ELECTRICAL CODE INTERPRETATION 700 N. TRYON STREET CHAROLTTE, NC 28202 (704) 336-2831 SUBJECT: Length of conductors at outlet boxes CODE REFERENCE: 300-14 SUBMITTED BY: Simpson Electric EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1999 PROBLEM: How much conductor must be left at each outlet box for connecting devices? SOLUTION: The intent of the code change (300-14) is to clarify that the free conductor be left for making of joints and installing devices and fixtures. This is not a code change but an attempt to clearly define how much conductor is to be left at the box for the installation of fixtures or devices. SOLVED BY: CONSISTENCY TEAM - GERALD HARVELL - PAUL REED - TERRY McCLURE ANGIE MILLER - GERALD BARNES - MATT KING – JULIAN BURNS – JIM LONG – JOHN WEST APPROVED BY: GERALD HARVELL ELECTRICAL CPM January 13, 2014