Coordinated Assessment in Charlotte

Assessment in
Project Kickoff
Consultant Project Team
Kim Walker, Nat’l Alliance to End
Norm Suchar, Nat’l Alliance to End
Denise Neunaber, NCCEH
Emily Carmody, NCCEH
Project Partners
Defining Coordinated Assessment
Developing Coordinated Assessment
in Charlotte
Question and Answer
Visioning Exercise
Next Steps
Description of Coordinated Assessment
defined to mean a centralized or
coordinated process designed to coordinate
program participant intake, assessment, and
provision of referrals. A centralized or
coordinated assessment system covers the
geographic area, is easily accessed by
individuals and families seeking housing or
services, is well advertised, and includes a
comprehensive and standardized assessment
tool.” (CoC Interim Rule, Section 578.3)
Moving Away From…
“Googling” to find help during a crisis
Calling programs every day
Being sent from program to program
Long waiting lists
Finding out about helpful programs months after
becoming homeless
Being asked the same questions over and over again
Waiting in temporary shelter without a housing plan
Safe, Accessible Locations
Standardized Assessment
One form or set of forms and questions
used to determine best referral
Coordination between assessment and
program intake questions
Questions focused on housing barriers
Data Collection and Management
Entry of data into CHIN
Forms to protect rights of consumers and
ensure ability to share information
Measurement of performance on key outcomes
= Useful information on system gaps,
problems and successes
Informed Referrals
Bed Availability
Consumer Need
Program Services and Specialties
Outcome Data
Program Intake
Point where the client enters the
program they were referred to
Focus on exiting to or supporting
the client in permanent housing
System Change
System-wide collaboration
Aligning program actions to achieve in
positive system outcomes
Focus on aligning back end and front end
Centralized authority around prioritization
and targeting
Big, Important Questions
What is the end goal
of all the work that
we do?
How can we make
things easier for the
consumer seeking
How will our
coordinated assessment
process connect people
to permanent housing?
Project Phases
• Kickoff and Goal Setting: Beginning
immediately through October 2013
• Planning and Design: September
2013 – March 2014
• Implementation and Evaluation:
April 2014 – June 2014
Phase 1: Kick-Off
and Goal Setting
Phase 2: Planning
and Design
Phase 3:
and Evaluation
Question and Answer
Visioning Exercise
Next Steps: Events
Save the Dates:
• Coordinated Assessment Training:
September 18
• Next HSN Meeting: September 26
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