2009 Plan Conformance Grant Program County Petition for Plan Conformance Prepared by State of New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council in Support of the Highlands Regional Master Plan September 2009 PLAN CONFORMANCE GRANT PROGRAM COUNTY PETITION FOR PLAN CONFORMANCE 1. Introduction The Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act (Highlands Act) and the Highlands Regional Master Plan (RMP) requires that counties with lands in the Preservation Area petition the Highlands Council for Plan Conformance by 15 months from the effective date (September 8, 2008) of the Highlands RMP, or December 8, 2009. (Note: With respect to lands in the Planning Area, counties may voluntarily petition the Highlands Council for Plan Conformance at any time.) The RMP is a comprehensive planning document that establishes goals, policies and objectives for planning and managing the development and use of land in the Highlands Region. Under Plan Conformance, Highlands counties will incorporate all applicable elements of the Highlands RMP into county policies, plans and regulations pertinent to the development and use of land. These will affect areas under authority of the Board of Chosen Freeholders, such as policies applicable to the operation and management of county facilities, stewardship of parks and open space, and expenditures on capital improvement projects. In addition, RMP policies will apply to the county planning program, requiring updates or supplements to the County Master Plan, various county management plans, and the criteria applicable to county review of development applications. The Highlands Council adopted Plan Conformance Guidelines in 2008 that provide an overview of the requirements and schedule for county Plan Conformance. Recognizing that the 15 month schedule for submission of petitions for Plan Conformance would not provide sufficient time for completion of all RMP requirements, the Highlands Council established a process by which counties may address Plan Conformance in two stages. Basic Plan Conformance requires implementation of immediate mandatory components of the RMP (Tasks A through C, addressed through the 2009 Plan Conformance Grant Program), along with submission of a County Self-Assessment and a Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule for all remaining RMP requirements (Task D). These draft documents constitute the substantive requirements of the Petition for Plan Conformance due by December 8, 2009 for Preservation Area lands, which are discussed in detail within these instructions. This document provides instructions for the development of a county Petition for Plan Conformance and the process for Highlands Council review and approval. This document also outlines requirements and specific instructions for Tasks A through C, the results of which become part of the Petition. These instructions implement the Plan Conformance Guidelines and the Plan Conformance Key Requirements for counties published in 2008 and 2009 by the Highlands Council, which are available through the following Web links: http://www.highlands.state.nj.us/njhighlands/master/highlands_plan_conformance_guidelines.pdf http://www.highlands.state.nj.us/njhighlands/planconformance/conform_county_key_010609.pdf -1- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance The Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule will address all remaining requirements for Plan Conformance. These requirements are discussed in the Plan Conformance Guidelines. Briefly stated, they include limited changes to the plans and regulations adopted through Basic Plan Conformance that will implement more detailed planning, such as an analysis of RMP maps and data applicable to areas under county jurisdiction to determine the need for RMP Updates, and discretionary Plan Conformance components that facilitate and support regional initiatives and municipal Plan Conformance, such as resource management plans. Upon Highlands Council approval of a Petition for Plan Conformance, the county gains benefits of Plan Conformance as established by the Highlands Act (as described in the Plan Conformance Guidelines) and the second stage of Plan Conformance begins. Accomplishment of tasks required by the Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule will maintain the county’s status in Plan Conformance. The Highlands Council’s 2009 Plan Conformance Grant Program provides financial assistance for the reasonable costs of development of Tasks A through D including development of the Petition for Plan Conformance. The Highlands Act provided for continued funding through dedicated funds so that counties could rely on financial assistance for the reasonable costs of the Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule in 2010 and beyond. A grant schedule will be developed based on the Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule for each county. Counties may submit any invoice(s) for work leading up to the submission of the Petition for Plan Conformance upon receipt of notice from the Highlands Council that the Petition for Plan Conformance is administratively complete for review. The 2009 Plan Conformance Grant Program for Highlands Counties provides base grant amounts to be used to prepare Tasks A through D of up to $20,000, based on Highlands Council guidance and model materials in a format directly applicable to the counties. Funding for any specific Task may be augmented, preferably through reallocation of funds within the baseline grant amount of $20,000. Should a county find that additional funding is necessary beyond the $20,000 base grant amount for Tasks A through D in order to properly complete the Plan Conformance requirements, additional funding (not to exceed a total of $50,000 for Tasks A through D) may be authorized with justification and a formal request to the Executive Director for the requested supplemental amount. The written request should provide a statement of need, the rationale for approval of such request, and the specific tasks for which such additional funding is required. Please see the 2009 Plan Conformance Grant Program for Counties for additional information. Please note: this process includes stringent timelines to facilitate county completion of planning to meet the timelines established in the Highlands Act. Technical assistance for preparation of the Petition for Plan Conformance is available to counties, including continued assistance regarding Tasks A through D, as follows: Task A (Environmental Resource Inventory): Erin Lynam (erin.lynam@highlands.state.nj.us) Task B (Highlands Element): Judy Thornton (judith.thornton@highlands.state.nj.us) Task C (Highlands Regulations): James Humphries (james.humphries@highlands.state.nj.us) Task D (County Self Assessment, Implementation Plan & Petition): Erika Webb Cramer (erika.webb@highlands.state.nj.us) -2- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance 2. Required Contents of the County Petition for Plan Conformance A Petition for Plan Conformance is submitted to the Executive Director of the Highlands Council. The county petition must include the materials listed herein. Upon a finding of petition completeness (discussed below), the Adobe® pdf files will be posted by the Highlands Council on its Web site. Submission of the Petition for Plan Conformance constitutes permission of the county to post these materials. a) Cover Letter: The cover letter shall identify the portion of the county to which the Petition for