 Central Orbis
Vol. 629, No. 54 Central New York: Thursday, June 7, 2480
Clados Company Response To Recent Events -­ Finally, an Explanation! scarring for my family members. I will not tolerate any version of this false rumor spreading. My family should not have to take this kind of abuse.” by: Christophe Maday After this uncharacteristically harsh After recent events, with multiple response, Clados left the premises, newspapers covering the possibility of clearly upset, and refused to be photographed. With so much media a defect in Clados Clones, along with attention on Clados Cloning recently, it yesterday’s shocking discovery is no surprise that Clados, the CEO and
sole owner, is feeling the pressure brought to us by anonymous tip, of the spotlight. We hope to get more Clados Cloning finally responds. clarification in the near future. “We feel that yesterday’s article Meanwhile, protest groups are growing warranted a response.” wrote the CEO borderline militant, demanding himself. answers and proof of innocence from… (continued on p. 8) Clados Cloning officials first addressed the accusations of a defect in their company clones. A chief scientist responded, “Such mental disabilities are necessarily a result of cloning. They could also be a characteristic of the original human that we cloned from. There is no direct correlation between our cloning process and inaccurate visions.” Clados himself commented on the anonymous tip that led to yesterday’s article, “A tip like the one given yesterday is a clear violation of individual privacy, and I do not think it deserves a response. However, I would like to dismantle the ruckus it has caused. It is completely and totally false. To take advantage of my family’s traumatic history in such a way is despicable, and potentially Upon arrival, the YT-­1300 crew discovered that, as hypothesized, a water ocean does indeed exist below the smooth surface of this Galilean satellite. In the past month, the YT-­1300 voyagers have set up camp almost seamlessly, running into only a few minor roadblocks along the way. “We hope to make this a permanent settlement location,” explained NASA team lead, George Marshall. “However, we do not know how self-­sustaining the YT-­1300 settlement can become. They currently rely on monthly shipments from Earth with the essential nutrients and equipment needed to sustain the entire crew.” The crew members are currently focused on conducting sustainability tests. They wish to identify Europa’s natural resources and minerals. However, they have already accomplished the crucial first step -­-­ finding a constant water source.
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ent_(5828884368).jpg Europa Colony Finds
Stable Water Supply
by: Lorde Levier The sixth-­largest moon in the solar system, Europa, has been the best candidate for an extraterrestrial settlement for the past 3 decades. With an atmosphere that is primarily composed of oxygen and a surface made up of ice water, it has remained at the top of NASA’s exploration list.­moon.jpg View of Europa from spacecraft YT-­1300 MIT OpenCourseWare
21W.763J / CMS.309 / CMS.809 Transmedia Storytelling: Modern Science Fiction
Spring 2014
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