Module 1: Instructions Current Municipal Conditions and Build-Out Analysis Prepared by State of New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council in Support of the Highlands Regional Master Plan January 2009 HIGHLANDS PLAN CONFORMANCE MODULE 1: Current Municipal Conditions and Build-Out Analysis INSTRUCTIONS Users must follow the protocols as prescribed below. Deviation or incomplete submittals will be determined to be incomplete and returned for revision. Overview The Module 1 build-out analysis requires that municipalities have complete and current information available regarding developable lands (including identification of preserved lands) and areas currently served with water supply and wastewater utility services. The Highlands Council will provide to each municipality the information available on these features using a Municipal Build-Out Geodatabase. The Geodatabase will also include preliminary information on current available capacity for both water supply and wastewater utility services in the municipality for verification by the municipality. Municipalities will then check the information and either accept it as sufficiently accurate for a buildout analysis, or prepare data reports on current municipal conditions that provide improved information. Data reports on municipal conditions (or verification that none are required) must utilize the Municipal Build-Out Geodatabase and be sealed by a licensed professional (planner, engineer, or attorney) and submitted in accordance with Highlands Council data specifications and requirements. After Highlands Council reviews the revised municipal data report, it will provide to each municipality a revised Municipal Build-Out Geodatabase and Module 1 Summary Report that indicates the improved utility capacity, septic system yield, developable lands and RMP build-out environmental constrained lands based on existing conditions. The Council staff determination will specifically identify the maximum build-out potential of a municipality based on available land, infrastructure and environmental carrying capacity, consistent with the RMP. Septic system yield will be provided in terms of equivalent residential units. Water and wastewater utility capacity will be provided in gallons per day rather than development units. The municipality shall review the final results and notify the Executive Director in writing of any issues, within 5 business days. The results shall provide the basis for work in Module 2 (Land Use & Resource Capacity Analysis), which in turn will support work in Module 3 (Housing Element and Fair Share Plan). Scope of Work Task 1: Municipalities will be provided a CD-ROM that includes the Municipal Build-Out Geodatabase 1 and 2, the ArcView layer files that support the Geodatabase, an ArcView Map Template (.MXD). Current RMP information regarding Public Community Water and Highlands Domestic Sewerage Facility (HDSF) utility capacity for existing areas served and these Instructions for Module 1. Municipalities will be required to submit to the Highlands Council a data Verification Form on current municipal conditions as represented by the Municipal Build-Out Geodatabase. The relevant information required for review and verification is parcel based and includes the following: 2 Currently Preserved Lands (Open Space or Farmland, including fee simple and easements); Parcels currently served by utilities (water, sewer); Developed lands; and Lands available for development (developable lands). Additional relevant information includes modifications to the preliminary information on current available capacity for Public Community water supply and HDSF wastewater utility services in the municipality, specifically including whether regional utilities are committed to providing specific flow allocations to the municipality, rather than providing services within their service area on a firstcome, first-served basis. The Highlands Council’s preliminary information on current available capacity assumes that such contractual obligations do not exist, and allocates utility capacity among municipalities served by regional systems on the basis of developable lands. If all information provided by the Highlands Council is correct and it is determined by the municipality that no modifications are required the municipality completes the Verification Form and submits the Module 1 data to the Highlands Council. If the Highlands Council information provided requires modification, the municipality completes the edits as required and the Verification Form and submits the Module 1 data to the Highlands Council. The municipality is to utilize the blank pre-labeled CD-Rom for submittal of Module 1 information to the Highlands Council along with the original hard copy version of all required Verification Forms. Task 2: Based on the data report verified by the municipality, the Highlands