Advanced ATP and Its Application Michael Ball, Zhenying Zhao, U of Maryland; Yoshinori Shirasu, Masahiro Kotake, Toshiba Corporation Advanced ATP Real-Time ATP •An execution mechanism that allocates and re-allocates available resources, including raw materials, work-in-process, finished goods, and even production and distribution capacities, in response to actual customer orders •Advanced ATP synchronizes and matches the forecast-based push and order-driven pull “forces” to lower stock-out, higher resource utilization and less waste. Resources: Customer Orders: x Capacity Availability New Arrived Material Availability Production Resource (Capacity & Materials) Allocation Mechanism Resources Raw Material Production Distribution Pull-based Execution Demand Dem a Customers Push-Pull Boundary and Dem Suppliers Back-End Resource Availability Previous Promised Push-based Planning Two-Stage ATP • Response and order commitment are given for each customer order immediately after order receipt based on pre-allocated resource availability • Back-end resource availability including material, production capacity, distribution capacity are required to be pre-allocated into front-end availability at either SKU level, or options (features) level, or finished goods level to increase promising speed Font-End Availability hard commitments to customers time period t new orders in t Real Time ATP soft promise for t production schedule Batch ATP A (10), B (15) C (5), D (5) Production Capability Approach Feature-based Approach nd Finished Goods MPS-based Approach •Customer orders are responded and committed immediately with initial “soft” order confirmation by real-time ATP then given “hard” order delivery date after checking more detail resource availability based on batch ATP. Hard commitment Production Capability updated front-end availability PC1 [ A or B] (15) PC2 [ B] (10) PC3 [ C or D] (10) Features or Options FS1 [base for A or B] (25) FS2 [base for C or D] (10) FS3 [A,C add-on] (15) FS4 [B,D add-on](25) hard commitments to customers time period t+1 new orders in t+1 Real Time ATP soft promise for t+1 updated production schedule Batch ATP Flexibilities in ATP Environment • Customer order flexibility – high profit orders vs. low profit orders, confirmed orders vs. pseudo orders • Production flexibility – regular time vs. overtime • Location flexibility – order splitting and re-pointing • Transportation flexibility – express mode vs. regular mode • Resources flexibility – expedite or de-expedite. delivery flexibility X mk (t ) : Delivery indicator (0/1) for order k in delivery mode m Dmk (t ) : Quantity delivery for order k via mode m in factory f production flexibility • • • Y fk (t ) : Production indictor (0/1) for order k in factory f and time t : Quantity produced for order k in factory f and time t • Objective Function Minimize: revenue + customer service – total cost • Constraints 9Order promising and fulfillment constraints Multiple Performance Measures 9Delivery assignment constraints Customer service level -- Due date violation, loss sales, etc. 9Production assignment constraints Total revenue – Committed orders times sales price. 9Material conservation 9Production capacity requirements constraints Total cost – Holding cost, production cost, transportation cost. 9Delivery capacity requirements constraints Production and transportation smoothness & utilization 9Material substitution and compatibility location flexibility • MIP Formulation Applications of Batch ATP in Toshiba •Data was collected for an electronic product (EP) 9ATP Time Horizon: 9 weeks 9Customer Orders: 4994 9Product Models: 4355 9Available Resources: 765 MOs, 456 PCs with 5-20 candidates • Major decision variables Z k (t ) : Order accept or deny indicator (0/1) for order k in time t confirm order pseudo order • Customer orders are collected over a predetermined “batching interval” (e.g., one hour, 8-hour shift, one day) and response and order commitment are generated for a batch of orders at the end of each batching interval. Q kf (t ) Total due date violation (qty*date) Total inventory holding cost (qty*date) Production quantity by flexible resources C-ATP A-ATP Differences 429016 351521 -18.1% 1614023 1577228 -2.3% 18439 15797 -14.3% resource flexibility Pareto frontier for 2 objective criteria: •Single run takes 6 minutes Total due date violation decrease percentage (%) order flexibility Batch-mode ATP Due date violation 25 dominated Inventory weight increase 20 15 10 Due date weight increase 5 0 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -5 -10 Holding cost dominated -15 -20 Total inventory holding cost decrease percentage (%) 14