Colorado School of Mines Annual Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes Report For Academic Year 2013-14 Undergraduate Programs The purpose of assessment is to promote excellence in student learning and educational practices by fostering a campus culture of self-evaluation and improvement. The annual assessment report enables CSM to document engagement in continuous improvement efforts. Provide responses to the following questions/items and email this completed document to by September 26. Feel free to expand the tables below as needed. The Assessment Committee will provide written feedback in response to the department annual report, using this rubric as the basis for their feedback. Components of this annual report that are specific to ABET re-accreditation are noted below. Department/Program: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Person Submitting This Report: Ivar Reimanis, Chester Van Tyne Phone: X3549 Email address: 1. Describe your assessment plan (list not only the activities completed in the past year, but your entire ongoing plan.) Student Outcome 1: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All seniors take this exam in five to six installments during the spring semester as part of senior design. Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior Diagnostic Exam. This exam is written and given by MME faculty. Results are compiled by the Assessment Committee and discussed at the Annual Faculty Retreat. Performance criteria 90% of students score above 60. Senior Diagnostic Exam Beta Test. A 30 question general, multiple choice test is given to the incoming junior class during MT272 Summer Field Session. The same test is given two years later to graduating seniors during MT466 Senior Design An improvement is achieved in scores from the incoming junior class to the exiting seniors. All incoming juniors take the test. The same class takes the same test two years later just prior to graduation. Once a year for incoming juniors and once a year for exiting seniors. Specific Course Assessment. For each MME core class, faculty answer specific assessment questions and present them as PowerPoint slides at the Faculty Retreat. Specific course objectives (e.g., those tied to this outcome) are met. Challenges/problems from previous year Data from all MME core classes are examined. Once a year. 1 Frequency/timing of assessment Once a year. The answers are discussed openly. Based on the following: were mitigated or successfully addressed. MTGN272 - student answers on worksheets and student responses to questions on quizzes. MTGN311 - student responses to questions on exams. MTGN334 - student responses to questions on quizzes, final exam and homeworks. MTGN348 - student responses to questions on homework, quizzes and exams. MTGN351 - student responses to questions on homeworks and exams. MTGN352 - students' performance on problem sets and student responses to exam questions. MTGN381 - judgment by the instructor. MTGN415 - student responses to questions on homeworks and exams. MTGN445 - student responses to questions on exams. MTGN461 - student responses to questions on homeworks and exams. MTGN466 - details of final design report. Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior Exit Survey and Interview. Responses are discussed in Annual Faculty Retreat. Performance criteria Students rate themselves. If they rate themselves below a ‘B’ average, there should be 2 Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All seniors take this within a few weeks of graduation. Frequency/timing of assessment Twice a year concern. Student Outcome 2: an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Specific Course Assessment. For each MME core class, faculty answer specific assessment questions and present them as PowerPoint slides at the Faculty Retreat. The answers are discussed openly. Based on the following: Performance criteria Specific course objectives (e.g., those tied to this outcome) are met. Challenges/problems from previous year were mitigated or successfully addressed Population/sample/ recruitment strategies Data from all MME core classes are examined. Frequency/timing of assessment Once a year (usually May) MTGN272 -technical details of reports. MTGN311 - technical details of lab reports. MTGN348 - technical details of lab reports. MTGN445 - technical details of lab reports. MTGN450 - student responses to questions on design of experiments on quiz 5. MTGN461 - technical details of lab reports. MTGN466 - technical details of final design report. Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior Exit Survey and Interview. Responses are discussed in Annual Faculty Retreat. Performance criteria Students rate themselves. If they rate themselves below a ‘B’ average, there should be concern. 3 Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All seniors take this within a few weeks of graduation. Frequency/timing of assessment Twice a year Student Outcome 3: an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Specific Course Assessment. For each MME core class, faculty answer specific assessment questions and present them as PowerPoint slides at the Faculty Retreat. The answers are discussed openly. Based on the following: Performance criteria Specific course objectives (e.g., those tied to this outcome) are met. Challenges/problems from previous year were mitigated or successfully addressed Population/sample/ recruitment strategies Data from all MME core classes are examined. Frequency/timing of assessment Once a year. MTGN466 - design aspect of final design report. Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior Exit Survey and Interview. Responses are discussed in Annual Faculty Retreat. Performance criteria Students rate themselves. If they rate themselves below a ‘B’ average, there should be concern. Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All seniors take this within a few weeks of graduation. Frequency/timing of assessment Twice a year Student Outcome 4: an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams. Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Specific Course Assessment. For each MME core class, faculty answer specific assessment questions and present them as PowerPoint slides at the Faculty Retreat. The answers are discussed openly. Based on the following: Performance criteria Specific course objectives (e.g., those tied to this outcome) are met. Challenges/problems from previous year were mitigated or successfully addressed Population/sample/ recruitment strategies Data from all MME core classes are examined. Frequency/timing of assessment Once a year. MTGN466 - team work and participation on team. Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Performance criteria Population/sample/ recruitment 4 Frequency/timing of assessment Senior Exit Survey and Interview. Responses are discussed in Annual Faculty Retreat. Students rate themselves. If they rate themselves below a ‘B’ average, there should be concern. strategies All seniors take this within a few weeks of graduation. Twice a year Student Outcome 5: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Specific Course Assessment. For each MME core class, faculty answer specific assessment questions and present them as PowerPoint slides at the Faculty Retreat. The answers are discussed openly. Based on the following: Performance criteria Specific course objectives (e.g., those tied to this outcome) are met. Challenges/problems from previous year were mitigated or successfully addressed MTGN272 - student responses to parts of worksheets. MTGN334 - student responses to questions on quizzes, final exam and homeworks. MTGN348 - student responses to questions on homeworks, quizzes and exams. MTGN352 - student responses to some problem set questions. MTGN381 – judgment of instructor. MTGN415 - student responses to questions on homeworks and quizzes. MTGN445 - student responses to questions on exams. MTGN461 - student responses 5 Population/sample/ recruitment strategies Data from all MME core classes are examined. Frequency/timing of assessment Once a year. to questions on homeworks and quizzes. MTGN466 – student recommendations on final design report. Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior Exit Survey and Interview. Responses are discussed in Annual Faculty Retreat. Performance criteria Students rate themselves. If they rate themselves below a ‘B’ average, there should be concern. Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All seniors take this within a few weeks of graduation. Frequency/timing of assessment Twice a year Student Outcome 6: an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Specific Course Assessment. For each MME core class, faculty answer specific assessment questions and present them as PowerPoint slides at the Faculty Retreat. The answers are discussed openly. Based on Performance criteria Specific course objectives (e.g., those tied to this outcome) are met. Challenges/problems from previous year were mitigated or successfully addressed Population/sample/ recruitment strategies Data from all MME core classes are examined. Frequency/timing of assessment Once a year. MTGN466 - presentation on professional ethics code. Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior Exit Survey and Interview. Responses are discussed in Annual Faculty Retreat. Performance criteria Students rate themselves. If they rate themselves below a ‘B’ average, there should be concern. Student Outcome 7: an ability to communicate effectively. 6 Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All seniors take this within a few weeks of graduation. Frequency/timing of assessment Twice a year Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Specific Course Assessment. For each MME core class, faculty answer specific assessment questions and present them as PowerPoint slides at the Faculty Retreat. The answers are discussed openly. Based on the following: Performance criteria Specific course objectives (e.g., those tied to this outcome) are met. Challenges/problems from previous year were mitigated or successfully addressed. Population/sample/ recruitment strategies Data from all MME core classes are examined. Frequency/timing of assessment Once a year. MTGN348 - communications aspects lab reports. MTGN445 - communications aspects of lab reports. MTGN461 - communications aspects of lab reports. MTGN466 - communications aspects of final oral presentation and final design report. Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior Exit Survey and Interview. Responses are discussed in Annual Faculty Retreat. Performance criteria Students rate themselves. If they rate themselves below a ‘B’ average, there should be concern. Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All seniors take this within a few weeks of graduation. Frequency/timing of assessment Twice a year Student Outcome 8: the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Specific Course Assessment. For each MME core class, faculty answer specific assessment questions and present them as PowerPoint slides at the Faculty Retreat. The answers are discussed Performance criteria Specific course objectives (e.g., those tied to this outcome) are met. Challenges/problems from previous year were mitigated or 7 Population/sample/ recruitment strategies Data from all MME core classes are examined. Frequency/timing of assessment Once a year. openly. Based on the following: successfully addressed. MTGN334 - implications of economic, environmental and societal aspects of chemical processing are presented. MTGN466 - economic, societal and environmental aspects of final design report. Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior Exit Survey and Interview. Responses are discussed in Annual Faculty Retreat. Performance criteria Students rate themselves. If they rate themselves below a ‘B’ average, there should be concern. Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All seniors take this within a few weeks of graduation. Frequency/timing of assessment Twice a year Student Outcome 9: a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Specific Course Assessment. For each MME core class, faculty answer specific assessment questions and present them as PowerPoint slides at the Faculty Retreat. The answers are discussed openly. Performance criteria Specific course objectives (e.g., those tied to this outcome) are met. Challenges/problems from previous year were mitigated or successfully addressed. Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior Exit Survey and Interview. Responses are discussed in Annual Faculty Retreat. Performance criteria Students rate themselves. If they rate themselves below a ‘B’ average, there should be concern. 8 Population/sample/ recruitment strategies Data from all MME core classes are examined. Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All seniors take this within a few weeks of graduation. Frequency/timing of assessment Once a year. Frequency/timing of assessment Twice a year Student Outcome 10: a knowledge of contemporary issues. Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Specific Course Assessment. For each MME core class, faculty answer specific assessment questions and present them as PowerPoint slides at the Faculty Retreat. The answers are discussed openly. Based on the following: Performance criteria Specific course objectives (e.g., those tied to this outcome) are met. Challenges/problems from previous year were mitigated or successfully addressed. Population/sample/ recruitment strategies Data from all MME core classes are examined. Frequency/timing of assessment Once a year. MTGN348 - student responses to questions on exams about new developments in materials engineering. Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior Exit Survey and Interview. Responses are discussed in Annual Faculty Retreat. Performance criteria Students rate themselves. If they rate themselves below a ‘B’ average, there should be concern. Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All seniors take this within a few weeks of graduation. Frequency/timing of assessment Twice a year Student Outcome 11: an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All seniors take this exam in five to six installments during the spring semester as part of senior design. Direct assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior Diagnostic Exam. This exam is written and given by MME faculty. Results are compiled by the Assessment Committee and discussed at the Annual Faculty Retreat. Performance criteria 90% of students score above 60. Senior Diagnostic Exam Beta Test. A 30 question general, multiple choice test is given to the incoming junior class during MT272 Summer Field Session. An improvement is achieved in scores from the incoming junior class to the 9 All incoming juniors take the test. The same class takes the same test two years later just prior Frequency/timing of assessment Once a year. Once a year for incoming juniors and once a year for exiting seniors. The same test is given two years later to graduating seniors during MT466 Senior Design exiting seniors. to graduation. Specific Course Assessment. For each MME core class, faculty answer specific assessment questions and present them as PowerPoint slides at the Faculty Retreat. The answers are discussed openly. Based on the following: Specific course objectives (e.g., those tied to this outcome) are met. Challenges/problems from previous year were mitigated or successfully addressed. Data from all MME core classes are examined. Once a year. MTGN311 - student responses to questions on exams. MTGN348 - student responses to questions on homeworks, quizzes and exams. MTGN351 - student responses to questions on homework and exams. MTGN352 – student review of three current journal articles. MTGN381 - judgment by instructor. MTGN415 - student responses to conceptual questions on exams. MTGN445 - student responses to questions on exams. MTGN450 - student responses to questions on statistical process control in quiz 3. MTGN461 - student responses to questions on homeworks and quizzes. MTGN466 - final design report. Indirect assessment measure(s)/method(s) Senior Exit Survey and Interview. Responses are Performance criteria Students rate themselves. If they 10 Population/sample/ recruitment strategies All seniors take this within a few weeks Frequency/timing of assessment Twice a year discussed in Annual Faculty Retreat. rate themselves below a ‘B’ average, there should be concern. of graduation. 2. Map your assessment methods to your outcomes. Table 1 Assessment method 1: Assessment method 2: Assessment method 3: Assessment method 4: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Student outcome 1 Student outcome 2 Student outcome 3 Student outcome 4 Student outcome 5 Student outcome 6 Student outcome 7 Student outcome 8 Student outcome 9 Student outcome 10 Student outcome 11 Assessment method 5: Assessment method 6: Key: Assessment Method 1: Senior Diagnostic Exam. This exam is written and given by MME faculty. Results are compiled by the Assessment Committee and discussed at the Annual Faculty Retreat. Assessment Method 2: Senior Diagnostic Exam Beta Test. A 30 question general, multiple choice test is given to the incoming junior class during MT272 Summer Field Session. The same test is given two years later to graduating seniors during MT466 Senior Design Assessment Method 3: Specific Course Assessment. For each MME core class, faculty answer specific assessment questions and present them as PowerPoint slides at the Faculty Retreat. The answers are discussed openly. Based on a variety of methods. Assessment Method 4: Senior Exit Survey and Interview. Responses are discussed in Annual Faculty Retreat. 