AMY KENWELL Permanent Address 45 Genereux St Chelmsford, ON, Canada P0M 1L0 Permanent Phone: 705-983-4975 Cell Phone: 720-499-3302 Email: WORK EXPERIENCE Environmental Specialist, Golder Associates Inc., Sudbury, ON, May-Aug 2013 Formatted lab results and updated databases Collected groundwater and surface water samples Created hydrographs and grain size curves using Grapher and Excel Conducted slug tests and well development Updated tables and reports including conditional formatting Research Assistant, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, May 2012-Apr 2013 Conducted sampling and maintenance for humidity cells and anaerobic and aerobic columns Constructed and packed (wet and dry) column experiments Completed SPE analysis for pharmaceuticals Involved in all stages of microbiology testing for sulfur and iron reducing bacteria Created and sampled batch tests using a variety of treatment materials and methods Conducted soil extractions of iron and manganese species Hydrogeology Co-op Student, Golder Associates Inc., Mississauga, ON, Jan-Apr 2012 Created cross-sections and isopach maps of overburden for a proposed mine site Conducted a parametric study using GeoStudio to determine pit-slope stability Designed ultimate pit geology, diversion ditch / berm placement and overburden stockpiles Conducted packer test analyses and a barometric efficiency investigation using Excel Plotted hydrographs to determine historical trends and gradients for a reservoir Teaching Assistant, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Sept-Dec 2011, Jan-Apr 2013 Taught a lab session, proctored exams and marked labs for a stratigraphy class Instructed a lab session and graded exams for a structural geology course Hydrogeology Co-op Student, AMEC Earth and Environmental, Mississauga, ON, May-Aug 2011 Reviewed borehole logs to create a spreadsheet of a soil layer to be used in a model Contributed to writing and reviewing of reports and permits including tables and figures Conducted slug tests (using bailers) and pump tests with pressure transducers Arranged a public open house including preparation of display boards and materials Graduate Studies Hydrology SKILLS Excellent time management, organization and efficiency proven in the workplace Familiar with field environment through working as a field technician Experience using Excel, SiteFX and GIS software to analyze, interpret and present data Comfortable with lab environment and procedures after working as a research assistant Involved in teaching as a Teaching Assistant, school board employee and volunteer Highly reliable and trustworthy character according to supervisors Environmental Technician, WESA Inc., Sudbury, ON, Sept-Dec 2010 Updated annual groundwater monitoring reports with new data and trends Used SiteFX database software to input, organize and extract data Conducted groundwater and surface water sampling, well developing and well repairing Completed chains of custodies, site summaries and sampling tracker Effective verbal and written communication from working in an office environment Outdoor Education Intern, Toronto Outdoor Education Schools, Toronto, ON, Jan-Apr 2010 Organized group tasks and extra projects to promote efficiency Communicated effectively with a variety of coworkers and students Designed a hydrogeology lesson for the Grade 5 curriculum Developed presentation skills for large and small groups Ability to work individually or as part of a team according to evaluations AMY KENWELL Graduate Studies Hydrology EDUCATION COMPUTERS Candidate for Master of Science, Hydrology and Water Resources Science, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, Aug 2013 – present Bachelor of Science, Honours Earth Sciences, Hydrogeology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Sept 2008 – Apr 2013 Ontario Secondary School Diploma, Marymount Academy, Sudbury, Ontario, June 2008 AWARDS PGS-M, Postgraduate Scholarship, NSERC, Jan 2014-Dec 2014 NSERC USRA, Undergraduate Student Research Award, NSERC, Spring 2012 Worley Parsons Scholarship (Earth and Environmental Science), 2010-2011 David M. Forget Memorial Award (Earth Science), Forget family, 2010 Brantford Lapidary and Mineral Society Inc. (Academics), 2009-2010 J.P. Bickell Award (Mining Scholarship Program), J.P. Bickell Foundation, 2009-2012 Suncor Emerging Leaders Scholarship, Suncor Energy Inc., 2009-present Dean’s List, University of Waterloo, All Academic Terms Conestoga Rovers Scholarship (Academics), Conestoga Rovers & Associates, 2008 CERTIFICATION Ontario Driver’s License (G), Standard First Aid, CPR (level C), WHMIS, Norcat, ZES VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Earth Day Festival Speaker, Sudbury, ON, Jan-Apr 2008 Contacted local organizations to incorporate a Children’s Water Festival section into the Greater Sudbury Earth Day Festival Presented interactive displays to teach the public about environmental concerns and alternatives Recruited volunteers and promoted local environmental events Junior Leader and Link Member, Girl Guides of Canada, Sept 2005-Aug 2011 Provided resources and input for the organization of a Watershed CSI Guiding challenge Communicated electronically with other leaders to create effective teamwork Volunteered conducting crafts and activities with young girls for three years ACTIVITIES & INTERESTS Environmental Ambassador, Tobermory, ON, 2007-2008 Represented Sudbury at the Lake Huron Environmental Youth Summit Evaluated the Lake Huron Charter as part of a committee Presented the experience and Charter to the school upon return Aquatics Specialist, School Team, Ontario Envirothon, Sudbury, ON, 2006-2008 Studied and identified wetlands, invertebrates and fish. Areas of study also included soils, forestry, wildlife and other environmental topics Won the city championships for two years and went on to compete provincially Managed data using SiteFX, Access, Excel and Digitizeit Software Created and edited graphs using SigmaPlot Updated graphs using Grapher Created drawings and conducted calculations using AutoCAD Light Conducted a parametric study using GeoStudio Performed tasks using Microsoft Office series and Adobe Acrobat Standard Created simple macros in Excel VBA Completed a variety of assignments using GIS software Introduced to Diver and Solinst software and Microsoft Project Researched extensively and effectively documented sources Ran previously created models in HEC-HMS