Document 13362705

K&L Gates
On top
K&L Gates LLP has once again has been
named among the top 30 law firms for client
service, according to the 2014 BTI Client
Service 30 ranking. The report recognizes
the leading law firms based on nearly 300
independent, one-on-one interviews with
Global 500 and Fortune 1000 corporate counsel across
more than 20 industries to delineate — by name and rank
in an unprompted fashion — precisely how law firms
perform along 17 activities that drive superior client
relationships. Here, Lawyer Monthly speaks exclusively to
Jeff Berardi, Chief Marketing Officer of K&L Gates, about
why he feels the firm has won this accolade once again,
and what he feels other firms can learn from them.
And we can
mobilize our lawyers around the world, and
What are the main challenges you face
How do you see the landscape changing
within your role?
over the next year for the legal profession?
On any given day and in any given market,
I believe that law firms will continue to
can complete the work in less time than our
All of that leads to direct
benefits for our clients, and it likely has a lot
we compete with every type of law firm you
to do with why we have been included as
can imagine - global law firms, regional firms,
one of the top 30 law firms for client service.
boutique or niche practice firms and so on.
We even compete from time to time with
What do you personally think is the most
other professional services firms outside of
important thing to bear in mind when trying
the law.
to meet clients’ needs?
overall demand for legal services has been
To add to that challenge, the
generally flat in recent years, so we need to
It is important to try your best to view the
ensure that we are doing all that we can to
world from the perspective of the client,
develop and grow our existing client
become more efficient and the upshot is
that this will lead to better service for clients.
departments and their outside counsel,
alternative fee arrangements. In the past,
law firms and in-house counsel seemed to
be talking at each other, rather than talking
with each other. The issue of pricing needs
to be a mutual discussion between clients
rather than in a self-focused, and often
relationships to further strengthen the global
myopic, fashion. If we can effectively step
platform. We must try to understand the
shared risks.
into the shoes of our clients and consider
market for clients to the best of our abilities
crafting creative pricing arrangements for
their unique needs, challenges and strategic
and to go out and prove our value to clients
clients, and I expect that to continue
plans for the future, we are better prepared
on an ongoing basis.
well into the future.
to ensure their continued success. To do
easy, but it is incredibly important. The part
companies who experience working with an
this, we need to ask them questions and
that makes this job simply fascinating and
integrated global law firm such as ours
continuously strive to learn their business.
exciting is that each market has entirely
will have a better understanding, and
different challenges and opportunities.
That’s not always
What do you think other firms could learn
and law firms, and there are elements of
We have a long history of
I also believe that
proposition that we offer to clients.
from you?
How do you navigate these challenges?
In February 2013, K&L Gates took the
K&L Gates is a vast place and we haven’t
unprecedented step of announcing its 2012
always been a global entity. I believe that
financial results, becoming the first U.S.-
our international growth has made us
based global law firm to do so. We included
stronger as we’ve blended together diverse
information regarding our internal data,
backgrounds, cultures and experiences to
balance sheet information, and a variety of
form something that is greater than the sum
other path-breaking steps. The main reason
of its parts. I can honestly say that I learn
for this disclosure is that we feel strongly that
something new about this firm every day,
deserve a great deal of credit for their efforts
Is there anything else you would like to add?
We were pleased to be recognized as one
of the top 30 law firms for client service, but
we also recognize that our work is not done
in this respect. Providing excellent service
to clients is something you need to work at
on a daily basis throughout the entire
To be sure, our lawyers
transparency is good for the business of our
usually multiple things. Knowing our firm’s
in building strong and lasting relationships
clients as well as for our own firm. Our clients
strengths and capabilities allows our internal
with clients, but we also feel that our
are entrusting us with matters of great
shareholders to more clearly state our value
administrative professionals play a role in
we believe is evident across offices and
consequence, and we need to make sure
proposition to clients.
that effort as well. Our culture is such that
practice areas throughout the firm. That is
that trust is reciprocated in kind. There are a
I have been with the firm since 2004 and
true whether a lawyer works out of our Berlin,
number of firms in recent years that have
How are you finding the business climate at
quality of this firm - in order for that to be the
have been in the CMO role since 2006. As
Beijing, Brisbane, or Boston office. We have
collapsed, often because they conducted
the moment? Still tough?
CMO, I oversee the firm’s global marketing
created a global platform with the ultimate
business in an opaque manner. K&L Gates
and business development function areas.
goal to better serve clients with their legal
set the standard for being financially
We are dealing with a challenging business
needs across borders in a truly seamless
transparent within the legal industry, and it
climate for legal services.
manner. In order to fulfill this goal, you must
would be rewarding if other law firms felt
financial downturns following a credit crisis,
have a truly integrated platform. Integration
empowered enough to follow in this
they are typically followed by periods of
leads to active collaboration across all
prolonged economic stress. Yet despite the
Please introduce yourself and your role.
Why do you think that K&L Gates has been
ranked highly in this category once again?
rather than multiple firms.
K&L Gates
Even if they do not, we have
we believe that this will be an enduring
case we need to make sure this is embraced
on a global basis across K&L Gates. LM
If you look at
K&L Gates has grown considerably over the
offices and practices, leading to greater
committed to this path because we feel like
somewhat murky outlook, we feel that our
past several years, yet the core values of
levels of efficiency on behalf of clients. As a
it is simply the right thing to do, and the
firm is well-positioned for the future, as we
the firm have remained consistent as we
fully integrated global firm, we are able to
have made a major investment over the
have evolved into a global law firm. More
come up with better and more creative
received from clients and the wider business
years to be as diversified as possible across
specifically, we maintain a deep devotion to
solutions for clients’ challenging legal issues.
community has only strengthened our views
numerous geographic markets and practice
client service, a foundational value that
We can provide legal counsel from one firm
on that subject.
Contact Details:
Jeff Berardi
Chief Marketing Officer
K&L Gates