Three languages for fabric configuration Alexander Holt

Three languages for fabric configuration
Alexander Holt
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
The highly automated configuration of large scale computing fabrics increasingly exploits
declarative representations of the fabric’s intended state. We examine three languages for expressing these representations: LCFG, Pan and SmartFrog. We give examples of their use and
examine which language properties are of particular relevance to the configuration of grid computing fabrics.
1 Introduction
mediately partitions the configuration problem into
two parts: (a) developing the correct description, and
Local computing fabrics require correct configura- (b) applying it to all relevant nodes. Only the second
tion to function properly. We take ‘configuration’ to part requires a procedural solution, and can be made
include operating system and application software neutral with respect to specific configuration values.
installation, the setting of system parameters and
configuration files, and the configuration of software
components: everything that is under machine con- 2 Languages
Traditionally, large networked UNIX installa- Declarative representations amenable to automated
tions have been managed with a variety of tools, of- processing don’t have to be presented as formal lanfering varying degrees of centralisation and automa- guages. For example the Rocks clustering toolkit
tion. These tools have tended to be ad hoc, rein- (Papadopoulos et al. 2003) relies on a declarative
vented in different ways at different sites—and lack- representation that consists of the Red Hat Kickstart
ing an explicit model of the intended state of each (Red Hat, Inc. 2003) configuration language (with
node in the fabric. Instead, the information about some additional structure) augmented by a nodehow a node should be configured would be implicit oriented network parameter database.
But a single well-defined language has advanin the design of a special-purpose script, or hidden
in various parameters, or perhaps supplied on the fly tages, such as the ease with which its semantics can
be expressed. This paper briefly compares some
as arguments.
This approach makes it hard to tell whether a contemporary options for such a language.
The LCFG system (Anderson and Scobie 2002)
system is in its intended state or not; it also makes
it difficult to compare configurations, as the rele- is a configuration tool already used by some grid
vant scripts may need to be executed before their computing sites that relies on a declarative represeneffects are apparent. And since in these traditional tation, and its language is this first one considered in
tools configuration policy often gets mixed in with this study. The second language is Pan, recently crethe scripts that apply it, modifying configurations is ated for the European DataGrid (EDG) project (Cons
and Poznański 2002). The third language is that of
intrinsically vulnerable to programmer error.
Historically, these drawbacks have to some ex- the SmartFrog system, currently under development
tent been hidden by the relatively small scale of in- at HP Laboratories (Goldsack et al. 2003).
stallations, or by the availability of sufficient numbers of experienced system admin staff. In the grid
world, these assumptions no longer hold: we require 3 Examples
configuration systems that scale to 10,000-node fabSuppose we have a ‘template’, or set of defaults, that
specifies how the first disk in a system should be
An important step in improving older tools is to
partitioned, indicating partition size, filesystem type
adopt an explicit and declarative representation of
and mount point (where relevant). We want to use
the desired configuration state for a fabric. This im-
this template when defining the configuration of individual nodes, but sometimes we wish to override
certain values. Here’s a simple example of this situation, coded up in the three languages we are studying.
Each case consists of a template definition in one
file, followed by a second file defining the configuration for a node called mysys, which changes the size
of the first partition, and adds a third partition. First,
here’s LCFG:
hda1 hda2
#include "disk.h"
!disk.size_hda1 mSET(7000)
disk.size_hda3 3000
disk.type_hda3 <%disk.deftype%>
disk.mount_hda3 /opt
diskTemplate extends {
disk {
deftype "ext2";
extends {
hda1 extends {
size 5000;
type ATTRIB deftype;
mount "/";
hda2 extends {
size 512;
type "swap";
#include "diskTemplate.sf";
mysys extends diskTemplate {
disk:parts:hda1:size 7000;
extends {
size 3000;
type ATTRIB deftype;
mount "/opt";
In LCFG, the language doesn’t actually know about
templates—hence the use of a separate file (disk.h)
to package up the default values, which is then in- 4 Compilation and order
cluded by the C preprocessor. The situation is differdependence
ent in Pan and SmartFrog, where there is templatespecific syntax.
We can think of all three languages being compiled
This is how it looks in Pan:
to a similar tree-structured attribute-value low level
template disk;
representation. (This representation then forms the
= "ext2";
basis for applying—or deploying—the configuration
"/disk/parts/hda1" = nlist(
to nodes in the local fabric.)
