Dental Public Health Group Annual Report 2014

Dental Public Health Group Annual Report 2014
UCL Research Department of Epidemiology & Public Health
Dental Public Health Group Annual Report 2013
UCL Research Department of
Epidemiology & Public Health
Facebook: UCLDPH
Twitter: @UCL_DentalPH
Current Research
Journal Publications
Conference Presentations
MSc and PhD Students
The Dental Public Health (DPH) Group is one of the 12 research groups within the Research
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London (UCL). This
report summarises the main research, teaching and NHS/policy activities undertaken by
the DPH Group in 2014.
Prof Aubrey Sheiham, Emeritus Professor in Dental Pubic Health
Dr George Tsakos, Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Dental Public Health
Prof Richard G Watt, Professor and Honorary Consultant in Dental Public Health
Honorary Staff
Dr Paul Batchelor, Consultant in Dental Public Health, Berkshire West Primary Care Trust
Dr Habib Benzian, Honorary Lecturer in Dental Public Health
Anna Ireland, Consultant in Dental Public Health, NHS, North Central London
Jenny Oliver, Consultant in Dental Public Health, Berkshire East PCT and Buckinghamshire
Huda Yusuf, Specialist Registrar in Dental Public Health
Research and Administrative Staff
Louise Gregory, Administrative Teaching and Research Assistant
Dr. Anja Heilmann, Research Associate
Dr Antiopi Ntouva, Research Associate
Jessie Porter, Research Assistant
Current research projects
Dental Alcohol Reduction Trial (DART). Funding body: National Institute of Health Research
(NIHR), Research for patient Benefit Programme. This exploratory randomised controlled trial
aims to assess the acceptability and feasibility of dental professionals delivering alcohol brief
advice to adults attending general dental practices across London. PI: Richard Watt.
Facilitated through the UCL “Creating Connections” initiative, the DPH group had started a very
fruitful collaboration with the Castlehaven Community Association (CCA), a well-established
charity based in the London Borough of Camden. The CCA delivers a community intervention
programme for older people called “Ageactivity”, launched in April 2014. We have been asked
to undertake an evaluation study to assess whether the programme achieves its stated aims of
bringing about positive changes for its users in the 3 target areas Health, Reduced Isolation and
Sense of Community. The aim of this study is therefore to evaluate the impact of the CCA
ageactivity programme in accordance with the CCA’s evaluation brief. A secondary aim is to test
the feasibility and acceptability of measuring social support and social capital in a community
setting, to inform a future social capital intervention study. Our group designed the evaluation
study and developed the questionnaires. Ethical approval was granted in February 2014 by the
UCL research ethics committee. The collection of baseline started in April 2014 and is almost
complete. Follow-up data will be collected at 12 months and at 3 years after implementation of
the Ageactivity programme, and will include both quantitative and qualitative methods.
Journal publications
1. Sheiham, A., James, W.P. (2014). A new understanding of the relationship between
sugars, dental caries and fluoride use: implications for limits on sugars
consumption. Public Health Nutrition.
2. Bernabé, E., Sheiham, A. (2014). Age, period and cohort trends in caries of
permanent teeth in four developed countries. American Journal of Public Health,
104 (7).
3. Abanto, J., Tsakos, G., Paiva, S.M., Raggio, D.P., Celiberti, P., Bönecker, M. (2014).
Agreement between children aged 5-6 years and their mothers in rating child oral
24 (5).
4. Gibbs L, Waters E, De Silva A, Riggs E, Johnson B, Young D, Christian B, Truong M,
Calache H, Moore L, Armit C, Tadic M, Pradel V, Morris M, Gussy M, Gondal I, Watt
R, Gold L (2014). An exploratory trial implementing a community-based child oral
health promotion intervention for Australian families from refugee and migrant
backgrounds: A protocol paper for Teeth Tales. BMJ Open, 4 (3).
5. Riggs E, Gibbs L, Waters E, Gussy M, Van Gemert C, Priest N, Watt R, Renzaho AMN,
Kilpatrick N (2014). Assessing the cultural competence of oral health research
conducted with migrant children. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 42
6. Ghanbariha, M., Sheiham, A., Rakhshani, F., Dorri, M. (2014). Association between
oral and general hygiene behaviours among Iranian adolescents. Oral health &
preventive dentistry, 12 (3), 225-232.
