(Code Enforcement) NC Mechanical Code 2012 st 1 Quarter Q&A in Brown, 3rd Quarter Q&A in blue nd th 2 Quarter Q&A in green, 4 Quarter Q& A in red CHAPTER 3 GENERAL REGULATIONS 1) (Q) A cooling tower is being erected on the roof of a High Rise building. It is being assembled using parts that are individually listed. Would this installation be allowed under the 2012 code? (A) No. The inspector would not allow the installation to be constructed, however, if the design is sealed by a professional engineer, registered in the State of North Carolina, the inspector must accept the design and construction of the equipment. Ref: 301.4, Exception 2 (MC). (2012) 2) (Q) Exhaust Ductwork is installed on the back wall of a garage. It extends out about 4 feet from the wall into the garage area at an elevation of 6 feet above the floor. How should the ductwork be protected from vehicle damage per code? (A) Protection may not be required depending on what types of vehicles are worked on in the garage, however, reflective tape or a bollard would provide adequate protection. Ref: 303.4 (MC). (2012) 3) (Q) A tractor trailer has a trailer 11 feet 6 inches high. It is backing into a loading dock inside a public garage. The ceiling of the garage is 20 feet high. What is the minimum height to the bottom of the unit heater from the top of the trailer if the unit heater is installed directly over the trailer? (A) Unless the manufacturers installation instructions specify a greater height the unit heater shall be at least 1 foot 6 inches from the top of the trailer to the bottom of the unit heater. Ref: 304.6 (MC). (2012) 4) (Q) I am installing a wood burning stove in my home. When installing the appliance I should always be able to use table 308.6 for unlisted equipment to reduce clearances. Is this a true statement? (A) No. If the solid fuel burning appliance is labeled with clearances those clearances shall be used when installing the solid-fuel burning appliance. Ref: 308.7 (MC). (2012) 1st Quarter Land Use and Environmental Service Agency (Code Enforcement) NC Mechanical Code 2012 st 1 Quarter Q&A in Brown, 3rd Quarter Q&A in blue nd th 2 Quarter Q&A in green, 4 Quarter Q& A in red 5) (Q) What improvement in sizing mechanical equipment for single family dwellings and duplexes has made it possible in the 2012 code to provide equipment that will help reduce either under or over sizing equipment? (A) The use of Manual S for sizing requirements. Ref: 312.1 (MC). (2012) CHAPTER 4 VENTILATION 1) (Q) To properly balance air flow and have a constant temperature exchange between all spaces in an occupied building should ventilation be required at a constant value for building occupants? (A) NO. Ventilation shall be provided during the periods that a room or space is occupied. Ref: 401.3 (MC). (2012) 2) Situation: We are working on a Nail Salon that will be going in a building downtown. From speaking with the owner they will not be doing acrylic nails, and nearly all their products will be organic. In moving forward with the design it has been determined that per 2012 NCMC (table 403.3 footnote b) we are not allowed to retcirculate any air, therefore, one would think all the air conditioning in the space must be exhausted. This is not the case per DOI. In conversations with Billy Hinton concerning this section, it is his interpretation that the reference to, “all air supplied to such spaces” meas the ventilation air supplied, and does not include the air for conditioning the space, therefore, air for conditioning the space could be returned to the space, but not returned to any other spaces. Due to the occupancy location on a lower floor of a multi-story building the designer would like to utilize one of the existing exhaust shafts near the space. One of the shafts is for toilet exhaust; one shaft is for the pool equipment room. Both exhaust fans are located on the roof; therefore the shafts are negatively pressurized. (Q) From reading through Chapter 5 of the code I cannot find any section that will not allow me to combine the exhaust from the nail salon with either of the existing shafts. Is this allowed? 