Solving Large-Scale Fuzzy and Possibilistic Optimization Problems

Solving Large-Scale Fuzzy and Possibilistic Optimization Problems
Weldon A. Lodwick, K. Dave Jamison, and Katherine A.
University of Colorado at Denver
Department of Mathematics - Campus Box 170
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, Colorado 80217-3364 USA
Telephone: 303-556-8462; Fax: 303-556-8550
The semantic and algorithmic differences between fuzzy
and possibilistic optimization methods are presented in the
context of three methods for solving large fuzzy and
possibilistic optimization problems. In particular, an
optimization problem in radiation therapy with various
orders of complexity,1,000-55,000 constraints, possessing
(i) soft constraints, (ii) fuzzy right-hand side values and (iii)
possibilistic right-hand side values, are used to illustrate
the semantics and to test the performance of the three fuzzy
and possibilistic optimization methods. We focus on the
uncertainty in the right side which arises, in the context of
the radiation therapy problem, from the fact that
minimal/maximal radiation tolerances are target values
rather than fixed real numbers. The results indicate that
fuzzy/possibilistic optimization is a natural way to model
various types of optimization under uncertainty problems
and large optimization problems can be solved efficiently.
Keywords: Fuzzy optimization, possibilistic optimization,
surprise functions.
1. Introduction
Many of the hardest optimization problems are those that
contain uncertainty because the meanings of inequalities
and optima must be defined in the context of the problem in
question. Moreover, the complexity of uncertain
optimization is formidable. Our research focuses on three
approaches to fuzzy and possibilistic uncertainty
optimization - (1) fuzzy optimization of Tanaka, Okuda,
and Asai [13], and Zimmermann, [15], (2) the
uncertainty/fuzzy optimization based on surprise functions
of Neumaier, [12] and [11], and (3) the possibilistic
optimization of Jamison and Lodwick, [6]. The purpose of
this research is to demonstrate that the use of
fuzzy/possibilistic optimization to solve large-scale
optimization is not only tractable but the most direct way to
model problems with embedded fuzzy and possibilistic
uncertainty. To this end we present the three approaches,
mentioned above, to solve a large-scale optimization
problem where the uncertainty lies in right-hand side
values. We assume that the reader is familiar with fuzzy set
theory, possibilistic theory and linear and nonlinear
programming. What is novel is that we solve very large
fuzzy/possibilistic optimization problems, perhaps the
largest reported application to date. Secondly, we test a
novel way to solve optimization under uncertainty (see
[12]) and extend what has been done in [6] and [11].
Thirdly, we describe the differences between fuzzy and
possibilistic optimization and illustrate these in examples
and applications.
This paper is organized as follows. This first introductory
section contains the discussion of the general problem of
optimization under uncertainty and the application that we
consider. The second section deals specifically with fuzzy
and possibilistic optimization and algorithms that will be
used to solve the radiation therapy of tumor problem. The
third section contains the exposition of the numerical
experiments and their results. Conclusions are found in
section four.
There is often confusion about fuzzy and possibilistic
optimization. Fuzzy and possibilistic entities have different
meanings/semantics. Fuzzy and possibility model different
entities and the associated solution methods are different as
we shall see below. Fuzzy entities, as is well known, are
sets with non-sharp boundaries in which there is a transition
between elements that belong and elements that don't
belong to the set. Possibilistic entities are obtained from
sets that are classical sets (crisp) but the evidence
associated with whether a particular element belongs to the
(crisp) set or not is incomplete or hard to obtain. Decisionmaking in the presence of fuzzy/possibilistic entities takes
the following generic form (we use a tilde to denote a fuzzy
set and a hat for a possibility distribution).
1. Fuzzy Decision Making: If the set of decisions are
of the form x is F and G , that is,
X = {x ∈ F and G} , find the optimal decision
in X, that is, sup{F ( x ) ∩ G ( x)} .
Note that the decision space X is a crisp set.
