Mi Micro Robotics R b ti Lab L b Prof. P Prof f Sarah S h Bergbreiter B gb it (collaborators ( ll b t Prof. P Proff S.K. S K Gupta, Gupta G pt , Prof. Prof P f Pamela P l Abshire Prof. Abshire, Prof Nuno Martins , Prof. Prof Elisabeth Smela) Project j Highlights g g Goal Technical Highlights – First monolithic , high aspect ratio PDMS/Si mechanisms h i – 100s of J stored for energy gy release l in i jumping j pi g microrobots Engineer efficient and capable robotic systems y at small size scales Technical Areas • Robot Locomotion – Insect I t biomechanics bi h i – Improving I p i g efficiency ffi i y and d efficacy ffi y – Scaling S li g off locomotion l ti principles p i ipl • Mi Microrobot b tM Mechanisms h i – Multi-material M lti t i l micromechanisms i h i – Rapid R pid prototyping p t typi g processes p – Microfabrication Mic ofab b icatio • Microrobot Mi b tA Actuation t ti – High Hi h power actuation t ti from f stored t d energy – High Hi h fforce density d it microactuators i t t P l b d thermal th l actuators t t based – Polymer Polymer-based – Energetic E ti materials t i l Silicon/PDMS Micromechanisms for Jumping p g Microrobots 200 m 400 m Soft Polymer y Microactuators • Power P Sources S – Energy E harvesting h ti Broader B d IImpacts p t – Soft springs springs, grippy sidewalls,, mechanical energy storage for various MEMS applications – First truly mobile robots robots 4 mm Autonomous Jumping Microrobots using Energetic Materials (w/ ARL) Technical Highlights – First Fi t all-polymer ll l microfabricated actuators (b th th ((both thermall and d electrostatic) – High g aspect p ratio conductive and non nonconductive PDMS features Broader Impacts – Robust obus ac actuators ua o s for o use in miniature robotics, robotics medical devices, prosthetics, etc. • Mobile M bil Sensor S Networks N t k – Sensors S for f localization l li ti – Low L power communication i ti High Force Density Silicon Actuators for Microrobots Broader B d IImpacts t – Efficient and scalable actuators t t ffor use in i miniature robotics robotics, prosthetics, p os e cs, e etc. c Broader Impacts – New N iintegration g i method h d for COTS electronics components and polymer/metal robots Technical Highlights – New compliant frame architecture hit t to t reduce d weight A 1.5g 1 5g g Micro Air Vehicle (w/ ( Prof Prof. S K S. K. G Gupta) p pta)) Broader Impacts – Reduced mass of frame, frame wings, i g and d electronics l t i can increase payload carrying yi g capacity p ity resulting in useful MAVs at this scale Technical Highlights – Low-cost, Low cost low low-overhead overhead fabrication of sub sub-cm cm robot b t systems t – Inclusion of thermal actuators t t and d wiring i i g on polymer platform Technical Highlights – New design for electrostatic inchworm inch orm actuators to improve force d density, ity, p power d density, ity, and d efficiency • Systems S t IIntegration t ti – Low L mass, low l power control t l and d sensing i – Robust R b t iintegration t ti Technical Highlights – First fully integrated subsub cm3 robot (sensing (sensing, actuation, t ti control, t l power) p ) – An 8-cm high jump was d demonstrated t t d in i response to a light stimulus Rapid p Multi Multi-Polymer Polymer y Prototyping yp g for Microrobots (w/ ( Profs. Profs Abshire Abshire, Martins and Smela)) Broader B d IImpacts p t – Reduce design cycle time f sub-cm for b robots b t – Experimentally investigate questions on scaling locomotion Selection of References (since 2009) Gerratt, A. P., Penskiy, I., and Bergbreiter, S., “SOI/elastomer SOI/elastomer process for energy storage and rapid release,” release, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 20, no. 10, p. 104011, 2010. Penskiy II., Gerratt, Penskiy, Gerratt A A. P., P and Bergbreiter Bergbreiter, S S., “Friction Friction, Adhesion Adhesion, and Wear Properties of PDMS Coatings in MEMS Devices Devices,” in IEEE MEMS MEMS, 2011 (accepted) (accepted). G Gerratt, tt A A. P., P Tellers, T ll M. M and dB Bergbreiter, b it S., S “Soft “S ft Polymer P l MEMS,” MEMS ” in i IEEE MEMS MEMS, 2011 ((accepted). t d) Currano, L. J., Churaman, W., Rajkowski, J., Morris, C. J., Bergbreiter, S. “Nanoenergetic Nanoenergetic Silicon as a Thrust Actuator for Jumping Microrobots,” Microrobots, Hilton Head 2010 Workshop, June 6-10, 6 10, 2010. Gerratt A Gerratt, A.P., P Penskiy, Penskiy II., Bergbreiter Bergbreiter, S S. “PDMS PDMS and Silicon Micromechanisms in a Monolithic Process Process,” Hilton Head 2010 Workshop Workshop, June 6 6-10, 10 2010. 2010 G Gerratt, tt A A.P., P Penskiy, P ki II., B Bergbreiter, b it S S. “Integrated “I t t d Sili Silicon-PDMS PDMS Process P ffor Mi Microrobot b tM Mechanisms,” h i ” ICRA 2010 2010, A Anchorage, h AK M May 3-7. 3 7 Winner Wi off B Bestt C Conference f P Paper Award A d outt off 850 accepted t d papers and d almost l t 2000 submitted b itt d Rajkowski, J.E., Gerratt, A.P., Schaler, E.W., and Bergbreiter, S. “A A Multi-Material Multi Material Milli Milli-Robot Robot Prototyping Process,” Process, IROS 2009, St. Louis, October 11-15, 11 15, 2009.