- DRAFT LUESA-Code Enforcement held a brown bag “lunch and learn” session at the Hal Marshall
Center on January 12, 2009 to discuss the Department’s Outdoor Utility Transformer Policy
issued 12/4/08 and revised 12/17/08. Over 90 representatives from the industry attended and the
dialog had an emphasis on the residential building and development community issues from
which we gleaned the following:
More meeting/focus group/public sessions need to be and/or should have been held prior
to implementation
There is a need for more information, clarification and explanation on the details of the
standard, alternate methods and the means available to achieve compliance
There is a need for more options and explanations from the utility agencies, for example,
the allowed or disallowed use of FR3 (less flammable) oil as well as utility procedures
and costs
LUESA must provide a clear and precise outline of what “We are going to work with
you on a case-by-case basis” actually means with regard to Code Enforcement activities
As a result, the next steps are to:
Establish a transformer team consisting of management and field staff to quickly respond
to any and all “case-by-case” opportunities/assessments
Create an exclusive web page dedicated to outdoor utility transformers with FAQ’s,
meeting minutes, photos of possible imminent hazard examples, future meeting dates as
well as interpretations from DOI, etc.
Schedule meetings which will include officials from Code Enforcement, the utility
agencies and local jurisdictions to discuss issues or concerns that arise
Engage PS&I for an “over-arching” public relations strategy which could include but is
not limited to official press releases/conferences, articles, public hearings, etc.
Continuous communications between the Department and the utility agency to discuss
the standard and address other mutual issues/concerns
Schedule follow-up meetings/focus groups/public sessions as needed
Revise Department’s Policy by including the following language:
“Those projects, identified as having been placed on site or approved by a local government
entity will be allowed to be finaled under previous enforcement levels unless the installation
presents a condition of imminent danger, which will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Beginning January 1, 2009, all transformer installations shall meet or exceed the new