Possibilistic Decision Making: If the set of
decisions are of the form yˆ is F and G , that is,
Yˆ = { yˆ ∈ F and G} , if the optimal decision in
sup EA {U [ F ( x ), G ( x )]} =
∫ U { F ( x (α )), G ( x (α )) }α d α
where U{F(x)G(x)} represents the utility of the outcome
F(x) and G(x). For our method, we use the “expected
average” (EA) where the definition and properties are
found in [5]. Very simply, fuzzy decision making selects
from a set of crisp elements while possibility selects from a
set of distributions. The underlying sets associated with
fuzzy decision making are fuzzy where one forms the
decision space of crisp elements from operations (''and'' in
the case of optimization, that is, constraints) on these fuzzy
sets. The underlying sets associated with possibilistic
decision making are crisp where one forms the decision
space of distributions from operations on crisp sets.
Possibilistic distributions encapsulate the best estimate
about the value of an entity given the available information.
Fuzzy membership function values describe the degree to
which an entity is that value. A possibility of one means
that the value of the entity has the highest possibility of
being what distribution defines. If the fuzzy membership
value is one, then it is definitely the value. Thus the nature
of decision making in the presence of fuzzy/possibilistic
uncertainties are quite different in semantics and
optimization procedures since fuzzy optimization optimizes
over sets of numbers and possibility optimizes over sets of
This study considers three cases: (1) Soft (fuzzy)
inequalities where the crisp right-hand side value is an
aspiration with associated fuzzy optimization (flexible
programming) methods of Tanaka and Zimmermann used
to optimize, (2) Fuzzy right-hand side values where the
inequality is crisp but the right-hand side value is fuzzy
with associated fuzzy optimization using surprise functions,
and (3) Possibilistic right-hand side values where the
inequality is crisp but the right-hand side value is a
possibilistic real number with associated possibilistic
optimization methods that use penalties on the weighted
expected average of the constraint violations to optimize.
Soft constraints mean that the crisp right-hand side value is
a target. Fuzzy right-hand side values mean that various
values of the right-hand side as defined by the fuzzy set
have different preferences as measured by the α -level.
Possibilistic right-hand side values mean that the entity
described by the right-hand side exists but the research and
empirical evidence does not support a single real-valued
number but a distribution of possible values with varying
degrees of belief.
When inequalities mean, ''come as close as possible'' to the
crisp right-hand side value, the inequality is called soft and
it has non-sharp boundaries. Typically, the highest degree
of attaining the inequality is to maximize the α -level of
the soft inequalities altogether to the same minimum
degree. While the original method was to obtain
simultaneously the highest for all constraints, there is no
reason why one could not maximize the weighted sum of
α -levels, one for each soft constraint where different
weights mean different levels of importance of attaining the
target. In addition, if certain constraints were required to
attain at least a minimum level, these could be obtained by
adjusting the target or the α -levels associated with the
particular constraint(s). This generalization is the essence
of the surprise approach. Regardless, soft constraints are
handled by flexible programming methods.
When the right-hand side values are fuzzy numbers, that is,
the values described on the right-hand side have non-sharp
boundaries, one tries to attain the highest level of feasibility
in aggregate as sum of α -levels of each constraint. To do
this, surprise functions are used that penalize constraint
violations dynamically within the range of tolerances
specified by the membership function, where the preferred
values closest to one are not penalized and the least
preferred (nearest the outside of the support) are infinitely
penalized. In between, of course, the penalties are between
infinity and zero.
When the right-hand side values are represented by a
possibility distribution, it means that evidence at hand
supports the value to that degree. The entity described by
the right-hand side exists. However, for whatever reason,
the evidence as to what the specific crisp value the entity
attains is incomplete and the distribution describes the best
information available as to its value measured by the level
of confidence. In this case, something akin to recourse
models in stochastic optimization, robust optimization or
mean/variance optimization is used where constraint
violations are allowed at a penalty and the objective cost is
the average expected value of the penalty.
The Application Used in the Numerical Experiments
The use of particle beams to treat tumors is called the
radiation therapy problem (RTP). Beams of particles,
usually photons or electrons, are oriented at various angles
and with varying intensities to deposit dose (energy/unit
mass) to the tumor. The idea is to deposit as much dose as
is possible to the tumor while sparing normal tissue.
