ARTICLE IN PRESS Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (2010) 595–603 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence journal homepage: Predictive human operator model to be utilized as a controller using linear, neuro-fuzzy and fuzzy-ARX modeling techniques Ozkan Celik ,1, Seniz Ertugrul Department of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Inonu Caddesi, No. 87 Gumussuyu, 34437 Istanbul, Turkey a r t i c l e in fo abstract Article history: Received 10 April 2009 Received in revised form 31 July 2009 Accepted 28 August 2009 Available online 12 November 2009 Modeling human operator’s behavior as a controller in a closed-loop control system recently finds applications in areas such as training of inexperienced operators by expert operator’s model or developing warning systems for drivers by observing the driver model parameter variations. In this research, first, an experimental setup has been developed for collecting data from human operators as they controlled a nonlinear system. Appropriate reference signals and scenarios were designed according to the system identification and human operator modeling theory, to collect data from subjects. Different modeling schemes, namely ARX models as linear approach, and adaptive-networkbased fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) as intelligent modeling approach have been evaluated. A hybrid modeling method, fuzzy-ARX (F-ARX) model, has been developed and its performance was found to be better in terms of predicting human operator’s control actions as well as replacing the operator as a stand-alone controller. It has been concluded that F-ARX models can be a good alternative for modeling the human operator. & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Human operator Predictive modeling Fuzzy-ARX model Human controller model Fuzzy identification 1. Introduction A human carries out many different control tasks that range from simple manipulation to relatively more complex tasks such as operating a crane for carrying loads, driving a vehicle or piloting an airplane. Human operator (HO) models become an important tool when one needs to design a system to be controlled by a human (Sheridan and Ferrell, 1974). The model provides constraints for the design and the system can be tested with the model at hand in a closed-loop fashion if the model is accurate and reliable enough. Earlier studies in this area were motivated by a need for pilot models in order to utilize during the design phase of warplanes (McRuer, 1980). Some more recent studies on human operator modeling concentrate on obtaining models for drivers’ control behavior (Hess and Modjtahedzadeh, 1990; Prokop, 2001; Delice and Ertugrul, 2007; Macadam, 2003; Pellecchia et al., 2005). The ultimate and challenging goal of driver modeling is to obtain a robust and reliable model that can eventually replace the human driver. However, these models can more quickly find application Corresponding author. Now with Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Rice University, MEMS MS-321, 6100 Main Street, Houston, TX 77005, USA. Tel.: +1713 348 2300; fax: +1713 348 5423. E-mail addresses: (O. Celik), (S. Ertugrul). 1 This manuscript is based on the M.Sc. Thesis of O. Celik prepared with advisory of Dr. S. Ertugrul at Istanbul Technical University. 0952-1976/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2009.08.007 areas as tools for implementing warning systems that would alert the driver when it detects driver fatigue by keeping track of several model parameters and comparing them with a nominal model (Pilutti and Ulsoy, 1999; An and Harris, 1996; Ungoren and Peng, 2005). Another application for human operator models is utilizing them for human skill transfer. If a successful model that approximates and predicts human operator’s control behavior well enough can be obtained, then a model of an expert operator could be used as a teacher for novice operators by demonstrating what the expert operator’s control inputs would be throughout the control task. This approach has been applied by utilizing an artificial neural network model in Nechyba and Xu (1995). More examples of possible similar applications can be found in Nechyba and Xu (1997). A different approach is presented in Vingerhoeds et al. (1995) to the use of hybrid artificial intelligence. In general, there are two main alternatives to obtain a dynamic model; either based on knowledge or assumptions on the dynamics of the system (dynamic modeling) or based on recorded data and system identification techniques. It should be noted that, although the term ‘‘modeling’’ usually refers only to the dynamic modeling approach, throughout this paper it will be used in a context that covers both dynamics-based and identification-based methods and that all methods used in this study are identification-based. Human behavior as a controller is generally quite nonlinear (Sheridan and Ferrell, 1974). Human operators are able to gain ARTICLE IN PRESS 596 O. Celik, S. Ertugrul / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (2010) 595–603 experience and learn by repeating control tasks and improve their behavior. Human operators can adjust themselves according to the changes in the dynamics of the system that they control. These aspects allow them to accomplish very different kinds of control tasks while making the modeling more difficult compared to other dynamic systems. Although the control behavior of humans can be accepted as quasi-linear under specific circumstances, these models require the satisfaction of important and extensive limitations (Sheridan and Ferrell, 1974; McRuer, 1980). In order to obtain a model that is