7. Krisdapong, S., Prasertsom, P., Rattanarangsima, K., Sheiham, A. (2014).
Associations between perceived needs for dental treatment, oral health-related
quality of life and oral diseases in school-aged Thai children. Community Dentistry
and Oral Epidemiology, 42 (4), 323-332.
8. Alkarimi, H.A., Watt, R.G., Pikhart, H., Sheiham, A., Tsakos, G. (2014). Dental caries
and growth in school-age children. Pediatrics, 133 (3).
9. Listl, S., Watt, R.G., Tsakos, G. (2014). Early life conditions, adverse life events, and
chewing ability at middle and later adulthood.. American Journal of Public Health,
104 (5).
10. Bernabé, E., Sheiham, A. (2014). Extent of differences in dental caries in permanent
teeth between childhood and adulthood in 26 countries. INTERNATIONAL DENTAL
JOURNAL, 64 (5), 241-245.
11. Abanto, J., Tsakos, G., Paiva, S.M., Carvalho, T.S., Raggio, D.P., Bönecker, M. (2014).
Impact of dental caries and trauma on quality of life among 5- to 6-year-old
children: perceptions of parents and children. COMMUNITY DENTISTRY AND ORAL
EPIDEMIOLOGY, 42 (5), 385-394.
12. Guarnizo-Herreño, C.C., Watt, R.G., Pikhart, H., Sheiham, A., Tsakos, G. (2014).
Inequalities in oral impacts and welfare regimes: Analysis of 21 European countries.
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology.
13. Matsuyama, Y., Aida, J., Takeuchi, K., Osaka, K., Tsakos, G., Watt, R.G., Kondo, K.
(2014). Inequalities of dental prosthesis use under universal healthcare insurance.
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 42 (2), 122-128.
14. Watt RG, Draper AK, Ohly HR, Rees G, Pikhart H, Cooke L, Moore L, Crawley H,
PettringerC, McGlone P, Heyter (2014). Methodological development of an
exploratory randomised controlled trial of an early years' nutrition intervention: the
CHERRY programme (Choosing Healthy Eating when Really Young). Maternal and
Child Nutrition, 10 (2), 280-294.
15. Barrios, R., Tsakos, G., García-Medina, B., Martínez-Lara, I., Bravo, M. (2014). Oral
health-related quality of life and malnutrition in patients treated for oral cancer.
16. Alzahrani, S.G., Watt, R.G., Sheiham, A., Aresu, M., Tsakos, G. (2014).Patterns of
clustering of six health-compromising behaviours in Saudi adolescents. BMC Public
Health, 1-6.
17. Ab-Murat, N., Sheiham, A., Tsakos, G., Watt, R. (2014). Periodontal treatment needs
and workforce requirements: comparisons between the normative and sociodental
approaches using different skill mix models. Community Dentistry and Oral
18. Jordão, L.M., Saraiva, L.M., Sheiham, A., Freire, M.C. (2014). Relationship between
rates of attending religious services and oral health in Brazilian adolescents.
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology.
19. Roncalli, A.G., Tsakos, G., Sheiham, A., de Souza, G.C., Watt, R.G. (2014).Social
determinants of dental treatment needs in Brazilian adults.. BMC Public Health, 111.
20. Watt RG, Heilmann A, Sheiham A, Marmot M, Tsakos G, Sabbah W, Newton T,
Chandola T, Aida J, Kawachi (2014). Social relationships and health related
behaviors among older US adults. BMC Public Health, 14 (1).
21. Mathur, M.R., Tsakos, G., Millett, C., Arora, M., Watt, R. (2014).Socioeconomic
inequalities in dental caries and their determinants in adolescents in New Delhi,
India.. BMJ Open, 4 (12).
22. Guarnizo-Herreño CC, Watt RG, Fuller E, Steele JG, Shen J, Morris S, Wildman J,
Tsakos G. (2014). Socioeconomic position and subjective oral health: findings for
the adult population in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. BMC Public Health, 14
23. Bernabé, E., Vehkalahti, M.M., Sheiham, A., Aromaa, A., Suominen, A.L. (2014).
Sugar-sweetened beverages and dental caries in adults: A 4-year prospective study.
