Jason M. Porter Ph.D. 303-273-3683 jporter@mines.edu Education and Training Brigham Young University Mechanical Engineering B. S., 2003 The University of Texas at Austin Mechanical Engineering M. S., 2005 Advisor: Dr. John Howell Stanford University Ph. D., 2010 DOD NDSEG Fellow Advisor: Dr. Ronald Hanson Mechanical Engineering Research and Professional Experience 1/10-Present Assistant Professor 8/05 – 12/09 Research Assistant 8/03 - 5/05 Research Assistant 5/04-1/05 Engineering Intern Teaching Heat Transfer Advanced Heat Transfer Optical Diagnostics Mechanical Engineering Department, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO Directed over $1M in research dollars to date on projects ranging from gasification to liquid spectroscopy in batteries. High Temperature Gas Dynamics Laboratory, Stanford University Developed laser-based diagnostics for IC engine and shocktube applications. Designed and demonstrated a commercial optical sensor for Nissan Motor Co. The University of Texas at Austin Developed novel optimization algorithms for radiative heat transfer modeling. Designed, built, and demonstrated flow visualization hardware for UT Austin’s fluid mechanics lab. Fire and Aerosol Sciences Div. Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM Developed and experimentally validated radiative heat transfer models for radiative heating experiments. Undergraduate Level Graduate Level Independent Study Fall 2010 – Present Spring 2010 – Present As requested Journal Publications 1. Dotti F. Ramey, Nicholas P.G. Lumley, Ana L. Prieto, Jason M. Porter, Tzahi Y. Cath, Evaluating air-blown gasification for energy recovery from wastewater solids: impact of biological treatment and point of generation on energy recovery, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, In Press. 1 2. Shubham Vyas, Christopher B. Dreyer, Jason Slingsby, David Bicknase, Jason M. Porter, C. Mark Maupin, Electronic Structure and Spectroscopic Analysis of 1-Ethyl-3methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide Ion Pair, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2014, 118 (34), pp 6873–6882. 3. Nicholas P.G. Lumley, Dotti F. Ramey, Ana L. Prieto, Robert J. Braun, Tzahi Y. Cath, Jason M. Porter, Techno-economic analysis of wastewater sludge gasification: A decentralized urban perspective, Bioresource Technology, vol. 161, (2014) pp. 385-394. 4. Jason M. Porter, Christopher B. Dreyer, David Bicknase, Shubham Vyas, C. Mark Maupin, Joe Poshusta, Jerry Martin, Optical measurements of impurities in roomtemperature ionic liquids, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 133, (2014) pp. 300-310. 5. C. T. Howard, E. A. Pfeif, J. M. Porter, B. Mishra, and D. L. Olson, Quantitative assessment of thermal diffusion using NDE, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1511, no. 1, (2014) pp. 1143–1149. 6. J. Wheeler, N. Sullivan, J. Porter, Development of an impedance-based sensor for detection of catalyst coking in fuel reforming systems, Sensors and Actuators B, vol. 183, (2013) 194-200. 7. Jason M. Porter, Jay B. Jeffries, Ronald K. Hanson, Mid-infrared laser-absorption diagnostic for vapor-phase fuel mole fraction and liquid fuel film thickness, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, Volume 102, Issue 2 (2011), 345-355. 8. Jay B. Jeffries, Jason M Porter, Sung Hung Pyun, Ronald K. Hanson, Kevin R. Sholes, Kiyotaka Shouji, Tomohiro Chaya, An in-cylinder laser absorption sensor for crankangle-resolved measurements of gasoline concentration and temperature, SAE International Journal of Engines, vol. 3 no. 2 (2010) 373-382. 9. Sung Hyun Pyun, Jason M. Porter, Mark Allen, Juan Montoya, Kevin Sholes, Jay B. Jeffries, Ronald K. Hanson, A two-color-absorption sensor for time-resolved measurements of gasoline concentration and temperature, Applied Optics, 48 (2009) 6492-6500. 10. Jason M. Porter, Jay B. Jeffries, Ronald K. Hanson, Mid-infrared absorption measurements of liquid hydrocarbon fuels near 3.4 µm, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 110 (2009) 2135-2147. 11. Jason M. Porter, Jay B. Jeffries, Ronald K. Hanson, Mid-infrared laser-absorption diagnostic for vapor-phase measurements in an evaporating n-decane aerosol, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 97 (2009) 215-225. 12. Adam E Klingbeil, Jason M Porter, Jay B Jeffries, Ronald K Hanson, Two-wavelength mid-IR absorption diagnostic for simultaneous measurement of temperature and hydrocarbon fuel concentration, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 821829. 