CMS-South Park Campus Watershed Enhancement Project Presentation January 2010 Welcome About Us Water Quality issues, current conditions, and impaired streams Stormwater runoff and pollution issues, causes, and impacts What we do to address these issues Discuss South Park Campus Stormwater Project River Watersheds Catawba River Watershed Yadkin River Watershed South Park Campus Stormwater runoff travels from parking lots, roads, rooftops, etc. to streams in the Catawba or Yadkin River watersheds Storm Drainage System Includes: Underground pipes Open-air channels Curb and gutters Storm drains Catch basins Storm Water Pollution Storm water carries pollutants to our streams and lakes. Pollutants can be things like: Oil Dirt Animal waste (bacteria) Fertilizers (nutrients) Brake dust (metals) Trash Stream Use Support Index Green = Supporting Yellow = Partially Supporting Orange = Impaired Red = Degraded South Park Campus Impaired Streams South Park Campus Environmental Impacts from Development and Stormwater Runoff Eroded Stream Banks Increased Flooding Increased Pollution Decreased Water Quality & Habitat Conditions Costly Damage to Streams, Lakes, Water Supplies, and Quality of Life Environmental Effects of Stormwater Runoff These conditions result from increased runoff and pollutant discharges to streams Environmental Effects of Stormwater Runoff Stream Erosion and Silt Deposition Storm Water Services currently has over 6000 calls for service to repair these conditions How do we address these Stormwater Runoff Issues Development Ordinances Education Watershed Planning and Management Structural Treatments (BMPs) Structural Treatments Bioretention Area Wetland Dry Detention Sand Filter Wet Pond Structural BMP’s are often incorporated into the landscape as amenities How Structural BMP’s Work Filtration Settling Infiltration Chemical and Biological Process Detention Grass Swale w/ Infiltration Successful wet pond examples Shade Valley Pond Pond retrofit project in a focal area of an apartment community on Monroe Road Lush planting stabilizes the shoreline, provides enhanced pollutant removal, and habitat in ponds Olde Sycamore Golf Course Project History Why we are here today How project came about How we got involved Project Goals / Benefits Treat stormwater runoff & pollutants from existing school site Provide savings to CMS ~ $60,000 in required stormwater treatment costs for proposed school additions Improve Water Quality & the Environment Provide Education opportunities for students Amenities for schools What’s been done to date Coordination w/CMS Facilities Management Feasibility Engineering Study Previous meetings with School Principals and associated groups Planning, consider project & site constraints on Campus What we plan to do here Five BMP sites proposed on Campus Two Bioretention Areas One Dry Detention Sand Filter One Grass Swale w/Infiltration One Wet Pond * Wet Pond will provide required stormwater treatment for proposed building additions at Myers Park High & A.G. Middle Schools. Project Next Steps Design Permitting Construction Continued Coordination w/Schools & Neighborhood Project Considerations during Construction Coordination w/School calendar Traffic control Parking Construction Phasing Discussion Little Sugar Creek Greenway and Stream Restoration