Share Purchase Plan Information for Employees

Share Purchase Plan
Information for Employees
Woolworths Limited is pleased to again
offer the Share Purchase Plan (SPP)
The SPP makes it easier for Group
employees to become Woolworths
Limited shareholders and to share in
the performance of our Company.
Eligible employees should read this booklet, and the on-line Application form entirely before
deciding to accept the Invitation. Any information given by or on behalf of Woolworths Limited in
relation to the Invitation, including an Invitation letter or this booklet is general information only
and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider
obtaining your own financial product advice from an independent person who is licensed by ASIC
to give such advice. Information in this booklet is correct as at the date on the back cover. Defined
terms and abbreviations included in the text of this booklet are explained in the Glossary at the back
of this booklet.
Page Number
Key Concepts
How the Share Purchase Plan Works
Factors Affecting the Share Price
How Do I Accept the Invitation?
Additional Information
Worked Example
Share Purchase Plan Contact details
Key Concepts
Below are the key concepts that make up the
Share Purchase Plan:
• You are eligible to participate in the SPP if
you were a permanent full-time or part-time
employee of the Woolworths Group, are
an Australian tax resident and are aged 18
years or over on 1 March 2016.
• The maximum value of Shares you may
acquire in a financial year is equal to $1,000.
This applies to all Eligible employees.
• The Plan is a tax effective way to purchase
Woolworths shares as participants are able to
meet the cost of acquiring Shares via salary
sacrifice, using pre-tax income rather than
after-tax income.
• No Australian brokerage costs will be
payable by the Eligible employee in
respect of the application for, and
allocation of, Shares purchased through the
• Shares will be purchased and allocated by
Woolworths Limited through its Plans provider
Link Market Services.
• Participation in the SPP is entirely at your
discretion. The Invitation under the SPP
is non-renounceable. This means you can not
transfer your right to purchase Shares under
the Invitation to anyone else.
• All Shares acquired under the SPP for a
particular financial year will be transferred to
you on the third anniversary of the final
quarter purchase i.e. on or before 30 June and
will rank equally with existing fully-paid
ordinary Shares.(See page 9)
Please ensure you read the factors affecting
the Share Price on page 13, the Risks section
on page 14 and the Taxation section starting
on page 15.
How the Share
Purchase Plan Works
What is it?
The SPP allows participating eligible Woolworths Group employees to acquire Woolworths Limited
Shares using pre-tax income rather than after-tax income. By income, we mean your salary, or wage
that you may receive as an employee of the Woolworths Group.
Participation in the SPP is entirely voluntary – it is your choice whether you participate.
You can choose to acquire Shares by agreeing to forego a total of either $500 or $1,000 of your pretax income over the relevant financial year.
Please read the Taxation section starting on page 15 carefully.
Woolworths Limited will pay any brokerage costs associated with the acquisition of Shares through
the SPP.
All Dividends received on the Shares will be paid to you, and will be directly credited into the
account to which you are paid by the Woolworths Group.
Three Year Restriction
Under the SPP, a three-year restriction period applies to the SPP shares acquired. Shares will be
transferred to you on the third anniversary of the final quarter purchase i.e. on or before 30 June.
Why is there a three- year restriction period?
In order for the Shares purchased under the SPP to qualify for tax exemption, there must be a
restriction period in place. Tax legislation specifies that the minimum restriction period is three years
from the Allocation date.
Who is eligible?
Permanent full-time and part-time employees of the Woolworths Group who are Australian tax
residents and are 18 years or older on 1 March 2016 are eligible. SPP Application forms and
Rollover forms may be completed and submitted online through the Link Market Services
employee investor centre.
There are no minimum service requirements – the cut-off date was set to allow time to prepare and
distribute Invitations for the opening of the Invitation period.
There are some groups of employees who are not eligible for the SPP:
- Casual employees;
- Employees who are not Australian tax residents; and
- Employees under the age of 18 years on 1 March 2016.
How the Share Purchase Plan Works, continued
Will my participation automatically roll-over from last year and in future years?
Eligible employees who participated in last year’s SPP will automatically roll-over their
participation to the current financial year unless you advise us otherwise. This automatic
rollover will continue to apply from year to year as the SPP is offered.
Can I buy more than $1000 of SPP Shares in this financial year?
No, the tax concession is only available up to a maximum of $1000 of SPP Shares therefore the SPP
is set up to a maximum of $1000 for any financial year. You may however purchase shares from
your after-tax income through a Stockbroker provided the Company is not in a Blackout Period.
