The White Rose Grid: practice and experience

The White Rose Grid: practice and experience
P M Dew ( ) University of Leeds; J G Schmidt (
University of Leeds; M Thompson ( University of Leeds;
P Morris ( University of York
The White Rose Grid (WRG) initiative is establishing a production Grid that underpins a broad range of
e-Science projects (e.g. DAME, gViz, and MRI Data Analysis System) involving the three Universities (Leeds,
Sheffield and York) and our industrial partners. The White Rose Universities already operate as a Virtual
Organisation (VO), and a key part of this project is to understand and demonstrate the value of the Grid in
this environment. The paper reports our experience of building and delivering the WRG service. It raises
practical issues pertaining to the Grid built by a joint team consisting of academics and Computer Services at
the three Universities. The paper shares our approach to working together within the WRG and describes
some aspects of technical experience gained while building our Grid. It outlines our organisational structure,
technical configuration of the Grid and user management issues. Finally the business use of the Grid is
The three Yorkshire Universities – Leeds, York
and Sheffield – have formed the White Rose
University Consortium (WRUC) to undertake
larger-scale projects than those can be achieved
by any one University. At the institutional level,
the Consortium, which recently has been featured
in the HEFCE White Paper The Future of Higher
Education as an exemplar of university
collaboration, functions as a Virtual Organisation
(VO) employing complementary skills bases from
the three Universities to tackle major projects.
Many of these projects could take advantage of a
Grid infrastructure to support scientific
collaborations across the White Rose Universities,
including their external partners. Thus the White
Rose Grid (WRG) [1] offers an ideal environment
for studying the issues involved in establishing
and running a WRG service between the three
sites. It serves as a test-bed Grid environment
which is exposed to a large variety of problems
and issues, including key sociological constraints
(for example human interaction, trust, ownership),
reflected in global Grids.
Further to this, the WRG provides the three
Universities with the capability to implement
resource optimisation at the inter-enterprise level
by rationalising access to compute and data
resources (refer to its architecture in Figure 1) in
order to improve the efficiency of their use and
enhance business opportunities. More importantly
it provides an enabling infrastructure for
promoting scientific collaboration between
members of the three Universities and involving
their industrial partners. It offers the opportunity
to develop new e-Science projects so as to attract
additional funding. Furthermore it is used to
support the broad research agenda of the White
Rose University Consortium. The WRG facilities
underpin a number of multi-million pound project
proposals that have been recently submitted by the
WRUC, an example of which is the Yorkshire bid
to host the European Spallation Source project
(ESS) at Burn airfield.
General Purpose HPC node
Computer Science node
CFD node
Engineering Application
Packages node
Figure 1: The WRG architecture
The WRG works with prestigious companies and
organisations (for example: Rolls-Royce, Shell
UK), in collaborative R&D projects, with the aim
of assessing the impact of this new technology.
approach. The lessons learnt, and covered here,
add to the comprehensive experience presented by
W E Johnston from building the IPG and DOE
Science Grids [7].
The business rationale for building the WRG is as
• to strengthen, in partnership with industry,
e-Science research with the focus on the WRG
core areas: decision support, diagnostics and
problem solving environments, and building
on the experience gained with e-Science
projects such as DAME [2], Hydra [3], and
gViz [4]
• to assess, in collaboration with Yorkshire
Forward and our IT partners, the regional
demand for Grid technology
• to support and enlarge new scientific
communities including bio-technology,
aerospace, tissue engineering, and healthcare
The WRG organisation
In addition initial studies are taking place to
extend the White Rose Grid by providing a Grid
infrastructure for the Worldwide Universities
Network (WUN) [5]. For a number of logistic
reasons the WRG has been developed in parallel
with the UK e-Science Grid [6], and our plan is
for the two Grids to interoperate seamlessly with
each other.
Access to WRG resources is achieved via Grid
portals or Grid-enabled applications, and these
hide much of its complexity from the user. WRG
portal developments include both generic and
application-specific Grid portals. Within the
DAME project [2] Grid portals have been
developed that provide access to OGSA Grid
Services deployed across the WRG. In terms of
Grid-enabled applications, for example, the gViz
project has developed Grid-enabled IRIS Explorer
modules [4].
