Page 1 of 66 Cloud Radio Access Downlink with Backhaul Constrained Oblivious Processing Shlomo Shamai Department of Electrical Engineering Technion−Israel Institute of Technology Joint work with S.-H. Park, O. Simeone and O. Sahin HyNeT Colloquium, University of Maryland October 2013 Page 2 of 66 Outline I. Backgrounds and motivations II. Basic setting III. State of the art IV. Joint precoding and multivariate compression V. Special cases and extensions VI. Numerical results Wyner model and general MIMO fading VII. Concluding remarks Page 3 of 66 Outline I. Backgrounds and motivations II. Basic setting III. State of the art IV. Joint precoding and multivariate compression V. Special cases and extensions VI. Numerical results Wyner model and general MIMO fading VII. Concluding remarks Page 4 of 66 Backgrounds • Cloud radio access networks – Promoted by Huawei [Liu et al], Intel [Intel], Alcatel-Lucent Texas Inst. [Flanagan], Ericsson [Ericsson] [Segel-Weldon], China Mobile [China], – Base stations (BSs) (e.g., macro-BS and pico-BS) operate as soft relays. An Illustration of the downlink of cloud radio access networks Page 5 of 66 Backgrounds • Cloud radio access networks (ctd’) – Low-cost deployment of BSs • Encoding/decoding functionalities migrated to the central unit • No need to consider cell association – Effective interference mitigation • Joint encoding/decoding at the central unit – But, the backhaul links have limited capacity • Macro BSs: increasingly fiber cables [Segel-Weldon] • Dedicated relays: wireless [Maric et al][Su-Chang] • Home BSs: last-mile connections The distribution of backhaul connections for macro BSs (green: fiber, orange: copper, blue: air) [Segel-Weldon]. Page 6 of 66 Outline I. Backgrounds and motivations II. Basic setting III. State of the art IV. Joint precoding and multivariate compression V. Special cases and extensions VI. Numerical results Wyner model and general MIMO fading VII. Concluding remarks Page 7 of 66 Basic Setting • We focus on the downlink MS 1 H1 focus C1 M1 , , M NM Central ENC BS y1 DEC1 x1 1 nM ,1 nB ,1 antennas antennas H NM CN B BS NB nB , N B MS N M x NB y NM DEC NM antennas nM , NM antennas – Notation: M̂ 1 NB {1, , N B }, NM {1, , NM } Mˆ NM Page 8 of 66 Basic Setting • Assuming flat-fading channel, the received signal at MS k is given by y k Hk x z k , k NM where H k H k ,1 , x x1H , , H k , N B , H , x HNB , z k ~ CN (0, I) • Per-BS power constraints xi 2 Pi , i NB – The results of this work can be extended to more general power constraints: x H Θl x i , l 1, , L. Page 9 of 66 Basic Setting • Backhaul constraints – Each BS i is connected to the central encoder via a backhaul link of capacity Ci bits per channel use (c.u.). • Oblivious BSs – The codebooks of the MSs are not known to the BSs. • As assumed in cloud radio access networks, e.g., [Liu et al]-[Ericsson]. – Systems with informed BSs treated in [Ng et al][Sohn et al][Zakhour-Gesbert][Simeone et al: 12] . Page 10 of 66 Outline I. Backgrounds and motivations II. Basic setting III. State of the art IV. Joint precoding and multivariate compression V. Special cases and extensions VI. Numerical results Wyner model and general MIMO fading VII. Concluding remarks Page 11 of 66 Previous Work: Uplink • Distributed compression – Received signals at different BSs are statistically correlated. – This correlation can be utilized to improve the achievable rates [Sanderovich et al][dCoso-Simoens][Park et al:TVT][Zhou et al]. : Side information Conventional compression Distributed compression Page 12 of 66 Previous Work: Uplink • Joint decompression and decoding [Sanderovich et al][Yassaee-Aref][Lim et al] – Potentially larger rates can be achieved with joint decompression