BioLabs-On-A-Chip: Monitoring Cells Using CMOS Biosensors Somashekar B. Prakash, Nicole M. Nelson, Alfred M. Haas, Victor Jeng, Pamela Abshire Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742 Abstract— Cell clinics, CMOS/MEMS hybrid microsystems for capturing and in-situ investigation of living cells, aims at providing high-speed, automated, and economical cell monitoring. Integrated sensors are being developed for extracellular signal amplification, cell-substrate capacitance sensing, contact imaging, and fluorescence detection. We describe the methodology for characterizing the responses of these sensors to biological cells. We also present results obtained from the long-term monitoring of cells cultured on-chip using two of the sensors: (i) a bioamplifier, used for amplifying weak extracellular potentials from electrically active cells, and (ii) a cell-substrate capacitance sensor, used for tracking cell adhesion and assessing cell viability. I. I NTRODUCTION In order to gain a deeper understanding of the operation of biological cells, and to learn how to exploit their sensitivity to environmental parameters for sensing applications, we have developed integrated CMOS sensors to measure their in vitro behavior and response to stimuli. More specifically, we have developed CMOS sensor arrays to amplify extracellular potentials [1], monitor cellular capacitance [2], and image the positions of biological cells [3]. The measurements made using these sensors have shown strong correlations with depolarization events, cell viability, and location, respectively. Integrating these sensors into a CMOS/MEMS microsystem, our measurement suite, or “cell clinic” [1], aims to perform measurements rivaling those of conventional instrumentation, but operating at power levels, size, and cost that are orders of magnitude smaller. II. C ELLS O N C HIPS – H OW IS IT B EING D ONE ? The problem of packaging integrated biosensors is an obvious one: how to keep the electrical leads dry and insulated, while exposing only the sensors (just tens of microns away), to the aqueous cellular environment. This often overlooked problem can be a “show stopper.” One can conceive ways of solving this problem, but small tolerances, multiple length scales (from µ m to cm), biocompatibility, and electrical requirements are some of the core challenges involved. We describe our approach for tackling the above mentioned challenges, which allows us to characterize sensor responses to cells cultured on-chip. We thank the MOSIS service for providing chip fabrication; these chips will be used to teach an undergraduate course in mixed signal VLSI design. This research was supported by National Science Foundation through Awards 0238061 & 0515873, and by the Laboratory for Physical Sciences. Mario Urdaneta, Elisabeth Smela Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742 level 1 level 2 bond wires CMOS/MEMS chip Fig. 1. Left, photograph of a CMOS/MEMS chip after fabrication and before Loctite patterning. Right, chip photograph after Loctite patterning. A. Chip Fabrication and Packaging The sensors were fabricated in a commercially available 0.5 µ m, 2-poly 3-metal CMOS process. The sensor chip was packaged in a standard 40-pin DIP ceramic package. If the sensing electrodes (fabricated using aluminum) are required to be exposed to the electrolyte for direct contact with cells, they are electrolessly gold plated to make the surface biocompatible and electrochemically corrosion resistant. The chip is then encapsulated using Loctite 3340, a photopatternable (365 nm) and biocompatible polymer. The patterning process is quick (on the order of minutes) and has been described elsewhere [4]. The chips are encapsulated using one or two polymer levels, depending upon the access requirements. Fig. 1 shows photographs of a 3×3 mm2 CMOS/MEMS chip before and after Loctite encapsulation. A well for containing the cell culture is then glued over the encapsulation [2]. B. Sensor Testing with Cells Cultured On-Chip All the sensing experiments were conducted with bovine aortic smooth muscle cells (BAOSMCs). Fig. 2 shows BAOSMCs adhered to an on-chip electrode. These cells exhibit spontaneous electrical activity that depends on their state bioamplifier module sensing electrodes electrode BAOSMC Fig. 2. Left, photomicrograph of a bio-amplifier test chip comprising an array of 10 bio-amplifier modules connected to an array of on-chip gold-plated electrodes. Right, BAOSMC cultured on a chip surface. The long slanted cell is healthy and viable. The spherical cell’s viability is compromised. 