This paper reports on progress with building the
WRG, recounts lessons learnt, and outlines some
problems encountered whilst building our Grid. It
comprises five main sections. The first section
contains a description of the WRG organisational
structure; this is followed by observations from
the process of acquiring and setting up the Grid.
The major section, about WRG technologies,
outlines our software components and mentions
technical problems and experience gained. The
last two sections contain a summary of user
management issues followed by our business
The WRG adopts a VO model but with explicit
staff resources allocated from the three
Universities. Its organisational structure is shown
in Figure 2. It is driven by the Executive with
participating members from the three Universities
and our commercial partner, Esteem systems,
representing our other IT partners Sun
Microsystems, and Streamline Computing. It
encompasses staff from two Computing Services,
as well as Engineering and Computer Science
departments. This mixture of Service and
Research staff provides a complementary
combination of skills, which we see as essential,
for the development, implementation and support
of our Grid. The Grid technology research
element is led by Computer Scientists whereas the
necessary operational skills are drawn from the
Computing Service pool of expertise required to
support day-to-day service.
The White Rose University Consortium
Board (the three Universities’ VCs, 4
PVCs and Chief Executive)
The White Rose Grid Executive
White Rose Grid staff
Training & Technical
Education Team
Leeds Computing
Service and
Computer Science
Architecture User
Computer Service
York Computer
Science staff
Figure2: The White Rose & The White Rose Grid
The WRG staff responsibilities include: business
and regional academic outreach, Grid training, coordination, and liaison with the UK e-Science
community, as well as technical developments,
whilst local support staff are involved in the
operation of computer systems and user support.
The support infrastructure, which is dispersed
across the three institutions, is large and complex
and works under different management models.
Effective communication remains a crucial issue
in assuring the continuing success of the WRG,
and many matters are positively resolved by the
Executive who define WRG policies, and steer the
work of their staff.
Delivering the WRG
The equipment procurement, its installation, and
setting up of new Grid-enabled systems were
carried out jointly by the three Universities. This
consultative approach notably complicated these
processes through the involvement of large
working groups from distributed geographical
locations. During this time questions of ownership
and trust were constantly posed and resolved
where possible. At every level, trust has been
engendered by working in close unison. The
positive outcomes also include the development of
close collaboration at the technical level, at the
purchasing level as well at the management level.
Video and multi-site telephone conferencing
facilities were used but did not always work well.
Face-to-face meetings were found to be always
more effective than virtual interactions despite the
added travel times. The Consortium is now in the
process of installing Access Grid nodes to
increase the efficiency of meetings but from our
past experience it is clear that while this might
help it is not going to be effective for all meetings.
A key technical/service objective of the White
Rose Grid is to increase significantly the
computational power available to users across the
three Universities, and provide them with an easy
means of access, via a Grid Portal, to WRG
facilities. Figure 1 presents a schematic diagram
of the heterogeneous WRG architecture which
comprises purposely acquired computer systems
(funded with over £3M grants) to offer both a
local high performance computational (HPC)
service (with 75% resource allocation) as well as
the Grid infrastructure (utilising 25% of
resources). There are four WRG nodes comprising
three clusters of high performance machines from
Sun Microsystems and two Intel processor-based
Beowulf systems (the larger one with 256
processors) from Streamline Computing, in total
delivering over 450 CPUs with a large filestore as
integrated computational facilities.
The WRG system nodes have been selected in
consultation with the three Universities’ users to
satisfy their diverse computational needs. Each of
the four nodes specialises in the provision of a
distinct service (see Figure 1). The justification
for this approach was to rationalise access to
compute and data resources in order to improve
the efficiency of their use and support needed.
Lack of a central Help Desk recording users’
problems and their resolution may have
occasionally hampered service delivery. Both
unavailability of information about the way the
support is offered and the distributed nature of
support cause delays in response to users’ queries.
Subsequently this might have caused some
difficulties to some of our users. To promote
WRG usage a set of training courses for both
scientific and business users is being developed.
The initial focus is on basic HPC techniques and
their software products (for example: OpenMP,
MPI). Now that the Globus 2.4 installation has
been stabilised the development of introductory
courses on Grid computing, including Globus, has
been started. Offering the Grid service to users
requires the full support of Computing Services
using their well-developed procedures and
existing support infrastructure.