and decoding (JDD) at the central unit [Sanderovich et al]. – Optimization of the Gaussian test channels with JDD [Park et al:SPL]. Joint decompression and decoding Numerical results in 3-cell uplink [Park et al:SPL] (SDD: separate decompression and decoding) Page 13 of 66 Previous Work: Downlink • Compressed dirty-paper coding (CDPC) – Joint dirty-paper coding [Costa] [Simeone et al:09] for all MSs • A simpler scheme based on zero-forcing DPC [Caire-Shamai] was studied in [Mohiuddin et al:13]. – Followed by independent compression • DPC output signals for different BSs are compressed independently. independent compression Central encoder M1 Channel encoder 1 s1 x1 Compression ENC 1 C1 BS 1 x1 Joint Dirty-Paper Coding M NM Channel encoder s NM x NB Compression ENC N B CN B BS N B x NB Page 14 of 66 Previous Work: Downlink • Compressed dirty-paper coding [Simeone et al:09] (ctd’) - With constrained backhaul links, we obtain a modified BC with the added quantization noises. - Per-cell sum-rate Rper-cell System model Quantization is performed at the central unit using the forward test channel X m X m Qm , where X m : DPC precoding output, Qm : quantization noise with Qm ~ CN (0, P / 2C ), m: cell-index, thus Qm is independent over the index m. 1 (1 2 ) P 1 2(1 2 ) P (1 2 )2 P 2 log 2 where P is the effective SNR at the MSs decreased from P to P P . 2 C 1 (1 ) P / (2 1) 1 Page 15 of 66 Previous Work: Downlink • Reverse compute-and-forward (RCoF) [Hong-Caire] – Downlink counterpart of the compute-and-forward (CoF) scheme proposed for the uplink in [Nazer et al]. • Exchange the role of BSs and MSs and use CoF in reverse direction. – System model • N B NM L, Ci C for all i L {1, h1 , L}. z1 C MS 1 BS 1 Central encoder zL C BS L hL MS L Page 16 of 66 Previous Work: Downlink • Reverse compute-and-forward (RCoF) Central encoder h1 w1 z1 (ctd’) Point-to-point channels t1 z eff (h1 , a1 , 1 ) mod Λ C MS 1 BS 1 Precoding over finite field w1 w1 Q 1 w L w L [Hong-Caire] zL C t L z eff (h L , a L , L ) mod Λ wL hL BS L MS L – The same lattice code is used by each BS. L – Each MS k estimates a function wˆ k j 1 ak , j w j by decoding on the lattice code. – Achievable rate per MS is given by Rper-MS min C , min R hl , al ,SNR lL where SNR , 0 R h, a,SNR max log H 1 H 1 a SNR I hh a Page 17 of 66 Outline I. Backgrounds and motivations II. Basic setting III. State of the art IV. Joint precoding and multivariate compression V. Special cases and extensions VI. Numerical results Wyner model and general MIMO fading VII. Concluding remarks Page 18 of 66 Central Encoder • Structure of the central encoder – Precoding: interference mitigation – Compression: backhaul communication – Achievable rate for MS k (single-user detection) Rk I sk ; y k Page 19 of 66 Channel Encoding • Channel encoding for MS k – Assume Gaussian codewords sk ENCk (M k ) ~ CN (0, I) where M k {1, , 2nRk }, Rk : rate for MS k , n: coding block length. Page 20 of 66 Precoding • Linear precoding x As where x1 E1H As H x N E N As B B H A A1 , , A N M , s s1H , , s HN M , 0 n n NB j B ,i1 B ,i Ei I nB ,i , nB , j nB ,l , nB nB ,l l 1 l 1 0( nB nB ,i )nB ,i – Remark: Non-linear dirty-paper coding [Costa] can be also considered. • All kind of pre-processing can be accommodated as long as the message to compress is treated as a Gaussian vector. Page 21 of 66 Conventional Compression • Conventional Compression Central encoder COMP1 x1 BS 1 C1 DECOMP1 x1 x1 Precoding COMPNB x NB BS N B CN B DECOMPNB x NB x NB Page 22 of 66 Multivariate Compression • Multivariate Compression Central encoder BS 1 joint COMP x1 C1 DECOMP1 x1 x1 Precoding BS N B x NB CN B DECOMPNB x NB x NB Page 23 of 66 Multivariate Compression • Multivariate