valid for a wide range of outputs of the plant under human control or for plants that have nonlinear or nonstationary dynamics one needs to use nonlinear modeling techniques. Advancements in soft computing based identification and modeling methods which includes artificial neural networks (ANNs) and fuzzy logic (FL) triggered a more widespread use of these methods in modeling of nonlinear dynamic systems (Abonyi, 2003; Narendra and Parthasarathy, 1989). Hybrid modeling schemes that take advantage of both ANNs and FL have also been proposed in Jang (1993), Jang et al. (1997) and Nelles (2001). This study had two main purposes: (1) construction of an experimental setup that allows implementation of previous modeling attempts by Ertugrul that used computer based experiments and simulations only (Ertugrul and Hizal, 2005; Ertugrul, 2008), (2) investigating the possibility of utilizing local ARX models by fuzzy transition modeling approach, called fuzzy switching ARX (F-ARX) together with other well-known models such as linear ARX and ANFIS using the constructed setup and compare the performances in terms of prediction capability. Main contributions of this study are the development and the application of F-ARX modeling scheme to human operator modeling and proposing an alternative for decomposition of the operating region to use as the antecedents of the fuzzy inference system in an F-ARX model. In this paper, first, an experimental setup that has been constructed for the purpose of conducting data acquisition sessions with human operators is explained. The setup was used to capture human operators’ control actions while they were in charge of controlling a nonlinear system. The setup’s properties are given in Section 2. The data acquisition protocol with five subjects using this system is presented in Section 3. Among three different methods, initially the linear system identification techniques have been utilized to obtain AutoRegressive with eXogenous (ARX) inputs structured models. The second modeling method made use of the developed ARX models by means of a fuzzy inference system that allowed appropriate transitions between linear ARX models (a fuzzy switching ARX or F-ARX model). The last method was ANFIS, which produced a fuzzy inference system model by training an initial model structure using the data. These modeling techniques are covered in Section 4. Results obtained by different models and observations on the setup after replacing the human operator by the models are given in Section 6. Subsequently, findings and future work are discussed. 2. Experimental setup A flexible arm with dimensions of 2 mm 3 cm 50 cm is attached to a 12 V brush DC motor with gear box forms the mechanical part of the system to be controlled by a human operator. The flexible arm moves in the horizontal plane only. The bottom position of the arm is measured using a potentiometer. The complete mechanical setup can be seen in Fig. 1. A similar system was used by Sasaki et al. (1990) for similar purposes, Fig. 1. Mechanical setup: the plant to be controlled by operators is a flexible arm mounted to a DC gearmotor shaft. Weights are added on the tip to facilitate oscillations. however their system had a built-in closed-loop position controller and operators only changed the reference input to the system via a potentiometer. Our system differs in several aspects, the most important one is that the human operator is the only active controller in the closed loop in our setup. Operator uses the x-axis of a PC joystick. Joystick command is read into the computer and a proportional output is sent to DC motor. Operators do not observe the plant directly while they are controlling it; instead, they observe an online video of the system provided by a color camera (Sony SSC-DC18P) assembled above the plant. This video of the setup together with other components of the operator interface is displayed on a 17" computer screen. Operator uses only the x-axis of a standard PC joystick (Logitech Extreme 3D Pro) to control the direction and the voltage to be applied, hence approximately the speed of the motor. The joystick is mounted on top of a stand so that operators can hold it while their arms are on the armrest of the chair. The video is acquired at 720 576 pixels resolution and then cropped to a size of 493 300 pixels which corresponds to the area of interest. A white semicircle that is slightly larger than the trace that the tip position follows along the 03 21803 workspace is drawn on the video in software together with a white ‘‘þ’’ sign that illustrates the position of the rotation axis of the arm. The reference signal which appears as a 53 interval in which the tip of the arm should be positioned is also displayed on the video by two short yellow lines at both ends of the intervals (see Fig. 2). The video is arranged such that a left deflection on the joystick causes a counterclockwise rotation of the arm and a right deflection causes a clockwise movement. A potentiometer for bottom position measurement is also used but it is utilized just as a safety limit switch on the two ends of the workspace. The acquired video is processed to measure the tip point position using image processing techniques. In order to improve the performance of this algorithm, the background is covered with black fabric as well as the base portion of the setup. The arm is marked with a 0.5 mm wide orange strip and a 1 cm 1 cm blue marker is placed on the tip. The weights on the tip are also covered with a cover that also held the blue marker on it. In the tip position measurement algorithm, first the blue layer is extracted and then the pixel with maximum value (hence the bluest