Journal of Dentistry, 42 (8), 952-958.
24. Alzahrani, S., Tsakos, G. (2014). The Determinants of Oral Health-Related
Behaviours; Clustering of Behaviours. In Sheiham, A., Moyses, S.J., Watt, R.G.,
Bonecker, M. (Eds.), Promoting the Oral Health of Children; Theory and Practice.
(pp. 103-118). Sao Paulo: Quintessence.
25. Lamarca, G.A., Leal, M.D.C., Sheiham, A., Leao, A.T.T., Vettore, M.V. (2014).The
different roles of neighbourhood and individual social capital on oral health-related
quality of life during pregnancy and postpartum: A multilevel analysis. Community
Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 42 (2), 139-150.
26. Watt, R.G., Williams, D.M., Sheiham, A. (2014). The role of the dental team in
promoting health equity. British Dental Journal, 216 (1), 11-14.
27. Peres, M.A., Bastos, J.L., Barbato, P.R., D Orsi, E., Watt, R.G., Xavier, A.J. (2014).
Tooth loss is associated with severe cognitive impairment among older people:
findings from a population-based study in Brazil. Aging and Mental Health.
28. Krisdapong, S., Sheiham, A. (2014). Which aspects of an oral health-related quality
of life measure are mainly associated with global ratings of oral health in children?
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 42 (2), 129-138.
Conference presentations
1. Yusuf H, Ntouva A, Murphy M, Porter J, Watt RG. Preventing obesity among
adolescents attending primary dental care setting: an exploratory RCT, Presented at
European Association of Public Dental Health Conference; Behavioural aspects of
oral health, disease and interventions, Gothenburg Sweden, June 2014.
Postgraduate students
MSc in Dental Public Health
2013/14 was a successful academic year for our MSc programme with all students passing
their exams in August; a distinction was awarded to: Flavio Yoshikawa De Sousa, Joana
Antunes Catre Dos Santos and Noor Nazahiah Binti Bakri.
Current PhD students
Almalki, S. Effect of treating traumatic dental injuries on quality of life: A randomized
controlled trial among Saudi children.
Al Jameel, A. Perceptions of parents/ Carers of individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
about their Oral Health-Related Quality of Life.
Gill, T. Oral health related quality of life affecting the service utilisation.
Guarnizo-Herreno, C. Political factors as determinants of socioeconomic inequalities in oral
health: a cross-national analysis
Jamaludin, M. A systematic review with meta-analysis of the effects of population and
individual level tobacco interventions on health inequalities and statistical modelling of the
Yusuf, H. Exploratory randomised controlled trial of an obesity prevention motivational
interviewing intervention delivered in general dental practice.
Aldalooj, E. Psychosocial Work Environment and Oral Health in the English Longitudinal
Study of Ageing (ELSA)
Letelier A. Assessing the impact of life course socioeconomic trajectories on oral health
outcomes in English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)
Masuma M. Exploring the path ways how dental caries have impact on growth of children.
Chaianant N. Evaluating the cost to levelling up oral health inequalities among Thai adults.
PhDs awarded in 2013/14
Rouxel, P. Exploring the association between social capital and oral health in the English
Longitudinal Study of Ageing.
2014 Aubrey Alumni Dinner (IADR Cape Town)
On the initiative of Professor Ratilal Lalloo, a mail list was established of all PhD graduates
from the UCL Dental Public Health Group. Many hold academic posts including
professorships. Professor Lalloo has created a lively and interactive forum by encouraging
members on the list to send their newly published papers and any articles they consider
are important for their colleagues to read.
The Annual Aubrey Alumni Dinner was created to help establish this community and to
introduce newly graduated students to the network. The 2014 dinner took place at the
International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Meeting in Cape Town. Professor
Sudeshni Naidoo organised a splendid dinner at the Aubergine Restaurant catered
personally by her husband, the top chef and restaurant owner Harald Bresselschmidt.
The next Annual Aubrey Alumni Dinner will take place at the Boston IADR Meeting.