Compression (ctd’) – Gaussian test channel [dCoso-Simoens][Simeone et al:09] xi xi qi , qi ~ CN (0, Ωi ,i ), i NB H – Overall, the compressed signal x x1 , , x HNB x As q, and Ωi, j E qiq Hj . is given as (1) with the compression noise q q1H , Ω1,2 Ω1,1 Ω 2,1 Ω 2,2 Ω Ω N B ,1 Ω N B ,2 H , q ~ CN (0, Ω) where H NB Ω1, N B Ω 2, N B , Ω N B , N B H Page 24 of 66 Multivariate Compression • Multivariate Compression (ctd’) – For a precoder A and a compression correlation Ω , we have the following modified BC. x H1 y1 MS 1 Central Encoder H NM MS NM y NM – Received signal at MS k y k Hk x z k where z k z k H k q ~ CN (0, I H k ΩH kH ). Page 25 of 66 Multivariate Compression • Multivariate Compression (ctd’) – Leverages correlated compression in order to better control the effect of the additive quantization noises at the MSs. • Ex: Consider the case with single-MS and two-BSs. x1 E1H As q1 C1 BS 1 H1,1 Central ENC z1 q y1 H1As H1 1 z1 q 2 MS C2 BS 2 H1,2 x2 E2H As q2 Ω1,1 Ω1,2 can be reduced by H controlling Ω1,2 Ω2,1 • The conventional independent compression [Simeone et al:09] is a special case of multivariate compression by setting Ωi , j E qi q Hj 0, i j. CN 0, H1 H1H Ω2,1 Ω2,2 Page 26 of 66 Multivariate Compression • Multivariate Compression (ctd’) – Lemma 1 [ElGamal-Kim, Ch. 9] n Consider an i.i.d. sequence X and n large enough. Then, there exist codebooks C1 , , CM with rates R1 , , RM , that have at least one tuple of codewords ( X1n , , X Mn ) C1 CM jointly typical n with X with respect to the given joint distribution p( x, x1 , , xM ) p( x) p( x1, , xM | x) with probability arbitrarily close to one, if the inequlities S h X h X S | X S R , i are satisfied. i i i for all S {1, , M} Page 27 of 66 Multivariate Compression • Multivariate Compression (ctd’) – Lemma 2 (Lemma 1 applied to our setting) [Park et al:13] The signals x1 , , x NB obtained via (1) can be reliably transferred to the BSs on the backhaul links if the condition g S A, Ω h x i h x S | x iS log det EiH AA H Ei Ωi ,i log det ESH ΩES Ci iS is satisfied for all subsets S NB . iS Page 28 of 66 Multivariate Compression • Multivariate Compression (ctd’) – Consider the case with two BSs. • The multivariate constraints in Lemma 2 become h x1 h x1 | x I x1 ; x1 C1 , ( A1) h x 2 h x 2 | x I x 2 ; x 2 C2 , ( A2) h x1 h x 2 h x1 , x 2 | x I x ; x1 , x 2 I x1 ; x 2 C1 C2 . ( A3) • With independent compression Ω1,2 0 , the constraints (A) reduce to I x1 ; x1 C1 , ( B1) I x 2 ; x 2 C2 . ( B 2) • Constraints (A) are stricter than (B). – The introduction of correlation among the quantization noises for different BSs leads to additional constraints on the backhaul link capacities. Page 29 of 66 Problem Definition • Weighted sum-rate maximization NM maximize A ,Ω 0 s.t. w f A, Ω k 1 k k gS A, Ω Ci , for all S N B , iS tr EiH AAEi Ωi ,i Pi , for all i N B . where (2a ) (2b) (2c ) f k A, Ω I s k ; y k log det I H k ( AA H Ω)H kH log det I H k A l A lH Ω H kH , l k g S A, Ω h x i h x S | x iS log det EiH AA H Ei Ωi ,i log det ESH ΩES Ci . iS iS Page 30 of 66 MM Algorithm • If we define R k Ak AkH for k NM , the problem (2) falls in the class of difference-of-convex problem [Beck-Teboulle] with respect to the variables {R k }kN , Ω . M – We can use a Majorization Minimization (MM) algorithm [Beck-Teboulle] to find a stationary point of the problem. • At each iteration, linearize non-convex parts. • The algorithm is detailed in Algorithm I in the next slide. Page 31 of 66 Algorithm I (1) N Initialize {R k }k M1 and Ω(1) and set t 1 . ( t 1) N Update {R k }k M1 and Ω(t1) as a solution to the following (convex) problem: NM maximize A ,Ω 0 s.t. w f A, Ω k 1 k k gS A, Ω Ci , for all S N B , iS tr E AAEi Ωi ,i Pi , for all i N B . H