Council will provide the municipality a revised pre-populated Municipal Build-Out Geodatabase and a Module 1 Summary Report that indicates the build-out capacity conditions for developable parcels based on the RMP (i.e., a land-based build-out assuming no constraints other than location within wastewater/water supply utility service areas, or for those lands not within a wastewater utility service area, the Septic System Yield based upon Land Use Capability Map Zone policies). The Highlands Council will also provide revised values (in gallons per day) for HDSF wastewater utility current available capacity or Public Community Water Supply utility current available capacity. The municipal HUC 14 Water Availability will be evaluated in Module 2. Please note that information determined to be Incomplete based on the Highlands Council’s quality assurance/quality control review will be flagged and returned to the municipality for further evaluation. Technical Proficiency System Requirements: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 (ArcInfo, ArcView or Arc Editor Editions) 3 The data review portion of this process is intended for proficient Geographic Information System (GIS) users with the appropriate software and hardware for editing both tabular and spatial attributes in personal (single user) geodatabases. Operations include overlaying spatial data, appending, joining and relating tables, heads-up digitizing, structured query language and importing/exporting to/from Microsoft Access and Excel applications. Professional Staff or Consultant Requirements: Proficient with system requirements specified above. Requires New Jersey Professional Planning or Professional Engineering License for verification of land use conditions represented in the build-out analysis. Lead consultant must be both familiar and experienced with parcel based build-out analysis as a means to evaluate public water and sewer utility service capacity conditions and the evaluation of developable lands for septic system yield analysis. Familiarity also required with the tax assessor MOD IV data, municipal zoning and land use ordinances, NJDEP Land Use/Land Cover data and preserved open space/farmlands related to all levels of government, non-profit organizations and water supply authorities. Familiarity is required with the NJDEP regulations at N.J.A.C. 7:10, 7:9A, and 7:15 regarding drinking water, subsurface disposal system, and water quality management planning, respectively. Local knowledge of parcel based land use conditions, water and wastewater utility service providers, preserved open space/farmlands lands and municipal owned lands required for analysis of developable lands that inform the build-out and capacity condition evaluation. Verification and Editing Requirements Data reports on current municipal conditions (or verification that none are required) are required to be sealed by a licensed professional (planner, engineer, or attorney) and submitted in accordance with Highlands Council data specifications and requirements. The name of the municipal conditions data report verifier is required to be entered into the [PARC_STAT_MUNI_VERIFY] field in the Geodatabase for all parcels for which the verifier is responsible; in addition, a signature and seal or license number is required on the Highlands Municipal Conditions and Build-Out Analysis Verification Form (see attached Verification Form). The verifier may approve another individual to edit the Geodatabase. The editor must enter their name in the field [PARC_STAT_MUNI_REVIEWER] and indicate the date of any edits in the field [PARC_STAT_DATE_OF_EDIT]. Comments regarding Geodatabase information shall be entered into the field [PARC_STAT_COMMENTS]. Each individual that verifies information in the Geodatabase is required to complete a Verification Form and submit the original form to the Highlands Council. The completed Verification Form must be submitted to the Highlands Council regardless if municipal modifications are required or not. 4 Please note that the Module 1 deliverable is a single Goedatabase representing all verified information and documentation. A pre-labeled blank CD-Rom is included for submittal to the Highlands Council of all Module 1 information. 5 Completeness Requirements Once the municipal conditions data report and verification documents are received by the Highlands Council, the information will be reviewed for completeness. The Geodatabase fields [NJHC_QA_QC_REVIEW] and [NJHC_QA_QC_COMMENTS] will be populated by the Highlands Council as part of the completeness review. If information is deemed to be incomplete the Highlands Council will prepare a Completeness Statement that summarizes the data that are in question and return the Geodatabase and Completeness Statement to the municipality for further evaluation. Once the information has been deemed complete it will be used by the Highlands Council to complete Module 1. 