Plan Conformance is applicable (i.e., Preservation Area), designate a county point of contact (also designated in the petition resolution, see #2.c below), and a statement that “the county has addressed all requirements of Plan Conformance to the best of its ability.” Submit: One original with original signature by the County Executive or the Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the county, as appropriate, and one Adobe® pdf file of the signed letter. b) Submittal Checklist: A listing of all materials submitted as part of the petition (including all required items listed below), and a listing of any materials not submitted due to approval of a waiver of submittal requirements by the Executive Director of the Highlands Council. NOTE: A county may request that the Executive Director of the Highlands Council waive the submission of specific petition requirements that are not relevant to Plan Conformance for the county or if particular circumstances do not warrant the submission. The Highlands Council strongly encourages submission of such requests prior to submission of the Petition for Plan Conformance to avoid being deemed administratively incomplete. Where the Executive Director approves such a waiver, the waiver letter shall be included within the petition. Submit: One hard copy, one file in Microsoft Excel® or compatible program, and one Adobe® pdf file. An example of a comprehensive Submittal Checklist is provided as Appendix A of these instructions in a separate Microsoft Excel® file. c) Preservation Area Resolution: A certified resolution adopted by the county Board of Chosen Freeholders petitioning for Plan Conformance for the Preservation Area; such resolution shall authorize the submission of the Petition documents, and petition the Highlands Council for a determination of Plan Conformance. Submit: One certified original and one Adobe® pdf file. A sample resolution is provided as Appendix B of these instructions. d) Record of Public Involvement: A summary of public involvement in the 2009 Plan Conformance Grant Program regarding development of materials for Tasks A through C, and of the Petition for Plan Conformance in Task D. This component must include copies of public meeting notices and announcements, meeting agendas and minutes, and any written comments received pertinent to work sessions, Task components made available for public review, and public meetings of the county Board of Chosen Freeholders, County Planning Board and any commissions, as relevant, held to discuss and receive public comment upon development of the petition materials. NOTE: As all materials are being submitted in draft form, no public hearing is required for Tasks A through C (Task B requires a public meeting only), though a county may voluntarily hold one or more public hearings. Submit: -3- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance One hard copy and one Adobe® pdf copy of each item. Materials may be combined into single files for ease of submission, with a cover sheet listing all materials included. e) 2009 Plan Conformance Grant Program Documents: Materials from Tasks A through C (Highlands ERI, Highlands Element and Highlands Regulations) of the 2009 Plan Conformance Grant Program for Highlands Counties. Submit: One hard copy, one file in Microsoft Word® or compatible program, and one Adobe® pdf file of each item), and for GIS data, in GIS shapefiles. The documents may not be combined in the electronic files. Instructions for Tasks A through C are included in Appendix C. f) List of Current County Planning Documents, Regulations and Official County Map: The county shall submit a list of all existing, relevant county planning and regulatory documents. The list shall include the most current master plan including each current master plan element, plus master plan reexamination reports (last 10 years); all land use development review rules and regulations for subdivisions and site plans, and the official county map (if one exists). Submit: A list of all relevant documents in Microsoft Word® or compatible program, with the dates of most recent adoption. Note: The Highlands Council will identify documents that the county has not submitted previously, and any documents that have been submitted previously but for which no Adobe ® pdf file is currently available. At the request of the Highlands Council, counties shall provide an Adobe® pdf format file for each document by March 1, 2010. Costs of production may be charged to the 2009 Plan Conformance Grant. In addition, counties may submit one of the following formats for each document: hard copy, or file in Microsoft Word® or compatible program. g) County Self-Assessment Report, and Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule: Counties shall submit a County Self-Assessment (CSA) Report that summarizes all draft changes to the county planning and regulatory programs to date (based at a minimum on the results of Tasks A through C of the 2009 Plan Conformance Grant Program) and all changes that will remain necessary after Basic Plan Conformance to achieve Full Plan Conformance with the RMP, as discussed in the Plan Conformance Guidelines and the Plan Conformance Key Requirements for counties. The CSA Report should consist of a brief narrative only, with the assessment reliant substantially upon inclusion of a completed CSA Checklist (provided as Appendix A of these instructions in a separate Microsoft Excel® file) indicating the status of each item listed therein. The status in the completed CSA Report Checklist should describe for each item, whether the document is complete as provided in the petition or requires additional work, and if an existing document has been included as a substitution for a Task or section of any Task. For example, if the county provided an existing Environmental Resource Inventory with edits to achieve consistency with the RMP instead of the Highlands Task A – Environmental Resource Inventory. This should be noted, as appropriate, in the status column of the CSA Report Checklist. Counties shall also include a draft Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule, which provides a listing of items from the CSA Report Checklist that are not required for Basic Plan Conformance and are not indicated as having been -4- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance completed. In addition, the county must submit a general approach for achieving Plan Conformance regarding those items. (NOTE: The draft Schedule will be a basis for discussion between the Highlands Council staff and the county prior to the Highlands Council approval of the Petition.) A table for use in support of the Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule is provided in Appendix A of these instructions in a separate Microsoft Excel® file. The draft Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule may also include a brief listing of potential RMP Updates (see #2.i, below), Map Adjustments (see #2.j, below), requests for State benefits, and other actions that the county proposes for consideration following a Highlands Council decision to approve or approve with conditions, the Petition for Plan Conformance. Submit: One hard copy, one file in Microsoft Word® or compatible program for the CSA Report, one file in Microsoft Excel® or compatible program for the Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule, and one Adobe® pdf file. h) Additional Supporting Materials: Counties may submit materials beyond those required for a