i where the functions f k A, Ω , gS A, Ω are the local approximations of the (t ) N (t ) functions f k A, Ω , gS A, Ω at the point {R k }k M1 , Ω . Yes Stop No Converged? t t 1 Page 32 of 66 Successive estimation-compression • For given variables ( A, Ω) , the implementation of the joint compression is relatively complex. • A successive architecture with a given permutation : NB NB . q (1) Step 1: q (1) ~ CN 0, Ω (1), (1) x (1) x (1) compression Step i : u (i ) (i 1) x (1) x ( i 1) x (i ) qˆ (i ) x ( i ) ,u ( i ) 1 u ( i ) MMSE estimation of x (i ) given u (i ) – Compression rate at step qˆ (i ) ~ CN 0, x (1) |u (1) xˆ (i ) x (i ) compression i (i 1) : I xˆ (i ) ; x (i ) Page 33 of 66 Successive estimation-compression • Lemma 3: The region of the backhaul capacity tuples (C1 , , CN ) satisfying the constraints (2b) is a contrapolymatroid [Tse-Hanly, Def. 3.1]. Therefore, it has a corner point for each permutation of the BS indices NB , and each such corner point is given by the tuple (C (1) , , C ( N ) ) with B B C (i ) I x (i ) ; x, x (1) , , x (i 1) I x (i ) ; xˆ (i ) for i NB where xˆ (i ) : MMSE estimate of x (i ) given x, x (1) , – Thus, we have x (i ) xˆ (i ) (x, x (1) , , x (i 1) ). , x (i 1) . Page 34 of 66 Successive estimation-compression • Example of the backhaul capacity region forN B 2 Page 35 of 66 Successive estimation-compression • Proposed successive estimation-compression architecture Page 36 of 66 Outline I. Backgrounds and motivations II. Basic setting III. State of the art IV. Joint precoding and multivariate compression V. Special cases and extensions VI. Numerical results Wyner model and general MIMO fading VII. Concluding remarks Page 37 of 66 Independent Quantization • For reference, consider independent quantization [Simeone et al:09], i.e., Ωi , j 0, for all i j NB . • Since the above constraint is affine, the MM algorithm is still applicable. Page 38 of 66 Separate Design • For reference, consider the separate design of precoding and compression. – Selection of the precoding matrix A • A is first selected according to some standard criterion – e.g., zero-forcing [RZhang], MMSE [Hong et al], sum-rate max. [Ng-Huang] • Assume a reduced power constraint i Pi with i 1 since xi xi precoded qi quantization noise – Optimization of the compression covariance Ω • Having fixed A , the problem then reduces to solving (2) only with respect to Ω . Page 39 of 66 Robust Design • Assuming perfect channel state information (CSI) at the central encoder might be unrealistic. Hˆ k ,1 Central encoder H k ,1 kNM C1 Compute A and Ω BS 1 Precoding and compression CN B Hˆ k , NB Hk , NB kNM BS NB Page 40 of 66 Robust Design • Singular value uncertainty model [Loyka-Charalambous:Sec. II-A] – The actual CSI H k is modeled as ˆ I Δ , Hk H k k ˆ : the CSI known at the central encoder, where H k Δk : the multiplicative uncertainty with max (Δk ) k 1. – Worst-case optimization problem NM maximize A ,Ω 0 s.t. min Δk : max ( Δk ) k kNM w f A, Ω k 1 k k gS A, Ω Ci , for all S N B , iS tr EiH AAEi Ωi ,i Pi , for all i N B . (3a ) (3b) (3c ) Page 41 of 66 Robust Design • Singular value uncertainty model (ctd’) – Lemma. The problem (3) is equivalent to the original weighted ˆ for k N , sum-rate maximization problem with Hk (1 k )H k M i.e., N w f A, Ω M maximize A ,Ω 0 s.t. k 1 k k gS A, Ω Ci , for all S N B , iS tr EiH AAEi Ωi ,i Pi , for all i N B . where f k A, Ω log det I (1 k ) 2 Hˆ k ( AA H Ω)Hˆ kH ˆ A AH Ω H ˆ H . log det I (1 k ) 2 H k l l k l k Page 42 of 66 Robust Design • Ellipsoidal uncertainty model [Shen et al][Bjornson-Jorswieck] – Consider MISO case such that Hk hkH , k NM . – The actual channel h k is modeled as hk hˆ k ek where hˆ k : the CSI known at the