(Please refer to the factors affecting the share price and risks associated with share ownership on
pages 13 and 14.
For Award/EBA employees or salaried employees
Your gross wage or salary each Pay period will be reduced and Shares will be purchased on a
quarterly basis in September, December, March and June during the 2016-2017 financial year.
Below is an example of how this may affect someone with an annual income of $45,000.
Less: SPP deduction (Pre Tax)
Gross after SPP deduction
Less: Tax
Less: Post Tax Share purchase *
With SPP
Without SPP
In this example, by participating in the SPP there is an annual tax saving of $345
Compared to acquiring the same parcel of shares outside of the SPP, which means the net cost to
acquire $1,000 of Shares, was $655.
Note: Please read the taxation section on Page 15, as participation in the SPP may not be
tax effective where your adjusted taxable income is more than $180,000.
Woolworth’s employees can check the amount deducted each Pay period on your payslip.
* For the purpose of comparison, this example assumes that the employee not participating in the SPP purchases
$1,000 worth of Shares using post-tax remuneration.
How the Share Purchase Plan Works, continued
How much will it cost per Pay period?
Frequency of Pay period
Pre-tax Contribution
Amount Chosen
NOTE: Weekly and Fortnightly deductions are calculated over a 48-week Pay period. Monthly
deductions are calculated over an 11 month Pay period for some ALH employees.
What if I take leave without pay?
If you commence any form of leave without pay, no further salary sacrifice deductions can occur and
therefore you will be unable to acquire further Shares under the SPP while you are on leave without
pay. You will retain any Shares that may have already been allocated to you, or if a salary sacrifice
deduction has been made but Shares have not yet been allocated, this allocation will proceed as per
the process outlined in the How the Share Purchase Plan Works section starting on page 5. Once you
resume employment, your salary sacrifice deductions will recommence.
How the Share Purchase Plan Works, continued
When will Invitations and allocations be made?
Application forms for eligible employees will be available through the Link Market Services
employee investor centre. The Offer opens on 1 April 2016 and closes at 5pm on 13 May
If you choose to accept the Invitation, Shares will be allocated on a quarterly basis in September,
December, March and June in the relevant financial year.
The acquired Shares will be held through the Trustee, (explained further on page 10) a whollyowned subsidiary of Woolworths Limited, on your behalf until the restrictions on the disposal of the
Shares expire (unless the Woolworths Limited Board determines otherwise).
Can I join the SPP at any time throughout the financial year?
No. You can apply to join the Plan during the Invitation period only. Following the Invitation
closing date, no further applications will be accepted for this year's offer.
Do I have to complete another Application form for this year’s offer if I participated in last
year’s offer?
Applicants who participated last year will Rollover their participation unless they complete the
form to advise us of changes or to withdraw.
How can I keep track of how many Shares I have?
All new SPP Shares which are purchased in the current financial year will be held on your
employee share plan holding registered through Link Market Services.
You will need to quote your employee number when dealing with Link Market Services, our
Plans provider, to access your shareholding via the internet and for future share trading.
How the Share Purchase Plan Works, continued
Do I receive Dividends during the three-year restriction period?
Shares which are allocated to you are the same as Ordinary Shares but are held as restricted employee
Shares until the three-year restriction period lapses. During the three-year restriction period, you will
receive your Dividend information from Link Market Services.
During the restriction period you cannot elect for your SPP Shares to participate in the
Dividend Reinvestment Plan.
How will the Dividends be paid?
Dividends will be paid automatically into the same bank account which you have nominated for your
wages or salary to be paid into. Dividends are normally paid twice per year - in April and October.
Am I entitled to vote at Woolworths Limited shareholder meetings?
During the three-year restriction period, you will be able to direct the Trustee how to vote the SPP
Shares held by the Trustee on your behalf. Once your SPP Shares have passed their three-year
restriction period, and have been transferred to you as ordinary fully paid Shares, you are able to
vote as a regular Woolworths Limited shareholder.
Under the SPP, a three-year restriction period applies to the SPP Shares you acquire.
This means that while you remain employed by the Woolworths Group you cannot dispose of, deal
in, or grant a security interest over, any interest in an SPP Share until the third anniversary
following the date on which you acquire the final quarter purchase of shares
- i.e. On or before 30 June.
This three-year restriction only applies while you remain employed by the Woolworths Group.
If you accept the Invitation to participate in the SPP, you agree to be bound by this restriction.