Petition for Plan Conformance that the county believes will support the petition. Submit: One hard copy, one file in Microsoft Word® or compatible program (where available), and one Adobe® pdf file. i) RMP Updates: Counties may include requests for RMP Updates within their Petition for Plan Conformance. The Highlands Council may review and decide upon these RMP Updates as part of its review of the county Petition for Plan Conformance, or on a schedule that precedes or follows the decision on Plan Conformance. RMP Updates shall follow the form and procedures established by the Highlands Council and address all requirements of the RMP (see Chapter 6, pages 375-377). j) Map Adjustments: Counties may include requests for Map Adjustments to the RMP within their Petition for Plan Conformance. The Highlands Council may review and decide upon these Map Adjustments as part of its review of the county Petition for Plan Conformance, or on a schedule that precedes or follows the decision on Plan Conformance. Map Adjustments shall follow the form and procedures established by the Highlands Council and address all requirements of the RMP (see Chapter 6, pages 377-380). 3. Submission of County Contact Information Each county submitting a Petition for Plan Conformance or receiving a Plan Conformance Grant shall submit county contact information by January 30, 2010, for the Board of Chosen Freeholders, County Executive (where applicable), clerk, manager/administrator, County Planning Director, County Engineer, county attorney, planning board chair and attorney, and designated lead contact regarding the Petition for Plan Conformance. Each county shall also submit complete contact information by February 28, 2010, for the chairs of any relevant boards and commissions such as the park commission and the County Agriculture Development Board, plus a listing of the members for each of these boards and commissions. The Highlands Council will provide a submittal template and procedures to all counties in early January. -5- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance 4. Response to Highlands Council Review Counties may be asked to provide additional information in support of a petition. Such requests shall be made in writing to the County Executive or to the Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders, as appropriate, and the designated county point of contact for the Plan Conformance process from the Executive Director of the Highlands Council. Such information requests may occur regarding any of the submittal items discussed above, as a result of petition review by the Executive Director (or designee) or the Highlands Council, and shall require a response from the county within a timeframe designated therein. The review process is outlined in the Plan Conformance Guidelines and discussed in Section 6., below. Schedules for responses to the Highlands Council’s comprehensive review of any petition, will be established by the Highlands Council in the context of the petition review process. Responses to such requests shall become part of the decision record for Highlands Council review in consideration of Plan Conformance. 5. Schedule for Completion, Deliverables Important: Counties shall submit complete petitions for the Preservation Area with receipt by the Highlands Council at its offices (see below), by no later than close of business (5 PM) on Tuesday, December 8, 2009. The Highlands Council will post, on the Highlands Council website, a listing of all petitions received by December 18, 2009. Deliverables must be submitted by mail or delivered by hand to: Eileen Swan, Executive Director Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council 100 North Road (Route 513) Chester, NJ 07930 6. General Process and Schedule for Highlands Council Action a) Completeness Review: Highlands Council’s Executive Director shall review all submitted materials and make a determination as to petition completeness within 60 days of receipt of the Petition for Plan Conformance. The county will be notified of any incomplete submittals and will be provided an opportunity to submit information and materials as necessary to achieve a complete petition. Upon a determination that the petition is complete for review, the Executive Director shall notify the county, and within 10 days, shall provide public notice of the complete petition and post the complete petition on the Highlands Council website. b) Draft Consistency Review and Recommendations Report: The Executive Director shall prepare a draft county Consistency Review and Recommendations Report providing a detailed assessment of the Plan Conformance petition, the resulting level of conformance with the RMP, and further actions necessary for Plan Conformance. The schedule applicable to provision of such Reports will depend on the number of petitions being reviewed at the time, but in general is expected to take 45 to 90 days. c) County Response Period: In the event that any draft Consistency Review and Recommendations Report recommends rejection of a Petition for Plan -6- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance Conformance or approval with conditions, a copy of the draft Report shall be provided to the county prior to commencement of any further action. The Executive Director shall provide an opportunity for the county to determine whether to amend its Petition for Plan Conformance in order to rectify the major insufficiencies identified in the Report. If the county agrees to pursue such an amendment, the terms and schedule applicable to an amended petition shall be as determined and authorized by the Executive Director. Any amended petition shall be reviewed by the Executive Director, who shall prepare an amended draft Consistency Review and Recommendations Report. d) Public Notice: The Executive Director shall post the draft county Consistency Review and Recommendations Report on the Highlands Council website. In addition, the Executive Director may determine whether a public comment period, public hearing or both are necessary for the draft county Consistency Review and Recommendations Report. Where deemed necessary, the Executive Director will provide public notice of a period for public review and comment, and will establish a date for a public hearing for the purposes of receiving oral and written testimony. Where a public hearing is scheduled, the Executive Director or designee will chair the public hearing. e) Final Consistency Review and Recommendations: The Executive Director shall thereafter prepare a final county Consistency Review and Recommendations Report for consideration by the Highlands Council. The schedule applicable to provision of such Reports will depend on the volume and complexity of petitions being reviewed at the time, but in general is expected to take up to 30 days. The final county Consistency Review and Recommendations Report shall be posted on the Highlands Council website. f) Council Review and Decision: The Highlands Council shall determine by resolution, with an opportunity for public comment, whether the Petition for Plan Conformance shall be approved, approved with conditions, or rejected. The Highlands Council determination shall occur within 60 days of receiving the final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report, unless extended by mutual consent of the Highlands Council and the county. Where a petition is either approved with conditions or rejected, the Highlands Council shall provide the basis for such findings, which