pixel) is determined. The position is then converted to its degree equivalent using trigonometric relations. The algorithm performed satisfactorily, allowing all tasks to be run at 20 Hz loop rate. A computer that had a P4 3.0 GHz processor and 1 GB RAM and a PCI data acquisition card was used. All codes and interfaces were prepared in LabVIEW 7 Express. IVision LabVIEW Toolkit was utilized for the image gathering and processing portions of the ARTICLE IN PRESS O. Celik, S. Ertugrul / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (2010) 595–603 597 Fig. 2. Operator interface. The camera display has black background, the arm is orange and its tip is marked with a blue square. The white semicircle and the ‘‘ þ ’’ representing the rotation axis of the arm are imposed on the gathered video by image processing. The reference interval that the operator should place the tip of the arm in is demonstrated by two small yellow lines on the semicircle. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) program. More information on the setup and the interface can be found in Celik (2006). The task assigned to the operators is to control the tip position of the arm so that the tip point follows the appearing references within its working space of 1803 , and they should do this as fast as possible and with minimum oscillations. Even tough flexible arm control resembles a real world crane control system, compared to a real crane, this system is faster and exhibits higher frequency oscillations. In order to emphasize the importance of the task goals, i.e. positioning the tip of the arm in the reference interval quickly and without too many oscillations, and reflecting these goals to operators, a scoring scheme has been developed. According to this scheme, a score counter is set to an integer value that is proportional to the difference between the last reference position and the new one each time a new reference position appears on the screen. Then this score is decreased at a certain rate until the tip of the arm is satisfactorily positioned in the interval. This satisfaction criterion includes a threshold that the position error between the midpoint of the interval and the tip of the arm should stay below a specific value for a specific time. This threshold ensures that the oscillations are almost completely damped. Successful completion of a positioning task for a reference is indicated to the operator by a virtual LED above the video window. The score counter, the video window, total score indicator and the ‘‘target achieved LED’’ which constitute the operator interface are shown in Fig. 2. All signals are recorded during data acquisition sessions at 20 Hz sampling frequency. There are several nonlinear effects in the plant. The proportional voltage created by the joystick deflection generates a dead zone in the control loop, i.e. there is a range of control inputs on both directions that does not make the motor move. Once this threshold is exceeded, the speed of the motor is approximately proportional to the joystick deflection. Another much less pronounced nonlinearity stems from the backlash in the gearbox of the motor. This backlash causes a play that significantly changes the tip position of the arm when it oscillates. A friction element is placed between the arm and the base to keep the bottom position of the arm fixed during oscillations. But the backlash is still in effect when a change in movement direction occurs. These nonlinearities are left as is, since real world plants controlled by HOs also contain various nonlinearities and they are important from the perspective that they induce the nonlinear control behavior. 3. Data acquisition sessions Data for modeling purposes is collected from five operators, all male graduate students. Their ages varied between 25 and 28 and they were all computer users and had used a joystick before. At each session, operators completed five different 3-min length scenarios, namely 153, 303 , 453 , 603 , and random amplitude (R) scenarios. In a 153 scenario, reference positions (the midpoints of the reference intervals) appeared on 153 to the left or 153 to the right of the center (zero) position which was the complete vertical position of the arm on the screen. The other scenarios were similar, except that in the R scenario, the position of the reference signal was determined randomly between the 7 603 limits. The duration between two successive reference positions was random in all scenarios but the minimum was set to 2 sec since the task becomes unrealistic or too challenging for reference inputs that change more frequently than at every 2 sec. This lead to a restriction on the obtained models: they are valid only for inputs that have frequency content up to 0.5 Hz. In Fig. 3 a portion of reference position and arm’s tip positions recorded in an R scenario of Operator 3 is shown. Each operator completed all scenarios in the mentioned order above in each 15-min long session, and was required to complete 10 sessions in total. A specific schedule was not followed; all operators completed the sessions in less than three weeks. 