3. Map the student outcomes to courses and to the ABET outcomes. You may use check marks or designate P=primary emphasis and S=secondary emphasis. If your assessment plan only includes the ABET outcomes and you have no additional outcomes, you do not need to complete table #3. Table 2 Courses Student outcome 1 Student outcome 2 Student outcome 3 Student outcome 4 272 311 351 381 348 352 334 445 461 450 415 466 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S 11 Student outcome 5 P Student outcome 6 Student outcome 7 S Student outcome 8 Student outcome 9 Student outcome 10 Student outcome 11 S P = primary, S = secondary P P S P P P S P P P P S P P P P S P P P P S S S P S P P Table 3 Student outcome 1 Student outcome 2 Student outcome 3 Student outcome 4 Student outcome 5 Student outcome 6 Student outcome 7 Student outcome 8 Student outcome 9 Student outcome 10 Student outcome 11 A X X X X X X X X X X X B X X X X X X X X X X X C X X X X X X X X X X X D X X X X X X X X X X X ABET Outcomes E F G X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 12 H X X X X X X X X X X X I X X X X X X X X X X X J X X X X X X X X X X X K X X X X X X X X X X X P P P P P 4. Identify the assessment activities that your program has implemented in the past year. Direct measures: MME Graduate data collection to assess whether or not program objectives have been achieved Senior Diagnostic exam beta test (given to incoming juniors and graduating seniors) Senior Diagnostic exam given to graduating seniors Faculty Retreat (course presentations) Indirect measures: Alumni surveys (written) to assess whether or not program objectives have been achieved Senior exit interviews (oral and written) 5. Describe how you have shared assessment results with faculty. Describe how faculty have used assessment results to improve student learning, including the specific actions you have taken or will take to facilitate students’ attainment of the student learning outcomes. (ABET Criterion 4C.) Table 4 Mechanisms for sharing assessment results with faculty: The Annual Faculty Retreat (AFR) is the principal vehicle to share all the assessment results with faculty and to engage in discussions in which action items emerge that directly influence the education of our students either through the curriculum or specific courses. During the AFR, each faculty member teaching a core MME course makes a presentation (faculty course presentation) which addresses specific questions and demonstrates student performance. AFR was held August 29, 2014. The MME Assessment Committee (AC) which meets about three to four times a semester also reports regularly to the faculty at Faculty Meetings, and assessment results are shared. 13 Table 5 (from 2013 and before) updates for 2014 in italics Action #1 taken: Date action taken: Basis for this action: Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Curriculum change: course substitution (in place of DCGN381, students may take PHGN215, CSCI261, MATH348, MATH455, PHGN311, EGGN413, CHGN335, CHGN336, PHGN440 or CHGN410 Fall 2011 It was recognized in AFRs during past years (2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010) that DCGN381 has changed and does not currently fit the needs of MME majors. Several courses listed as substitutions provide skills and/or fundamentals that align with the MME program.(Source: AFR) Not analyzed yet – will be asked about this in Senior exit interviews starting December 2013. Unfortunately this was not started this year but will begin December 2014. Annual faculty retreat NA Action #2 taken: Curriculum change: course substitution (MTGN415 in place of PHGN300). Date action taken: Basis for this action: Fall 2011 From AFRs in past years (2007, 2008, 2009), it has been recognized that key topics (examples) are not included in PHGN300 and there are extraneous topics in PHGN not related to MME program (Source: AFR). 1, 5 and 11 Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Annual faculty retreat The course change has been implemented now for three years. It has been recognized during discussion at the 2013 and 2014 AFR that the learning objectives the students gain in this course come later than they should (in spring of senior year rather than junior year), and this may be undesirable since the students would lack foundations in physics for other course. Furthermore, because the course is so far away from the students’ last physics course, they need to spend considerable time in the course re-learning physics. Finally, the course is in many ways a survey course that provides students with insight into electronic materials; however, since it comes in the last semester, students cannot take follow-up classes in this topic. It would be desirable to move MT415 to the fall of the junior year. 14 Action #3 taken: MME has altered content of MT351 and MT381 to incorporate thermodynamics concepts that are not otherwise covered Date action taken: Basis for this action: May 2012 and September 2013 There is a large concern by faculty about the thermodynamics the students are getting in DCGN209 (Source: AFR) 1,5, and 11 Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Annual Faculty Retreat Results are measurable in the senior diagnostic exams (2014). 