central encoder, ek : the error vector bounded with ekH Ck e k 1, (Ck 0 specifies the size and shape of the ellipsoid.) Page 43 of 66 Robust Design • Ellipsoidal uncertainty model (ctd’) – The “dual” problem of power minimization under SINR constraints for all MSs, i.e., NM H minimize i tr Ei R k Ei Ωi ,i { R k 0}kNM , Ω 0 i 1 k 1 h kH R k h k s.t. k , H H hk R j hk hk Ωhk 1 NB (4 a ) (4b) jNM \{k } for all e k with e kH Ck ek 1 and k NM , gS A, Ω Ci , for all S N B . iS where R k Ak AkH , k NM . (4c ) Page 44 of 66 Robust Design • Ellipsoidal uncertainty model (ctd’) – Lemma. Constraint (4b) holds if and only if there exist constants {k }kNM such that the condition Ξk H ˆ h k Ξk Ξk hˆ k Ck k ˆh H Ξ hˆ 0 k k k k 0 0 1 is satisfied for all k NM where we have defined Ξk R k k N j M R j k Ω, for k NM . \{k } pf: Follows by applying the S-procedure . [Boyd-Vandenberghe, Appendix B-2] Page 45 of 66 Outline I. Backgrounds and motivations II. Basic setting III. State of the art IV. Joint precoding and multivariate compression V. Special cases and extensions VI. Numerical results Wyner model and general MIMO fading VII. Concluding remarks Page 46 of 66 Wyner Model • Three-cell SISO circular Wyner model [Gesbert et al] – The channel coefficients given by y1 1 y g 2 y3 g g 1 g g x1 z1 g x2 z2 1 x3 z3 – Compare the following schemes • Reverse Compute-and-Forward (RCoF) [Hong-Caire] – Structured codes, but sensitive to the channel coefficients. • Dirty-paper coding with – Multivariate compression – Independent quantization (this case corresponds to the compressed DPC in [Simeone et al:09]) • Linear precoding with – Multivariate compression – Independent quantization (this case corresponds to quantized network MIMO in [Zakhour-Gesbert, Sec. IV-A]) Page 47 of 66 Wyner Model • Three-cell SISO Wyner model (ctd’) – Per-cell sum-rate versus C when P 20 dB and g 0.5 . multivariate compression 6 RCoF per-cell sum-rate [bit/c.u.] 5 4 independent compression 3 2 1 0 RCoF DPC precoding Linear precoding 0 2 4 6 8 C [bit/c.u.] 10 12 14 [Gesbert et al] - Multivariate compression is significantly advantageous for both linear and DPC precoding. - RCoF in [Hong-Caire] remains the most effective approach in the regime of moderate backhaul C , although multivariate compression allows to compensate for most of the rate loss of standard DPC precoding in the lowbackhaul regime. - The curve of RCoF flattens before the others do, since it is limited by the integer approximation penalty when the backhaul capacity is large enough. Page 48 of 66 MIMO Fading Channels • More general MIMO fading model – There are three BSs and three MSs, i.e., N B N 3. – Each BS uses two antennas while each MS uses a single antenna. – The elements of H k ,i between MS k and BS i are i.i.d. with CN (0, |i k| ) . • We call the inter-cell channel gain. – In the separate design, • The precoding matrix scheme in [Ng-Huang]. A is obtained via the sum-rate maximization – Under the power constraint P for each BS with selected so that the compression problem be feasible. Page 49 of 66 MIMO Fading Channels • More general MIMO fading model (ctd’) – Sum-rate versus for the separate design of linear precoding and compression with P 5 dB and 0 dB - Increasing generally results in a better sum-rate. - However, if exceeds some threshold value, the problem of optimizing the correlation Ω given the precoder A is more likely to be infeasible. - This threshold value grows with the backhaul capacity, since a larger backhaul capacity allows for a smaller power of the quantization noises. 10 9 multivariate compression independent compression average sum-rate [bit/c.u.] 8 7 C=6 bit/c.u. 6 5 C=4 bit/c.u. 4 3 2 C=2 bit/c.u. 