Land Use and Environmental Services Agency (LUESA) FY2017 – 2019 Strategic Business Plan Ebenezer S. Gujjarlapudi, P.E. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ANNUAL RETREAT LUESA Overview Six Divisions ◦ Air Quality ‐ “Attainment” status for Ozone in August 2015 ◦ Code Enforcement – over 94k permits and 265k inspections in 2015 ◦ Geospatial Information Services (GIS) – 36 mil sq. ft. of billed impervious data ◦ Water and Land Resources – 76.1% streams suitable for human contact (25% in 1998) ◦ Solid Waste – coordinated disposal of over 500k tons of waste ◦ Support Services – coordinated move to Suttle Ave Served over 1 million customers in FY2015 90-71 LUESA Strategic Business Plan ‐ Goals Goal 1: Ensure Cost Effective Long‐Term Solutions for Solid Waste Management Goal 2: Enhance Quality of Life through Environmental Stewardship Goal 3: Maintain Environmental Sustainability of Operations LUESA Strategic Business Plan ‐ Goals Goal 1: Ensure Cost Effective Long‐Term Solutions for Solid Waste Management Goal 2: Enhance Quality of Life through Environmental Stewardship Goal 3: Maintain Environmental Sustainability of Operations 90-72 Goal 1: Ensure Cost Effective Long‐Term Solutions for Solid Waste Management Background and Rationale: • • • • • • Interlocal agreements until 2028 Speedway Landfill contract expires 2020 Material Recovery Facility (MRF) contract expires 2019 350,000+ tons at Speedway 100,000+ tons at the MRF 80,000+ tons of Construction & Demolition Debris at Foxhole Flow of Waste Residential & Commercial Waste Residential & Commercial Grass/Leaves Residential Recycling (Cans, Bottle, paper, etc.) Yard Waste ~26,000 TPY Salisbury tons MSW “Trash” ~375,000 tons/yr Republic (BFI) MSW LANDFILL Compost Facility Meck Co Owned Operated ~76,000 TPY Meck tons Finished Compost & Ground Mulch Is Sold $$ Non Municipal Participants Various Privately Owned Recycling & Waste Facilities Meck County Material Recycling Facility MSW “Trash” ~80,000 TPY Mostly Commercial Construction & Demolition Waste ~180,000 TPY Meck County Drop‐Off Centers (Recycling & Trash) C & D Waste ~26,000 TPY 90-73 = Private FOXHOLE Landfill Construction & Demo Waste = Meck County Owned Ensure Cost Effective Long‐Term Solutions for Solid Waste Management Objective 1: Review operating agreements to ensure long term waste disposal and recycling opportunities Ensure Cost Effective Long‐Term Solutions for Solid Waste Management Background and Rationale: • Impact of commodity markets on current practices • Opportunities to enhance recovery of some recyclables 90-74 Ensure Cost Effective Long‐Term Solutions for Solid Waste Management Objective 2: Seek cost effective environmental solutions towards waste reduction, reuse and recycling Ensure Cost Effective Long‐Term Solutions for Solid Waste Management Background and Rationale: Four full‐service centers Eight self service centers Increased customer numbers Movement of materials between locations • Opportunities for Public/Private partnerships • • • • 90-75 Facility Improvements and Enhancements One example is installation of Scales at all Solid Waste Facilities to accurately charge customers Ensure Cost Effective Long‐Term Solutions for Solid Waste Management Objective 3: Evaluate and update infrastructure necessary for waste acceptance and processing 90-76 LUESA Strategic Business Plan ‐ Goals Goal 1: Ensure Cost Effective Long‐Term Solutions for Solid Waste Management Goal 2: Enhance Quality of Life through Environmental Stewardship Goal 3: Maintain Environmental Sustainability of Operations Goal 2: Enhance Quality of Life through Environmental Stewardship Background and Rationale: ◦ Six monitoring sites – State Review Session Law 2015‐286 ◦ Mecklenburg County meets the National Ambient Air Quality Standards ◦ State Review of “Gasoline Tax” funding – Impact on GRADE performance ◦ State Review of Environmental Regulations 90-77 Ozone Air Quality, 1999-2015 Mecklenburg County 8-hour Design Value Concentration Based on Annual 4th Maximum 8-hour Average Concentration, ppb 100 75 50 25 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Mecklenburg Compliance Value 2007 2008 2009 2008 NAAQS 90-78 2010 2011 2012 2015 NAAQS 2013 2014 2015 Enhance Quality of Life through Environmental Stewardship Objective 1: Improve and maintain healthy air quality Enhance Quality of Life through Environmental Stewardship Background and Rationale: ◦ Creek Use Policy ‐ Adopted October 16, 1996 ◦ Primarily impacted by fecal coliform ◦ FY 2015 performance – 76.1% vs. goal of 85% by 2020 (25% in 1998) ◦ Continuous monitoring of 30 stream sites ◦ Stream walks of 280 miles in FY2015 ◦ Removal of over 10 tons of trash and debris 90-79 Enhance Quality of Life through Environmental Stewardship Objective 2: Continue progress to make all waters suitable for prolonged human contact Enhance Quality of Life through Environmental Stewardship Background and Rationale: ◦ Pilot retroFIT program – Adopted August 4, 2015 ◦ Flood mitigation program – purchase of over 370 properties ◦ Stream restoration projects in collaboration with Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation Department 90-80 Pilot Program Update FY2015 – First Grant Cycle ‐ Closed November 30, 2015 79 INTEREST APPLICATIONS 49 DRY FLOODPROOFING 38 40 39 SERVICE EQUIPMENT ELEVATION WET FLOODPROOFING 8 7 DEMOLITION RELOCATION ABANDON BASEMENT 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 # of Preferred Techniques 90-81 60 70 80 Torrence Creek – McDowell Creek Watershed Enhance Quality of Life through Environmental Stewardship Objective 3: Prevent loss of life and property from flooding 90-82 LUESA Strategic Business Plan ‐ Goals Goal 1: Ensure Cost Effective Long‐Term Solutions for Solid Waste Management Goal 2: Enhance Quality of Life through Environmental Stewardship Goal 3: Maintain Environmental Sustainability of Operations Goal 3: Maintain Environmental Sustainability of Operations Background and Rationale: ◦ Encourage use of recycled paper, environmentally friendly office and cleaning supplies, recycled printer cartridges ◦ Promote mass transit, car pooling, telecommuting, cycling etc., as potential opportunities ◦ Foster a culture of responsible use of natural resources 90-83 Maintain Environmental Sustainability of Operations Objective 1: Adhere to Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) guidelines Objective 2: Provide employees with opportunities to learn about and practice environmentally‐friendly activities ‐ Work Green Program Questions? 90-84 Land Use and Environmental Services Agency (LUESA) FY2017 – 2019 Strategic Business Plan Ebenezer S. Gujjarlapudi, P.E. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ANNUAL RETREAT 90-85