A significant property of the compilation process
is the extent to which the textual order in which lan"mount", "/",
guage elements occur in the input files affects the
final representation. If a language is very order de"/disk/parts/hda2" = nlist(
"size", 512,
pendent, it can make it harder to keep modules inde"type", "swap"
pendent and reusable, as their meaning then depends
on exactly where they occur in the input stream. It
also becomes more difficult to describe the semanmysys.tpl
object template mysys;
tics of the language clearly, since the ‘current state
include disk;
of processing’ needs to be modelled as well.
"/disk/parts/hda1/size" = 7000;
All three languages exhibit significant order"/disk/parts/hda3" = nlist(
dependence, though SmartFrog’s pervasive use of
"size", 3000,
template structures helps reduce the impact. Only
"type", value("/disk/deftype"),
LCFG—augmenting an otherwise fairly impover"mount", "/opt",
ished syntax—actually requires an explicit marker
to override a value defined earlier in the source file:
Compared to LCFG the most obvious difference is see the lines beginning with ! in the file mysys.
that LCFG lacks a clear syntax for compound values,
Another common theme is a ‘reference’ mechaand instead uses an ‘underscore with index’ conven- nism for retrieving values from elsewhere in the reption to indicate the intended structure.
resentation. In the examples above the value of the
Here’s the example in SmartFrog—as with Pan, reftype attribute is referenced by the files which
this could be done in a single file:
define the mysys node. (In fact, both LCFG and
SmartFrog provide more than one kind of reference,
making it possible to access attribute values at different stages of the compilation or deployment process.
Again, from the point of view of declarative comprehension, this is not necessarily a good thing.)
5 Structuring defaults
Managing the configuration of a large scale computing fabric is made easier if redundant information is
minimized. Collecting together default settings in
named templates can make a big contribution to this
goal. Furthermore, it’s often the case that a site has
a hierarchy of defaults, depending on, say, hardware
types, or on the primary functions of nodes, or on
network location. So a good configuration language
should make it easy to capture this kind of structure
and exploit it when defining and modifying configurations.
LCFG has no intrinsic support for default hierarchies. One is limited to expressing structure through
careful naming of preprocessor-included files. Similarly, since LCFG doesn’t have any template syntax, the only way to indicate which settings in an included file are being overridden is to textually group
them after the #include line, perhaps with appropriate comments. Both Pan and SmartFrog, on the other
hand, have syntax for invoking a template and simultaneously supplying the more specific attributevalue settings.
SmartFrog’s template mechanism is unusual in
that it is syntactically extremely simple, yet allows
templates to be ‘refined’ into other templates in arbitrarily long chains. This frees the configuration
architect from being forced to define all templates at
a single level.
There is a strong argument to be made that in
large scale fabrics of any complexity, some collections of defaults—perhaps better called aspects, by
analogy with aspect-oriented programming—do not
fit neatly into hierarchical organizations. Treating
these aspects accurately is fundamentally impossible
in languages where the semantics of template composition is ultimately defined by textual ordering, as
in the three under examination: more sophisticated
models of aspect composition are required.
6 Types and validation
from causing exceptional behaviour at run time is
highly desirable.
All three languages have provision for enforcing type constraints on values. Since LCFG doesn’t
really recognize compound values beyond lists, it
doesn’t have support for types beyond that level,
but it has built-in provision for basic scalar types,
as well as the ability to define arbitrary subtypes of
‘string’ based on regular expressions (examples: IP
addresses, URLs).
The languages also allow ‘validation expressions’ to be constructed that permit other kinds of
wellformedness and validity tests to be carried out
by the compiler. LCFG can test for list membership
and whether a line is contained in a file, as well as
offering access to DNS resolution.
Pan has a much more comprehensive data manipulation language that can be used to test for quite
complex conditions; Cons and Poznański (2002)
give the example “for all machines, any filesystems
mounted via NFS must be exported by the corresponding server”. The downside of this expressiveness is that Pan’s validation expressions are fragments of procedural code that must be re-evaluated
whenever their target value changes, posing potential issues for both human comprehension and efficiency. SmartFrog has an extensive but somewhat
more declarative type system under development.
7 Specifications as constraints
Many of the stipulations found in actual configuration files are in fact more precise than they need to
be, owing to the inability of contemporary languages
to express appropriately under-specified constraints.