1st Quarter Land Use and Environmental Service Agency (Code Enforcement) NC Mechanical Code 2012 st 1 Quarter Q&A in Brown, 3rd Quarter Q&A in blue nd th 2 Quarter Q&A in green, 4 Quarter Q& A in red (A) Yes. The ventilation requirement for a nail salon, (as determined by 2012 NC mechanical code and footnote b in table 404.3), would require mechanical exhaust for the amount of ventilation air supplied for the space for the nail stations. The code would not require all the conditioned air be exhausted from the space. The exhaust from the nail stations may be connected to the exhaust for environmental air since the system is negatively pressurized. Ref: 403.2.1, Table 403.3 foot note b. (MC). (2012) CHAPTER 5 EXHAUSTS SYSTEMS 1) (Q) What would be an adequate amount of make-up air in a residential occupancy if the dryer is exhausting 50 cfm and the Kitchen hood is exhausting through the roof at the same time at 40 cfm. How much make- up air would be required? (A) It depends. Make up air is not required in residential occupancies if natural ventilation is used per 402, however , if 403 is used then make up air would be required. Ref: 501.3 exception. (MC). (2012) 2) (Q) The contractor has the installation instructions for dryer vents for a specific make of Maytag dryer that will be installed in all the apartments in a 40 unit complex. The Manufacturers’ instructions show lengths of duct runs that exceed the minimum code but no equivalent length for the fittings used with the dryer duct. Should the inspector approve the installation? (A) NO. The inspector should require the contractor to supply an equivalent length chart for fittings from the manufacturer or re-calculate the runs using the equivalent length chart in the code (table 504.6.4.1) Ref: 504.6.4.2 (MC). (2012) 3) Situation: A restaurant has installed two barbeque cookers under type I hoods which exhaust high-medium- & low heat cooking appliances without permits. The food services inspector discovered the cookers and reported it to the Code Enforcement Department. Answer a. through e. below. 1st Quarter Land Use and Environmental Service Agency (Code Enforcement) NC Mechanical Code 2012 st 1 Quarter Q&A in Brown, 3rd Quarter Q&A in blue nd th 2 Quarter Q&A in green, 4 Quarter Q& A in red a. (Q) The owner says the cookers are safe as installed and they are code compliant. (1) Is the owner correct? (2) What are the obvious code violations related to this installation? (A) (1) The owner is not qualified to determine the safety of the equipment. The restaurant installed the cookers without plans or permits. Triple fee. Require cookers to meet the code. Ref: 106.1, 106.2.1 Administrative Code. (2) Since the cookers use solid fuel and gas for heat for cooking they are classified as extra-heavy-duty cooking appliances and cannot be located under the same type I hood with high-medium & low heat appliances. Ref: 507.3.4 MC b. (Q) Three Type 1 hoods for the cooking equipment are connected to single grease exhaust duct that exits the building into a covered parking garage. (1) Can the separate hoods required for the two Extra-heavy-duty cooking appliances be combined with the existing grease duct exhaust if properly sized? (2) May the grease duct from the extraheavy-duty appliances exhaust into the covered Parking deck? (A) (1) No. Hoods for the two extra-heavy–duty barbeque cookers shall exit the building through a separate exhaust duct system. The two cookers may, however, be under the same Type 1 hood rather than having separate hoods or under a hood or hoods listed for the application by the manufacturer. The exhaust systems may also be combined since both are extra-heavy-duty cooking appliances. Ref: 507.2.4, 506.3.5 exception # 4 (2) No. It is a violation to have the current hood system grease duct exit the building into a parking garage. The new grease duct shall exit the building either vertically or horizontally to the outside. Ref: 506.3.12.2, 506.3.12.3, 506.5.5 c. (Q) Are there more stringent exhaust requirements for hood exhaust CFM and safety devices for a hood over an extra-heavy-duty cooking appliance than over high-mediumlow & heat cooking appliances? (A) Yes, see ventilation tables. Ref: 507.13.1 d. (Q) The manufacturer of the barbeque cookers sends a letter to the Code Administrator with information on the engineering of the cookers. The letter explains how the cookers are engineered/designed to make it virtually impossible for a spark or ember to be exhausted into the exhaust duct system. The letter also states the cookers can be located 1st Quarter Land Use and Environmental Service Agency (Code Enforcement) NC Mechanical Code 2012 st 1 Quarter Q&A in Brown, 3rd Quarter Q&A in blue nd th 2 Quarter Q&A in green, 4 Quarter Q& A in red under the same type I hood with high-medium-low heat cooking appliances. Further, the letter states the information will be