Colorado School of Mines Annual Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes Report For Academic Year 2013-14 Undergraduate Programs The purpose of assessment is to promote excellence in student learning and educational practices by fostering a campus culture of self-evaluation and improvement. The annual assessment report enables CSM to document engagement in continuous improvement efforts. Provide responses to the following questions/items and email this completed document to by September 26. Feel free to expand the tables below as needed. The Assessment Committee will provide written feedback in response to the department annual report, using this rubric as the basis for their feedback. Department/Program: PHYSICS Person Submitting This Report: Todd Ruskell Phone: x2080 Email address: 1. Describe your assessment plan (list not only the activities completed in the past year, but your entire ongoing plan.) We use the ABET “a-k” criteria for our student outcomes. The assessment measures listed below in many cases represent only a sampling of how each criterion is assessed. At the course, level, the Department maintains an “ABET Notebook” for every required course in our curriculum, and for many of our elective courses. This notebook contains a syllabus, course grades, sample assignments and student work for each semester. The notebooks indicate how individual student outcomes are assessed in each course. In addition, faculty compose a “Post-Delivery Review” report which includes an overall assessment of the semester, changes that were made since the previous offering of the course, and suggestions for the future. If the assessment committee would like more details regarding the specifics of the “course dependent” assessment items reported here related to Physics courses, we invite you to the Physics office to peruse our roughly 12 linear feet of course notebooks, and our most recent ABET report. At the Department level, faculty are encouraged to review the individual assessment notebooks, especially when they receive a new course assignment. Results from senior exit and alumni surveys are distributed to faculty either at faculty meetings, via email, or during our annual Departmental retreats. Every second year our Departmental retreat focuses on issues related to our undergraduate program. In May 2014, we took a close look at the longitudinal alignment of our individual course learning objectives, and how they integrate to address our student outcomes and program objectives. We are in the process of distilling this information and turning it into actionable items. In situations where we list “course completion” of courses in other departments, we rely entirely upon the Department in which the course is taught to ensure adequate assessment of the published outcomes for the course. If we detect an apparent deficit with regards to a particular course, we report that to the Department in question. However, in general we understand that the campus Assessment Committee is the appropriate body on campus for overseeing the assessment plans of individual units. 1 Student Outcome 1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Assessments contained in course notebooks for all Engineering Physics upper division core courses (includes for example homework, quizzes, exams, lab reports, written and oral reports, etc.) Performance criteria course dependent see relevant course notebook for specifics Senior design reports PHGN472/482) 90% B or better Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior exit survey Performance criteria 4/5 on relevant question Faculty feedback during UG Faculty Retreat GRE examination Population/sample/ recruitment strategies all courses Frequency/timing of assessment each course offering each report annual Population/sample/ recruitment strategies 90% of seniors Frequency/timing of assessment annual consensus satisfaction all faculty biennial 600 or better 10% of graduating seniors annual Student Outcome 2: An ability to design and conduct experiments, and analyze and interpret data Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Assessments contained in course notebooks for lab courses (PHGN215, 384, 315, 317, 326) Performance criteria course dependent see relevant course notebook for specifics Senior design (PHGN471/472; PHGN 481/482) 90% B or better Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior exit survey Performance criteria 4/5 on relevant survey question Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment lab courses each course offering each report annual Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment 90% of seniors annual 2 Student Outcome 3: An ability to design a system, component or process Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Assessments contained in course notebooks for lab courses (PHGN215, 384, 315, 317, 326) Performance criteria course dependent see relevant course notebook for specifics Senior design reports (PHGN471/472; PHGN 481/482) 90% B or better Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior exit survey Performance criteria 4/5 on relevant survey question EPICS I & II Students successfully complete courses Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment lab courses each course offering 50% annual Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment 90% of seniors Annual All students When students take these courses Student Outcome 4: An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment courses with team each course offering component Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Assessments contained in course notebooks for lab courses involving teams (PHGN215, 384, 315, 317, 326) Performance criteria course dependent see relevant course notebook for specifics Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior design survey (PHGN471/472; PHGN 481/482) Performance criteria 4/5 on relevant survey question Senior exit survey 4/5 on relevant survey question 90% of seniors Annual EPICS I & II Students successfully complete courses All students When students take these courses Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment 50% annual 3 Student Outcome 5: An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment identified courses each course offering Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Assessments contained in course notebooks for PHGN341, 384, 315, 317, 326 Performance criteria course dependent see relevant course notebook for specifics Senior design reports (PHGN471/472; PHGN 481/482) 90% B or better 50% annual Exams in all science and engineering courses Students pass exams All students each course offering Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior exit survey Performance criteria 4/5 on relevant survey questions Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment 90% of seniors annual Student Outcome 6: An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Assessments contained in course notebooks for PHGN215, 315, 317, 326 Performance criteria course dependent see relevant course notebook for specifics Senior design report on ethics (PHGN471/472; PHGN 481/482) 90% with B or better Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior exit survey Performance criteria 4/5 on relevant survey question NHV Students successfully complete course Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment identified courses each course offering 50% annual Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment 90% of seniors Annual 4 All students When taken Student Outcome 7: An ability to communicate effectively Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment identified courses each course offering Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Assessments contained in course notebooks for identified writing intensive courses, PHGN315 and 326 Performance criteria course dependent see relevant course notebook for specifics Oral reports during Senior design (PHGN471/472; PHGN 481/482) 90% with B or better all reports annual Written senior design reports (PHGN471/472; PHGN 481/482) 90% with B or better all reports annual Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior exit survey Performance criteria 4/5 on relevant survey questions Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment 90% of seniors annual Student Outcome 8: Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Assessments contained in course notebooks for PHGN215, 384, 317, 341, 350, 361, 462 Performance criteria course dependent see relevant course notebook for specifics Senior design (PHGN471/472; PHGN 481/482) 90% recognize social/global context Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior exit survey Performance criteria 4/5 on relevant survey question Completion of core requirements and required LAIS electives Students successfully complete courses Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment identified courses each course offering 50% annual Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment 90% of seniors Annual 5 When taken Student Outcome 9: A recognition of the need to engage in lifelong learning Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior exit survey Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment 90% of seniors annual Performance criteria 4/5 on relevant survey questions Student Outcome 10: A knowledge of contemporary issues Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior design reports (PHGN471/472; PHGN 481/482) Performance criteria 50% address contemporary issue Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior exit survey Performance criteria 4/5 on relevant survey question Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment 50% annual Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment 90% of seniors annual Student Outcome 11: An ability to use modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Assessments contained in course notebooks for PHGN 384, 317, and 326 Performance criteria course dependent see relevant course notebook for specifics Senior design (PHGN471/472; PHGN 481/482) 90% B or better Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior exit survey Performance criteria 4/5 on relevant survey question Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment 90% each course offering 50% annual Population/sample/ recruitment Frequency/timing of strategies assessment 90% of seniors annual 6 2. Map your assessment methods to your outcomes. Not required to complete as per email communication with Kay Schneider Sep 12-14. Table 1 Assessment method 1: Assessment method 2: Assessment method 3: Assessment method 4: Assessment method 5: Assessment method 6: Student outcome 1 Student outcome 2 Student outcome 3 Student outcome 4 Student outcome 5 Student outcome 6 Student outcome 7 Student outcome 8 Student outcome 9 Student outcome 10 Student outcome 11 3. Map the student outcomes to courses and to the ABET outcomes. You may use check marks or designate P=primary emphasis and S=secondary emphasis. If your assessment plan only includes the ABET outcomes and you have no additional outcomes, you do not need to complete table #3. Table 2 Courses Student outcome 1 Student outcome 2 Student outcome 3 Student outcome 4 Student outcome 5 Student outcome 6 Student outcome 7 Student outcome 8 Student outcome 9 Student outcome 10 Student outcome 11 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 5 3 0 0 3 1 0 3 1 1 3 1 5 3 1 7 3 2 0 3 2 6 3 4 1 3 6 1 4 6 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4 7 1 4 7 2 4 8 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Student outcome 1 Student outcome 2 Student outcome 3 Student outcome 4 Student outcome 5 Student outcome 6 Student outcome 7 Student outcome 8 Student outcome 9 Student outcome 10 Student outcome 11 B X C X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Table 3 A X 4 8 2 D ABET Outcomes E F G H I J K X X X X X X X X X X 7 4. Identify the assessment activities that your program has implemented in the past year. Direct measures: All direct assessments mentioned above were implemented in AY 2013-14. Indirect measures: Graduating senior exit survey 5-year Alumni survey Faculty retreat in May 2014 5. Describe how you have shared assessment results with faculty. Describe how faculty have used assessment results to improve student learning, including the specific actions you have taken or will take to facilitate students’ attainment of the student learning outcomes. (ABET Criterion 4C.) Our assessments indicate that we seem to be doing a pretty good job educating our students. Table 4 Mechanisms for sharing assessment results with faculty: Results from our graduating senior and alumni surveys are collated by the Department Head and shared with faculty via email and at our annual retreat. Table 5 Action #1 taken: Date action taken: Basis for this action: Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated Used annual faculty retreat to examine on a longitudinal basis course content and learning objectives and how they relate to the expectations of subsequent courses and the curriculum as a whole. May 2014 This has not been done in some time. All None. It was simply time to take a look at the integration of individual elements within our program. 8 action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Faculty are better informed as to how the individual parts of our curriculum contribute to the program as a whole. We are still distilling the results to determine if specific action items will be identified. 6. Describe any changes that you are planning to make in your assessment plan for next year. Table 6 Planned changes: We will merge our alumni survey with the campus alumni survey to minimize duplication, and improve our ability to collect quantitative data. This was planned to happen this year, but timing-wise, it didn’t happen. We will examine the recommendations for assessing the ethics criteria, and explore ways in which it might make sense to incorporate them in our curriculum. 7. Describe how you have used the feedback from the assessment committee in response to last year’s report to improve your assessment efforts. Table 7 Use of committee’s feedback: The feedback from last year’s report was largely positive—either “Established” or “Exemplary”, so few changes were implemented. 9