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Page 50 of 66 MIMO Fading Channels • More general MIMO fading model (ctd’) – Sum-rate versus P for linear precoding with C 2 and 0 dB 6.5 6 average sum-rate [bit/c.u.] 5.5 joint design 5 4.5 4 3.5 separate design 3 cutset bound multivariate compression independent compression 2.5 2 -5 0 5 10 15 transmit power P [dB] 20 25 30 - The gain of multivariate compression is more pronounced when each BS uses a larger power. - As the received SNR increases, more efficient compression strategies are called for. - Multivariate compression is effective in partly compensating for the suboptimality of the separate design. - Only the proposed joint design with multivariate compression approaches the cutset bound as the transmit power increases. Page 51 of 66 MIMO Fading Channels • More general MIMO fading model (ctd’) – Sum-rate versus P for the joint design with C 2 and 0 dB - DPC is advantageous only in the regime of intermediate P due to the limited-capacity backhaul links. - Unlike the conventional BC channels with perfect backhaul links where there exists constant sum-rate gap between DPC and linear precoding at high SNR (see, e.g., [Lee-Jindal]). - The overall performance is determined by the compression strategy rather than precoding method when the backhaul capacity is limited at high SNR. 6 average sum-rate [bit/c.u.] DPC precoding 5.5 5 linear precoding 4.5 4 cutset bound multivariate compression independent compression 3.5 0 5 10 15 20 transmit power P [dB] 25 30 Page 52 of 66 MIMO Fading Channels • More general MIMO fading model (ctd’) – Sum-rate versus C for linear precoding with P 5 dB and 0 dB 12 joint design average sum-rate [bit/c.u.] 10 8 separate design 6 4 2 0 cutset bound multivariate compression independent compression 0 2 4 6 C [bit/c.u.] 8 10 12 - When the backhaul links have enough capacity, the benefits of multivariate compression or joint design of precoding and compression become negligible. - since the overall performance becomes limited by the sum-capacity achievable when the BSs are able to fully cooperate with each other. - The separate design with multivariate compression outperforms the joint design with independent quantization for backhaul capacities larger than 5 bit/c.u. Page 53 of 66 MIMO Fading Channels • More general MIMO fading model (ctd’) – Sum-rate versus the inter-cell channel gain for linear precoding with C 2 and P 5 dB 5 4.8 multivariate compression independent compression sum-of-backhaul-capacities - The multi-cell system under consideration approaches the system consisting of N B parallel single-cell networks as the inter-cell channel gain decreases. - The advantage of multivariate compression is not significant for small values of , since introducing correlation of the quantization noises across BSs is helpful only when each MS suffers from a superposition of quantization noises emitted from multiple BSs. average sum-rate [bit/c.u.] 4.6 joint design 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 separate design 3.6 3.4 -15 -10 -5 inter-cell channel gain [dB] 0 Page 54 of 66 Outline I. Backgrounds and motivations II. Basic setting III. State of the art IV. Joint precoding and multivariate compression V. Special cases and extensions VI. Numerical results Wyner model and general MIMO fading VII. Concluding remarks Page 55 of 66 Concluding Remarks • We have studied the design of joint precoding and compression strategies for the donwlink of cloud radio access networks. – The BSs are connected to the central encoder via finite-capacity backhaul links. • We have proposed to exploit multivariate compression of the signals of different BSs. – In order to control the effect of the additive quantization noises at