inclusive of any conditions, shall be recited within the text of its adopted resolution or incorporated by reference from the final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report. Implementation of the Highlands Implementation and Schedule will be one requirement of continued Plan Conformance. g) Notice: The county will be formally notified of the Highlands Council decision within 10 business days of adoption of the resolution. The notice shall include the Highlands Council resolution and, in the case of an approval with conditions, a final Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule. Within 15 days of the formal determination of the Highlands Council, the Executive Director shall provide public notice of the determination on the Highlands Council website. -7- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance h) Eligibility for Benefits under the Highlands Act and Regional Master Plan: Where a Petition for Plan Conformance is approved or approved with conditions, the Highlands Council resolution will include a determination that the county has met the requirements for Plan Conformance and is eligible for specific benefits of conformance under the Highlands Act and RMP (see Plan Conformance Guidelines for more detail on the benefits). A county that does not meet the conditions may be determined by the Highlands Council to no longer be in Plan Conformance, pursuant to the Highlands Act at N.J.S.A. 13:20-14.c. A county may be deemed no longer in Plan Conformance for either or both, the Preservation Area and the Planning Area. i) County Plan Conformance with Conditions of Approval: The Highlands Council resolution will provide a specific schedule for meeting the procedural conditions (e.g., final adoption of draft petition materials for Tasks A through C) of Section 6.f above, and any other conditions required to maintain Plan Conformance. In addition, the Highlands Council resolution will include a final Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule. Each county shall comply with the conditions for approval set forth in the Highlands Council resolution with regard to the Preservation Area. When the county has met the preliminary conditions for Plan Conformance (i.e., Basic Plan Conformance), the Highlands Council will provide a formal determination of Plan Conformance. Compliance with the remaining conditions of approval, as set forth within the Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule shall be ongoing. -8- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance Appendix A: Checklists Provided in a separate Microsoft Excel® file. Counties may copy these tables for use in their Petitions for Plan Conformance. -9- SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST: PETITION FOR COUNTY PLAN CONFORMANCE GENERAL SUBMISSION ITEMS 1. Cover Letter. Identifies portion of county for which Plan Conformance required, county point of contact. 2. 3. 5. Submittal Checklist. This completed Plan Conformance Checklist. Preservation Area Resolution. Certified governing body resolution submitting a Petition for Plan Conformance. Record of Public Involvement. A summary of public involvement in the development of materials for the Petition for Plan Conformance. 2009 Plan Conformance Grant Program Documents. Materials from the results of Tasks A through C (Highlands ERI, Highlands Element and Highlands Regulations) of the 2009 Plan Conformance Grant Program. List of Current County Planning and Regulatory Documents. A list of existing relevant county planning and regulatory documents with the dates of most recent adoption. 6. 7. 8. (√) or N/A County Self-Assessment Report. Report discussing: a) progress made toward achieving Plan Conformance as of the date of petition; b) steps remaining to achieve Full Plan Conformance; and c) general plan and anticipated timeframe for completion (including Appendix A, Self-Assessment Report Status of Checklist Items). 9. Implementation Plan and Schedule. Proposed Highlands Implementation Plan and Schedule charting outstanding items on timeline and specifically indicating the completion and implementation dates for each (including Appendix A Implementation Plan and Schedule). 10. RMP Updates p ((Optional). p ) If applicable, pp , updates p to RMP maps, p , charts,, and technical data alongg with verifiable documentation in support. If none are requested, indicate “N/A,” not applicable. 11. Map Adjustments (Optional). If applicable, requests for changes in Land Use Capability Zone Map designations along with information, justification, and evidence in support of same. If none are requested, indicate “N/A,” not applicable. 12. Additional Supporting Materials (Optional). Materials in support of Plan Conformance. 12/17/2009 1 Highlands Council PETITION FOR COUNTY PLAN CONFORMANCE 1. 2. 3. COUNTY CHECKLIST AND STATUS FOR: PLANNING PROGRAM DOCUMENTS AND SELF-ASSESSMENT REPORT SUBMISSION ITEM Highlands Environmental Resource Inventory (Task A) Please indicate if Highlands Model is/will be incorporated into an existing ERI/NRI Existing Document provided? (county to indicate) (√) or N/A Plan Conformance Document provided? (county to indicate) (√) or N/A Level of Preparation Addresses Basic or Full Plan Conformance? (county to indicate) (√) or N/A BASIC FULL Document Incorporating Required Material Self-Assessment Report Status of Checklist Items (Please indicate if document is draft or final and provide comments if necessary) STATUS Highlands Element of County Master Plan (Task B) a. Statement of Policies, Goals and Objectives b. Land Use Plan Element c. Conservation Plan Element i. Forest Resources ii. Highlands Open Waters and Riparian Areas iii. Steep Slopes iv. Critical Habitat v. Carbonate Rock vi. Lake Management vii. Water Resources Availability viii. Prime Ground Water Recharge Areas ix. Water Quality x. Wellhead Protection xi. Low Impact Development d. Utility Services Plan Element e. Land Preservation and Land Stewardship Plan Element i. Up-to-Date Open Space Inventory and Map f. Agriculture Retention/Farmland Preservation Plan Element (if applicable) i. Up-to-Date Preserved Farmland Inventory & Map g. County Facilities and Infrastructure Plan Element h. Sustainable Economic Development Plan Element (Discretionary) i. Relationship of Master Plan to State/Regional/Local Plans Highlands Regulations (Task C) Highlands Regulations for Development of County Lands and Facilities a. Purpose, Scope, Applicability b. Definitions c. Highlands Area Regulations d. Highlands Area Resource Regulations 12/17/2009 2 Highlands Council PETITION FOR COUNTY PLAN CONFORMANCE COUNTY CHECKLIST AND STATUS FOR: PLANNING PROGRAM DOCUMENTS AND SELF-ASSESSMENT REPORT SUBMISSION ITEM Existing Document provided? (county to indicate) (√) or N/A Plan Conformance Document provided? (county to indicate) (√) or N/A Level of Preparation Addresses Basic or Full Plan Conformance? (county to indicate) (√) or N/A BASIC FULL Document Incorporating Required Material Self-Assessment Report Status of Checklist Items (Please indicate if document is draft or final and provide comments if necessary) STATUS i. Forest Resources ii. Highlands Open Waters and Riparian Resources iii. Steep Slopes iv. Critical Habitat v. Carbonate Rock vi. Lake Management Area vii. Water Conservation and Deficit Mitigation viii. Prime Ground Water Recharge Areas ix. Wellhead Protection x. Historic, Cultural, and Archaeological Resources xi. Scenic Resources e. Highlands Area General Regulations i. Low Impact Development iii. Stormwater Management iv. Special Environmental Zone v. Septic System Design and Maintenance f. Review Procedures Highlands Completeness Checklist Regulations 4. 