How the Share Purchase Plan Works, continued
Trust Arrangements
The Trustee, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Woolworths Limited, will hold your SPP Shares on your
behalf until the restrictions on the disposal of the Shares expire (unless the Woolworths Limited Board
determines otherwise).
Under the trust arrangements, you will possess substantially the same rights in respect of the Shares
held by the Trustee on your behalf as if you held those Shares in your name. For example:
You will receive any Dividends which are paid on the Shares held by the Trustee on your
You will receive notice of meetings of Woolworths Limited shareholders and be able to direct
the Trustee how to vote the Shares.
The trust arrangements will also enable you to indirectly participate in any rights issues and bonus
issues applicable to Shares held by the Trustee on your behalf.
If a takeover offer is made for the Company, or a scheme of arrangement is announced, the Board
may make determinations regarding your participation in the takeover offer or scheme of
arrangement (including that you may instruct the Trustee to accept the takeover offer on your
When the three year restriction period ends your Shares will be transferred to you by the Trustee on
the third anniversary of the final quarter purchase - i.e. 30 June in that financial year.
What is the price of Shares allocated under the SPP?
The Shares allocated under the SPP may be purchased on-market on the ASX by Woolworths Limited
or issued directly by Woolworths Limited.
If Shares are purchased on-market by Woolworths Limited, the Allocation price for Shares under
the SPP will be the current market price of Woolworths Limited ordinary Shares traded on the
ASX at the time of purchase.
If Shares are issued directly by Woolworths Limited, the Allocation price for Shares under the
SPP will be the (five-day) Volume Weighted Average Price of Woolworths Limited’s ordinary
Shares as traded on the ASX up to (but excluding) the Allocation date. This is a trading
benchmark commonly used in share plans. It is calculated by dividing the total value of Shares
traded by the total number of Shares traded for every transaction during a five-day trading period
to calculate an average price for Shares.
How the Share Purchase Plan Works, continued
How Many Shares Will I Acquire?
The number of Woolworths Limited Shares to be allocated to the Trustee on your behalf will be the
amount you have elected to sacrifice ($500 or $1,000) divided by the Allocation price, rounded
down to the nearest whole Share. Any residual balance remaining will be carried forward and
applied to the next purchase of Shares within the financial year. If there is a residual balance
remaining after the final allocation of Shares for the financial year, this will be paid to you at that
An example of the number of Shares purchased under the SPP for a salary sacrifice of
$1,000 is available on page 20.
Please note that these are examples only and the actual Share price at time of purchase will
affect the outcome.
What if I change my mind?
SPP participation extends over the full tax year. You may withdraw from the Plan by giving
10 business days’ notice to Link Market Services at
On receipt of this advice your deductions will cease and any monies sacrificed for the
current quarter (less any applicable tax) will be paid to you by Payroll in an upcoming pay
cycle. Shares already purchased will remain under restriction as per the Plan rules. See back
cover for contact details.
What is Insider Trading and what are my Responsibilities?
You are required to comply with the laws governing insider trading as well as the Woolworths
Securities Trading Policy (see below).
These laws do not allow anyone with inside information to:
Trade in (buy or sell) Woolworths Limited Shares or influence another person to trade in
Woolworths Limited Shares; or
Communicate the inside information to another person who is likely to trade in
Woolworths Limited Shares.
How the Share Purchase Plan Works, continued
Inside information can be anything an employee sees or hears about the Company which is not
known by the general public and relates to the Company’s performance, business goals or decisions
that may affect the Woolworths Limited Share price. It can include things like:
Company financial results which have not been publicly released;
Any proposal to buy a new business or sell parts of the Woolworths Group’s existing
businesses; or
Significant disputes, gains or loss of a major contract or major management changes.
All employees are responsible for ensuring they comply with the Woolworths Limited Securities
Trading Policy. The Policy covers issues that you need to be aware of if you want to buy or sell
Woolworths securities (including Shares, options and performance rights), including insider trading
laws and blackout periods. The Policy is available on the Woolworths Limited website
( or, divisional intranet sites.
What happens if I leave the Woolworths Group before the full 12-month salary sacrifice period
is up, or before the three-year restriction period is up?
Shares previously acquired under the SPP will be transferred into your name. Link Market Services
will receive notification of your termination from the Pay Office and will write to you confirming
your SPP Shares have been transferred into your name as ordinary fully paid Shares.
How do I arrange for the Shares I acquire under the SPP to be sold?