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 −0.01 −0.01 −0.02 −0.02 0.3 0.32 0.34 0.36 Time (Seconds) 0.38 25 electrode # Computed Sensed Capacitance (fF) 0.05 Spike Voltage (Volts) Spike Voltage (Volts) 0.05 0.503 0.5035 0.504 0.5045 Time (Seconds) Fig. 3. Left, action potentials from BAOSMC cultured on a bio-amplifier chip. Right, action potential propagation across the on-chip electrode array. of health or age. BAOSMC loading into the sensor well is performed under standard aseptic conditions. The chip is then mounted onto a test board and placed inside a Faraday cage for noise immunity. The assembled test fixture is maintained inside the incubator at 37◦ C, 5% CO2 , throughout the monitoring period. Sensor outputs are continuously monitored using a data acquisition system interfaced to the test board. III. O N -C HIP E XTRACELLULAR S IGNAL A MPLIFICATION A low noise, low power bio-amplifier architecture has been implemented and tested to record extra-cellular potentials corresponding to cellular depolarization events. The circuit comprises a CMOS transconductance amplifier with capacitive feedback [1]. The amplifier has been designed for a supply voltage of +/-1.5 V, a gain of 100, and a bandwidth of 3 kHz. Fig. 2 shows a photograph of the bio-amplifier test-chip. The chip was tested with BAOSMCs. Fig. 3 shows a trace acquired from a single bio-amplifier channel that features several action potentials. The pre-amplification spike amplitudes measure approximately 700 µ V peak-to-peak. The figure also shows an action potential propagating across the cultured cell monolayer from electrode 7 to electrode 2 (distance of 500 µ m) over a time frame of approximately 1 ms. IV. C ELL -S UBSTRATE C APACITANCE S ENSING Living cells growing on a supporting substrate behave capacitively when exposed to weak, low-frequency electric fields. The capacitance results primarily from the insulating nature of cells and the polarization of the surrounding solution under these excitation conditions [2]. Cell-substrate capacitance sensing relies on the fact that healthy cells possess well-formed plasma membranes and adhere strongly to their substrates. In contrast, unhealthy cells possess compromised membrane structures and are weakly adherent. Consequently, viable cells offer higher electrical capacitance and show more activity compared to cells with compromised viability. This forms the basis for employing on-chip capacitance sensing for cell viability monitoring. CMOS capacitance sensors with different sensing electrode areas were designed, and tested on bench and in vitro with BAOSMCs cultured on the chip surface [2], [5]. The sensor 20 cells active & healthy 15 adhesion cells compromised 10 5 sedimentation 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (Hours) Fig. 4. Long term measurement of cell-substrate capacitance. circuit employs charge sharing for mapping the sensed capacitances to measured voltages. Cell monitoring experiments with BAOSMCs have demonstrated that on-chip capacitance measurements can track the cell-substrate interaction process and respond to changes in cell viability [2]. Fig. 4 shows a four day plot of the sensed capacitance as recorded by a sensor with a sensing electrode area of 40×40 µ m2 . The cells were continuously monitored in a closed, undisturbed environment on top of the sensor chip, without growth medium replenishment. As shown in the figure, the capacitance tracks the initial sedimentation and adhesion phases over the first few hours. Then the capacitance exhibits many fluctuations, indicating ongoing cell activity. Over the last two days the time averaged value of the measured capacitance levels out, indicating compromised viability and inactivity due to starvation and lack of oxygen. V. F UTURE W ORK Validation experiments employing traditional cell biology techniques are currently in progress for characterizing these sensors. Extracellular potentials acquired from the bioamplifier will be compared with those obtained from standard electrophysiology techniques such as “patch clamp.” Capacitance sensor responses to cell adhesion and viability will be correlated with spectrophotometric measurements using standard cell viability dyes such as Alamar blue and MTT assays. In addition to the above, other on-chip cell sensing techniques, such as contact imaging and fluorescence detection, are also being investigated and developed. R EFERENCES [1] N. Reeves, Y. Liu, N.M. Nelson, S. Malhotra, et al., “Integrated MEMS structures and CMOS circuits for bioelectronic interface with single cells,” Proceedings of IEEE ISCAS, vol. 3, pp. 673-676, 2004. [2] S.B. Prakash and P. Abshire, “A CMOS capacitance sensor that monitors cell viability,” Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, pp. 1177 - 1180, 2005. [3] J. Honghao, M. Urdaneta, E. Smela and P. Abshire, “CMOS contact imager for monitoring cultured cells,” Proceedings of IEEE ISCAS, vol. 4, pp. 3491 - 3494 , 2005. [4] R. Delille, M. Urdaneta, S. Moseley, and E. Smela, “Benchtop polymer MEMS,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, in press, 2006. [5] S.B. Prakash, M. Urdaneta, E. Smela and P. Abshire, “A CMOS capacitance sensor for cell adhesion characterization,” Proceedings of IEEE ISCAS, vol. 4, pp. 3495 - 3498, 2005.