5. Management Plans (Discretionary - Not Required for Basic Plan Conformance) a. Water Use and Conservation Management Plan b. Habitat Conservation and Management Plan c. Wastewater Management Plan (if applicable) d. Scenic Resource Management Plan (optional) e. Regional Stormwater Management Plan (if applicable) Discretionary Items, List (Optional) a. 12/17/2009 3 Highlands Council DRAFT COUNTY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND SCHEDULE Applicable? FOR FULL PLAN CONFORMANCE BY TASK (√) or N/A 1. Highlands Environmental Resource Inventory (Task A) – Adopted √ 2. 3. 4. Environmental Resource Inventory – Integrated √ Highlands Element of County Master Plan (Task B) – Adopted √ Approximate Budget (for future use) Anticipated Completion Date Responsible Entity Status and Comments County Master Plan Elements (if applicable - specific elements may not be necessary if already exist and adopting Highlands Element model to supplement existing master plan) a. Land Use Plan Element (includes Redevelopment Planning) b. Conservation Plan Element c. Transportation/Circulation Plan Element d. Utility Services Plan Element e. Land Preservation and Land Stewardship Plan Element – including updated preserved land inventory and map f. Agriculture Retention/Farmland Preservation Plan Element – including updated preserved farmland inventory and map g. County Facilities and Infrastructure Plan Element i . RMP Update Analysis ii. Planning Analysis h. Historic Preservation Plan Element i. Sustainable Economic Development Plan Element (Discretionary) 5. Highlands Regulations (Task C) – Adopted (by resolution) a. Highlands Regulations for Development of County Lands and Facilities b. Highlands Completeness Checklist Regulations 6. 7. Official County Map – (Adopted - if exists) Resource Management Plans and Programs a. Water Use and Conservation Management Plan b. Habitat Conservation and Management Plan c. Wastewater Management Plan (if applicable) d. Scenic Resource Management Plan (optional) e. Regional Stormwater Management Plan (if applicable) 8. RMP Updates (optional) a. 9. Map Adjustments (optional) a. √ 10. County Planning and Regulatory Documents and Supporting Materials (based on petition submittals, list separately) a. 12/17/2009 4 Highlands Council DRAFT COUNTY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND SCHEDULE Applicable? FOR FULL PLAN CONFORMANCE BY TASK (√) or N/A 11. Discretionary Documents or Requests (financial and technical assistance requests from the county) a. 12. 13. Submission of Plan Conformance Grant Application Submission of Revised Petition (to be determined by the Highlands Council and the county) Final Consistency Review and Recommendations Report (to be determined by the Highlands Council) 14. 12/17/2009 Approximate Budget (for future use) 5 Anticipated Completion Date Responsible Entity Status and Comments Highlands Council Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance Appendix B: Sample Preservation Area Petition Resolution STATE OF NEW JERSEY BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS COUNTY OF __________ SUBMISSION OF A PETITION FOR PLAN CONFORMANCE TO THE HIGHLANDS WATER PROTECTION AND PLANNING COUNCIL FOR LAND IN THE PRESERVATION AREA WHEREAS, the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act (Highlands Act), N.J.S.A. 13:20-1 et seq., finds and declares that protection of the New Jersey Highlands is an issue of State level importance because of its vital link to the future of the State’s drinking water supplies and other significant natural resources; and WHEREAS, the Highlands Act creates a coordinated land use planning system requiring the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council (Highlands Council) to prepare and adopt a Regional Master Plan for the Highlands Region; and WHEREAS, the Highlands Act requires that within nine to 15 months after the effective date of the Regional Master Plan, September 8, 2008, each county located wholly or partially in the Preservation Area shall submit revisions to the county master plan and associated regulations, as applicable to the development and use of land in the Preservation Area, as may be necessary to conform them with the goals, requirements and provisions of the Regional Master Plan (Plan Conformance); and WHEREAS, portions of the County of ________ are located in the Preservation Area of the Highlands Region as defined by the Highlands Act; and WHEREAS, the Highlands Council prepared and distributed to the Highlands counties Plan Conformance Guidelines outlining the process and procedures for petitioning the Highlands Council for Plan Conformance; and WHEREAS, the Highlands Council’s Plan Conformance Guidelines also require that a Petition for Plan Conformance be filed with the Highlands Council no later than December 8, 2009, which includes a comprehensive package of planning and implementation documents that meet the requirements of the Highlands Act, the Regional Master Plan and the Highlands Plan Conformance Guidelines; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County of ________ hereby submits this Petition for Plan Conformance to the Highlands Council for that portion of our jurisdiction lying within the Preservation Area in accordance with the Highlands Act, the Regional Master Plan, and the Highlands Plan Conformance Guidelines. I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of the resolution adopted by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of ___________ at a regular/special meeting held on __________, 2009. -10- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance APPENDIX C: General Instructions for Plan Conformance Tasks A through C: For Tasks A through C, review and gain an understanding of the model Highlands ERI, Highlands Element, and the Highlands Regulations as supplements to existing county policies, plans and regulations. The Highlands model documents should be considered to apply in conjunction with existing provisions to the maximum extent feasible, and only in the event of conflicts or where the model Highlands documents are more stringent, to supersede. Where underlying county master plan language and regulations call for more restrictive land use management or regulation than do the model Highlands documents, however, they may be retained as the applicable authority. It is important to note that the draft county Highlands ERI, Element, and Regulations (or fully revised draft county master plan and regulations) are intended for submission with the Petition for Plan Conformance. The full petition (inclusive of Tasks A through D) will require county Board of Chosen Freeholders approval. The Highlands Council thus recommends early involvement by county Board of Chosen Freeholders members in the County Planning Board review process to help ensure timely completion and submission of petitions for Basic Plan Conformance. 