6 Module 1 - Technical Protocols Municipalities will receive the following information along with these instructions on a Module 1 CD-Rom: GDB #1: Is a fully attributed pre-populated parcel Geodatabase that is to be used for tabular edits only. ArcView Layer files that support GDB#1 for parcel status, Public Community Water and HDSF Wastewater utility existing areas served and Open Space/Preserved Farmland. Municipal HDSF Wastewater and Public Community Water Supply Utility Capacity GDB #2: Is an empty Geodatabase to be used for submitting new parcels missing from the Highlands database. Users may append existing digital municipal parcels to this geodatabase or directly digitize into this template. In the case of the addition of new digital parcels that were missing from the Highlands database all relevant tabular attributes must be filled out. The following information will be used to inform the Highlands Council Municipal Conditions and Build-Out Analysis Module. Strict compliance to the format and process ensures efficient delivery and completeness. Parcel Status Information (GDB#1) Existing Parcels Currently Served with Wastewater Treatment Other than Septic Systems (GDB#1) Existing Parcels Currently Supplied with Potable Water (GDB#1) Existing Preserved Open Space / Preserved Farmland (GDB#1) Parcels not represented in the Highlands Council Geographic Information System (GDB#2) 7 ArcView GDB#1 Layer Files An ArcView layer file [.lyr] stores the display properties of a particular feature (polygon, point, line, raster, or TIN) for use in the ArcMap program. This file does not actually store the data; it simply points to an existing data source and symbolizes it based on its attributes according to stored parameters (i.e., colors, line weights, etc.). The ArcMap template file [.mxd] provided contains multiple layer files [.lyr] that each display a different representation of the parcel dataset based on its attributes (i.e., developed/not developed, wastewater, public water, etc.). These representations are provided to allow the user to visually inspect changes made to the attribute table. For example, if the user changes a parcel from developable to not developable in the attribute table the corresponding shape will change color on the map. All layer files in the ArcMap template reference the same dataset (GDB#1). The user can freely make edits to any of the attribute tables as the edits are only being made to one centralized dataset (GDB#1). The first step to using the files located on the CD-Rom provided by the Highlands Council is to copy the Geodatabase and the Layer files to the local hard drive or onto a local server (i.e., the files must be copied off of the CD to a drive with read/write permissions in order for them to be editable). Once they are copied over the user should open the ArcMap [.mxd] file. The file will load with the various layer files located in the table of contents. Initially the links will be broken and will need to be pointed to the Geodatabase (GDB#1). This is done by right-clicking the layer in the table of contents, selecting Properties and clicking the Select Data Source button on the Source tab of the Layer Properties dialog box. From here the user should set the data source to the location of the Geodatabase that they have just copied onto their local network or hard drive. For more information on this process please refer to the following website: 8 GDB#1 - Parcel Status Information Attribute Requirements for all parcels in GDB #1 and for those that may be added to GDB #2 the following parcel relevant data must be reviewed and edited as necessary. The following table represents parcel information that is included for each record in the Geodatabase and is not to be edited by the municipality: Geodatabase Field Name OBJECT ID Shape PARCEL_OID PAMS_PIN PIN SSN Block Lot SQ. FT Acres COUNTY REGION_PRES or REGION_PLAN Field Description Software generated ID Software generated ID ID used for joining parcel information State Parcel ID Parcel ID that includes the MODIV qualifier State Standard Numeric Code - Combination of County and Municipal number Parcel Block ID Parcel Lot ID Area unit of measure in square feet Area unit of measure in acres The county ID Highlands Preservation or Planning Area [PARC_STAT_CONDO] = Indicates whether the parcel is a Condo as defined by the NJ Property Tax System MOD IV or not. All parcels have a value of Yes/No for the field. Edit as necessary. [PARC_STAT_QFARM] = Indicates whether the parcel is a Qualified Farm as defined by the NJ Property Tax System MOD IV or not. All parcels have a value of Yes/No for the field. Edit as necessary. [PARC_STAT_ROW] = Indicates whether the parcel is a Right-Of-Way or not. All parcels have a value of Yes/No for the field. Right-Of-Ways are not considered Developable lands for the buildout analysis. Edit as necessary. [PARC_STAT_DEV_STATUS] = This field allows the reviewer to indicate the development potential. Choose from Not Developable, Developable. Please note that the pre-populated Developable land is based on the Highlands Regional Build-Out Analysis Technical Report and represents MOD IV 2007 Property Class 1 data and only Property Class 3B data. Only Developable parcels and developable areas will be evaluated in the build-out analysis. 