Size Constraint inn Design of Concentric Ring R Array Pedro Mendes Ruiz, Israel Hinostroza aand Régis Guinvarc’h upt Randy L. Hau Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Colorado School off Mines Golden, Colorado 804 401, USA SONDRA SUPELEC Gif-sur-Yvette, France Abstract—In an earlier work a dual-polarized un niform concentric ring array had a diameter of 4 m and 224 sp piral antennas, it covered a bandwidth from 1 GHz – 2 GHz. In tthe present paper, the additional constraint of space is introducced. Keeping the same characteristics of the previous work, th he new proposed array has a diameter of 2.2 m (70% space reeduction) and 148 antennas (34% element number reduction). T The design of the array was carried out using Genetic Algorithms optimization. I. INTRODUCTION Two-arm Archimedean spiral antennas aree mono-polarized wideband elements and can be used in the dessign of wideband arrays. The highest frequency of the array iis limited by the appearance of the grating lobes which aree related to the distance between the antennas and the lattice of the array. For dual-polarization capabilities, the introductioon of spirals of opposite polarizations is needed. This neeed introduces an additional distance between same-polarized elements, hence reducing the bandwidth. To overcome this issuue, a sparse array approach has been proposed in [1] [2]. Inn this work, the additional constraint of maximum aperture forr a dual-polarized planar array of spiral antennas is explored. II. AY CONCENTRIC RING ARRA A. Previous Array In a previous work [2] a uniform concentrric ring array was chosen to design a 4-ring dual-polarized arrray keeping the radius of the first ring of the array at 15 cm. Thhe resultant array had a diameter of 4 m. The relative sidelobee level (RSLL) is less than -10 dB for scan angles, from broaadside, less than θ=30º and frequencies less than 2 GHz. Beinng dual-polarized, the array was composed of 112 antennas peer polarization (a total of 224 antennas). be optimized, but that would mean having h a variable number of parameters in the optimization. In order to keep the problem simple, the number of rings is choseen to be 4 and the maximum radius accepted is 1.2 m. C. GA optimization The parameters to be optimized, to obtain a maximum RSLL of -10 dB with a maximum raadius of 1.2 m, are shown in Fig.1. The optimization is carried out o using isotropic sources. The description of the parameterrs for the n-th ring is as follows: • ween the rings and Δ0 is the Δn is the distance betw radius of the first ring. • t ring from the reference Fn is the rotation of the j=0º In order to have a uniform distribution of antennas per ring, the number of elements in each ring for each polarization is nce by the minimal distance obtained by dividing its circumferen between consecutive elements (24 cm) and applying the floor function, meaning that the angular distance (Pn) between elements of each ring varies acccordingly but it is not a parameter to be optimized. As for th he position of the elements, the RH spiral antenna is by defau ult placed so that the first element of the innermost ring is the reference to calculate the angular position of the other elemen nts and to apply the rotation of the other rings. The elements aree then uniformly distributed in each ring in such a manner that the t RL elements are placed in the middle of two consecutive RH H elements. The spirals had a diameter of 10.5 cm. As the antennas in each ring have alternately right (RH) and left (LH) hand polarizations, the minimum distance between two consecutive antennas of the same polarization was set to 244 cm. B. Additional constraints for size reduction To reduce the size of the array, additionaal constraints are considered in this work. The minimal distannce between two rings is set to 20 cm. The innermost (first ringg) ring must have a variable radius of at least 12 cm, so thhat it is able to accommodate at least 3 radiating elements for each polarization (to be able to use the sequential rotation teechnique [3]). It would be possible to use the number of rings as a parameter to 978-1-4799-7815-1/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 2455 Fig. 1. Rotation angles and distancces between the rings of the array to be optimized. Circles witth cross and filled circles represent spirals with RH and LH polarization, respectively. AP-S 2015 To ensure a maximum RSLL of -10 dB, for frequencies lower than 2 GHz, the optimization was carriedd out at 2 GHz. It was performed using the Matlab GA toolbox. The optimization was realized 8 times and only the best result oof the 8 runs was kept. process a new array, working in thee same bandwidth and even larger, has been proposed, but this tiime with a maximum radius of 1.15 meters, 32 % of the area of the t original array. Thanks to this size reduction, the number of ellements was also reduced to 66 % of the original. The new arraay keeps its good RSLL for scan angles lower than θ=30º from broadside. b REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] Fig. 2. Elements positions in previous work [2] design (left) and in this work design (right). Crosses andd circles are the positions of the RH and LH spirals, resspectively. Fig. 3. Maximum rejection of sidelobe levvel (RSLL) of optimized array for scan angles lower thann θ=30º from broadside. D. Results In Fig. 2 we can appreciate the compariison between the sizes of the reference array [2] and the optimized array presented in this work. The maximum radius of the new array is 1.15 m whereas for the reference array itt is 2.04 m. This corresponds to an area reduction of 68 %. Bessides, the number of antennas was reduced from 112 to 74, per polarization, which corresponds to an element number reducction of 34 %. Although the optimization was carried outt at 2GHz, Fig. 3 shows that the RSLL is still good up to 3 GHz.. CONCLUSIONS In a previous work [2], a concentric rinng array working from 1 GHz to 2 GHz, with a maximum radiuss of 2 meters, was conceived. Imposing space constraints in the optimization 2456 R. Guinvarc’h and R. L. Haupt, “Du ual polarization interleaved spiral antenna phased array with an octave bandwidth,” b IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 397–403, 2010. H and K. Louertani, “A Dual I. Hinostroza, R. Guinvarc’h, R. L. Haupt, Polarized Wideband Planar Phased Arrray with Spiral Antennas,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propag gation, vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 4547– 4553, september 2014. K. Louertani, R. Guinvarc’h, N. Ribierre-Tharaud, and M. Helier, “Study of the Radiated Polarization of an n Antenna Array with Circular Geometry,” Progress In Electromagnettics Research C, vol. 24, pp. 173– 183, september 2011.