2.5 UNIFORM THEORY OF DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS FOR CONDUCTIVE STRIPS W I T H CONSTANT AND TAPERED RESISTIVE LOADS Mark C . Heaton- and Philip J . Joseph Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Air Force Instilute of Technology Wright-Patterson Air Force Base OH 45433 Randy L. Haupl Department of Electrical Engineering United States Air Force Academy CO 80840 I. INTRODUCTION Resistive edge loading of perfectly conducting surfaces can reduce the backscattering sidelobe levels from those surfaces with little increase to the maiii backscattering lobe. A constant resistive load provides some control over the backscattering sidelobes, but a tapered resistive load provides significantly improved performance. Traditionally, these geometries have been analyzed using integral equations and pliysiral optics (1’0).Tlie integral equation approach limits calculations to electrically small or mid-sized objects, while the physical optics approach has limited accuracy. This paper explores tlie use of a uniform theory of diffraction (UTD) approach t o tlie analysis of conductive strips with constant and tapered resistive loads. IJTD diffraction coeflicients are found for resistive edges and junctions using the geometrical optics ( G O ) reflection and transmissioii coefficients of resistive strips. Tlie UTD radar echo-length predictions for edge-loaded strips agree well with moment Inetliod (Mhl) predictions and with measurements. 11. U T D DIFFRACTION COEFFICIENTS FOR RESISTIVE LOADS Figure 1 illustrates the more general case of a conductor with tapered resistive loads. The taper is approximated by a sequence of constant resistive loads (typically LO per wavelength), as shown. Diffraction coefficients are thus needed for resistive edges and juiictions (the conductor/resistive junction is treated as a special case of the resistive junction). Tlie G O reflection and transmission coefficients for a resistive sheet are derived in [ I ] using tlie resisbive boundarv condition. These determine the G O field discoutinuities associated with the resistive edge and junction geometries. The needed diffraction coeflicients are found by scaling the UTI1 solutiou for tlie perfectly COIIducting case according to tlie GO field discontinuities (analogous to the approacli of (21 for a dielectric half-plane), then empirically modifying the scaled result. U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright 18 Figure 2 shows tlie model of the junction of two resistive half planes, or of the edge of a single resistive llalf plane if material B is ignored. The diffraction coefficient for resistive edge diffraction is given by 05'' I = (1 - I;q)D(9 - 9') t R;D(9 t 9') (1) while the diffraction coefficient for the resistive junction is given by where The subscripts s and 11 indicate soft and hard boundary conditions, respectively, R and T are the (modified) GO reflection and transmission coeflicienls, respectively; the superscripts A and B diflerentiate between materials A and B, when necessary. q is the sheet resistivity normalized to that of free space. Finally, 8 = 8' = 8" for backscatter while 8 = (8'+8")/2 for bistatic scatter, where 8' and 8' are the angles made by the incident and scattered rays with respect to the surface normal. Note that the angles ,$,,$' are measured from material A. 111. RESULTS UTD calculations are compared with hIM and PO calculations, and with experimental results. Figure 3 shows the E-polarized (electric field parallel to the edge of the strip) backscattering patterns from a 4A strip with the center 2A highly conductive and I X resistive loads (q=0.320tj0.120) on either edge. The resistivity value was deternlined through waveguide reflection measurements with a network analyzer. Calculations and measurements show very good agreement. Figure 4 sliows the E-polarized backscattering patterns from a 4A strip with an ?a taper I A from either edge. The M M and PO solutions differ from the UTD solution in tlie null and far-out sidelobe regions. Similar comparisons made for II-polarized scattering and bistatic scattering yield like results. IV. CONCLUSIONS This paper presetits a UTD approach for calculating the scattering patterns of resistively edge-loaded conducting strips. The approach shows good agreement with method of moments calculations and with measurements. 19 References [I] R.. L. Haupt, Synthesis of Resistive Tapers to Control Scattering Patterns of Slrrps, PhD Dissertation, The University of Michigan, 1988. (21 W. D. Burtiside and K. W. Burgener, “High Frequency Scattering by a Thin Lossless Dielectric Slab,” IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagatiou, 1‘01 AP31, NO 1, pp. 104-111, 1983. Load Conductor Z(x> Load ______ Actual Resistance Resistance Model Figure 1: Loaded strip and quantized model of resistive taper. Incident Plane Wave Observer ,’. ”mmrm Figure 2: UTD geometry for resistive junction (also for resistive edge if material I? is ignored). 20 , 20 0 10 20 30 I I 40 50 70 EO 90 0 (Degrees from Broadside) Figure 3: E-polarized backscattering patterns of a 2A conducting strip with 1A resistive edge loads (q=0.320tj0.120). (measurement -, AIM - - -,UTD . e) 20 rl -10 tn C rl -20 &I a) U U (d -30 v) -40 i o io io do so i o 7’0 i o i o , 0 (Degreee from Broadside) Figure 4 : E-polarized backscattering pattwns of a 2A conducting strip with 1 A resistive edge loads, z z tapcr. (h4II -, UTD - - -,PO . . .) 21