For example, suppose one is trying to describe
the set of services that a node should run. If a node
is to act as a web server, then one might want to
make sure httpd is in that set. But in practice, one
has to explicitly add httpd to a list of services at the
point that the template for a web server is evaluated.
In LCFG, this might be done with a line like
! mADD(httpd)
But this only works properly provided that other
template which modify the services list are evaluated in the right order, and that’s not always easy to
Ideally, it should be possible to say something
One reason to use a declarative configuration contains httpd
guage (that is distinct from the process of applying
configuration values to nodes) is to get compile time and have the compiler assemble a value for boot.
detection of type-related errors. As with program- services at the end of the day which meets all the
ming languages, preventing a large class of errors various constraints. None of the languages currently
offers this functionality.
8 Configuration languages for
We gratefully acknowledge the European Union’s
support of the EDG project and UK support for EDG
We have tried above to emphasize some areas in conWP4 through PPARC grant Ppa/G/S/2000/00696.
figuration language design of particular relevance to
The author is indebted to colleagues in EDG WP4
grid computing fabrics. Other issues of importance
and at Edinburgh for many illuminating discussions,
and to Paul Anderson in particular.
• Security and delegation. All three languages
derive from configuration systems that have
devoted effort to addressing security concerns. References
However none of the languages is entirely
Anderson, P. and Scobie, A. (2002) LCFG—the
suitable in its current form for use in a large
next generation. In Proceedings of UKUUG
scale environment where authors, maintainers
LISA/Winter Conference 2002, 13–14 February
and system operators work at different secu2002, SOAS, University of London. UKUUG,
rity levels and require a declarative model of
Buntingford, Herts.
the site’s configuration that respects delegadoc/ukuug2002.pdf.
tion boundaries.
Beckett, G., Kavoussanakis, K., Mecheneau, G.,
• Change management. In production enviToft, P., Goldsack, P., Anderson, P., Paterson, J.
ronments it’s essential that configurations can
and Edwards, C. (2003) GridWeaver: automatic,
be easily rolled back to earlier versions with
adaptive, large-scale fabric configuration for grid
known properties, and more generally, that
computing. This volume.
configuration change can itself be tracked and
reported. While mechanisms for accomplish- Cons, L. and Poznański, P. (2002) Pan: A highing this can clearly be developed indepenlevel configuration language. In Proceedings
dent of particular languages, it is not yet clear
of LISA 2002:
16th Systems Administrawhether language-specific support for change
tion Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
processes (perhaps in conjunction with deleUSA, November 2–8, 2002. USENIX Assogation) would be beneficial.
ciation), Berkeley, Ca., pp. 83–98.
• Asymptotic configuration and autonomic
puting. The term ‘asymptotic configuration’
has been coined to describe systems of sufficient scale that it’s impossible to guarantee all Goldsack, P., Guijarro, J., Lain, A., Mecheneau,
nodes will be in a certain configuration at any
G., Murray, P. and Toft, P. (2003) SmartFrog:
given instant. Instead, the aim is merely maxConfiguration and automatic ignition of disimum convergence.
tributed applications. In Proceedings of HP
OpenView University Association 10th Workshop,
Taking the argument further, it may even be
University of Geneva, Switzerland, July 6–9,
unrealistic to expect that any single point in
the fabric—such as a central server—can have
a comprehensive view of how every parameter of the entire fabric should be configPapadopoulos, P. M., Katz, M. J. and Bruno, G.
ured. Instead, nodes may need to behave with
(2003) NPACI Rocks: tools and techniques for
more autonomy, making some configuration
easily deploying manageable Linux clusters. Condecisions for themselves, within limits set by
currency and Computation: Practice and Experifabric-wide policy. The challenge is to deence, 15, 707–725. Special issue: Cluster 2001.
vise languages which can both adequately exhttp://download.interscience.wiley.
press these policy constraints, and be used dycom/cgi-bin/fulltext?ID=104524123.
namically by individual nodes to adjust their
own configuration. An experiment in using a Red Hat, Inc. (2003) Red Hat Linux 9: Red Hat
combination of LCFG and SmartFrog to perLinux Customization Guide. Red Hat, Inc.,
mit nodes some degree of reconfiguration via
Raleigh, NC. Chapter 7: Kickstart Installations.
peer-to-peer protocols is described by Beckett
et al. (2003).