Azimuth and Elevation Direction Finding with Planar Arrays Using Thompson's Adaptive Method Sourabh Biyani*, Randy Haupt, Tamal Bose Utah State University Electrical and Computer Engineering 4120 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-4120 Abstract. This paper presents a method for resolving the directions of arrival in azimuthal and elevation plane simultaneously using a planar array. An adaptive algorithm based on Pisarenko's harmonic retrieval method is presented and implemented. 1. Introduction A crucial problem in the area of wireless and mobile communication is the estimation of direction-of-arrival of user signals and planar waves impinging on the array elements. In [I J, the azimuthal direction finding capabilities of different planar array geometries are compared. Direction finding in the azimuthal and elevation plane using the ESPRIT algorithm is shown in [2]. In this paper, we present an adaptive version of Pisarenko's harmonic retrieval method to determine the elevation and azimuthal angle simultaneously using a planar array. The method is based on the LMS algorithm and has a low computational complexity. 11. Problem Formulation Consider an array consisting of M uniformly spaced antenna elements and p @<M) narrowband uncorrelated sources impinging on the array from directions (O,,h),...,(6p,+p),where sand # are the elevation and azimuthal angles respectively. The bf x 1 vector of a snapshot received by the array can be expressed as X( t ) = A (0, a)). ( t )+ n ( t ) (1) where A (a,@) is the M x p matrix of the steering vectors, U (6,, 4, ) is the steering vector of the array in the direction of (e,,4, ) . Our problem can be stated as follows: Given the sampled data x , determine the directions of amval (6,, h ) ,. ..,( 6p,+p)of the signals impinging on the array. To solve this problem we assume that the steering vector { u ( Q , # ) }is known and the signals and noise are stationary and ergodic complex valued random processes with zero mean. In addition, the noise is assumed to be uncorrelated with the signals. It can be shown that the problem of estimating the directions-of-arrival of multiple signals is 0-7803-8302-8/04/$20.00 02004 IEEE 399 similar to the harmonic retrieval problem [3]. One such solution to this problem known as Pisarenko's Harmonic Retrieval Method is presented in [4]. It consists of finding the andithe nassociated eigenvector q,," of the correlation matrix minimum eigenvalue ;Im R,, and computing the zeros (roots) of the polynomial whose coefficients are the components of eigenvector, q,,, ,given by It was shown in [5] that by constraining the impulse response (w ) of an adaptive filter to have a unit norm, w converges to qm,.. Using an adaptive LMS algorithm with weight normalization,we can steer the nulls of an antenna array in the direction of signals whose direction-of-arrival is to be estimated. When this algorithm converges, the roots are on the unit circle in the direction corresponding to the electrical angles. The algorithm is given as follows: For ~ = 0 . 1 ..... 2 e ( . ) = -w(n)' x ( n > (4) w ( n + 1) = w (n)+ ye' ( n ) x( n ) w ( n + l ) =- w(n+l) llw(n+1)ll The electrical angles are computed by finding the roots of the polynomial whose coefficients are the updated weights of antenna elements as given by (4). The direction of arrivals (DOAs) can then be obtained from the estimated electrical angles. The array factor for a planar array having M elements in the x-direction separated by distance d, and N elements in the y-direction separated by d, is given by where wm, is the weight on the antenna element at position ( m n ) and k = 2n/ A . If the planar array is separable, then the analysis of a planar array can be seen as a analysis of two linear arrays in orthogonal directions [3]. The steering vectors, U, and U, in x- and y-direction respectively are given by 400 The LMS algorithm is performed in two orthogonal directions with a unit norm constraint. The roots of the polynomial formed by the updated element weights give an estimate of electrical angles as qX=M,sin(8)cos(& G, =kdYsin(G))sin@) (8) ' We can extract the azimuthal angles from (8) as and the elevation angle can then be obtained from (8) and (9) as Ill. Results An L-shaped planar may with 8 elements in the x and y directions has 2 sources impinging at an elevation of (12",25") and an azimuth of (0",30"). The LMS algorithm worked with 1500 snapshots of data. The estimated elevation and azimuthal DOAs obtained were (11.85",25.19")and (0.31",29.82"). The nulls of the antenna pattem on the unit circle are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The antenna pattem is plotted with respect to {(ux,vy) and shown in Figure 3. 0 1 J) i O 5[i I .I! %--.--.. -1 _.-. * -0.5 0 _.---__..-..-_' 0.5 1 Real Pad Figure 1. Root locations of polynomial Figure 2. Root locations of polynomial Q ( z ) for the x-direction. The location Q ( z ) for the y-direction. The location correspond to the electrical angle, (ux. correspond to the electrical angle, 401 (uy . Figure 3. 3-D antenna pattem of a 8 x 8 L-shaped planar array, used to resolve the directions of 2 source signals at different azimuth and elevation angles. IV. Conclusion It is shown that a separable L-shaped planar array can he considered as two linear arrays in orthogonal directions. This allows us to estimate the DOAs in azimuthal and elevation planes simultaneously. The LMS algorithm implemented has a computational complexity of O(M) and can be performed in real time. Root finding involves many computations, so it is not a real time process. References [ l ] A. Manikas, A. 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