification Application. Buffer restoration is the required mitigation option for this
disturbance. At a minimum, Level 1 revegetation is required except for disturbances
within 10 feet of the top of the bank, which requires stream bank stabilization using
bioengineering techniques.
2. Goose and Six Mile Creeks have separate and more restrictive requirements than the
S.W.I.M. buffers. S.W.I.M. buffer zones and the uses allowed in these zones do not
apply to these buffers. The reason for these restrictions is that these creeks are home to a
federally endangered species of freshwater mussel called the Carolina heelsplitter, which
requires a well established buffer with minimal disturbances for its survival.
Exempt Disturbances
Provided below are the disturbances that are considered to be exempt from the S.W.I.M. and
post-construction buffer requirements. Prior approval and mitigation for these disturbances is
not required. The specific wording for the exemption varies slightly for the Towns and to ensure
compliance refer to the language in the applicable ordinance. All disturbed areas must be
stabilized and seeded within seven (7) days following project completion to minimize negative
water quality impacts. Grasses and other herbaceous groundcovers are allowed. The natural
contour of the land should be maintained.
1. Above ground utility crossings. It is recommended that woody vegetation be cleared by
hand and that tree stumps remain. Land grubbing and grading is discouraged.
Maintaining the vegetative root systems helps to preserve the integrity of the soil and
minimize soil erosion. Construction activities should minimize the removal of woody
vegetation, as well as the extent of the disturbed area and the amount of time the areas
remain in a disturbed state. Measures should be undertaken after construction and during
routine maintenance to ensure diffuse flow of storm water through the buffer.
2. Below ground utility crossings. For all projects constructed for Charlotte-Mecklenburg
Utilities’ (CMU), stabilization and seeding should be performed in accordance with the
CMU Design Manual.
3. Domesticated animal trails (farming). Stream crossings must be constructed and
maintained to minimize impacts to the stream side zone with fencing perpendicular and
through the buffer to direct animal movement.
4. Drainage improvements/repairs for maintenance. Includes projects performed by
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services.
5. Fences. Minimal disturbance of existing vegetation is allowed.
6. Flood control structures.
7. Land clearing. No cutting or clearing is allowed in the stream side zone except for the
approved disturbances described above. In the managed use zone, existing trees can be
removed provided a density is maintained of 8 healthy trees of a minimum 6 inch caliper
per 1000 square feet. In the upland zone, clearing and grading is allowed.
8. Mitigation activities. All mitigation activities are allowed in the buffer as approved by a
State or Federal Agency acting pursuant to Sections 401 and/or 404 of the federal Clean
Water Act.
9. Water and sewer utility installations. Installations should be near parallel to the stream.
10. Paths and trails. Pathways must use existing and proposed utility alignments or
previously cleared areas and minimize tree cutting to the maximum extent practicable.
Paths and trails cannot exceed 10 feet in width. To the extent possible, pathways should
preserve existing drainage patterns and avoid drainage structures that concentrate storm
water flow. Paths and trails must remain outside the stream side zone.
11. Piped or culverted streams. Streams that were piped or culverted prior to the effective
date of the applicable ordinance are exempt from the buffer requirements.
12. Road crossings and bridges. If site plan approval is granted by the Planning Department,
then road crossings and bridges for connectivity or transportation links (not including
driveways) are exempt from the buffer requirements.
13. Storm water best management practices (BMPs). BMPs are allowed in the upland and
managed use zones but not in the stream side zone. The discharge and all energy
dissipation devices associated with the BMP must end prior to the stream side zone.
14. Stream bank stabilization.
15. Vegetation management. The following is allowed in the S.W.I.M. buffer for the
management of vegetation:
• Emergency fire control measures provided that topography is restored.
• Planting vegetation to enhance the riparian buffer.
• Pruning forest vegetation provided that the health and function of the forest
vegetation is not compromised.
• Removal of individual trees which are in danger of causing damage to
dwellings, other structures or human life.
• Removal of poison ivy.
Removal of understory nuisance vegetation as defined in: Smith, Cherri L. 1998.
Exotic Plant Guidelines. Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Division of Parks and Recreation. Raleigh, NC. Guideline #30.
Potentially Allowable Disturbances
In Mecklenburg County and the City of Charlotte as well as the Towns of Mint Hill and
Pineville, any proposed disturbance of a S.W.I.M. or post-construction buffer that is not
described above is considered potentially allowable and requires prior approval in the form of an
Authorization Certificate from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services, which includes
mitigation. The same holds true for the Town of Cornelius except the Town’s Planning Director
must be consulted prior to approval of an Authorization Certificate. There are no prohibited
buffer disturbances in these jurisdictions. All disturbances are considered potentially allowable
with prior approval. Some of the potentially allowable buffer disturbances are listed below.
• filling or piping of streams;
• removal of vegetation from the stream side or managed use zones other than as described
• paths proposed within the stream side zone;
• stream relocations;
• fences and walls requiring tree removal in the stream side zone;
• filling in any of the 3 buffer zones;
• locating structures in any of the buffer zones; and
• extending a storm water outfall into the buffer.
Prohibited Disturbances
There are no prohibited S.W.I.M. or post-construction buffer disturbances in Mecklenburg
County and the City of Charlotte as well as in the Towns of Mint Hill and Pineville. All
disturbances in these jurisdictions are considered exempt or potentially allowed. In the Towns of
Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville and Matthews, any variation from the exempt disturbances
described above are considered prohibited and a variance is required. These jurisdictions do not
provide for potentially allowable buffer disturbances. For S.W.I.M. buffer disturbances, the
Town’s Zoning Board of Adjustment would consider the variance. For Cornelius, their Zoning
Board of Adjustment would also consider variances for post-construction buffer disturbances as
stated in the variance section of their post-construction ordinance. For the Towns of Davidson,
Huntersville and Matthews, a variance for a disturbance of the post-construction buffer would be
considered by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Advisory Committee. For all
jurisdictions, the issuance of a 401 or 404 Permit does not automatically authorize an impact to
the S.W.I.M. buffer unless it is an exempt disturbance, such as a road crossing, etc. If not an
exempt disturbance, local approval is required.