( ENDERLY PARK VISIT THE ENDERLY PARK WEBSITE NEIGHBORHOOD • LOGON TO EPM.CHARMECK.ORG • CLICK ON NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECTS Engineering&PropertyManagement Engineering Services 600 E. Fourth Street Charlotte, NC 28202 ***Please note: A copy of the final project plan has been posted at the Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center (2921 Tuckaseegee Road) for residents to view. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FEBRUARY 2008 ENDERLY PARK NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Public meeting results The purpose of the meeting was to provide the Enderly Park Neighborhood residents with the opportunity to view the final recommended Enderly Park Neighborhood improvements. Twenty households were represented at the public meeting. The final project alternate included recommended improvements on the following streets: • Hazel Street - Sidewalk, curb and gutter • Intersection of Hazel Street and Rogers Street - Drainage improvements • Rogers Street between Hazel Street and Karendale Avenue - Sidewalk, curb and gutter • Karendale Avenue - Sidewalk, curb and gutter and water main improvements • Credenza Road - Sidewalk, curb and gutter • Mathis Drive between Enderly Road and Coker Avenue - Curb and gutter, sidewalk and drainage improvements; Between Coker Avenue and Parkway Avenue Sidewalk; Between Karendale Avenue and Rogers Street - Water main improvements • Bonaire Road - Water main improvements • Enderly Road - Curb extensions, sidewalk, curb and gutter • Maury Street - Drainage improvements with curb and gutter • Kirkland Avenue - Drainage improvements • Coker Avenue - Meandering sidewalk • Intersection of Coker Avenue and Mathis Drive - Radial sidewalk • Intersection of Parkway Avenue and Effingham Road - Drainage improvements with curb and gutter • Effingham Road - Between Parkway Avenue and Dead-end - Curb and gutter, drainage improvements and pedestrian trail leading to Aldi grocery store • Clay Street - Between Effingham Road and Alice Avenue - Sidewalk, curb and gutter • Alice Avenue - Between Clay Street and Elon Street - Sidewalk • Elon Street- Between Alice Avenue and Camp Greene Street - Sidewalk, curb and gutter • Camp Greene Street - Sidewalk, curb and gutter ***A copy of the final project plan has been posted at the Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center (2921 Tuckaseegee Road) for residents to view. Next steps Survey notification letters have gone out to all the residents in Enderly Park. When survey is complete, the Design Phase of the project will begin. A real estate kick-off meeting with the residents of Enderly Park will be scheduled for 1st Quarter 2009. The project team welcomes additional input from residents who may not have been able to attend the third public meeting. Please feel free to call or email the City’s Engineering & Property Management project manager, Kathleen Drake at 704-432-5214 or kdrake@ci.charlotte.nc.us. Your valuable input will be considered as we prepare for the next meeting.