It was vital to build the White Rose Grid quickly
using, where possible, well developed software
components (e.g. a powerful job manger) that
address the most important user requirements for
such a facility. At the same time all three sites
needed to train support staff in installing and
maintaining Grid middleware and related software
products. This was a difficult process as issues
reported were not always well documented. The
prototype service was offered early but
subsequent changes to the Grid fabric’s
implementations needed to be introduced to
achieve the greater product stability and its correct
Basic software stack
The WRG software stack is composed largely of
open source software. The core software
components deployed across the four WRG nodes
include two basic building blocks: Sun Grid
Engine Enterprise Edition (SGEEE) and the
Globus Toolkit v2.4 (GT2.4). These were selected
to ensure the following:
• compatibility with other UK e-Science Centres’
offerings (via Globus)
• the ability to manage workload, resources and
policies set by our user communities (via
This software stack has been customised in
response to WRG users’ requirements. Our
solution provides a Grid that responds to the
WRG business requirements and demonstrates the
following benefits:
• offers access to distributed resources across
WRG systems
• allows to execute batch and interactive jobs on
all individual computers
• enables real-time machine status updates
• monitors usage throughout the WRG and
gathers accounting and utilisation statistics in
order to deliver uniform and regular usage
accounting reports
• implements for individual systems the agreed
resource management policies, based on shares
and past usage
• offers the capacity to develop and to implement
the utility computing model with the provision
of on-demand service. New application costing
models based on metered use are being
Sun Grid Engine Enterprise Edition
The Sun Grid Engine Enterprise Edition (SGEEE)
resource management software is installed on
each of the four WRG nodes for control of
resource allocation across machines within each
node. It enforces the site-specific resource
management policy which is implemented as an
agreed SGEEE share-based policy. This policy
(requested by our users) assigns the level of
service according to: the share owned by
individual users; their past usage of this share; and
their currently intended use of the systems.
Authorisation for access to resources is effected
by assigning users to the relevant projects
managed by SGEEE. This also supports the
production (via SGEEE) of consistent usage
accounting reports for all WRG users. The job
manager handles batch jobs as well as interactive
jobs, and it allows for the implementation of a
chargeback mechanism for the used computing
power. This enables the development of a utility
computing model which will shape the business
process while getting better control of distributed
Job submission
Working closely with the early adopters of Grid
technology around the WRG made it possible to
undertake a simple analysis of the types of Grid
jobs that must be supported. These job types
range from basic serial and parallel jobs to more
complex scripted job sequences and
computational steering applications.
All jobs must be routed through SGEEE for
resource allocation on compute nodes within a
particular cluster. To achieve this integration
between Globus and SGEEE the WRG has
employed the Globus SGE job manager and
information provider packages from Imperial
College, London [8]. These are Perl modules and
shell scripts that perform the necessary translation
of generic Globus-level requests to the equivalent
resource scheduler commands understood by
SGE. Each of the local SGE managers has been
tuned appropriately to match the local
configuration, for example to use the correct
values for the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable or
work with the default values for queue parameters
and parallel environments, which vary between
With a suitably configured SGE job manager it is
possible to support basic serial and parallel jobs,
but further measures are required to support
scripted jobs and computational steering
applications. Scripted jobs involve a sequence of
small tasks (possibly pre, main and post
processing) defined within a single script.
Computational steering applications require a
mechanism for clients to communicate with active
jobs on remote resources and subsequently
influence the runtime behaviour of the job. Both
scripted jobs and computational steering
applications pose challenges when the jobs
execute on compute nodes on a private network
within a cluster, as is the case on WRG resources.
It appears that it is easier to resolve successfully
support of scripted jobs than find a simple, secure
and lightweight solution to the computational
steering problem.
The globus-sh-exec tool offers a platform
independent solution for scripted jobs. Scripts
interpreted by globus-sh-exec can reference
commonly used system tools (e.g. tar and
gzip) via variables defined by Globus rather than
hard coded pathnames. Consequently, users are
not required to know where these tools are
installed on each resource. Typically, Globus is
only installed on the head node of a cluster, but if
the Globus installation is mounted on all compute
nodes then the globus-sh-exec tool will be
available to any scripted job submitted to the
Globus SGE job manager. However, use of other
Globus tools which access resources beyond the
internal nodes of a cluster, such as globusurl-copy, require special treatment. Such tools
must be wrapped so that the real invocation of the
tool actually occurs on the head node of the
cluster from where the rest of the WRG resources
are accessible.