4. Modeling methods Three different model structures have been used: linear system identification techniques with an ARX model structure, a fuzzy switching algorithm that provides switching among different linear ARX models and ANFIS. ARTICLE IN PRESS 598 O. Celik, S. Ertugrul / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (2010) 595–603 1 60 0.9 0.8 0.7 20 Coherence Position (degrees) 40 0 −20 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 −40 Reference position Displayed reference interval Arm’s tip position −60 0.2 0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (sec) Fig. 3. Example of a reference signal and the tip position of the arm while the setup was being controlled by Operator 3 in an R scenario. For all models, input and output signals are determined to be the position error between the reference position and the current position of the tip of the arm and the voltage applied to the motor (proportional to the deflection of the joystick), respectively. The outputs are scaled to the interval ½1; 1 while the inputs are scaled by a factor of 0.1, producing a comparable range for the input–output pair. The reference signals for the first four scenarios are pseudorandom binary sequences (PRBS) with a lowest possible duration limit of 2 sec (Soderstrom and Stoica, 1989). However, the assumed input to the model is different and the order of persistence excitation provided by the generated input signals should be confirmed. For this purpose, the covariance matrices of the inputs for a sample from each scenarios are calculated and it was found that the input signals in all scenarios were persistently exciting of order at least 10, allowing models of orders less than or equal to 10 to be estimated (Soderstrom and Stoica, 1989). For validating that a linear model could represent the HO reasonably well for the ARX model case, the linearity in HOs control actions was tested using coherence analysis (Bendat and Piersol, 1986). Coherence analysis provides the frequency range within which a linear model structure assumption would be valid. For data belonging to different operators and scenarios, it was found that the coherency between the input and the output always remained above 0.6 along the 0–0.5 Hz range. This lowest value varied between 0.6 and 0.8 for different data sets, implying that an almost linear relationship existed between input and output across this portion of the frequency spectrum. An example coherence plot where the minimum coherency value within the specified frequency range was 0.8 is given in Fig. 4. 4.1. ARX models According to the definition of quasi-linear human operator model given in Sheridan and Ferrell (1974), a model that is composed of a linear differential equation and an error term in the form of random noise should be sufficient to describe the dynamics of a human operator. The structure of the ARX model, as given in Eq. (1), is composed of a linear differential equation and error term, besides it has fewer parameters to be determined than ARMAX. Therefore, ARX model structure is chosen instead of ARMAX, ARMA, OE, or other structures as it showed the best prediction capability after estimating parameters for models of 0 10−1 100 Frequency (Hz) 101 Fig. 4. Example coherence plot for the input–output pair. For this specific data set, coherency is equal to or greater than 0.8 for the frequency range of 0–0.5 Hz. Testing with additional data sets revealed that coherency remained above 0.6–0.8 across the frequency range of 0–0.5 Hz for all scenarios and operators. different orders and also due to its simpler structure. In the ARX model structure, the output of the system at a specific time is assumed to be linear combinations of the previous outputs and inputs and the current input. A discrete-time designation of the ARX model is yðtÞ þ a1 yðt 1Þ þ a2 yðt 2Þ þ þ ana yðt naÞ ¼ b1 uðt nkÞ þ b2 uðt nk 1Þ þ þ bnb uðt nk nb þ 1Þ þ eðtÞ ð1Þ where t represents integer time steps, eðtÞ is the modeling error, y is the output, u is the input, ai ’s and bj ’s are model parameters to be estimated using the data, and na, nb and nk are the orders of the output, input and input–output delay, respectively (Ljung, 1999). na is the model order. Least squares estimation (LSE) algorithm is used for determining the model parameters (Soderstrom and Stoica, 1989). Using this structure, estimations are carried out and a parameter set is obtained for each scenario in each session for all operators. Then these values are averaged across the sessions to obtain a set of average parameters for each scenario of each operator. Trials with different model order values revealed that models with orders na ¼ 2 and nb ¼ 1 produced reasonably well fits to the data and further increase in order did not improve the results significantly. As for the order of the delay, generally an order of 6 or 7 gave the best results, which corresponded to 300 and 350 ms, noting that the sampling time is 50 ms. Since it is known that the reaction times for human motor actions varies between 200 and 300 ms, the order of the delay was found to be in good correlation with the literature (Sheridan and Ferrell, 1974). The delay order nk is selected to be 6 for all ARX models. This structure will be called ARX216 in short hereafter. 4.2. Fuzzy-ARX models The fuzzy-ARX (F-ARX) model represents a usual ARX structure whose model parameters are updated based on a fuzzy inference system, as illustrated in Fig. 5(a). This fuzzy transition scheme provides an interpolation and smooth transition between an infinite number of different local linear ARX models. The resulting model is a nonlinear ARX (NARX) model that can be considered as ARTICLE IN PRESS O. Celik, S. Ertugrul / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (2010) 595–603 599 a |Δr(t)| u(t) Fuzzy System q-nk y(t) ARX q-nk-1 q-1 q-nb-nk+1 q-2 q-na b Output membership functions Input membership functions |Δr| Rule Base ARX model parameters Defuzzification a1 Defuzzification a2 Defuzzification b1 Fig. 5. (a) F-ARX model structure. Fuzzy system updates the ARX model parameters based on the absolute reference value changes. (b) Schematic structure of the fuzzy system. Input is the absolute change in the reference and outputs are the ARX model parameters. a