CODE MECKLENBURG COUNTY ENGINEERING & BUILDING STANDARDS DEPARTMENT INTERPRETATION VOLUME: Volume VII SUBJECT: Blocking / nailing horizontal joints of structural panel wall bracing. REVIEWED BY: Gene Morton Does the code require blocking and nailing of the horizontal joints of wood structural panels when it is used as a wall brace in lieu of let-in 1 x 4’s? QUESTION: CODE REFERENCE: ANSWER: Section 602.9 Wall bracing. Yes. Section 602.9 Wall bracing, addresses the use of structural wall panel in two very different uses. In one it refers to its use as a wall sheathing where the entire structure is covered (or sheathed) with a wood structural panels in accordance with Table 602.3b. In this use, and where siding is applied over the sheathing the footnote #1 indicates that blocking of horizontal joints shall not be required. In the second it refers to the use of structural sheathing used only in the locations as required for 1 inch-by-4-inch let-in braces and in accordance with Table 602.9 and fastened in accordance with Table 602.3a. Table 602.3a does not give the same exception for the blocking and nailing of horizontal joints as found in Table 602.3b therefore the blocking and the nailing is required. Approved By: GENE MORTON Date: 09/12/00