13. Jason M. Porter, Marvin E. Larsen, J. Wesley Barnes, and John R. Howell, Metaheuristic optimization of a discrete array of radiant heaters, J. Heat Transfer 128 (2006) 10311040. Conference Proceedings 1. M. Kelley, J. Porter, System overview and preliminary characterization of the hightemperature and pressure entrained-flow lab-scale gasifier at CSM, Thirty-First Annual Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Oct 6-9, (2014), Pittsburgh, PA. 2 2. N. Lumley, … J. Porter, Techno-Economic Analysis of Wastewater Biosolids Gasification, 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov 3-8, (2013), San Francisco, CA. 3. J. Wheeler, N. Sullivan, J. Porter, Development of An Impedance-Based Sensor for Detection of Catalyst Coking in Fuel Reforming Systems, 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov 3-8, (2013), San Francisco, CA. 4. D.C. Bittinat, G. Bender, J.M. Porter, M. Ulsh, Defect Detection in Fuel Cell Gas Diffusion Electrodes Using Infrared Thermography, 224th ECS Meeting, Oct 27-Nov 1 (2013), San Francisco, CA. 5. D. F. Ramey, N. Lumley, G. Buschmann, A. L. Prieto, J. Porter, T. Cath, Energy-positive wastewater treatment in decentralized settings: An evaluation of the feasibility of thermochemical conversion processes, 2013 AEESP 50th Anniversary Conference, July 14 - 16, (2013), Golden, CO. 6. D. Bicknase, C. Dreyer, J. Porter, Optical measurements of impurities in roomtemperature ionic liquids, 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, April 7-11, (2013), New Orleans, LA. 7. J. Wheeler, N. Sullivan, J. Porter, Development of an impedance-based sensor for detection of coke formation in solid oxide fuel cells, 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, April 7-11, (2013), New Orleans, LA. 8. S. P. Duran, J. M. Porter, T. E. Parker, Ballistic imaging of sprays at diesel relevant conditions, ICLASS 2012, Sept 2-6, (2012), Heidelberg, Germany. 9. C. Howard, E. Pfeif, J. Porter, B. Mishra, D. Olson, "Quantitative assessment of thermal diffusion using NDE" 39th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Denver, CO, July 15-20, (2012) 10. V. Blackwood, T. Koenig, J. Porter, D. Olson, B. Mishra, R. Mariani, D. Porter, Elemental Solubility Tendency for the Phases of Uranium by Classical Models Used to Predict Alloy Behavior, TMS 141st Annual Meeting & Exhibition, March 11-15, (2012), Orlando, FL. 11. M. Jakulewicz, J. Porter, C. Dreyer, T. Parker, Unveiling a laboratory-scale gasifier operating at high pressure and temperature, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Oct 17-18, (2011), Riverside, CA. 12. K. R. Sholes, K. Shouji, T. Chaya, J. B. Jeffries, J. M Porter, S. H. Pyun, R. K. Hanson, Crank-angle-resolved Measurements of air-fuel ratio, temperature, and liquid fuel droplet scattering in a direct-injection gasoline engine, presented at SAE 2010 Powertrains Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, October (2010), San Diego, CA. 13. P. Lappas, D. R. Haylett, J. M. Porter, D. F. Davidson, J. B. Jeffries, R. K. Hanson, L. A. Hokoma, and K. E. Mortelmans, “Destruction of Bacterial-Spore-Laden Aqueous Aerosols in Shock-Heated Flows,” in Biomedical Optics, 2008, p. JMA28. 14. A.E. Klingbeil, J.M. Porter, J.B. Jeffries, and R.K. Hanson, Two-wavelength mid-IR absorption sensor for simultaneous temperature and n-heptane concentration experiments, 5th U.S. Combustion Meeting, March 25-28, (2007), San Diego, CA. 15. J. M. Porter, M E. Larsen, J. R. Howell, Discrete optimization of radiant heaters with Simulated Annealing, Proceedings of HT 2005 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 17-22, (2005), San Francisco, CA. 16. J. M. Porter, M. E. Larsen, Empirical analysis of software for the design of radiant heating experiments, Sandia National Laboratories Student Internship Program Exhibition, August 1, (2004), Albuquerque, NM. 3 Work Cited in Media 1. Kirk Richardsen, Material Matters - Modeling Ceramic Fiber Insulation for CPI Applications, CEP Magazine, April 2014. Professional Activities and Service Board Member, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute NSF panel member: Combustion, Fire and Plasma Systems Program, May 17, (2012) Undergraduate Council (University-wide curriculum committee) Session chair: Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Oct 17-18, (2011), Riverside, CA Nuclear Materials Compatibility Conference, September 13-15, (2011), Golden, CO Invited Reviewer: Applied Optics, Applied Physics B, Optics Express, ASME, Computer Physics Communications, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Numerical Heat Transfer, Applied Mathematics and Computation 4