FY16 Department Director Work and Performance Plan

FY16 Department
Director Work and
Performance Plan
Key Initiative #1 - Financial Reporting and Forecasting Strategy Improvement
Refine financial reporting and reliability of financial forecasts. Comprehensive forecasting to provide basis for
County strategic planning.
Provide financial reports for the Executive Team, County management and the BOCC for decision
making and analysis during the fiscal year
Improve revenue and expenditure projection processes to increase accuracy and provide for immediate
and long-term financial planning
Completion Date:
Long-range financial planning system – March 2016
Forecasting model – January 2016
Updates/Project Milestones:
• Assessment of Financial Services Reporting and Forecasting Models
• Engage key stakeholders to identify gaps in fiscal reporting
• Determine implementation timeline with key reports/projections outlined
• Develop strategy for providing accurate, timely, pertinent reports and projections
• Monthly financial reports (budget/actual) to BOCC, Executive Team and department directors
• Quarterly updates at BOCC meeting
Successful achievement of milestones
Improved communication of the County’s financial status
Improved long-term financial planning
Customer satisfaction
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Key Initiative #2 - Advantage System Upgrade
Implementation of upgrade to Advantage system.
Provide updated financial system software
Achieve more efficiency in process
Increase customer satisfaction
Completion Date:
Fall 2015
Updates/Project Milestones:
System testing and verification completed
Updated policy and procedures
Go Live – October 2015
Communication and training as appropriate provided to users
Improved processing and reporting from financial system
Improved customer satisfaction
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Key Initiative #3 – Procurement Implementation
Complete implementation of Procurement Services function to provide services to County departments
Previously approved initiative
Improve procurement process and compliance.
Completion Date:
Updates/Project Milestones:
E-procurement system (BuySpeed) testing and training
Phase 2: Price agreements available in BuySpeed to departments – July 2015
Revised policies and procedures - July 2015
Phase 3: Fully integrated BuySpeed Go-Live – December 2015
Revise City-County Interlocal Agreement
Successful completion of established milestones
Customer satisfaction
Documented policies and procedures
Increased utilization of procurement services
Savings on County spend
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Key Initiative #4 – Capital Improvement Program
Develop a strategic comprehensive capital improvement program process for the County and partners.
Provide the basis for the submission, review and approval of a multi-year capital plan
Improve development of funding models for the program
Improve CIP monitoring
Completion Date:
January 2016
Updates/Project Milestones:
Determine implementation timeline taking into account budget and bond financing schedules
Assessment of current CIP and debt affordability
Engage key stakeholders in development of process
Develop and refine debt modeling
Develop and recommend CIP
BOCC approval of multi-year CIP
Successful achievement of milestones
Debt Affordability Report
Adopted Capital Improvement Program
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Key Initiative #5 – Fiscal Training
Provide comprehensive accounting, fiscal and policy training to fiscal personnel and managers. Develop
succession plan to help ensure operational continuity, individual development and improve organizational
Improve fiscal process and compliance.
Integrate succession planning into individual development plans.
Completion Date:
Fiscal Training – December 2015
Phase 1 Succession Planning – December 2015
Updates/Project Milestones:
Complete review of competencies for fiscal positions
Develop a training curriculum
Revised policies and procedures
Provide training on governmental accounting and revised Finance policies and procedures
Review organization and work processes
Revise/prepare individual development plans
Fiscal Curriculum
Improved fiscal compliance
Documented policies and procedures
Improved work processes and organization realignment
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Key Initiative #6 - 3-Year Department Strategic Business Plan (FY17-FY19)
Create a 3-Year department strategic business plan that incorporates department initiatives (including those
aligned to Mecklenburg Livable Communities Plan), identifies upcoming business imperatives and links
initiatives to the budget process.
Department strategic business planning is essential to outlining departmental goals, strategies and measures
that will serve as the guiding document for budgeting from FY17-FY19.
Completion Date:
January 2016
Updates/Project Milestones:
August 2015: “Train-the-Facilitator” training
September 10, 2015: County Manger’s Strategic Planning Retreat
September – January 2016: Departments Draft Strategic Business plans
Successful completion of a 3-Year Strategic Business Plan for FY17-FY19
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.