AMY KENWELL Graduate Studies Hydrology

Permanent Address
45 Genereux St
Chelmsford, ON, Canada P0M 1L0
Permanent Phone: 705-983-4975
Cell Phone: 720-499-3302
Environmental Specialist, Golder Associates Inc., Sudbury, ON, May-Aug 2013
 Formatted lab results and updated databases
 Collected groundwater and surface water samples
 Created hydrographs and grain size curves using Grapher and Excel
 Conducted slug tests and well development
 Updated tables and reports including conditional formatting
Research Assistant, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, May 2012-Apr 2013
 Conducted sampling and maintenance for humidity cells and anaerobic and aerobic columns
 Constructed and packed (wet and dry) column experiments
 Completed SPE analysis for pharmaceuticals
 Involved in all stages of microbiology testing for sulfur and iron reducing bacteria
 Created and sampled batch tests using a variety of treatment materials and methods
 Conducted soil extractions of iron and manganese species
Hydrogeology Co-op Student, Golder Associates Inc., Mississauga, ON, Jan-Apr 2012
 Created cross-sections and isopach maps of overburden for a proposed mine site
 Conducted a parametric study using GeoStudio to determine pit-slope stability
 Designed ultimate pit geology, diversion ditch / berm placement and overburden stockpiles
 Conducted packer test analyses and a barometric efficiency investigation using Excel
 Plotted hydrographs to determine historical trends and gradients for a reservoir
Teaching Assistant, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Sept-Dec 2011, Jan-Apr 2013
 Taught a lab session, proctored exams and marked labs for a stratigraphy class
 Instructed a lab session and graded exams for a structural geology course
Hydrogeology Co-op Student, AMEC Earth and Environmental, Mississauga, ON, May-Aug 2011
 Reviewed borehole logs to create a spreadsheet of a soil layer to be used in a model
 Contributed to writing and reviewing of reports and permits including tables and figures
 Conducted slug tests (using bailers) and pump tests with pressure transducers
 Arranged a public open house including preparation of display boards and materials
Graduate Studies
 Excellent time
organization and
efficiency proven
in the workplace
 Familiar with field
through working
as a field
 Experience using
Excel, SiteFX and
GIS software to
analyze, interpret
and present data
 Comfortable with
lab environment
and procedures
after working as a
research assistant
 Involved in
teaching as a
Assistant, school
board employee
and volunteer
 Highly reliable and
according to
Environmental Technician, WESA Inc., Sudbury, ON, Sept-Dec 2010
 Updated annual groundwater monitoring reports with new data and trends
 Used SiteFX database software to input, organize and extract data
 Conducted groundwater and surface water sampling, well developing and well repairing
 Completed chains of custodies, site summaries and sampling tracker
 Effective verbal
and written
from working in
an office
Outdoor Education Intern, Toronto Outdoor Education Schools, Toronto, ON, Jan-Apr 2010
 Organized group tasks and extra projects to promote efficiency
 Communicated effectively with a variety of coworkers and students
 Designed a hydrogeology lesson for the Grade 5 curriculum
 Developed presentation skills for large and small groups
 Ability to work
individually or as
part of a team
according to
Graduate Studies
Candidate for Master of Science, Hydrology and Water Resources Science, Colorado School of
Mines, Golden, CO, Aug 2013 – present
Bachelor of Science, Honours Earth Sciences, Hydrogeology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo,
ON, Sept 2008 – Apr 2013
Ontario Secondary School Diploma, Marymount Academy, Sudbury, Ontario, June 2008
PGS-M, Postgraduate Scholarship, NSERC, Jan 2014-Dec 2014
NSERC USRA, Undergraduate Student Research Award, NSERC, Spring 2012
Worley Parsons Scholarship (Earth and Environmental Science), 2010-2011
David M. Forget Memorial Award (Earth Science), Forget family, 2010
Brantford Lapidary and Mineral Society Inc. (Academics), 2009-2010
J.P. Bickell Award (Mining Scholarship Program), J.P. Bickell Foundation, 2009-2012
Suncor Emerging Leaders Scholarship, Suncor Energy Inc., 2009-present
Dean’s List, University of Waterloo, All Academic Terms
Conestoga Rovers Scholarship (Academics), Conestoga Rovers & Associates, 2008
Ontario Driver’s License (G), Standard First Aid, CPR (level C), WHMIS, Norcat, ZES
Earth Day Festival Speaker, Sudbury, ON, Jan-Apr 2008
 Contacted local organizations to incorporate a Children’s Water Festival section into the
Greater Sudbury Earth Day Festival
 Presented interactive displays to teach the public about environmental concerns and
 Recruited volunteers and promoted local environmental events
Junior Leader and Link Member, Girl Guides of Canada, Sept 2005-Aug 2011
 Provided resources and input for the organization of a Watershed CSI Guiding challenge
 Communicated electronically with other leaders to create effective teamwork
 Volunteered conducting crafts and activities with young girls for three years
Environmental Ambassador, Tobermory, ON, 2007-2008
 Represented Sudbury at the Lake Huron Environmental Youth Summit
 Evaluated the Lake Huron Charter as part of a committee
 Presented the experience and Charter to the school upon return
Aquatics Specialist, School Team, Ontario Envirothon, Sudbury, ON, 2006-2008
 Studied and identified wetlands, invertebrates and fish. Areas of study also included soils,
forestry, wildlife and other environmental topics
 Won the city championships for two years and went on to compete provincially
 Managed data using
SiteFX, Access,
Excel and Digitizeit
 Created and edited
graphs using
 Updated graphs
using Grapher
 Created drawings
and conducted
calculations using
AutoCAD Light
 Conducted a
parametric study
using GeoStudio
 Performed tasks
using Microsoft
Office series and
Adobe Acrobat
 Created simple
macros in Excel
 Completed a variety
of assignments using
GIS software
 Introduced to Diver
and Solinst software
and Microsoft
 Researched
extensively and
documented sources
 Ran previously
created models in