Once the three-year restriction period has passed (or when you cease to be employed with the
Woolworths Group) and your Shares have been transferred to you as ordinary fully paid Shares, you
can arrange to sell them online via the Link Market Services employee investor centre or on the ASX
through a stockbroker. Refer to the factors affecting share price and risks associated with share
ownership on pages 13 and 14.
Factors Affecting
the Share Price
Many factors will affect the price of Shares. At any
point in time these factors may include:
Company Factors
• The profit outlook for Woolworths Limited.
• The profitability of Woolworths Limited.
• The Dividend policy of Woolworths Limited.
• The level of franking of Woolworths Limited
• The credit ratings and strength of the
balance sheet of Woolworths Limited.
• The success of marketing and other strategies
adopted by Woolworths Group Companies,
relative to its competitors’ strategies.
External Factors
• Movements in the general level of share
prices on local and international share
• Developments in retail and other industries
• The economic outlook in Australia and
• Changes in government fiscal, monetary and
regulatory policies.
• Turnover and volatility of financial markets in
Australia and overseas.
• Changes in interest rates, inflation rates,
exchange rates and commodity prices.
• Acts of terrorism, the occurrence of
hostilities or natural disasters.
Things to consider
• Your objectives, financial situation and
needs, both short and long term.
• Expectations about what investment returns
are achievable and sustainable over time.
Every investment involves an element of risk and employees should be aware that there are risks
associated with share ownership. Shares should be considered a long-term investment.
Things to be mindful of:
Woolworths Limited is a limited liability company which means that people holding Shares
are not required to contribute any more capital for their Shares once those Shares have been
fully paid for, even in the event of losses by the Company. However, it is possible that if there
are losses, or profits fall, holders of Shares may not receive Dividends or Dividends may be
reduced and the value of their Shares may fall.
The price of Shares as quoted on the ASX is volatile and moves up and down with market
sentiment as well as factors which are specific to the Company.
The price at which the Shares trade on the ASX may be higher or lower than historical prices. If
investors decide to sell their Shares, the amount which may be received on the sale may be
higher or lower than their present market price.
The Company’s latest annual report contains details of the Woolworths Group’s performance and
the factors which have impacted upon this performance during the period to which the report
relates. These documents may be viewed on the Woolworths Limited website at You should be aware that
past performance is not indicative of future performance. No warranty or guarantee of the
performance of the Company or the repayment of capital or any return on investment is made
pursuant to this booklet.
Woolworths Limited is also required to notify the ASX of information about specified events
and matters as they arise for the purposes of the ASX making that information available to
the stock market conducted by the ASX.
The most recent annual report and ASX announcements should be referred to for details of these
The SPP can provide a tax effective way to purchase shares in Woolworths. The following brief
summary is a general guide to the Australian income tax consequences of participating in the
SPP. It assumes that you are, and continue to be, a resident of Australia for income tax
Acquisition of Shares
Participation in the SPP will not be tax effective where your adjusted taxable income is more than
Your adjusted taxable income is the sum of the following:
Your taxable income (this includes investment gains but not investment losses such as
negatively geared property losses)
Your reportable fringe benefits (as recorded on your Payment Summary)
Your reportable superannuation contributions (this includes salary sacrificed
superannuation payments)
For example, if Mary has taxable income of $70,000 (consisting of $80,000 salary and wages and
$10,000 investment losses), reportable fringe benefits of $5,000 and reportable superannuation
contributions of $8,000, her income for SPP purposes will be $93,000 calculated as follows:
Salary or wages
Reportable fringe benefits
$ 5,000
Reportable superannuation contributions
$ 8,000
Please note that if your adjusted taxable income is above $180,000 you are not precluded from
participating in the SPP. However, you will need to include the value of the shares that you acquire
in your taxable income. As such, the comments below regarding tax savings will not apply to you.
By using your pre-tax income to acquire the Woolworths Limited Shares, the cost of acquiring
those Shares will be less than if you had not participated in the SPP and instead purchased the
Shares yourself using after-tax income.
The table following shows the savings applicable for the financial year ending
30 June 2016 at varying earnings levels, if purchasing $1,000 worth of Shares through the SPP as
compared with not using the SPP to purchase the same Shares.
Taxation, continued
After-tax Cost
Taxable Income
$18,200 - $37,000
$37,001 - $80,000
$80,001 - $180,000
> $180,000
This table is current as at 28 February 2016. Tax scales and rates may be changed by the Federal
Government at any time.
