Dental Public Health Group Annual Report 2010 UCL Research Department of

UCL Research Department of
Epidemiology & Public Health
Dental Public Health Group
Annual Report 2010
UCL Dental Public Health Group Annual Report 2010
Current Research
Journal Publications
Other Publications
NHS and Other Health Services Activity
Postgraduate Students
MSc in Dental Public Health
PhD Students
Conference Presentations
The Dental Public Health (DPH) Group is one of the 12 research groups within
the Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University
College London (UCL). This report summarises the main research, teaching and
NHS/policy activities undertaken by the DPH Group in 2010.
Professor Richard G Watt, Professor and Honorary Consultant in Dental
Public Health
Dr George Tsakos, Senior Lecturer in Dental Public Health
Professor Aubrey Sheiham, Emeritus Professor in Dental Pubic Health
Professor Martin Hobdell, Visiting Professor in Dental Public Health
Dr Wael Sabbah, Research Fellow
Louise Gregory, Administrative Teaching and Research Assistant
Honorary Staff
Huda Yusuf, Specialist Registrar in Dental Public Health
Jenny Donaghy, Consultant in Dental Public Health, Berkshire East PCT
and Buckinghamshire PCT
Dr Paul Batchelor, Consultant in Dental Public Health, Berkshire West
Primary Care Trust
Dr George Gillespie, Honorary Professor in Dental Public Health
Dr Habib Benzian, Honorary Lecturer in Dental Public Health
Research Staff
Arabella Hayter, Research Associate,
Exploratory and developmental trial of a family centred nutrition
intervention delivered in Children's Centres and the home environment.
Ashley Ecker, Research Associate,
Exploratory and developmental trial of a family centred nutrition
intervention delivered in Children's Centres and the home environment.
• Marie Murphy, Research Associate
Exploratory trial of a motivational interviewing intervention for overweight
adolescents attending general dental services in London.
• Antiopi Ntouva, Research Associate,
Exploratory trial of a motivational interviewing intervention for overweight
adolescents attending general dental services in London.
Current research projects
Adult Dental Health Survey (England, Wales & Northern Ireland). Lead contractor
Office for National Statistics with consortium of university partners including DPH
Exploratory and developmental trial of a family centred nutrition intervention
delivered in Children’s Centres and the home environment. PI Richard Watt.
Awarded by Food Standards Agency/Department of Health.
Development and testing of a social determinants model of oral health. PI
Richard Watt. Awarded by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research,
Preventing obesity in young people attending primary dental care settings: an
exploratory randomised controlled trial. PI Richard Watt. Awarded by National
Institute for Health Research.
Testing the effects of tooth extraction (the OUT component of the WHO Basic
Package of Oral Health Care) on increased velocity of weight gain and
improvement in oral health related quality of life. A study on preschool
underweight Filipino children with severe dental decay. PI Bella Monse and
Martin Hobdell. Awarded by FDI World Dental Federation.
Cochrane Review of Salt Fluoridation. Analysis of collected information and data
on the implementation and impact of this caries preventive approach in some 36
countries, by an international collaborative working group. George Gillespie and
Valeria Mourinho (QMUL).
Journal publications
Bernabé E, Watt RG, Sheiham A, Suominen-Taipale AL, Uutela A, Vehkalahti
MM, Knuuttila M, Kivimäki M, Tsakos G (2010). Sense of coherence and oral
health in dentate adults: findings from the Finnish Health 2000 survey. J Clin
Periodontol, 37(11), 981 - 987. doi:10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01604.x
Bernabé E, Hobdell MH (2010). Is income inequality related to childhood dental
caries in rich countries?. J Am Dent Assoc, 141(2), 143 - 149.
Cortés-Martinicorena FJ, Rosel-Gallardo E, Artazcoz-Osés J, Bravo M, Tsakos G
(2010). Adaptation and validation for Spain of the child-oral impact on daily
performance (C-OIDP) for use with adolescents. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal,
15(1), e106 - e111. doi:10.4317/medoral.15.e106
Dorri M, Sheiham A, Watt RG (2010). Modelling the factors influencing general
and oral hygiene behaviours in adolescents.. Int J Paediatr Dent, 20(4), 261 269. doi:10.1111/j.1365-263X.2010.01048.x
Dorri, M, Sheiham, A, Hardy, R, Watt, RG. (2010). The relationship between
Sense of Coherence and toothbrushing behaviours in Iranian adolescents in
Mashhad. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 37, 407-412.
Dorri, M, Sheiham, A, Watt, RG. (2010). The influence of peer social networks on
toothbrushing behaviour in Iranian adolescents in Mashhad. Community
Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology (in press)
Jung SH, Watt RG, Sheiham A, Ryu JI, Tsakos G (2010). Exploring pathways for
socio-economic inequalities in self-reported oral symptoms among Korean
adolescents.. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. doi:10.1111/j.16000528.2010.00595.x
Jung SH, Tsakos G, Sheiham A, Ryu JI, Watt RG (2010). Socio-economic status
and oral health-related behaviours in Korean adolescents. Soc Sci Med, 70(11),
1780 - 1788. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.02.022
Oliveira, C, Watt, RG, Hamer, M. (2010). Toothbrushing, inflammation and risk of
cardiovascular disease. Results from the Scottish Health Survey. British Medical
Journal 340, c2451
Perez-Padron M, Bernabé E, Gomez-Santos G, Tsakos G, Lozano de Luacess V
(2010). Healthy mind and body in a healthy work environment. Int Dent J, 60(6),
395 - 398. doi:10.1922/IDJ_2559-PerezPadron04
Rosel E, Tsakos G, Bernabé E, Sheiham A, Bravo M (2010). Assessing the level
of agreement between the self- and interview-administered Child-OIDP..
Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 38(4), 340 - 347. doi:10.1111/j.16000528.2010.00533.x
Scheiwe A, Hardy R, Watt RG (2010). Four-year follow-up of a randomized
controlled trial of a social support intervention on infant feeding practices. Matern
Child Nutr, 6(4), 328 - 337. doi:10.1111/j.1740-8709.2009.00231.x
Se-Hwan, J, Watt, RG, Sheiham, A, Ryu, JI, Tsakos, G,. (2010). Exploring
pathways for socio-economic inequalities in self-reported oral symptoms among
Korean adolescents. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology (in press)
Tsakos G, Herrick K, Sheiham A, Watt RG (2010). Edentulism and fruit and
vegetable intake in low-income adults. J Dent Res, 89(5), 462 - 467.
Tsakos G, Bernabé E, D'Aiuto F, Pikhart H, Tonetti M, Sheiham A, Donos N
(2010). Assessing the minimally important difference in the oral impact on daily
performances index in patients treated for periodontitis. Journal of Clinical
Periodontology, 37(10), 903 - 909. doi:10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01583.x
Tsakos G, Sabbah W, Hingorani AD, Netuveli G, Donos N, Watt RG, D'Aiuto F
(2010). Is periodontal inflammation associated with raised blood pressure?
Evidence from a national US survey. Journal of Hypertension, 28(12), 2386 2393. doi:10.1097/HJH.0b013e32833e0fe1
Watt RG (2010). Motivational interviewing may be effective in dental setting. Evid
Based Dent, 11(1),13. doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6400702
Zeng XJ, Sheiham A, Bernabe E, Tsakos G (2010). Relationship between dental
status and Oral Impacts on Daily Performances in older Southern Chinese
people. J Public Health Dent, 70(2), 101 - 107. doi:10.1111/j.17527325.2009.00149.x
Other publications
Clarkson J, Watt RG, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Pitiphat W, Ettinger RL, Horowitz AM,
Petersen PE, ten Cate JM, Vianna R, Ferrillo P, Gugushe TS, Siriphant P, Pine
C, Buzalaf MA, Pessan JP, Levy S, Chankanka O, Maki Y, Postma TC, Villena
RS, Wang WJ, MacEntee MI, Shinsho F, Cal E, Rudd RE, Schou L, Shin SC,
Fox CH. (2010). Proceedings: 9th World Congress on Preventive Dentistry
(WCPD): "Community participation and global alliances for lifelong oral health for
all," Phuket, Thailand, September 7-10, 2009. Advances in Dental Research 22,
Gillespie GM, Baez R, Marthaler T, Milner TAW (2010) “Observations on the
Implementation of Salt Fluoridation for the Prevention of Dental Caries”.
Proceedings of the 9th World Salt Symposium, Beijing, China, September 2009.
Sabbah, W., Tsakos, G., Sheiham, A., Newton, T., Chandola, T., Watt, RG.
(2010). Social support and oral health inequalities among older US adults. 88th
General Session IADR Barcelona, (Abstracts) p 232.
Tsakos, G. Demakakos P, Breeze, E., Watt, RG. (2010). Social gradients in oral
health at older ages in England. 88th General Session IADR Barcelona,
(Abstracts) p 136.
Villanueva Vichis, C., Watt, RG., Borges Yanez S., Wintergerst, A. (2010).
Evaluation of an instrument for oral health literacy. 88th General Session IADR
Barcelona, (Abstracts) p 154.
Watt, RG. (2010). Strategies for determining population based risk assessment
for caries. 88th General Session IADR Barcelona, (Abstracts) p 70.
Watt, RG. (2010). Social determinants of oral health. 88th General Session IADR
Barcelona, (Abstracts) p 136
NHS and Other Health Services Activity
Gillespie G.M. (2010) Participation in development of expanded dental disease
prevention and community education programme in Peru. Document submitted
to Government.
Gillespie G.M. (2010) Codex Committee, Foods for Special Dietary uses.
Member of Electronic Working Group on amending the Codex General
Principles for the addition of Essential Nutrients to foods for Special Dietary
Watt, RG., Perez-Padron, M., Sabbah, W., Tsakos, G. (2010). Oral health survey
of care home managers in Islington.
Watt, RG., Perez-Padron, M., Ola, D., Tsakos, G. (2010). The oral health needs
of older people living in Islington Sheltered Homes.
Conference presentations
Gillespie G.M. Presentation: “The need and potential for salt fluoridation in the
Prevention of Dental Caries”. Annual General Meeting of EU salt, Dublin, Ireland.