1. The county shall incorporate provisions of the Highlands ERI, Element and Regulations (based on the models provided) either as an appendix or addendum to its existing documents or as integrated within pertinent sections of its existing documents. If a county chooses this second option, the model Highlands documents need to be incorporated section-by-section into a proposed revised draft of the appropriate existing county document (e.g., master plan), inclusive of all pertinent plan elements, exhibits and language indicating applicability and authoritative hierarchy (in relation to existing provisions), as appropriate. The integrated text shall be clearly marked or highlighted for Highlands Council review. Should this alternative be selected, the submission to the Highlands Council must be provided in an electronic format (see #3 below). All modifications to existing county master plans or regulations should be indicated as document edits, highlighted by use of available software editing features. Due to the limited time available for submission of petitions for Plan Conformance the Highlands Council advises against this approach. The Highlands Council encourages counties to address Basic Plan Conformance requirements in the most expeditious, costeffective manner and unless unavoidable therefore, to defer more complex planning activities such as this option until the immediate concerns of Basic Plan Conformance have been addressed. Specifically for the ERI, if the county does not have an existing ERI, the county shall adopt the Highlands ERI as its county ERI. Please be advised that revisions that change the intent or meaning of the model Highlands ERI, Element, or Regulations will only be accepted by the Highlands Council if they are found consistent with the intents and purposes of the Highlands Act and the requirements of the Highlands RMP. Planning professionals should ensure that County Planning Board members and County Board of Chosen Freeholder members are made aware of this requirement and that it is clearly stated during the public meeting(s) held to discuss and consider the draft county Highlands ERI, Element, and Regulations. 2. Based on the comments, discussion and final consensus reached by the Planning Board and Board of Chosen Freeholders for Tasks A through C, review the draft county Highlands ERI, Element, and Regulations. Prepare a mark-up of the Highlands ERI, Element and -11- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance Regulations to tailor them to the county in terms of name/identification, applicable circumstances and characteristics, inclusion or exclusion of optional items, and interconnections with (and if desired, cross-references to) the existing county ERI, master plan, or regulations as appropriate following the general and specific instructions below. 3. All proposed modifications to the model Highlands document or existing county plans or regulations relevant to Tasks A through C must be indicated in submissions to the Highlands Council by use of Microsoft Word® Track Changes for all text insertions or deletions, so that the Highlands Council may efficiently review the revisions for approval. Where a section of the Highlands ERI, Element, or Regulations is not relevant to a county (e.g., carbonate rock areas for a county that has no carbonate rock geology), the section should be deleted in Track Changes in its entirety. 4. For all highlighted text, provide insertions where blanks appear (or instructions indicate), determine portions to be retained or deleted as applicable, and mark up/edit accordingly. (Title/Signature page may be modified to suit county format/protocols provided that the public notice statement with date(s) of public meeting(s) is retained. The document need not be signed or sealed for purposes of submittal to the Highlands Council as part of the petition for Plan Conformance.) 5. Determine whether any sections of the Highlands ERI, Element or Regulations, or portions of these documents, are not applicable to the county. Prior to marking for deletion, scan applicable sections for introduction of terms, acronyms, maps, etc., that may be referenced or otherwise necessary to support other portions of the documents. Mark the pertinent Highlands documents or portions thereof for deletion in track changes. (Note that in Microsoft Word® most numbering updates are automated. Document headings and numbering have been formatted to enable this feature. See Section 6. Figures and 10. Table of Contents below to update formatted sections.) 6. Figures. Where the italicized and bracketed text calls for specific Figures, the county shall copy the map from the source map series provided by the Highlands Council on the CDROM, and paste it into the specified Figure insertion location at the end of the Highlands ERI and Highlands Element narratives. This process should be performed with document editing features (e.g., Microsoft Word’s “Track Changes”) turned off, in order to avoid complications with the insertion process. The county shall also insert the Figure number within the resource section text to correspond with the Figure section at the end of the Highlands ERI and Element. Therefore, we recommend that all map insertions occur at one time. Note that most exhibits have been provided within the materials that support development of Task A Highlands ERI. A number of others may be “clipped” from GIS mappings provided within the Highlands RMP. (See CD’s containing the RMP and Highlands Council technical documents, previously provided by the Highlands Council.) In certain instances, the county may need to create maps for the Highlands Element (e.g., Exhibit II, SDRP Planning Areas & Center Designations (suggested source: State Planning Commission/Office of Smart Growth)), or update maps provided by the Highlands Council (e.g., Exhibit Z, Preserved Lands; Exhibit CC, Preserved Farms, SADC Easements, All Agricultural Uses). In most cases, such documentation of current county conditions will (or already did) occur during the course of updating municipal inventories with the exception of lands and facilities under county jurisdiction. Note for the Highlands Element that the -12- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance county Highlands Area map (Exhibit A) may not be modified absent formal approval by the Highlands Council. Any other Highlands Council maps that are modified by the county (based on factual discrepancies in content) should be supported by the county in formal requests to the Highlands Council for “RMP Updates.” (These may be submitted through the Highlands Council’s web-based tool, when available, or accompany the Plan Conformance Petition as described above in Section 2.i.) 7. Text that is not italicized in the narrative (which is derived directly from the RMP and associated Technical Reports) should not be edited unless it is not relevant to the county (see 3., above) or the county provides justification, but new text may be added (in Word® Track Changes) within each section, at the county’s discretion. 8. A county may include additional sections, including figures for the Highlands ERI and Element using the map template provided, but this is not required for Basic Plan Conformance. The Highlands ERI and Element include all information necessary to support county Basic Plan Conformance. 9. In instances where existing language of county master plan elements and regulations is more restrictive than that of the model Highlands ERI, Element, or Regulations and is intended to remain as the applicable authority, provide modified language as necessary to make the Highlands model documents consistent, marking inappropriate text for deletion. Such updates may be made by summary if necessary, with cross-reference(s) to the applicable section(s) of the existing county master plan elements or regulations. In these instances, copies of the full text of the applicable sections of existing county master plans and regulations must be provided as an attachment to the Petition submission to the Highlands Council. 