parameter varying model as well. The outputs of the fuzzy inference system are model parameters, as stated, while for the input(s) there are several possible choices: previous inputs/ outputs of the model, reference signal, or different combinations of these or their variations. This model structure is in resemblance to a fuzzy gain scheduling method (Zhao et al., 1993), however here the fuzzy transition is between local linear models as opposed to controller gains. There are several applications of fuzzy gain scheduling to mimic or attain human-like control behavior in the literature. Fuzzy gain scheduling was used to achieve smooth automatic lane-keeping of a vehicle in Wu et al. (2005) as well as the lateral control of the vehicle (Chiang et al., 2006). It was also applied on a car-like robot to obtain automated parallel parking (Chiu et al., 2005). In all of these studies fuzzy gain scheduling was used as part of tuning the parameters of the designed automatic controllers. Here we propose to use fuzzy transitions as part of a human operator model, which then can be used as a controller in closed-loop fashion. In Abonyi et al. (1999) and Abonyi and Babuska (2000), inputs of a fuzzy system model were selected to be a subset of the previous outputs and inputs of the system to be modeled, as in regular Takagi–Sugeno type fuzzy modeling of dynamic systems (Takagi and Sugeno, 1985). Thus the inputs are a subset of fyðt 1Þ; yðt 2Þ þ þyðt naÞ; uðt nkÞ; uðt nk 1Þ þ þ uðt nk nb þ1Þg, following the same notation in Section 4.1 (Abonyi et al., 1999). This selection leads to a direct fuzzy model of the system that interpolates between local ARX models. However, the identification scheme is not based on establishing individual local ARX models by separate parameter estimations for predefined working regions. It is based on either a global least squares estimation (LSE) or a local LSE that divides the problem into weighted LSE problems. A similar approach to the one in this study was given by Johansen (1994). Johansen defined the problem on a multipleinput multiple-output (MIMO) NARX model, stated that the modeling problem could be decomposed into local models in a set of operating regimes. Remarks on how to choose operating regions were made and it was mentioned that there were various alternatives based on system’s characteristics. In Hadjili and Wertz (2002), a fuzzy modeling method that is used to identify the IF- and THEN-parts of a Takagi–Sugeno model separately is proposed and explained. In the IF part identification, again the previous input and output data were utilized, however a systematic way of eliminating the components that are irrelevant by a fuzzy clustering algorithm was developed. Differing from the mentioned studies, in this study, the input for the fuzzy system is selected to be the absolute value of the change in the reference signal, as shown in Fig. 5(a). This selection provides a constant model between two consecutive reference positions, hence decreasing the computational load in implementation. Also, utilization of the reference signal which is always ARTICLE IN PRESS 600 O. Celik, S. Ertugrul / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (2010) 595–603 available increases the applicability of this modeling method to different systems. One of the rules for F-ARX model can be given as 3 IF the absolute change in Reference is 15 THEN a1 ¼ X1 ; a2 ¼ X2 ; a3 ¼ X3 ð2Þ For the F-ARX model structure of concern in this study, a fuzzy inference system is designed with four input membership functions (two trapezoidal and two triangular) that correspond to each reference input case, and four output membership functions (fuzzy singletons) that are equal to the average model parameters obtained in the previous ARX modeling step. A schematic of this fuzzy system is shown in Fig. 5(b). Hence, a two step modeling procedure was followed for the FARX modeling method in this study, similar to the decoupled IFand THEN-part identification method in Hadjili and Wertz (2002). First the local linear ARX models were identified based on each scenario, then a fuzzy inference system were designed to establish the transitions between the local models. 4.3. ANFIS models A problem that arises during pure fuzzy modeling is the extensive number of free parameters and number of rules that should be adjusted by trial and error (Zapata et al., 1999). An approach that utilized ANNs for solving this problem has been proposed by Jang (1993). In this hybrid modeling method called ANFIS, an initial fuzzy inference system is manipulated and adapted by training with the data collected from the system to be modeled. Initial system is a first order Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy system. The membership functions get adjusted through the training by gradient descent in backward passes while the coefficients of the first order output polynomial are tuned by least squares method. When the training is complete, the final model is obtained as a stand-alone fuzzy inference system. Further information on ANFIS can be found in Jang (1993) and Jang et al. (1997). ANFIS modeling scheme was applied for modeling HO actions in Ertugrul and Hizal (2005), Ertugrul (2008) and found to give successful results. The ANFIS model structure used in this study was selected to be equivalent to the ARX216 in order to allow fair comparison in terms of prediction performance. Same input–output pair, namely, the position error between the reference position and the tip position of the arm and the control applied by the HO were used in this modeling method. Thus the inputs of the ANFIS model were ^ fyðt 1Þ; yðt 2Þ; uðt 6Þg and its output was yðtÞ. Gaussian