CONSTRUCTION/OPERATION CHANGE NOTIFICATION (This notification form is emission source specific and shall be used for each emission source modification or construction) Facility Name: Site Address: Permit to Construct/Operate No.: Modification # Date: A) Description of Physical or Operational Change of Emission Source: B) Anticipated Date of Construction/Modification of Emission Source: C) Emission Source Information: Equipment/Operation Change (give complete description, ie. mfg, model#, belt width, screen configuration & size, rated capacities, etc.) Source ID# Equipment Date of Construction Is this a Like-for-Like Replacement? Subject to NSPS? Pollutant Emission Rates* Actual (lbs/hr) Actual (lbs/yr) Potential (lbs/hr) Potential (lbs/yr) PM-10 VOC NOx SO2 CO TAP HAP *All emission rate calculations shall be based on sound engineering principles and must be provided with this notification as supporting documentation. Show source for emission factors (ie. AP-42, stack testing, etc) D) Regulatory Review: Provide citation of applicable MCAPCO regulation(s) and detail any and all emission standards associated with the proposed change referenced in Part A of this Notification: APPLICABLE REGULATION(s) EMISSION STANDARD(s) E) Monitoring and Reporting: Provide proposed monitoring and reporting conditions for the physical and/or operational change referenced in Part A of this Notification. MONITORING REPORTING Note: Sources subject to NSPS - Subpart OOO may have reporting requirements per 40 CFR 60.676. F) Facility-wide Emissions Summary: Pollutant Facility-Wide Potential Emissions (tons/year) Baseline Potential Emissions Proposed Modification Previous Modifications in Calendar Year Facility-wide Potential (A) (B) (C) (A+B+C) VOC PM-10 NOx SO2 CO HAPs TAPs Refer to General Condition and Limitation No. G-20 and Appendix A G) Certification Statement: I hereby certify that I have reviewed the information contained in this Construction/Operational Change Notification and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete (G.S. §143-512.3(a)(2)). Further, I shall assume all responsibility for any construction and operational changes as described herein and certify that these changes are not in violation of any MCAPCO regulation or any conditions listed in the facility’s valid Permit to Construct/Operate. Additions of and/or changes to any equipment or processes as described within this notification will not take place until 15 days after this notice is submitted and written approval is supplied by MCAQ, pursuant to the permit. _____________________________________________________________ Print Name and Official Title of Owner/Operator or Responsible Management Official ________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature Date FOR MCAQ USE ONLY Modification #______________________________ Reviewed By: ______________________________ Date: _______________