10. Table of Contents: Update Table of Contents as to both page numbers and headings. (In Microsoft Word®: right click anywhere in the middle of the Table of Contents field, choose “Update Field,” then choose “Update entire table” in pop-up menu.) Updating the Table of Contents, as with the Figure insertions, is best performed with the document editing features (e.g., Microsoft Word’s “Track Changes”) turned off. 11. Scan document and ensure that all instructional text (i.e., material in italics) is marked for deletion and all highlighted text to remain is marked to eliminate highlighting. 12. Technical Proficiency and System Requirements: Specific to the Highlands ERI; ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 (ArcInfo or Arc Editor Editions). The data review portion of this process is intended for proficient GIS users with the appropriate software and hardware for viewing both tabular and spatial attributes in personal (single user) geodatabases. Operations include overlaying spatial data and viewing metadata. Professionals are required to be proficient with system requirements specified above. The lead professionals must be both familiar and experienced with environmental resource inventories and natural resources management. Familiarity also required with county master plan elements and regulations, NJDEP Land Use/Land Cover data and open space/preserved lands related to all levels of government, non-profit organizations and water supply authorities. Familiarity is required with the NJDEP regulations at N.J.A.C. 7:38, regarding Highlands Preservation Area standards. -13- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance 13. Completion: The Highlands ERI, Element and Regulations shall be deemed complete upon: • • • The insertion of all pertinent county information (text) in Word® Track Changes; The insertion of all specific county data from the Highlands data table; and The insertion of all specific county maps/figures from the Highlands GIS-based ERI Maps (for both the ERI and Element). Specific Discussion and Instructions for Plan Conformance Tasks A through C: ¾ Task A Environmental Resource Inventory The Highlands Council has provided on CD-ROM a model Highlands ERI along with tabular data. The Highlands ERI includes resource narrative applicable to the Highlands Region generally, as well as county-specific data and maps reflective of the particular resources of each Highlands county. Each section includes a place for the county to insert specific information pertinent to the county, as discussed below. Each data insertion section shall include information on the allocation of resources (e.g., acreage) in the Planning Area and the Preservation Area. The data and maps are required for the Preservation Area. The Highlands Council recognizes that the RMP was created at a regional scale, and that additional information available at the county level may also be incorporated to update the model Highlands ERI. Counties will be required to submit a Highlands ERI based upon the model Highlands ERI, maps and tabular data provided to the county on CD-ROM. The Highlands Council has provided counties with relevant information required for the ERI including the following: • Highlands ERI Template (in Microsoft Word® 2007 file); • Example ERI for Bedminster Township (in Adobe® .pdf file); • Highlands Data Table specific to their county (in Microsoft Excel® 2007 file); and • Highlands Geographic Information System (GIS)-based ERI Maps specific to their county (in .jpeg or Adobe® .pdf format). The Bedminster Township example is provided so that counties have a clear guide for how the instructions above will result in a Highlands ERI. The information (data and maps) is shown in highlighted text, and the maps are specific to Bedminster Township. (NOTE: this example is a product of the Highlands Council, and may be modified by Bedminster Township to address local needs and issues. It is based on information from the RMP on preserved lands, wastewater and public water supply service areas and septic system yield, which may not reflect current municipal conditions as determined through the municipal build-out process.) Where the italicized and bracketed text calls for specific data (acreage, etc), the county shall reference the Highlands data table, provided to the county on the CD-ROM. The county shall copy the data from the data table, and paste it into the narrative, where specified. The data table is a composite of five Excel® tables (ERI Data, Critical Wildlife, HDSF, Public Community Water, and HUC Data). The accompanying Data Dictionary provides detail about each data column and the information within. It is recommended that the county utilize the Data Dictionary in conjunction -14- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance with the data table in order to understand which data column matches with the data insertion sections of the ERI. ¾ Task B Highlands Element All plan elements of the Highlands Element should be considered as supplements to existing county master plan elements, where such elements exist. Where the existing county master plan does not contain certain plan elements, Highlands plan elements are intended to serve as such elements, or as placeholders, indicating intent to fully develop such elements during Full Plan Conformance. The Highlands Element provides the rationale and the framework for land use planning, management and regulation in accordance with the RMP for the development and use of lands located within the Preservation Area as delineated in the Highlands Act. It is intended to be used as a supplement to existing county master plans for application to land use and development in the Preservation Area portion of the county for which Plan Conformance is required. The model Highlands Element is a single document, which addresses development review functions of the Planning Board, as well as functions of the Board of Chosen Freeholders regarding land and facility management under the jurisdiction of the county. The model Highlands Element is written with the expectation that the Planning Board will adopt it with regard to those functions under the jurisdiction of the Planning Board, and the Board of Chosen Freeholders will both endorse the document relative to Planning Board functions and adopt it relative to those additional functions under the jurisdictions of the Board of Chosen Freeholders. Alternative approval methods may also be used. Counties may submit the Highlands Element as one single document or may separate the document to conform to the purview of the County Planning Board and the purview of the county Board of Chosen Freeholders. If the county wishes to submit two separate documents, the petition should include two separate Highlands Elements – one for County Planning Board approval and one for county Board of Chosen Freeholder approval. The Highlands Element submittals must follow all of the general instructions for both documents. Counties may also modify the document as necessary to ensure applicability to lands and facilities under county jurisdiction and for simple re-arrangement or reformatting to achieve consistency with other county planning documents. It will be important to maintain the meaning of any applicable language provided in the model Highlands Element however, insofar as it specifically relates to the various provisions and