included in the manufacturers literature in the future on the two cookers installed at the restaurant plus 5 other models of cookers with similar exhaust characteristics. Should the Code Administrator accept the manufacturer’s letter and approve the cookers? (note: The manufacturer does not have a registered PE on their staff.) (A) The code official may accept the letter under the conditions stated above if a professional engineer who works directly for the factory provides a letter under his seal that the changes to the literature will be made. The letter must also provide information as to how the engineering/design of the product is such that a spark or ember can never be exhausted from the cookers that may cause a grease fire in the ductwork and ignite fires in heavy-medium or light duty appliances that may also be under the hood. Ref: 105.2 MC e. (Q) Should the Code Administrator require a third party test that confirms the cookers will not emit sparks or embers into the grease duct system before he approves the cookers? (A)This may be one solution the Code Administrator would allow. Ref: 105.3, 105.3.1, 105.3.2 (MC). 4)(Q) a. What is the new clearance requirement in the 2012 Mechanical Code from operable openings for all environmental air ducts? b. Can environmental air ducts ever be considered hazardous or noxious? (A) a. Three feet, Ref: 501.2.1 (MC) b. No. Ref: 501.2.1 (MC) 5) (Q) Is exhausted air ever allowed to discharge into walkways or hallways? (A) No. Ref: 501.2.1.1 1st Quarter Land Use and Environmental Service Agency (Code Enforcement) NC Mechanical Code 2012 st 1 Quarter Q&A in Brown, 3rd Quarter Q&A in blue nd th 2 Quarter Q&A in green, 4 Quarter Q& A in red CHAPTER 6 DUCT SYSTEMS 1) (Q) What method can be used to protect the openings in a floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assembly where supply air duct from the HVAC unit penetrates the membrane of the assembly? The type of occupancy is R2 multi-story with type V construction. Note: The Mechanical Code calls for either a shaft, 607.6.2 #1, or a listed ceiling radiation damper installed at the ceiling line, 607.6.2 #2, and a listed ceiling radiation damper installed at the diffuser with no duct attached 607.6.2 #3 (supply plenum). (A) There is an issue that needs to be addressed with 607.6.2 #2. UL 555C and 607.3.1 would require the radiation damper to have dynamic closure because the unit fan will continue to run in a fire or smoke condition. 607.3.1 states; “Only fire dampers listed or labeled for dynamic systems shall be installed in heating, ventilating, an airconditioning systems designed to operated with fans on during a fire.” There is no shut down required by code for the fan of an air handler in an apartment HVAC system for example, therefore, the code and UL 555C require a dynamic type damper for this installation. Per current DOI information a dynamic radiation damper listed for mounting in the membrane ceiling of the penetration shall be used. As an alternate method the air handler must be shut down in case of fire. This can be accomplished by installing a smoke detector in the room adjacent and open to the air handler and tying it into the smoke detector system of the apartment unit. If you opted for the smoke detector you still are required to protect the penetration with a radiation damper, however, since you have provided a means to shut the air down via the smoke detector you can install a standard radiation damper with static and not dynamic closure. These are the only two methods approved at the present time. Ref: 607.6.2 #2, 607.3.1, UL 555 C (MC). (2012) . GENERAL INFORMATION (Admin. Code/ Mech. Code Admin. Section/ Policy) 1) (Q) Are permits required for B vents when a re-roof permit is pulled for a building with gas flues penetrating the roof? 1st Quarter Land Use and Environmental Service Agency (Code Enforcement) NC Mechanical Code 2012 st 1 Quarter Q&A in Brown, 3rd Quarter Q&A in blue nd th 2 Quarter Q&A in green, 4 Quarter Q& A in red (A) Yes. Alteration of the vent will require a permit. Ref: (102.1/GS 87-21/GS 153-327 Admin. Code), (102.9 MC). A letter is on the Meckpermit.com web site under the Mechanical Section click on “news and updates” there is a link on that page for the reroof permit requirements. 2) (Q) Unitary equipment is being installed in a hotel room. E.g. ptac unit in a hotel. Are permits required for this installation? (A) If this is a like for like change out permits are not required. If it is a new installation it should have permits and inspections if it has a hidden drain/ electrical connection. Ref: 106.1 Administrative codes. 