9 [PARC_STAT_IF_DEVLOPABLE] = If the parcels Development Status has been changed from Not Developable to Developable the reviewer must identify to the Council why the status has changed by choosing one of the following: Vacant, Developable w/Proposed Development, Developable w/Final Approved Development, Under Construction, Undersized but Developable w/ Adjacent Vacant Parcel. [PARC_STAT_IF_DEV_OVER_REDEV] = If the parcel Development Status has been changed from Not Developable to Developable the reviewer must identify to the Council why the status has changed by choosing one of the following: Oversized Lot with Existing Development, Redevelopable, w/ Proposed Redevelopment, w/ Final Approved Redevelopment, Redevelopment Under Construction but not complete (No Certificate of Occupancy has been issued). The reviewer must indicate the developable area in acres that is to be included in the build out analysis. [PARCEL_STATUS_IF_DEV_OVER_REDEV_ACRES] = The reviewer must indicate the developable area in acres that is to be included in the build out analysis for Oversized Lots and Redevelopable parcels indicated in the field above. [PARC_STAT_IF_NOT_DEVELOPABLE] = If the parcels Development Status has been changed from Developable to Not Developable the reviewer must identify to the Council why the status has changed by choosing one of the following: Developed, Environmental Constrained, Undersized or Inadequate Lot Geometry, Dedicated Open Space/Conservation Easement, Private ROW, Residential or Commercial Common Space, Public Utility, RR or Public Road ROW, Cemetery, Other. Please note that vacant parcels which are changed to Not Developable due to Environmental Constraints or Undersized or Inadequate Lot Geometry, will be included in the RMP calculation of Septic System Yield for the build-out analysis. 10 GDB#1 - Existing Parcels Currently Served with Wastewater Treatment Other than Septic Systems Identify Existing Parcels Currently Served with Wastewater Treatment Other than Septic Systems (Individual Subsurface Disposal Systems); the Highlands Council requires the identification of parcels currently served with wastewater treatment. The pre-populated Geodatabase information is based on the RMP data collected as of December 2006. Attribute Requirements: The Highlands Council has pre-populated the GDB #1 with its understanding of which parcels are within wastewater utility service areas (as previously approved by NJDEP through Wastewater Management Plans) as well as with which parcels are actively being served (physically connected, contributing to the system, and/or receiving a bill) and which parcels are within an approved WMP sewer service area but not connected. The following fields indicate the Highlands Council’s understanding and should be edited where necessary: [WW_UTILITY_SERV_AREA_PERMIT] = Lists the Facility and the Permit (NJPDES) number of the Service Area provider to the parcel. If this field is pre-populated it assumes the parcel is currently within a permitted service area identified by the Facility and NJPDES Permit. Possible edits include 1) Changing the identification of the service provider of a parcel or 2) Adding a parcel to a service area of the provider if previously list as not being in a service area, in this case the pre-populated field is Blank and you would like to indicate a Facility and NJPDES Permit or 3) Change a parcel from being in a service area to not being in any service area; do this by changing pre-populated value to a BLANK value. Please note that any edits to this field require the following two fields [WW_UTILITY_EXISTING_AREA_SERVED]and[WW_UTILITY_SERV_AREA_NO_C ONNECT]to be reviewed and edited as necessary. [WW_UTILITY_EXISTING_AREA_SERVED] = Indicates whether or not the parcel is actively being served by a HDSF or Non-HDSF wastewater service provider (physically connected and either contributing or capable of contributing flow to the system). All parcels have a value of Yes/No for the field. If a parcel is actively being served the answer is Yes. Edit as necessary. [WW_UTILITY_SERV_AREA_NO_CONNECT] = Indicates the parcel is within a utility service area but not, in fact, being actively served (physically connected, contributing to the system, and/or receiving a bill). All parcels have a value of Yes/No for the field. Please note that this field cannot be Yes indicating that the parcel is not connected to the service provider