membership functions (MFs) given in the literature as 2 mðx; s; cÞ ¼ eðxcÞ =2s2 ð3Þ were used in this study. Number of MFs to be used for each input is another parameter that should be chosen for an ANFIS model. The number of rules that will be trained is given by mn, where m denotes the number of MFs for each input and n denotes the number of inputs. Consequently, although increasing the number of MFs leads to a better approximation, training time will increase significantly. In this study, initial models with two and three MFs were used, but the model with three MFs was chosen due to its slightly better performance. The training process was limited by 10 epochs. There are many parameters that should be determined for an ANFIS model and arriving at the optimal combination can be time consuming. Here only the structure that is equivalent to the ARX216 model was considered. A wide set of ANFIS models with different combinations were tested with the purpose of HO modeling in Ertugrul (2008). 5. Prediction performance of models Models obtained by different methods are compared in terms of their success in predicting HOs’ actions for varying prediction horizons. If Y t ¼ fyðtÞ; yðt 1Þ; . . .g represents the information available at time t, the equation ^ þ kjtÞ þ a1 yðt ^ þ k 1jtÞ þ þana yðt ^ þ k najtÞ ¼ b1 uðt þ k nkÞ yðt þ b2 uðt þ k nk 1Þ þ þ bnb uðt þ k nk nb þ1Þ ð4Þ can be used to simulate and predict the output of the model at ^ þ kjtÞ represents time t þ k (Soderstrom and Stoica, 1989). Here yðt the value of the simulated output at time t þ k, in which the information in Y t is used. It should be noted that ( ^ þ ijtÞ if i 40 yðt ^yðt þ ijtÞ ¼ ð5Þ yðt þ iÞ if i r0 During simulations, all initial conditions are assigned as zero. Prediction performance of the models is evaluated using the formulation Jy yr J ð6Þ Percent fit ¼ 100 1 m Jyr y r J where ym is the model’s output vector, yr is the real output vector (recorded from the HO), and y r is the mean value of the real output vector (Ljung, 1999). All models are evaluated for their one, five and infinite step prediction performances. Infinite step prediction is equivalent to pure simulation of the model with zero initial conditions. 6. Results Mean and standard deviation values for 10 sessions of model parameters in the ARX216 model for all scenarios are given for Operators 1 and 2 in Table 1. The table is limited to only two operators’ data, since it has been observed that both mean and standard deviation values of other operators did not show major difference from the data set presented here. As it is apparent from the table, parameters estimated using different operators’ data were very similar. Also, relatively small values of the standard deviations imply that the estimated parameters did not vary considerably throughout 10 sessions. Furthermore, although b1 exhibits some variability for different scenarios, parameters did not vary significantly with respect to the scenarios. All these observations lead us to consider the possibility of obtaining a single model with constant parameters suitable for all cases. Table 1 Means and standard deviations (m 7 s) of ARX216 model parameters of Operators 1 and 2 for 10 sessions. Operator 1 Scenario 3 15 303 453 603 R Operator 2 Scenario 3 15 303 453 603 R a1 a2 b1 1:583 7 0:053 1:573 7 0:059 1:571 7 0:045 1:559 7 0:047 1:564 7 0:061 0:679 7 0:048 0:660 7 0:048 0:640 7 0:039 0:618 7 0:045 0:640 7 0:056 0:01554 7 0:00176 0:01125 7 0:00299 0:00730 7 0:00182 0:00531 7 0:00085 0:00905 7 0:00127 a1 a2 b1 1:629 7 0:030 1:584 7 0:028 1:544 7 0:034 1:516 7 0:031 1:599 7 0:027 0:729 7 0:025 0:686 7 0:018 0:637 7 0:023 0:596 7 0:023 0:685 7 0:020 0:01792 7 0:00178 0:01457 7 0:00210 0:01046 7 0:00143 0:00769 7 0:00091 0:01101 7 0:00114 ARTICLE IN PRESS O. Celik, S. Ertugrul / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (2010) 595–603 Table 2 Prediction performance for ARX models obtained from different scenarios and simulated on a randomly selected (sixth session) 153 scenario data of Operator 2. Scenario from which the parameters are estimated 153 303 453 603 R Parameters Prediction performance (%) a1 a2 b1 One step Five step Infinite step 1.629 1.584 1.544 1.516 1.599 0.729 0.686 0.637 0.596 0.685 0.01792 0.01457 0.01046 0.00769 0.01101 89.4 89.1 88.8 88.5 89.0 60.8 57.0 52.5 49.9 55.5 55.5 49.7 40.5 33.0 45.3 Table 3 Prediction performance of the model derived from the R scenario data of Operator 2 (a1 ¼ 1:599; a2 ¼ 0:685; b1 ¼ 0:01101), simulated with the R scenario data of the last session of each operator. Operator data 1 2 3 4 5 Prediction performance (%) One step Five step Infinite step 88.2 88.7 93.3 89.8 90.8 64.2 63.5 67.7 63.7 61.7 58.5 59.9 56.9 55.3 50.7 A single global model is highly desirable since it facilitates the utilization and implementation of the obtained model for control or prediction purposes, as in a model predictive controller. The feasibility of a single constant model is further investigated by simulating different models (models based on different scenarios) on a 153 scenario data recorded from Operator 2. Operator’s recorded response and the predicted response by the model for different horizons are used to calculate the prediction performance values (see Section 5). Table 2 summarizes the results of the described procedure for Operator 2. Estimations based on R scenario data provide an average model, since these estimations are based on the data calculated from random amplitude reference scenario. All models perform equally well based on their one step prediction performance. However for five step and especially for infinite step, prediction performances become considerably different and the