Information Services
The Information Services’ pillar of the Globus
Toolkit is a critical component within the WRG.
Several services are totally reliant on the
information provided by the Grid Index
Information Service (GIIS), which is in turn
reliant upon the Grid Resource Information
Service (GRIS) on each compute resource. The
WRG portals and brokers require a dynamic view
of available CPUs, memory, disk space and job
queues; without a prompt and reliable response
from the GIIS it is impossible for the WRG
portals and brokers to work effectively.
The key issue is to ensure that each GRIS is
capable of producing a swift response to queries.
Two cases leading to poor response times from
the GRIS have been observed. Firstly, given that
Globus is installed on the head node which is also
used by users for development of their codes, the
GRIS daemons occasionally compete with users’
code compilation for CPU time and subsequently
fail to provide a swift response. Secondly,
publishing job queue information through the
GRIS can increase response times considerably.
There are four WRG nodes, publishing queue
information from SGEEE on five different
clusters, and the number of queues per cluster
varies from 20 to over 100. The consequence is
that the default timeout limits for various GRIS
information providers were often reached,
resulting in no response at all. This problem
could only worsen as we introduce more
information providers into the GRIS for
publishing installed software and licensing details.
The problem has not been solved completely, but
the situation has been improved. The GRIS
daemons now run on the head node of each cluster
with a higher priority than users’ jobs. Also,
careful pruning of essential information and
configuration of GRIS parameters such as cache
time has improved performance.
The WRG is a relatively complex aggregate of
Grid technologies with dependencies between
individual components and also between
components and the underlying systems. Our
users appreciate the experimental nature of the
Grid software, but rapid discovery and remedy of
Grid problems are very important.
Our original organisational structure for
maintaining Globus installations around the WRG
was based on local system administrators at each
site and a single Globus expert responsible for all
three sites. The advantage of this model is that it
is easy to maintain a certain level of consistency
across the various Globus installations because a
single person is responsible for them. However,
there are at least two serious disadvantages.
Firstly, a single Globus expert represents a major
vulnerability and bottleneck in the organisational
model. Secondly, if local system administrators
are not sufficiently familiar with Globus then it is
possible to introduce incompatibility problems
into the Globus installation while carrying out the
essential maintenance of local software, operating
systems and SGEEE. For example, if changes are
made to the configuration of SGEEE then it is
likely that they will impact the configuration of
the Globus SGE job manager.
Over time, this Grid support model has evolved to
a less centralised approach where the local system
administrators are more involved with their own
Grid installations. Transfer of expertise from Grid
research groups to local system administrators has
been vital to the WRG in terms of the successful
deployment of Globus 2.4. This process will
continue as experience with Globus 3.0 gained
within the DAME project is also propagated
through to the local system administrators.
Grid access through the Globus Toolkit still
involves a relatively steep learning curve for
many users. To simplify this access, the WRG has
undertaken the development of portals that
provide a single gateway to all resources from the
user’s desktop. Various prototype portals, based
on J2EE technology, have been developed for
specific applications.
The first portal to be developed was DAME-XTO
[9] which was an early demonstrator. It enables
aeronautical engineers to identify abnormal
behaviour in aircraft engines by performing DSP
analyses of vibration data collected from onboard
sensors. It offers users secure web access
supported by a MyProxy server [10], selection of
engine datasets from a database catalogue,
submission and monitoring of jobs, and the
visualisation of results through a graph plotting
service implemented with jCharts.
Another portal, currently under development,
enables Bioinformaticians to search through
databases of protein structures using parallelised
versions of novel search algorithms.
Essentially, both portals follow the same basic
model: select dataset; select application; submit
dataset and application to a Grid resource;
visualise the results. However, typical usage
requires the submission of many independent jobs
each processing a different dataset. The portals
make the process of launching, monitoring and
managing the results of these jobs a much easier
task. These portals have been built using Apache
Tomcat and the Grid Portal Development Kit
(GPDK) [11], although it was necessary to reengineer GPDK to work within Globus 2.4 since
it was originally developed for Globus 1.1.4.