This benefit will not be advantageous for employees who anticipate a total taxable gross
income of less than $18,200 per annum or an adjusted taxable income
of over $180,000 per annum.
An example on page 6 shows the pre-tax deduction required to participate in the SPP for an
annual income of $45,000.
Sale of Shares
If you choose to sell the Shares after the three-year restriction period (or when you cease
employment with the Woolworths Group) any gain made on the Shares will be subject to capital
gains tax (CGT).
The amount of the gain subject to CGT will be reduced by 50% where you have held the Shares
for at least 12 months since the first allocation date.
How Do I Accept
The Invitation
Step-by-step, how to accept the Invitation:
Eligible Woolworths Group employees will be sent an email or postcard inviting
them to register for the Link Market Services Investor Centre. Once registered you
will be able to access the online offer.
You must read the Summary Information carefully. If you have any questions or
doubts about whether you should participate, please contact your financial advisor
or tax agent. Your HR representative or Link Market Services (contactable by email
at: or by phone: 1800 111 281 will be
able to answer any general queries you may have.
Complete and submit the online Application form acknowledging that you have read
and understood the SPP Summary Information. By submitting the online
Application form for the 2016-2017 SPP, participants will automatically rollover their
participation each financial year that the SPP is offered unless you advise us
Applicants must submit their completed Application form by Offer close
Online Application forms (duly completed by eligible employees) will be deemed to
have been accepted by the Company upon submitting.
Plan Rules and Trust Deed
To obtain a full copy of the SPP rules and the Trust Deed, please visit the Woolworths Limited
website at Click on Invest in Us, Shareholder Centre, Employees,
and Employee Share Plan Information and follow the prompts. Alternatively, you may contact your
HR representative or Link Market Services to obtain a full copy at no charge and within a
reasonable time of the request.
Class Order
This Information Booklet is issued in accordance with ASIC Class Order 14/1000 which provides
conditional relief from disclosure and licensing provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 for
certain offers made to full-time or part-time employees under an employee incentive scheme by a
body listed on the ASX. The Class Order also provides conditional relief from the advertising and
hawking provisions for some employee incentive schemes.
Share Price
During the Invitation period, the Company will make available to you if you require it:
- the current market price of Woolworths Limited Shares; and
- The (5-day) Volume Weighted Average Price of Woolworths Limited Shares as traded on the
The trading price of Woolworths Limited Shares is shown in the financial section of daily
newspapers under the ASX code: WOW. It can also be seen on the ASX website at
and is available on the Woolworths Limited website.
As at close of business on 1 March 2016 details about the Share price for Woolworths Limited
are as follows:
Highest price:
Lowest price:
Closing price:
Financial Advice
It is not intended that the material in this Information Booklet or the Invitation be interpreted as
financial advice. However, should it be construed as financial advice, it is general advice only and it
does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider
obtaining your own financial product advice from an independent person who is licensed by ASIC
to give such advice before deciding whether to accept the Invitation.
Do I have to complete a new Application Form each year?
For your convenience, if you participated in last year’s SPP, employees will automatically rollover their participation to ongoing financial years in which the SPP is offered unless you advise us
otherwise by submitting changes to or withdrawing your participation through your Rollover form.
How will I know if my application form has been received and accepted?
Eligible employees are able to complete and submit their Application form online through Link
Market Services employee investor centre. By clicking Submit, your application will be deemed to
be accepted and a confirmation email will be sent. If you do not receive an email confirmation,
please check your online application has been submitted.
When will the three year restriction period cease?
For Salaried employees, the restriction is removed on all shares purchased for that financial year
on or before 30 June. For example, for the 2016-2017 financial year you may have 8 shares
purchased in September 2016, 9 shares in December 2016, 7 shares in March 2017 and 8 shares in
June 2017. The total of 32 shares would then be transferred to you on or before 30 June 2020.
Worked Example- 2016-2017
Shares purchased in a financial year
Amount available for 1st quarterly purchase:
Price of Share on date of purchase:
Number of shares purchased for quarter:
Residual balance remaining:
SPP shareholding to date for 2016/2017:
Amount available for 2nd quarterly purchase:
Price of Share on date of purchase:
Number of shares purchased for quarter:
Residual balance remaining:
SPP shareholding to date for 2016/2017:
Amount available for 3rd quarterly purchase:
Price of Share on date of purchase:
Number of shares purchased for quarter:
Residual balance remaining:
SPP shareholding to date for 2016/2017:
Amount available for 4th quarterly purchase:
Price of Share on date of purchase:
Number of shares purchased for quarter:
Residual balance remaining:
SPP shareholding to date for 2016/2017:
$22.50 per share – Illustrative only
$250 divided by $22.50 = 11 shares
$252.50 ($250 + $2.50)
$23.00 per share – Illustrative only
$252.50 divided by $23.00 = 10 shares
21 Shares (i.e. 11 shares for 1st quarter
+ 10 shares for 2nd quarter).