if the field WW_UTILITY_EXISTING_AREA_SERVED is Yes. Edit as necessary. [WW_UTILITY_COMMIT_PROJECT_ID] = This field allows the reviewer to indicate an undeveloped parcel that is within an approved sewer service area not currently being served but has 11 a pending or prior approval contract. In order to indicate a parcel that meets this criteria please indicate a project name for the parcel or groups of parcels with a pending or prior approval contract (e.g., Highlands Estates, Ridge Apartments, etc.). This is a text field and will accept any project name less than 256 characters. In the event that the project spans multiple parcels please fill in the same project name and appropriate phases if applicable for each relevant parcel in this field. [WW_UTILITY_COMMIT_CONTRACT_MGD] = This field allows for the indication of the amount of wastewater allocation provided for a pending or prior approval project as indicated in the previous field. It should be reported in Million Gallons per Day (MGD) to three decimals. For projects that span multiple parcels please enter in the total project allocation amount (MGD) for each parcel. For example, if a project includes 50 parcels in a prior or pending approval contract agreement and has been allocated 0.150 MGD for the entire project place the number 0.150 in this field for each of the 50 parcels. 12 GDB#1 - Existing Parcels Currently Supplied with Potable Water Identify Existing Parcels Currently Supplied with Potable Water; the Highlands Council requires the submission of parcels currently supplied with potable water. The pre-populated Geodatabase information is based on the RMP data collected as of December 2006. Attribute Requirements: The Highlands Council has pre-populated the GDB #1 with its understanding of which parcels are within public water utility service areas as well as with which parcels are actively being served (physically connected and either receiving or capable of receiving potable water supply) and which parcels are within a service area but not connected. The following fields indicate the Highlands Council’s understanding and should be edited where necessary: [PW_UTILITY_SYSTEM_PERMIT] = Lists the Facility and the Permit (PWSID) number of the Potable water service area provider to the parcel. If this field is pre-populated it assumes the parcel is currently within a permitted service area identified by the Facility and PWSID Permit. Possible edits include 1) Changing the identification of the service provider of a parcel or 2) Adding a parcel to a service area of the provider if previously list as not being in a service area, in this case the pre-populated field is Blank and you would like to indicate a Facility and PWSID or 3) Change a parcel from being in a service area to not being in any service area; do this by changing prepopulated value to a BLANK value. Please note that any edits to this field require the following two fields [PW_UTILITY_EXISTING_AREA_SERVED]and[PW_UTILITY_SERV_AREA_NO_CO NNECT]to be reviewed and edited as necessary. [PW_UTILITY_EXISTING_AREA_SERVED] = Indicates whether or not the parcel is actively being served by a potable water service provider (physically connected and either contributing or capable of contributing flow to the system). All parcels have a value of Yes/No for the field. If a parcel is actively being served the answer is Yes. Edit as necessary. [PW_UTILITY_SERV_AREA_NO_CONNECT] = Indicates the parcel is within a utility service area but not, in fact, being actively served (physically connected, contributing to the system, and/or receiving a bill). All parcels have a value of Yes/No for the field. Please note that this field cannot be Yes indicating that the parcel is not connected to the service provider if the field PW_UTILITY_EXISTING_AREA_SERVED is Yes. Edit as necessary. [PW_UTILITY_COMMIT_PROJECT_ID] = This field allows the reviewer to indicate an undeveloped parcel that is within a potable water sewer service area not currently being served but has a pending or prior approval contract. In order to indicate a parcel that meets this criteria please indicate a project name for the parcel or groups of parcels with a pending or prior approval contract (e.g., Highlands Estates, Ridge Apartments, etc.). This is a text field and will accept any project 13 name less than 256 characters. In the event that the project spans multiple parcels please fill in the same project name and appropriate phases if applicable for each relevant parcel in this field. [PW_UTILITY_COMMIT_CONTRACT_MGD] = This field allows for the indication of the amount of potable water allocation provided for a pending or prior approval project as indicated in the previous field. It should be reported in Million Gallons per Day (MGD) to three decimal places. For projects that span multiple parcels please enter in the total project allocation amount (MGD) for each parcel. For example, if a project includes 50 parcels in a prior or pending approval contract agreement and has been allocated 0.150 MGD for the entire project place the number 0.150 in this field for each of the 50 parcels. 