average model is not satisfactory. In Table 2, it is apparent that small changes in model parameters has a significant impact on the infinite step prediction performance. Although the model obtained from the random scenario or the average model that has average coefficients calculated from the first four scenarios are successful to some extent, approximately a 10% decrease in performance occurs for infinite step predictions compared to the model derived from 153 scenarios only. These results motivated utilization of an F-ARX model structure that could switch to the best set of parameters for an approaching reference signal that should be followed. In the case of generalization capability of a single model for different operators, the average model derived from the R scenario data of Operator 2 has reasonably well results for the R scenario section of the last sessions of all operators, as summarized in Table 3. The reason for selecting Operator 2 for a base model is that he is assumed to be one of the two most expert operators by outperforming others in terms of average total points, hence the 601 Table 4 Prediction performance of the F-ARX model based on Operator 2’s ARX216 models, simulated with the random scenario data of the last session of each operator. Operator data 1 2 3 4 5 Prediction performance (%) One step Five step Infinite step 88.0 88.9 93.3 90.0 90.7 64.4 65.9 69.2 65.8 60.5 60.7 63.6 61.4 59.9 51.6 most successful controller for the defined control task. A onetailed paired t-test for mean total points across 10 sessions revealed that Operators 1 and 2 performed significantly better than all other operators [p o0:05] and the performance of Operators 1 and 2 was not significantly different [tð9Þ ¼ 0:025; p ¼ 0:490]. Since five step and infinite step predictions using a single constant ARX model were not satisfactory, an F-ARX model was obtained as described in Section 4.2, again using Operator 2’s ARX models. The prediction capacity of this model is evaluated and given in Table 4. The prediction results for only the R scenarios of each operator’s last session is considered descriptive enough, since this scenario included random amplitude references throughout the whole range. The prediction capacity of a single average model given for the same set of data in Table 3 allows a comparison. Comparing the results in Tables 3 and 4 reveals that although the F-ARX model generally performs better in infinite step predictions, the difference between the performances of two models remain around 1–4%. A one-tailed paired t-test on the mean difference between the infinite step prediction performance, the F-ARX model performed significantly better than the single average ARX model [tð4Þ ¼ 4:455; p o0:05]. Results in Table 4 offer that the F-ARX model carries the ability to produce equally well results for different scenarios and operators. To further illustrate this, the same data set used to produce Table 2 was used to evaluate the F-ARX model. F-ARX model demonstrated 89.4%, 59.8% and 53.7% fit values for one step, five step and infinite step prediction horizons, respectively. Especially an increase in fit around 8% in infinite step simulations can be accepted as a considerable gain compared to the single constant average ARX216 model’s performance. The prediction performance of the ANFIS model for different operators’ random scenario data in their last session is given in Table 5. It is observed that the ANFIS model was not as successful as other models. A single-tailed paired t-test indicated that the infinite step prediction performance of the ANFIS model was significantly lower than both the average ARX model [tð4Þ ¼ 3:640; p o0:05] and the F-ARX model [tð4Þ ¼ 4:525; p o 0:05]. The ANFIS model based on Operator 2’s random scenario data in the last session demonstrated problems in the simulation. An output that alternated between values well above or below the upper and the lower limits (1 and 1) in a very fast manner for short intervals of time was occasionally produced by the model. When the same model structure is trained by using Operator 1’s data (the other most expert operator), this problem occurred less frequently but it did not completely vanish. Due to this aspect, the ANFIS model evaluated in Table 5 is based on Operator 1’s data. Also, the output of the model was saturated with the thresholds 1 and 1 in the simulations in order to limit the percent fit error values for fair comparison and later to implement the model as the active controller on the setup. ARTICLE IN PRESS 602 O. Celik, S. Ertugrul / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (2010) 595–603 ARX216 Model Table 5 Prediction performance of the ANFIS model based on Operator 1’s last session random scenario data, simulated with the random scenario data of the last session of each operator. HO and Model Outputs (normalized to [−1,1]) 1 2 3 4 5 F−ARX Model Reference position Reference interval Tip position 40 Prediction performance (%) One step Five step Infinite step 85.7 86.4 91.4 84.5 87.2 66.1 60.3 65.4 58.1 60.1 55.7 52.3 53.7 51.4 49.3 Position (degrees) Operator data ANFIS Model 60 20 0 −20 −40 1 −60 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (sec) 0 Fig. 7. Behavior of the setup in closed-loop control, with the developed HO models integrated as the controller. −0.5 Original HO output Constant ARX216 model’s output F−ARX model’s output ANFIS model’s output −1 0 5 10 15 Time (sec) Fig. 6. HOs (Operator 3) output for the random scenario in the last session and the simulation results of the three models. Constant ARX216 model uses the parameters given in Table 3. To better illustrate the imitating capabilities of the different