Another portal has been developed for the DAME
project which is based on the Struts web
application framework [12] and the Java CoG Kit
[13]. Within the DAME project each member
(York, Leeds, Sheffield and Oxford) is
responsible for developing a set of tools that aid
the diagnosis of aircraft engine faults. These tools
have been developed using Globus 3.0 Grid
Services and are deployed at each of the member
sites. For example, York has pattern matching
Grid Services, Sheffield has case-based reasoning
Grid Services, Leeds has DSP analysis Grid
Services and Oxford provides access to engine
datasets through Grid Services. A workflow
manager component coordinates the use of these
Grid Services in sensible combinations and
enables access to their results. The portal
represents a presentation layer on top of the
workflow manager.
The experience gained through developing these
prototype portals has helped us recognise various
requirements and limitations that will influence
our future portal developments. In many research
groups around the WRG there is an obvious
demand for access to computational resources
through a Grid portal. Typically, these research
groups make heavy use of stable home-grown or
commercial codes, they have significant
computational requirements, they wish to share
their code and results with collaborators, but they
lack sufficient in-house expertise to build their
own Grid portal. Generic Grid portals have been
considered, but their generality is both a strength
and a weakness. A generic portal is relatively
easy to develop and maintain, but its ease-of-use
and functionality is limited by the fact that it must
be the lowest common denominator for all users
and all applications. An application-specific
portal is far more appealing to users because the
user interface can be tailored to meet their needs
precisely, but it places a heavy burden on the
portal development team now responsible for
developing and maintaining many different
Having recognised this development bottleneck
and its consequences for a scalable solution to
deploying a variety of portals around the WRG,
experiments with the concept of customisable
portals are being carried out. The intention is that
each research group will start with a basic portal
that contains the Grid functionality common to all
Grid portals and will use tools, available through
the portal interface itself, to upload new
applications, define access to datasets, create
simple workflows, and customise the interface.
Relevant technology that will help us deliver this
vision includes the component based user
interface features of JetSpeed [14] and more
importantly GridSphere [15]. In terms of
automatically extending the functionality of a
Grid portal based on application descriptors we
take inspiration from the Ninf project [16].
User management
An essential element of the WRG infrastructure is
an effective user management scheme for
members of the WRG community which spans
across the three Universities, and includes
industrial partners and academics from other
universities. Authorisation for access to WRG
resources as well as the implementation of
gathering usage accounting statistics under the
SGEEE product, necessitated the introduction of a
new username scheme and a user authorisation
process. These have been developed taking into
consideration the following:
• the distributed nature of the WRG
• the cultural differences in registering users and
managing users at the three sites
• dependence on the existing user registration
software at local institutions
• the existence of two different classes of users,
local and White Rose Grid, as well as the
inclusion of other academic and commercial
WRG users have the option of accessing systems
though Globus or using the traditional means of
access (via ssh & sftp). At remote sites they are
allocated a common WRG identity beginning with
letters WR followed by the relevant letter Y, S or L
indicating the user’s original university, whilst
locally they are assigned a local username.
The WRG implements the GSI (Grid Security
Infrastructure) employing a secure authentication
through the use of a Public-Key Infrastructure
(PKI) mechanism with digital certificates. Users
authenticate to the Grid using their personal X.509
v3 digital certificates issued by the UK Core
Programme Certification Authority (CA) or the
WRG CA. A single sign-on capability to access
all WRG resources is welcomed by users.
Working within the VO it would have been
preferable to appoint a single Registration
Authority (RA) for all WRG users. However, this
was unacceptable to the UK e-Science Core
Programme Certification Authority as their policy
is that the RA should be local to the users whose
requests the RA is to verify. As a result each
University has established its own UK CA RA to
verify its users’ identities in order for the UK CA
to issue a personal digital certificate to each
A common Application Form for WRG Resources
is used across the WRG to authorise users for
access to WRG resources at the three sites. Those
authorised users may use under the WRG share
(25% resource allocation) all available computer
systems across the three sites. Access to
individual software products is an issue being
considered and resolved on an individual basis.
This significantly complicates matters, and it
seems unacceptable that application software
suppliers have not resolved the issue of licensing
their products for use on the Grid. The Grid is
based on the principle of resource sharing and this
is an essential requirement to have software
products and datasets licensed for use over the
Business benefits
Although Grid technology has, so far, been
mainly the preserve of the scientific community, it
also offers significant benefit to other
communities from the public and private sectors.