75% of the students scored above 60% in 2014, as compared with 57% and 34% for the two previous years. This demonstrates a marked improvement. Action #4 taken: Instructor for MT412 (IR) will provide certain ceramic ternaries to instructor for MT381 (MK, JS) Date action taken: Basis for this action: May 2012, September 2013 It was noted that seniors do not work well with ceramic ternary phase diagrams. (Source: AFR) 1, 5, and 11 Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Annual Faculty Retreat Will be measured in 2014 by GB report at AFR (2015) of the results of MT412. Previously IR taught MT412, but now GB does. Action #5 taken: The department will examine student advising effectiveness more closely and will take action if it is shown to be a significant concern. Date action taken: Basis for this action: April, May 2012 Several students made comments about student advising (Source: AC, based on CSM Senior Surveys and MME Senior surveys) all Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Annual Faculty Retreat Specific questions about advising during the 2013 and 2014 senior exit interviews have revealed that the advising has significantly improved. 15 Action #6 taken: Date action taken: Basis for this action: Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Action #7 taken: Date action taken: Basis for this action: Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Email sent to faculty to ask whether or not they modified their teaching based on the scores of the senior diagnostic exams. October 2011 It was brought up in the AC (10-4-2011) that MME should examine whether or not the senior diagnostic exams change how we teach. all Annual Faculty Retreat and Senior Diagnostic Exam For most courses, no modifications were made based on the diagnostic exams (this brings into question the value of the exams). Some minor changes were reported for MT348 (mainly related to clarification). For MT445, there were more extensive changes. For details, see response from KF (2/25/2012 email). A new exam will be developed as a result. The new exam was administered for the first time to the spring 2014 graduating seniors. The Undergraduate Affairs Committee will examine the possibility of altering the undergraduate curriculum September 2013 AFR 2013 had a discussion about the value of Field Session as taught now (it was agreed by the faculty that the students were not learning what they should in particle processing; It was suggested that particle processing could be moved to the senior year, and MT415 could be moved to the junior year; DC209 would be removed and MT381 and MT331 would be combined to make one 4-credit class. all Annual Faculty Retreat Will be assessed either at AFR 2014 or AFR 2015. Issue was discussed at AFR 2014. See action item below. 16 Table 6 (new in 2014) Action #1 taken: Date action taken: Basis for this action: Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Action #2 taken: Date action taken: Basis for this action: Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Action #3 taken: Date action taken: Basis for this action: Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Action #4 taken: Date action taken: Basis for this action: Consider changing the content and delivery of MT272 field session. Fall 2014 It was recognized in AFRs during the past two years (2013 and 2014) that MT272 is not best serving the students. It does not do the topic “particulate processing” justice. The course could contain elements that are needed throughout the MME program – a kind of tool box for students and includes instruction on spreadsheet use, statistics, dimensional analysis, etc.).(Source: AFR) all Annual faculty retreat To be evaluated by diagnostic exams and performance in MME coursework. The department should request lab fees for upcoming academic year September 2014 In MT334 and other lab courses, the problem of large class size and limited resources was described. 1,2,3,5,11 Annual Faculty Retreat Will be assessed AFR 2015. Place basic statistics concepts earlier in the MME curriculum. 2014 In MT450, it was noted that the class performance could be substantially improved if students had some elementary statistics knowledge prior to the course. The suggestion was made to possibly incorporate some basic statistics into MT272. (Source: AFR) 1,2,3,5,11 Annual Faculty Retreat Will be assessed AFR 2015. Put engineering economics into senior design 2014 It was noted that students do not receive any formal instruction in engineering economics, but are expected to include this in their senior design reports. CA will teach a few lectures in MT466 at the 17 Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: Action #5 taken: Date action taken: Basis for this action: Student outcome impacted: Specific assessment measure(s) that motivated action (if not described above): Measurement/assessment of the impact of the action that was taken: beginning of the semester. (Source: AFR). 1,3,5,6,8,10,11 Annual Faculty Retreat Will be assessed AFR 2015. Consider moving MT415 to the fall of the junior year 2014 For a number of reasons (see action item 2 in Table 5), MT415 would serve students better if it was offered much earlier in the program. 1,2,3,5,10,11 Annual Faculty Retreat Will be assessed AFR 2015. 6. Describe any changes that you are planning to make in your assessment plan for next year. Table 7 Planned changes: The SPC/DOE part of the diagnostic exams will be modified by providing more questions and possibly modifying some questions to an appropriate level. 7. Describe how you have used the feedback from the assessment committee in response to last year’s report to improve your assessment efforts. Table 8 Use of committee’s feedback: We were asked to develop more specific (and quantitative) methods to identify course objectives, and we have tried to provide more quantification. The faculty have been requested to be more quantitative when reporting during the AFR. To the report feedback response, “It is not clear to us if the course assessments that are referenced in the report are based on students’ work or just on faculty opinions”, a brief description of the basis for assessment in each course is given in the outcomes assessment section above. 18