MECKLENBURG COUNTY CODE DEFECT LIBRARY DEFECT INFORMATION SHEET North Carolina State Building Code Residential Building Code Volume VII CODE DEFECT: Header missing. Improper size of header. Header not supported per code (jack studs). Applicable Code Sections: Section 602.6.3 Header Studs: “A wall stud shall be at each side of the opening with the ends of the header supported as follows: 1) For openings 3 feet or less wide, each end of the header shall rest on s single header (jack) stud or may be supported by framing anchors attached to the wall stud. 2) For openings more than 3 feet but not more than 6 feet wide, each end or the header shall rest on a single header (jack) stud. 3) For openings more than 6 feet wide, each end of the header shall rest on two header (jack) studs.” Section 602.6.4 Non-bearing walls: “Load-bearing headers are not required in interior or exterior nonbearing walls. A single flat 2-inch-by-4-inch member may be used as a header in interior or exterior nonbearing walls for openings up to 8 feet in width if the vertical distance to the parallel nailing surface above is not more than 24 inches. For such nonbearing headers, no cripples or blocking are required above the header.” Proper Installation and Materials: Framing over openings such as doors or windows within bearing walls must be accomplished through the installation of headers of sufficient size to span the opening and transfer loads to jamb studs (header studs). NOTE: For header sizing, see attached Tables 602.6(a), 602.6(b), 602.6(c) of the code for intended use for headers only. They cannot be used to size beams, girders or other bending elements. (Please view attached examples of header use.)