14 GDB#1 - Existing Preserved Open Space or Preserved Farmland To identify Preserved Open Space, Preserved Farmland, or Conservation Easement lands the Highlands Council requires the following field be completed. The pre-populated Geodatabase information is based on the RMP data collected as of January 2008. Attribute Requirements: The Highlands Council has pre-populated the GDB #1 with its understanding of which parcels are preserved open space or preserved farmland including conservation easements. The following field should be edited where necessary: [PRESERVED_LAND_EXISTING_PRES_OS] = Indicate whether or not the parcel is currently preserved open space/farmland or pending acquisition via the NJDEP Green Acres Program, SADC Farmland Preservation or municipal acquisition. Currently preserved open space/farmland lands include conservation easements, including those easements held by land trusts and not by a governmental entity. All parcels have a value of Yes/No for the field. Use the COMMENTS field for indicating the pending acquisition status and conditions for the parcel. Edit as necessary. Please note that these parcels will be excluded in the build-out from the utility service areas and the determination of septic system yield in accordance with the RMP. 15 HDSF Wastewater and Public Community Water Supply Utility Capacity The Excel file includes the preliminary information on current available capacity for Public Community Water Supply and HDSF Wastewater utility services in the municipality. The municipality is to review the information regarding the utility providers that are identified, the municipal assigned percentage of that facility service area, the capacity available for that facility and the municipal available capacity from that facility. The information for the municipality is to verified and edited using the Municipal Edit and Comment worksheet in the Excel file. The information requires verification regardless if a modification is made. The verified and edited (as required) Excel file is returned to the Highlands Council on the blank pre-labeled CD-Rom provided by the Highlands Council for Module 1. Specifically include the identification of whether regional utilities are committed to providing specific flow allocations to the municipality, rather than providing services within their service area on a first-come, first-served basis. The Highlands Council’s preliminary information on current available capacity assumes that such contractual obligations do not exist. If contractual obligations are identified by the municipality the following Geodatabase fields are required to be completed, as required: [WW_UTILITY_COMMIT_PROJECT_ID] [WW_UTILITY_COMMIT_CONTRACT_MGD] [PW_UTILITY_COMMIT_PROJECT_ID] [PW_UTILITY_COMMIT_CONTRACT_MGD] 16 GDB #2 - Parcels not represented in the Highlands Council Geographic Information System In the event that new parcels have been created or adjusted either through subdivisions, parcel consolidation or lot line adjustments, a digital submittal of new or adjusted parcels must be submitted. GDB #2 must be used for submitting new parcels missing from the Highlands Geodatabase. Reviewers may append existing digital municipal parcels to this Geodatabase or directly digitize into this template. All relevant tabular attributes in GDB #2 must be filled out and must have supplemental information submitted in accordance with the previous sections outlined above. Attribute Requirements: The Highlands Council has developed GDB #2 with the same table structure as GDB #1. Spatial Requirements: The digital submission of any new or adjusted parcels must be consistent with the municipality’s County Digital Parcel Data Standards or consistent with the NJ Highlands Council Digital Parcel Data Standards. All submissions must be in delivered via the Geodatabase template file provided by the Highlands Council GDB #2. 17 CURRENT MUNICIPAL CONDITIONS AND BUILD-OUT ANALYSIS VERIFICATION FORM I certify that the information provided by me for the Current Municipal Conditions and Build-Out Analysis Module, including the information provided by me in the Geodatabase and other supporting documentation, is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and further acknowledge that if the information provided is willfully false I am subject to punishment and/or sanctions as may be provided by law. ________________________________________________________________________ Name of Municipality ________________________________________________________________________ Name of Professional Firm/Organization ________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Professional Seal/License Number 18