The Design of Wide Band Planar Arrays of Spiral Antennas Israel Hinostroza, Régis Guinvarc'h Randy L. Haupt Supelec, SONDRA 3 Joliot-Curie, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France Haupt Associates State College, PA 16801 Abstract—A method to design planar phased arrays of spiral antennas is presented. Different shapes of spirals and their performance in a periodic array are analyzed using this method. Keywords- planar array; phased array; spiral-like antenna; cross-polarization rejection. I. Our constraints are that XpolR is more than 15dB, VSWR is less than 2:1, with no grating lobes and a minimum side lobes rejection level of 10dB. The goal is to determine the best kind of antenna and lattice that results in the widest bandwidth for a maximum scan angle of 30°. II. INTRODUCTION An Archimedean spiral antenna is a good candidate in the design of a wideband planar array due to its wide band properties. Spiral antennas come in many different shapes (e.g. standard Archimedean, square, star [1], hexagonal [2], etc.). These spirals can be loaded (using resistive, capacitive or inductive charges [3], [4]) and also cavity backed in order to improve performance [5]. The antennas can be placed in a planar array using different lattices (triangular, square, etc.). In any case, the lowest frequency of the bandwidth is limited by the Cross Polarization Rejection (XpolR) and the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR). These parameters are related to the dimension of the spiral antenna. The highest frequency is limited by the presence of grating lobes which are related to the distance between antennas. ANALYTICAL STEP To illustrate this method we consider four antennas: standard Archimedean spiral, square, hexagonal and star [1]. We only considered two planar periodic lattices: triangular and square. 1) Lower limit To obtain the performance of the antenna at lower frequencies we propose to use the theoretical limit of VSWR for the Archimedean spiral with a correction factor p: fL = p c0 2πR (1) fL is the lowest frequency to obtain an acceptable VSWR and XpolR, c0 the free space light speed, and R is the outer radius of the spiral. The final goal of this study is to explore new techniques for adapting spiral antennas in a chosen lattice for planar arrays. In order to do that, we must decrease the computation time in order to make numerical optimization practical. Coupling can alter both the XpolR and the VSWR but only to a certain point. The analytical modeling of coupling is complex and numerical methods are required to determine the performance of the array. Since there are many shapes of spiral antennas (archimedean, square, etc.) and lattices, the process can be very time-consuming. We propose that the lowest frequency of the bandwidth only depends on the individual properties of the antenna, and the highest frequency is determined by the presence of grating lobes. We introduce a two-step approach. First, coupling is not considered during the analytical optimization over the antenna/lattice couples. This first step saves time on the antenna/lattice selection. Second, a numerical optimization is carried out using only the selected candidates of the first step. Coupling is then taken into account and the values obtained before are used to seed the optimization algorithm. This approach saves a considerable amount of computation time. 978-1-4244-9561-0/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 609 Figure 1. Gain and XpolR of spiral antenna, FEKO [6] simulation. According to Fig. 1, the limits at lower frequencies for a useful XpolR of an Archimedean spiral antenna with R = 7cm, is 0.95GHz. In the same way, VSWR is useful for frequencies higher than 0.78GHz. Then we have: AP-S/URSI 2011 pVSWR −spiral ≈ 1.1 , p AR −spiral ≈ 1.4 (2) For the other antennas, R is the radius of the circumscribed circle and it is equal to 7cm. The values obtained are listed in Table I. TABLE I. CORRECTION FACTORS FOR THE ANTENNAS Standard Square Hexagonal Star p 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 VSWR 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.7 XpolR 2) Upper limit The presence of grating lobes depends on the chosen lattice and the distance d between the antennas. The shape of the antenna plays an important role in the distance as well. Table II presents the possible distance/radius ratios. A minimum gap of 0.02*R to avoids antennas touching each other. TABLE II. Spiral Ÿ, Ŷ lattice 2.04 POSSIBLE DISTANCE/RADIUS RATIOS Hexag Ÿ lattice 1.77 Hexag Ŷ lattice 1.84 Square Ÿ lattice 1.68 Star, Square Ÿ lattice 1.45 Ant d/R 3) Bandwidth In order to evaluate the bandwidth (BW), we prefer to express it as a ratio of the highest frequency which is determined by the presence of grating lobes (fGL), and the lowest frequency (fL) : BW = f GL / f L (3) The next expressions present the possible bandwidths for a scan angle of 30º (worst case): BW = c0 4 c / p 0 , triangular lattice 2πR 3 3d (4) c0 2 c / p 0 , square lattice 3d 2πR (5) BW = standard spiral with triangular lattice (BW=1.7) as the less efficient candidate. III. NUMERICAL STEP The results obtained in the analytical optimization are used here as a starting point to reach the bandwidth that was estimated before. We use arrays composed by 18 antennas in free space. The optimization parameters are the number of turns and the distance between the antennas (ref. Table IV). The initial value of the radius of the antennas is 7cm. Initial values of XpoR and VSWR are not acceptable throughout the estimated bandwidth. For each array two sets of spirals were used, those with a constant radius and those with a variable radius. The size of the spirals are determined by the number of turns to keep the same density of lines of the spirals. Doing this, we keep low the level of side lobes. TABLE IV. INITIAL VALUES AND RANGES Spiral Ÿ latt Hexag Ÿ latt Squa Ÿ latt Antennas 14.4 12.53 11.9 Ini. dist(cm) 6/6 6/6 6/6 Ini. #turns [14.13, 14.67] [12.26,12.8 ] [11.59, 12.21] range dist(cm) [5.5, 6.5] [5.5, 6.5] [5.5, 6.5] range #turns These two parameters will influence on the coupling. The distance will modify, slightly though, the frequency at which the grating lobes appear. Table V and Fig. 2 presents the results using FEKO and its optimization tool OPTFEKO. TABLE V. Spiral Ÿ lattice 1.65 / 1.7 1.56 / 0.95 14.76 6.13/5.98 5 BW OBTAINED BY NUMERICAL OPTIMIZATION Hexagonal Ÿ lattice 1.78 / 1.8 1.82 / 1.02 12.71 6.37/6.31 26 Squa Ÿ lattice 1.77 / 1.8 1.94 / 1.1 11.88 6.42/6.31 17 Antennas BW opt/theory fGL(GHz) / fL(GHz) distance(cm) #turns #iterations Using the values of table I and II along with expressions (4) and (5), we can choose the best candidates. TABLE III. ANALYTICALLY ESTIMATED BANDWIDTHS Spiral Ÿ latt Spiral Ŷ latt Hexag Ÿ latt Hexag Ŷ latt Squa Ÿ latt Squa Ŷ latt Star Ŷ latt 1.7 1.5 1.8 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.7 Ant & latt BW According to table III, in bold font, there are three top candidates. In order to demonstrate our method of estimating the bandwidth of the antenna/lattice, we will select the two best candidates and another less efficient candidate. We chose the hexagonal spiral with triangular lattice and the square spiral with triangular lattice (BW=1.8) as best candidates and the 610 Figure 2. XpolR for scan angle ș=30º, ij=0º (worst case). which validates the proposed method. According to the analytical estimations, there is no need to study the remaining cases (ref. Table III) which means a large amount of time is saved on the global optimization. Also, the seeding of the optimization algorithms greatly help to reduce the optimization time. The proposed approach would be also applied to WAVES method (Wideband Array with Variable Element Sizes [1]) to study and design planar array with wider bandwidth. REFERENCES [1] [2] Figure 3. Optimized hexagon array, for scan angle ș=30º, ij=0º. [3] The bandwidth obtained by numerical optimization is close to the estimated bandwidth. The optimization would not have converged if we had tried to optimize the array for a much wider bandwidth than the one estimated in the analytical step. IV. [4] [5] CONCLUSION The results of the numerical optimization show that the analytical optimization is close enough to obtain a 5% of error 611 [6] E. Caswell, “Design and Analysis of Star spiral with Applications to Wideband Arrays with Variable Element Sizes”, PhD Dissertation, Virginia Polytech Institute and State University, 2001. I. Hinostroza, R. Guinvarc'h, R. L. Haupt, “Improving Axial Ratio of a Planar Phased Array of Spirals”, Antennas and Propagation Symposium (APSURSI), 2010 IEEE. H. Nakano, H. Mimnaki, J. Yamauchi, K. Hirose, “A low profile Archimedean spiral antenna”, Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1993 IEEE. J.L. Volakis, M.W. Nurnberger, D.S. Filipovic, “Slot spiral antenna”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 43, no. 6, December 2001. H. Nakano, T. Igarashi, H. Oyanagi, Y. Iitsuka, J. 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