ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICATION CITY OF CHARLOTTE FY2013 Petition #: 2013-90 Date Filed:_9-9-13_____________ Received By:__________________ Office Use Only Section #: 2.201 Table 9.101 9.303 9.503 9.603 9.703 9.802 9.803 9.8502 9.8503 9.902 9.903 9.906 9.1002 9.1102 9.1103 9.1202 9.1205 9.1206 9.1208 10.502 10.602 10.702 10.811 10.812 10.907 10.909 11.203 11.402 11.702 11.703 11.705 Table 12.202 12.206 12.214 12.302 Table 12.413 12.544 12.546 13.102 13.106 Definitions Table of Uses Uses permitted under prescribed conditions (MF districts) Uses permitted under prescribed conditions (Institutional district) Uses permitted under prescribed conditions (Research districts) Uses permitted under prescribed conditions (Office districts) Uses permitted by right (Business districts) Uses permitted under prescribed conditions (Business districts) Mixed Use Development District; uses permitted by right (MUDD) Mixed Use Development District; uses permitted under prescribed conditions (MUDD) Uptown Mixed Use District; uses permitted by right (UMUD) Uptown Mixed Use District; uses permitted under prescribed conditions (UMUD) Uptown Mixed Use District; urban design and development standards (UMUD) Urban Industrial District; uses permitted by right (UI district) Uses permitted by right (Industrial districts) Uses permitted under prescribed conditions (Industrial districts) Establishment of Transit Oriented Development Districts (TOD districts) Uses permitted by right (TOD districts) Uses permitted under prescribed conditions (TOD districts) Development Standards (TOD districts) General Definitions (Mt. Island Lake Watershed Overlay district) General Definitions (Catawba River/Lake Wylie e Watershed Overlay district) General Definitions (Lower Lake Wylie Watershed Overlay district) Uses (PED Overlay district) Development standards (PED Overlay district) Development standards (PED Overlay district) Exceptions (PED Overlay district) Uses permitted under prescribed conditions (PED Overlay district) Uses permitted by right (PED Overlay district) Uses permitted by right (RE-3 district) Uses permitted under prescribed conditions (RE-3 district) Development standards (RE-3 district) Minimum required off-street parking spaces by use Location of required parking Number, size and location of loading spaces Buffer requirements Drive-in and drive-through service lanes/windows Breweries Eating, drinking and entertainment establishments (Type 2 only ) (new section) Definitions Signs not requiring a permit Purpose of Change: This text amendment creates new definitions for eating, drinking and entertainment establishments, and replaces the separate definitions used for restaurants, nightclubs, bars and lounges. The text amendment provides clear definitions, and provides new enforceable regulations that protect and foster good relationships between businesses and residential properties. The text amendment is a result of a Citizen’s Advisory Group which resumed meeting in February of 2013, and met four times. Staff also presented the recommendations to various business and community organizations over the summer to provide details, solicit feedback and answer questions about the proposed recommendations, prior to finalizing the text amendment. _______________________________________ Name of Agent Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department Name of Petitioner(s) ________________________________________ Agent's Address 600 East Fourth Street, Eighth Floor Address of Petitioner(s) ________________________________________ Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 City, State, Zip City, State, Zip ________________________________________ Telephone Number Fax Number 704-336-5722 Telephone Number _________________________________________ E-Mail Address smontgomery@ci.charlotte.nc.us E-Mail Address __________________________________________ Signature of Agent __________________________________________ Signature 704-336-5964 Fax Number