models, the simulations with zero initial conditions of all three models are given together with the recorded output of a human operator in Fig. 6. Data belong to the random scenario section of the last session of Operator 3. Although the infinite step prediction performances of the models remain around 50–60%, it is seen in this figure that all models effectively reflect the basic aspects of the actions taken by the HO. F-ARX outputs are generally the closest ones to the HOs, followed by the constant ARX model whereas ANFIS model’s outputs are relatively less representative of the original signal. These observations are in agreement with the results summarized in Tables 3–5. ANFIS is a promising method for HO modeling as reported in Ertugrul (2008). The relatively low performance of ANFIS model in the application presented here may be due to the following: (1) The data set used to train the model was not sufficiently rich. A rich and representative training data set is an important step for obtaining successful ANFIS models. (2) Imposing the model structure ARX216 on the ANFIS model probably prevented the best possible model to be obtained. The fast alternating outputs problem was a major factor that affected the prediction performance of this type of model. This problem can potentially be eliminated if the two limitations above were overcome and it is decided to be addressed in a future study. 7. Implementation of the models to replace HO as controller The obtained models were implemented as controllers in closed loop to replace the HO. While ARX and F-ARX models were successful in replacing the HO, ANFIS model displayed the problem mentioned above. All models were occasionally able to position the tip of the arm in the interval without inducing many oscillations, while the expert operators could almost always do. In Fig. 7, closed-loop behavior of the setup under the control of the implemented models is given. The 20 sec portions randomly selected from an R scenario test run are given for each model. None of the models could perform precisely as well as a HO, in the context of the control task defined in Section 2. All models suffered from a common problem. For small reference value changes, i.e. when a new reference position appeared that was close to the last reference position, the models did not respond. The position error at these instances was not large enough to make the controller produce an output that could move the motor. This property can be observed in Fig. 7, at the ends of the 20 sec portions for the ARX216 and the F-ARX model. ANFIS model seemed to suffer less from this issue, as it is demonstrated in Fig. 7. Apparently, this problem originated from the dead zone in the DC motor, which was mentioned in the Section 2. This hard nonlinearity in the setup found its reciprocal in the HO; HOs learned the thresholds of this dead zone and responded by just merely exceeding the limits of the zone when fine movements or corrections were needed. A nonlinear element that resembles this behavior of the HO can be explicitly introduced in the models to overcome this problem as a future extension of this study, following a similar approach that was used in Chen and Ulsoy (2000). 8. Conclusion An experimental setup that allowed the implementation of a human operator control task has been used in this study. The setup is used to collect data from five operators that performed a defined task for 10 sessions each being 15 min long. Each session also included five different scenarios which were later used to implement different local and global models. Modeling methods included well-known linear identification techniques with an ARX model structure for local models, a fuzzy switching model that provided smooth transition between appropriate local ARX models (the F-ARX model), and the adaptive network-based fuzzy ARTICLE IN PRESS O. Celik, S. Ertugrul / Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (2010) 595–603 inference system (ANFIS) model. Models were evaluated and compared based on their prediction performances as well as their performance after being implemented on the system as a replacement for the HO. Prediction performances of all models were found to be relatively successful as reported in Tables 3–5. Developed F-ARX models performed better than both ARX and ANFIS models. The nonlinearity in the HOs behavior that was capable of overcoming the dead zone in the plant was not captured by any of the models, which is a direction for future work. 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He earned his B.Sc. and M.Sc degrees in Mechanical Engineering in 2004 and 2006, respectively, both at Istanbul Technical University. He was the recipient of TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) fellowship for M.Sc. students during his M.Sc. studies. He is currently pursuing Ph.D. studies at Rice University and is a research assistant at the Mechatronics and Haptic Interfaces (MAHI) Lab. His current research interests are human motor control system, motor adaptation and learning, robotic rehabilitation, mechatronics and haptics. Seniz Ertugrul was born in Bursa, Turkey. She graduated from Istanbul Technical University Mechanical Engineering Department with her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in 1988 and 1992, respectively. She earned her Ph.D. degree at the Wichita State University, KS, USA in 1996. She worked as a lecturer at WSU and as a visiting researcher at the University of Michigan. She is currently an associate professor at the Istanbul Technical University, Mechanical Engineering Department. Her areas of interest are human operator modeling, mechatronics and intelligent systems.