Evidence to support this can be derived from the
myriad reports that signal the profound impact
Grid technology could have on services and
products (see, for example [17]).
As part of a move to assessing the value of a
regional Grid infrastructure through provision of
services to both private and public spheres, the
White Rose Grid has engaged on a two-year
outreach project funded by the Yorkshire and
Humber Regional Development Agency,
Yorkshire Forward.
To support this project’s objectives three interrelated activities have been identified: assessing
regional interest, developing a business plan, and
provision of a trial infrastructure for company
incubators at the Innovation Centres/Science
Parks of the three Universities.
These activities are further supported through the
provision of demonstrators, each of which serves
to both promote understanding in each of the three
objectives and be a catalyst for identifying new
issues. These for example include the e-Science
funded DAME project demonstrator, a Gridenabled MRI demonstrator to support and aid
clinicians in the diagnosis of cancer using
scanners’ data, or a workbench (being built with
Shell Research) for visualising the computational
modelling of lubricants.
Assessment of regional interest
To assess and foster regional interest in Grid
technology a series of dissemination activities
have been carried out which include presentations
to: large national and international conferences
(see the WRG conference [18]), representatives
from vertical market sectors, and single
companies. These presentations so far generated
significant interest in Grid technology in various
areas: medicine, disease spread, military aircraft
maintenance, library, arts & heritage,
agrichemical, tool cutting and digital media. The
final part of the assessment stage is a series of coordinated meetings and workshops with interested
parties to clarify the role of the Grid in their
organisation and how they would want to manage
Developing the business plan
To generate a business plan for the regional Grid
infrastructure a number of preliminary activities
have been defined and initiated. The business
landscape defines the areas in which Grid
companies could operate and locates each
company within this landscape. This process
entails identifying the type of services that could
be provided through Grid technology (a platform
for collaborative R&D, provision of compute
cycles or data storage etc.), the market in which
they might operate (one particular company,
virtual organisation, a horizontal market sector
such as aerospace etc.) and the roles that a
regional Grid infrastructure could play within
these business sectors and services (e.g., Advise,
Enable, Broker, Develop etc.)
The business landscape plays a further role in
supporting the business development plan as well
as helping in the identification of charge and
business models. Work in this area is being
supported by both accountants Deloitte & Touche
and solicitors Hammonds. Strongly allied to
business and charge models are issues concerning
both Quality of Service and Service Level
Agreements that are being studied by the WRG.
Trial regional infrastructure
The final stage in the White Rose Grid outreach
programme is the provision of access to the WRG
through a portal to companies working within the
Innovation Centres/Science Parks at the three
institutions to support technology evaluation as
well as testing both the business and the charge
Concluding remarks
The WRG has demonstrated the value of a
production Grid service. The task now is to
further build the WRG e-Science user community,
to enlarge the portfolio of Grid-enabled
applications, and to increase the number of
e-Science projects undertaken.
Further to this, recent and future technical
developments resulting in Grid portals that offer
an easy-to-use web interface to all WRG
resources should encourage users to fully utilise
all WRG computational assets.
Issues of effective communication, trust, and
ownership are constantly posed. Often they
dominate technical problems and severely
constrain the deployment of the Grid as well as of
collaboration. Furthermore the delivery of the
WRG service has exposed complexities due to its
innovation and its large support teams. However,
the successful resolution of these problems has
been achieved through an effective, often dynamic
organisational structure, the involvement of
Computing Services from the start of this project,
and the motivational force of the challenge of
implementing emerging innovative technology.
[7] W E Johnston, Implementing Production Grids
in Grid Computing – Making the Global
Infrastructure a Reality, Edited by F Berman,
A. Hey and G Fox @2003 John Wiley & Sons,
[16] T. Suzumura, H. Nakada, M. Saito, S.
Matsuoka, Y. Tanaka and S. Sekiguchi. The
Ninf Portal: An Automatic Generation Tool
for Grid Portals. In Proc of the 2002 joint
ACM-ISCOPE conference on Java Grande.
Pages 1-7. 2002
[17] PricewaterhouseCoopers Technology
Forecast 2002 – 2004
The authors are grateful for the funding received
from EPSRC and the UK e-Science Core
Programme, Yorkshire Forward, and Esteem