3) (Q) What types of installations do not apply to a refrigeration trade or business and are not required to be installed by a refrigeration contractor? (A) House Bill 1105 was recently passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Perdue. Changes to the law are summarized as follows: Section 1 provides that “refrigeration trade or business” does not apply to the following: (1) The installation of self-contained commercial refrigeration units equipped with an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) molded plug that does not require the opening of service valves; (2) the replacement of lamps, fuses and door gaskets; and (3) the installation and servicing of domestic house-hold self-contained refrigeration appliances equipped with an OEM molded plug connected to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed and do not require the opening of service valves. 4) Situation per Designer: A couple of weeks ago we discussed an old (approx. 35 years) building (approx. 15,000 sq. ft.) utilizing the original hallway for the return. The ceiling is extremely tight and there is no real room or access or practical method for adding a return duct. It is served now by a couple of self-contained single zone units utilizing boiler hot water and condenser water. We want to replace the ancient units with split systems with the AHU installed in the same mechanical rooms, with condensing units on the roof and utilizing the same single zones – no changes to ductwork. There is really no other practical/efficient/cost effective way to replace the ancient units and get rid of the ancient boilers and cooling towers. We know we need to submit the mechanical, electrical, and structural but really need to know about the hallway return before we spend a lot of effort and money. When we 1st Quarter Land Use and Environmental Service Agency (Code Enforcement) NC Mechanical Code 2012 st 1 Quarter Q&A in Brown, 3rd Quarter Q&A in blue nd th 2 Quarter Q&A in green, 4 Quarter Q& A in red talked before you indicated that this hallway return could be grandfathered since it is very close to being like-for-like and there is no work other than replacing the central unit. (Q) Can we still utilize the hallways for returns? (A) Yes. Since you are doing away with an ancient cooling tower and boiler you we will need a split system with a condenser on the roof. There will be no changes outside of the mechanical room and roof. The installation will be allowed per the conditions specified. 105.3 (MC) 5) (Q) What are the current requirements for installing Carbon Monoxide detectors in residential single family dwellings, duplexes and townhomes? Is the requirement the same for commercial construction? (A) In general, a change out of fossil fuel equipment in a residence will require the addition of a Carbon Monoxide Detector per GS. CO2 detectors are currently required adjacent to each sleeping area per BCC rules. An all electric residence is exempt unless they currently have an existing attached garage or are adding a new attached garage or have or are adding a fireplace. If these conditions are present Carbon Monoxide Detectors are required even if they do not have fossil fuel equipment. Fossil fuel fired equipment such as a hot water heaters in a hut attached to the house are exempt from the CO2 detector requirements, however, a gas pack or other appliance that is communicating with the inside of the house is not exempt. The “special exemptions” only apply to single family dwellings, duplexes and townhomes. All other commercial occupancies shall have Carbon Monoxide Detectors per current code requirements. If a “plug in type or table model” Carbon Monoxide detector will be used the inspector shall have ready access to the detector on the premises. It must be in the box and readily accessible for the inspector. Having an empty box for the inspector or taping a box to the inside of a window is not acceptable. 1st Quarter Land Use and Environmental Service Agency (Code Enforcement) NC Mechanical Code 2012 st 1 Quarter Q&A in Brown, 3rd Quarter Q&A in blue nd th 2 Quarter Q&A in green, 4 Quarter Q& A in red 1st Quarter Land Use and Environmental Service Agency (Code Enforcement) NC Mechanical Code 2012 st 1 Quarter Q&A in Brown, 3rd Quarter Q&A in blue nd th 2 Quarter Q&A in green, 4 Quarter Q& A in red 1st Quarter Land Use and Environmental Service Agency