requirements of the RMP. Professional Planner Seal & Signature Not Required for Submission. Because the Highlands Element is being submitted as a draft, the Cover Page need not be signed or sealed by a Professional Planner. The document remains a DRAFT until such time as the County Planning Board adopts it – an action not required until after Highlands Council approval of the petition for Basic Plan Conformance. Professional signatures and seals are required only in accordance with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 45:14A-12. Note: The Cover Page indicates that the base Model Highlands Element was prepared and provided to Highlands counties by the Highlands Council. The signature line remains pertinent only to changes made to the document to tailor it to local circumstances. -15- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance ¾ Task C Highlands Regulations There are two regulations for county adoption under Basic Plan Conformance. The first relates to requirements for county lands and facilities, while the second relates to development reviews by the County Planning Board. Regulations for the Development of County Lands and Facilities The Highlands Regulations for the Development of County Lands and Facilities provides the guidance and standards for the development of any county lands, facilities, and capital improvements within the Preservation Area, where such is not exempt from the Highlands Act. A model document is being provided to the counties under separate cover. All Highlands Regulations for the Development of County Lands and Facilities should be considered as supplements to existing county regulations and standards for the development of County lands and facilities, where such exist. Where existing County standards and regulations for the development of County lands and facilities do exist; then the more restrictive of any specific regulations and/or standards contained therein will apply. The model Highlands Regulations for the Development of County Lands and Facilities is a single document, intended to apply to the County Preservation Area, which addresses development of County Lands and Facilities proposed by the County. The model Highlands Regulations for the Development of County Lands and Facilities are written with the expectation that the Board of Chosen Freeholders will adopt a resolution requiring any development to any County Lands and Facilities that are located within the Preservation Area to follow the regulations found therein. Counties may modify the document as necessary to ensure applicability to lands and facilities under County jurisdiction and for simple re-arrangement or reformatting to achieve consistency with other County documents. However, it is necessary to maintain the specific regulatory requirements of any applicable language provided in the model Highlands Regulations for the Development of County Lands and Facilities. Highlands Completeness Checklist Regulations In nearly all cases, development projects within the Preservation Area that are reviewed by the County Planning Board will also be reviewed by the municipality. Conformance with the Highlands RMP will be achieved through the local review and the call-up authority of the Highlands Council. Where a County Planning Board is involved in the review of a development project within the Preservation Area that does not require municipal approval, conformance with the Highlands RMP will be achieved through a completeness checklist requirement adopted by the county. Such projects would not be deemed complete for review absent a finding by the Highlands Council that the project is consistent with the RMP. The county may modify the completeness checklist resolution provided in Appendix D as necessary to achieve the intended purpose within the County Planning Board review process. -16- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance APPENDIX D: Completeness Checklist Resolution STATE OF NEW JERSEY BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS ________________ COUNTY, NEW JERSEY RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act (Highlands Act), N.J.S.A. 13:20-1 et seq., finds and declares that protection of the New Jersey Highlands is an issue of State level importance because of its vital link to the future of the State’s drinking water supplies and other significant natural resources; and WHEREAS, the Highlands Act creates a coordinated land use planning system requiring the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council (Highlands Council) to prepare and adopt a Regional Master Plan for the Highlands Region; and WHEREAS, the Highlands Act requires that within nine to 15 months after the effective date of the Regional Master Plan, September 8, 2008, each county located wholly or partially in the Preservation Area shall submit revisions to the county master plan and associated regulations, as applicable to the development and use of land in the Preservation Area, as may be necessary to conform them with the goals, requirements and provisions of the Regional Master Plan (Plan Conformance); and WHEREAS, portions of the County of ________ are located in the Preservation Area of the Highlands Region as defined by the Highlands Act; and WHEREAS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of ___________ affirmatively seeks to align its master plan and regulations with the policies, goals and provisions of the RMP as applicable to the Highlands Preservation Area, in full accordance with the requirements of the Highlands Act; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Land Development Review standards of __________ County, titled________________, adopted by Resolution #______, dated ____________, are herewith amended to incorporate the new section titled, “Highlands Preservation Area Requirements,” as provided herein following. -17- Instructions for County Petitions for Plan Conformance HIGHLANDS PRESERVATION AREA REQUIREMENTS Any application to the __________ County Planning Board involving property located within the Preservation Area of the New Jersey Highlands Region shall neither be deemed complete nor considered for review by the Planning Board, until or unless one or more of the following, as applicable, has been submitted to the Planning Board in support of the application: 1. A certified resolution issued by the municipal land use board having jurisdiction in the matter indicating that the development application proposing the project has received approval of such local board and is authorized to proceed; or 2. A formal notice of public hearing, provided to the County in accordance with the requirements of the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-12), indicating that the proposed project is the subject of an application for development which has been filed with and is scheduled for consideration by the municipal land use board having jurisdiction in the matter; or 3. In the absence of 1 or 2 above: a. A Highlands Applicability Determination (HAD) issued by the NJDEP indicating that the proposed projects is exempt from the requirements of the Highlands Act; or b. A Highlands Preservation Area Approval (HPAA) issued by the NJDEP; or c. A Highlands Regional Master Plan Consistency Determination issued by the New Jersey Highlands Council indicating that the proposed project is consistent with the Highlands Regional Master Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Board of Chosen Freeholders in the manner prescribed by law. -18-