$272.50 ($250 + $22.50)
$22.20 per share – Illustrative only
$272.50 divided by $22.20 = 12 shares
33 Shares (i.e. 11 shares for 1st quarter
+ 10 shares for 2nd quarter + 12 shares
for 3rd quarter).
$256.10 ($250 + $6.10)
$24.00 per share – Illustrative only
$256.10 divided by $24.00 = 10 Shares
43 Shares (i.e. 11 shares for 1st quarter
+ 10 shares for 2nd quarter + 12 shares
for3rd quarter+10shares for 4th quarter).
Residual balance of $16.10 returned to employee as part of salary following end of the
financial year.
Allocation date
The date on which your Shares are allocated under the SPP
Allocation price
The price per Share at which Shares will be allocated under the SPP
Application form
The online Application form in respect to the Invitation
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
ASX Limited (operating under the name Australian Securities Exchange)
All or some of the Directors of the Company acting as a board, including a
committee of the board and a delegate of the board
Distribution of part of a company’s net profit to shareholders. Usually
expressed as a number of cents per share
Eligible employee
Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
of a company’s
net profit
to qualified
person whoof
is part
by the Company
to be
to Usually
expressed in
number of cents per share
Share Registry
Franked dividend
Services Agreement
Employee Share Registry
Franked dividend
A person
is determined
be qualified
to has
by a company
profits ontowhich
the company
paid in
shareholder is entitled to a reduction in the amount of
tax that
must be paid on the Dividend received.
an Eligible
Group out
to apply
for Shares
pursuant to
dividend to
by a company
of profits
on which
the company
the Application
and the
of the SPP
paid letter,
tax. The
shareholder form
is entitled
to rules
a reduction
in the amount
Invitation letter
of income
tax thatthemust
be paid
the Dividend
letter inviting
to apply
for Shares under
Invitation to an Eligible Group employee to apply for Shares pursuant
Invitation period
period letter
to the1 Invitation
form and the rules of the SPP
April 2016letter,
to 13the
Rollover Form
Invitation period
Pay period
SPP or Plan
Rollover Form
SPP or Plan
(5-day) Volume Weighted
Average Price
(5-day) Volume Weighted
Average Price
or Company
Woolworths Group
The letter
inviting the monthly
Eligible for
to apply for Shares under
or fortnightly;
ALH employees
the SPP
The online Rollover form
From 1 April 2016 to 13 May 2016.
A fully-paid ordinary share in the capital of Woolworths Limited
Weekly or fortnightly; monthly for some ALH employees
The Woolworths Limited Share Purchase Plan
The online Rollover form
Securityholder Reference Number
A fully-paid ordinary share in the capital of Woolworths Limited
Woolworths Custodian Pty Ltd (ABN 93 002 940 445)
The Woolworths Limited Share Purchase Plan
A trading benchmark commonly used in share plans. It is calculated by
the totalReference
value of shares
traded by the total number of shares traded
to 940
Woolworths Custodian PtyaLtd
93 002
445) an average price
for Shares
A trading benchmark commonly used in share plans. It is calculated by
000 014
dividing the Limited
total value
of 88
by the total number of shares
traded for every transaction during a five-day period to calculate an
average rice for Shares
Woolworths Limited and each of its subsidiaries
Employee Share Registry
Go Online
Further information can be found on our website at:
Share Purchase Plan Booklet
Click on Invest in us,
Shareholder Centre, Employees, Employee Share Plan
Information and follow the prompts
Securities Trading Policy
Click on Who We are,
Corporate Governance,
Securities Trading Policy
Share Purchase Plan Booklet
may also be found on (ALH employees)
The Wine Quarter Staff portal (The Wine Quarter
INVITATION CLOSES 13 May 2016, 5.00pm
As with any financial decision, before you decide to participate in the Share
Purchase Plan you need to consider your personal circumstances. You are
encouraged to seek independent financial advice before deciding to take up this
March 2015