March 26-28, 2010.
Gillespie G.M. Participation in meeting of Latin American group IADR. 88th
General Session IADR Barcelona, 16th July 2010.
Gillespie G.M. “The challenges of the new decade in Oro-Dental health.”
Coordinated development of a symposium on salt fluoridation and presentation
“Historical development of salt fluoridation and its cariostatic effectiveness”
(Abstract K.1 p 48) EADPH Annual Congress, Constanta, Romania, September
9-12, 2010.
Sabbah, W. (1) The role of social support in periodontal disease; (2) The
association between stress and oral health-related behaviours. Presentations at
“Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Odontología” Mexico
City, Mexico, February 2011.
Sheiham A. Presentation at Global Oral Health Inequalities: the Research
Agenda, Delivery and Implementation Task Force. 2010 IADR General Session,
Barcelona July 2010.
Sheiham A. Chair for Reducing Dental Disease Burden and Oral Health
Inequalities among Indigenous Populations. 2010 IADR General Session,
Barcelona July 2010.
Tsakos G. The role of Epidemiology in Clinical Governance. Invited presentation
at the Round Table titled “Clinical Governance in the Health Care System”, in the
6th Pan Hellenic Congress on Health Management, Economics and Policy.
Athens, 16 December 2010 [in Greek].
Tsakos G. Health Inequalities: Characteristics and Strategies. Academic
Meetings Lecture, National School of Public Health, Greece. Athens, 1st June
2010 [in Greek].
Tsakos G, Wright W, Blair Y, Yusuf H, Hodges C-L, McMahon A,Watt RG,
Macpherson L. Developing an oral health related quality of life measure for 5
year-olds. Oral presentation at the 17th Annual Conference of the International
Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) titled “Translating Quality of Life
Measurement into Decision Making”. London, 27-30 October 2010.
Tsakos G, Demakakos P., Breeze E., Watt RG. Social Gradients in Oral Health
at Older Ages in England. Oral presentation at the 88th General Session &
Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR).
Barcelona, 14-17 July 2010.
Watt R.G. Social determinants of oral health. 88th General Session IADR
Barcelona, 16th July 2010.
Watt R.G. Developing and evaluating effective oral health interventions. Ontario
Dental Public Health Symposium, Toronto, Canada, 30th March 2010.
Watt R.G. Strategies for determining population-based risk assessment for
caries. Symposium – New Directions in Cariology Research. 88th General
Session IADR, Barcelona, Spain, 14th July 2010.
Watt R.G. Evidence based oral health improvement strategies. 10th French
Dental Public Health Conference (ASPBD), Paris, France, 4th November 2010.
Watt R.G. Engaging with primary dental care professionals. 4th Annual Smoking
Cessation Conference. London, 26th January 2010.
Watt R.G. Application of theoretical models in the development and evaluation of
public health interventions. Food Standards Agency. London, 24th March 2010.
Watt R.G. Oral health promotion research group: personal reflections on a short
life 1992-2010. Kings College London. London, 9th June 2010.
Watt R.G. Initial findings from the developmental phase of a family centred
nutrition intervention in children’s centres in Islington and Cornwall. Advisory
Panel on Food and Nutrition in Early Years, Department for Education, London,
5th August 2010.
Postgraduate students
MSc in Dental Public Health
2010 was a particularly successful year for our MSc course with all 18 students
passing their exams in August and 8 distinctions were awarded to: Kornkamol
Niyomslip; Nadiah Alenaizan; Eman Hatim; Denise Duijster; Patrick Rouxel;
Clement Lau; Jamaliah Omar; and Chantelle Fatania. The external examiner Dr
Blanaid Daly (KCL) praised the performance and quality of our students work.
MSc Dental Public Health 2009/2010
PhD students
Current students
Almalki, S. Effect of treating traumatic dental injuries on quality of life: A
randomised controlled trial among Saudi children
Abdul Murat, N. Oral health personnel planning in Malaysia.
Alzahrani, S. Clustering of oral and general health related behaviours in Saudi
Damaskinos, P. Exploring the oral health gradient in older people in Athens,
Delgado-Angulo, E. Depression and oral health.
Mathur, M. Social determinants of oral health inequalities in India.
Rai, H. Factors which may affect health care seeking behaviour following
symptoms of angina amongst South Asians and Whites.
Rouxel, P. Exploring the association between social capital and oral and general
health in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA): A multilevel analysis.
Yusuf, H. Exploratory randomised controlled trial of an obesity prevention
motivational interviewing intervention delivered in general dental practice.
PhDs awarded in 2010
Congratulations to the following students who gained their UCL PhDs in 2010:
Al-Karimi , H. (2010). Impact of severe dental caries and dental treatment on
Saudi children’s growth and quality of life. (Supervisors: Prof. Richard Watt, Dr
George Tsakos, and Prof. Aubrey Sheiham).
Dashti, S, (2010). Social determinants of early childhood caries in Kuwait.
(Supervisors: Prof. Richard Watt, Dr George Tsakos and Prof. Aubrey Sheiham).