The process begins with the patient's computed tomography
(CT) scan. Each image in the CT is examined to identify
and contour the tumor and normal structures. The image is
subsequently vectorized. Likewise, candidate beams are
discretized into beamlets where each beamlet is the width
of a CT pixel. A pixel is the mathematical entity or
structure (a square in the two-dimensional case and a cube
in three dimensions) that is used to represent a unit area or
volume of the body at a particular location. For this study,
we restrict ourselves to two-dimensional problems so that
the analysis is done on a series of images that cover the
tumor, each two-dimensional. In our experiments, we used
only one image per tumor. There were two tumors
considered: head and prostate. For each, head and prostate,
the experiment consists of four pixel resolutions (64x64,
128x128, 256x256, and 512x512) and one set of 10 equally
spaced angles. Since we constrain the dosage at each pixel,
the complexity of the problem goes from a maximum of 642
to 5122 potential constraints. However, since all pixels are
not in the path of the radiation beams that hit the tumor, we
a-priori set the delivered dosages at these pixels to zero and
remove them from our analysis. This corresponds to
blocking the beam which is always done in practice. The
identification of a set of beam angles and weights that
provide a lethal dose to the tumor cells while sparing
healthy tissue with a resulting dose distribution acceptable
and approved by the attendant oncologist is called a
treatment plan. A discretized dose transfer matrix AT
(representing how one unit of radiation intensity in each
beamlet is deposited in pixels - for historical reasons we use
a transpose to emphasize its origin as the discrete version of
the inverse Radon transform), called here the attenuation
matrix, specific to the patient's geometry, is formed where
columns of AT correspond to the beamlets and rows
represent pixels. A component of a column of the matrix AT
is non-zero if the corresponding beamlet intersects a pixel
in which case it is the positive fraction of the area of the
intersection of the pixels with the beamlet (otherwise it is
zero). The variables are vectors x that represent the beamlet
There are a variety of ways of treating this problem without
uncertainty. Pixels may be constrained individually or
grouped into one constraint. Under idealized assumptions
(see [2] or [4]), the problem without uncertainty has the
following form:
The problem we consider is derived from the deterministic
linear program (LP) in standard form:
min z = c T x
subject to : A T x ≤ b
0≤ x≤U
In the RTP literature there is no agreement on what the
objective function should be. For example, one finds the
following objective functions: minimize total radiation,
maximize minimum tumor dosage, minimize radiation to
critical structure(s), minimize the probability of healthy
tissue complication, maximize the probability of delivering
a tumorcidal dose, or minimize maximum critical structure
dose. We minimize total radiation dosage as our objective
function in the applications. Typically, oncologists consider
the RTP as one of coming as close as possible to values
specified by a radiation oncologist and this is the approach
we use.
The basic RTP translated into a mathematical programming
problem is:
min z = c T x
subject to :
body dosage
Bx ≤ bbody
critical tissue dosage C i x ≤ ci i = 1,..., N
min tumor dosage
Tx ≥ t min
max tumor dosage
Tx ≤ t max
0 ≤ x ≤U
where the rows of B are body pixels, Ci are critical tissue
pixels and T are tumor pixels obtained from re-ordering the
rows of the attenuation matrix associated with the patient’s
CT. Let
 bbody 
 c 
 1 
 M 
 and A =
 − t min 
 t max 
 B 
C 
 1
 M 
  , then the RTP is the LP
C N 
− T 
 
 T 
min z = c T x
subject to : Ax ≤ b
0 ≤ x ≤U
where we have the following three optimization problems
corresponding to the flexible LP, surprise, and possibilistic
min z = c T x
subject to : Ax ≤ b (soft constraint )
0 ≤ x ≤ U (hard constraint )
min z = c T x
2. subject to
: A T x ≤ b (fuzzy number)
0 ≤ x ≤ U (hard constraint )
min z = c x
3. subject to : A T x − bˆ ≤ 0 (possibilit y distributi on)
0 ≤ x ≤ U (hard constraint )
Fuzzy Optimization
The two types of fuzzy optimization (1) and (2) above are
1. Fuzzy Optimization with Soft Constraints
The first (Tanaka and Zimmermann) is the oldest of the
approaches and its semantics are soft constraints, relaxation
of the meaning of less than or equal to. These two
researchers independently implemented the ideas of [l] in
the context of mathematical programming problems. The
idea of [l] was that constraint inequalities (and the objective
function) were targets or goals. Thus, in the context of
fuzzy uncertainty, membership functions (resulting fuzzy
sets) of all constraints (and objective) were intersected.