the MSs. • The problem of maximizing the weighted sum-rate subject to power and backhaul constraints was formulated. – An iterative MM algorithm was proposed that achieves a stationary point. Page 56 of 66 Concluding Remarks • Moreover, we have proposed a novel way of implementing multivariate compression. – based on successive per-BS estimation-compression steps. • Via numerical results, it was confirmed that – The proposed approach based on multivariate compression and on joint precoding and compression strategy outperforms the conventional approaches based on independent compression and separate design of precoding and compression strategies. • Especially when the transmit power or the inter-cell channel gain are large, and when the limitation imposed by the finite-capacity backhaul link is significant. Page 57 of 66 Concluding Remarks • Interesting open problems – Impact of CSI quality • The central unit has a different (worse) CSI quality than the distributed BSs. • Some related works found in [Park et al:13, Sec. V][Marsch-Fettweis][Hoydis et al]. – Broadcast approach [Shamai-Steiner][Verdu-Shamai] • The overall system can be regarded as a broadcast channel with different fading states among the MSs. – Combination of structured codes [Nazer et al][Hong-Caire], partial decoding [Sanderovich et al][dCoso-Ibars] and multivariate processing [Park et al:13]. – Multi-hop backhaul links • The BSs may communicate with the central unit through multi-hop backhaul links. • Related works can be found in [Yassaee-Aref][Goela-Gastpar]. Page 58 of 66 References Page 59 of 66 References [Liu et al] S. Liu, J. Wu, C. H. Koh and V. K. N. Lau, “A 25 Gb/s(km2) urban wireless network beyond IMT-advanced,” IEEE Comm. Mag., vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 122-129, Feb. 2011. [Intel] Intel Cor., “Intel heterogeneous network solution brief,” Solution Brief, Intel Core Processor, Telecommunications Industry. [Segel-Weldon] J. Segel and M. Weldon, “Lightradio portfolio-technical overview,” Technology White Paper 1, Alcatel-Lucent. 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Page 66 of 66 Abstract Cloud Radio Access Downlink with Backhaul Constrained Oblivious Processing The talk considers the downlink of cloud radio access networks, in which a central encoder is connected to multiple multi-antenna base stations (BSs) via finite-capacity backhaul links. The processing is done at the central encoder, while the distributed BSs employ only oblivious (robust) processing. We first review current state-of-the-art approaches, where the signals intended for different BSs are compressed independently, or alternatively the recently introduced structured coding ideas (Reverse Compute-and-Forward) are employed. We propose to leverage joint compression, also referred to as multivariate compression, of the signals of different BSs in order to better control the effect of the additive quantization noises at the mobile stations. We address the maximization of a weighted sumrate. For joint compression this is associated with the optimization of the precoding matrix and the joint correlation matrix of the quantization noises, subject to power and backhaul capacity constraints. An iterative algorithm is described that achieves a stationary point of the problem, and a practically appealing architecture is proposed based on successive steps of minimum mean-squared error estimation and per-BS compression. We conclude by comparison of different processing techniques, discussing a robust design concerning the available accuracy of the channel state information and overviewing some aspects for future research. Joint work with S.-H. Park, O. Simeone (NJIT), and O. Sahin (InterDigital)