12/13/12 Dear Mines Community: I am pleased to announce new leadership for the Petroleum Engineering at CSM. This appointment will allow Prof. Ramona Graves to focus more of her efforts on the management of the College of Earth Resource Sciences and Engineering. Dr. William Fleckenstein has been appointed to the position of Interim Department Head of the Petroleum Engineering Department, effective December 1, 2012. Dr. Fleckenstein has a long history with the Colorado School of Mines; he received his Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D., all in Petroleum Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. Dr. Fleckenstein has 25 years’ experience in the petroleum industry, is a registered professional engineer, has served the Petroleum Department as an Adjunct Professor since 2000, and has developed patent pending multi-stage fracturing technology at Mines that is the foundation of the CSM startup company, FracOptimal LLC. This is the first CSM startup company in PE's history. Dr. Fleckenstein is committed to CSM and the Petroleum Engineering Department's success, particularly in taking advantage of the opportunities afforded by the near-revolution of shale resource development, both nationally and internationally. As always, thanks to the faculty, students, and staff on the campus for all that you do for Mines. All the Best! Terry Parker Provost and Executive Vice President