The fuzzy intersections are the ''and'' operation which, for
membership functions, are minima. The optimization
problem is thus to maximize the resulting function that is
obtained by intersecting all constraint functions (and
objective function).
min z = c T x − α
subject to
:α d i + Ai x ≤ bi + d i
0 ≤ x ≤ U , 0 ≤ α ≤ 1
where di > 0 is the relaxation of the right-hand side
constraint. Here we have modified the Tanaka [13] and
Zimmermann [15] approach and keep the original objective
(minimization of total radiation in the context of the RTP).
2. Fuzzy Optimization – Fuzzy Right-Hand Side
The second (see [11] and [12]) approach is one in which the
right-hand values are fuzzy sets. The translation of it to a
mathematical programming problem is:
Each fuzzy constraint
( Ax )i ≤ b% i
is translated into a fuzzy equality constraint
( Ax)i = ξ% i ,
where the membership function µ (ξ ) of ξ% is the
possibility Posi (b% i ≥ ξ ). Each membership function is
translated into a surprise function by
si (ξ ) = ( µi (ξ )−1 − 1) 2 ;
and the contribution of all constraints are added to give the
total surprise,
(ξ ) =
(( Ax ) i
so that we have,
min ∑ si (( Ax)i )
subject to : 0 ≤ x ≤ x.
For triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, the surprise
function is quadratic, smooth and convex. Hence, the
optimization problem is tractable with standard
optimization software, even for very large problems.
3. Possibilistic Optimization
From the point of view of [6], the RTP that incorporates the
possibilistic right-hand sides is in the form:
A T x − bˆ ≤ 0 ,
where the left side is a possibilistic outcome and thus a
possibilistic distribution. This means that the constraint set
is a set of distribution so that one must take into account all
the possible distribution. To do this, the RTP is translated
into the following mathematical programming problem.
min c T x + p B EA {max( 0 , Bx − bˆ body )} +
i =1
p C i EA {max( 0 , C i x − cˆ i )} + p T EA | Tx − tˆ |
subject _ to : 0 ≤ x ≤ U
where p is the penalty term. Here the maximum function is
changed to:
max{0, x} → ( x + ∈ + x ), ∈> 0 small , and “EA” is
the expected average given by:
EA ( fˆ ) = ∫ { fˆ + (α ) + fˆ − (α )}d α . As it turns out (we
prove this elsewhere), the integrals associated with the
penalized method above have a closed form functional
expression for all trapezoidal and triangular possibilistic
real numbers (they do not have to be numerically
integrated) and this is what is used in the experiments.
Numerical Experiments
Two sets of experiments were performed – a head tumor
and a prostate tumor each with a set of 10 angles. The
complexity for the head, measured in number of
constraints, for the head was: (a) 64x64 - 977 constraints,
(b) 128x128 – 3,669 constraints, (c) 256x256 – 14,159
constraints and (d) 512x512 – 55,720 constraints. The
complexity for the prostate, measured in number of
constraints, was: (a) 64x64 - 788 constraints, (b) 128x128 –
3,061 constraints, (c) 256x256 – 11,598 constraints and (d)
512x512 – 45,804 constraints. The execution times,
measured in seconds of run-time, for the prostate example
are listed below. The head example is similar. It is noted
that we used un-optimized code in MATLAB and the
MATLAB optimization toolbox.
TABLE 1: Prostate Tumor
Jamison&Lodwick Zimmermann
not run
no memory
It is clear that large fuzzy optimization problems can be
solved efficiently. One would expect a quadrupling of the
time, at least for the linear programming approach of
Zimmermann. There is no such consistent pattern of
increase in times. In fact, there is a jump in the time for
surprise algorithm of roughly ninety times longer from the
256x256 to 512x512 problem. This is most likely due to
memory allocation. We emphasize that we are running
nonlinear programs for Jamison and Lodwick and surprise
while the Zimmermann approach is a linear programming
Moreover, run-times depend on how the
resources of the computer at the time of execution are being
used. Thus, the times are significant only in relative terms
in measuring orders of magnitudes. Regardless, it is clear
that the surprise approach is orders of magnitude faster and
it the quality of the solutions obtained superior for the
radiation therapy problem. In fact, the quality of the
solutions for all methods was very good especially for the
surprise method. It is, of course, clear that one would use a
mathematical programming system like GAMS or TOMS
for actual production code.
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