Grid Enabled Distributed Data Mining and Conversion of Unstructured Data Abstract

Grid Enabled Distributed Data Mining and Conversion
of Unstructured Data
Paul Donachy
Terrence J harmer
Ron H Perrott
Belfast e-Science Centre
Jens Rasch
Sarah Bearder
Martin Beckett
Datactics Ltd
With the explosion in size of data warehouses and the proliferation of
databases, handling large volumes of unstructured data is still the most critical
element currently affecting companies attempting to control their data assets.
This presents, even experienced data managers, with a host of potential
problems, including matching, transformation, and integration of various
disparate data sources.
At present, it can not be stressed enough how poorly developed many of the
current practices are and how as the size of datasets is only going to increase
massively in the near future, it is of significant commercial importance to
develop scalable affordable techniques for handling these issues. In terms of
both crime prevention and national security, it is imperative to streamline and
provide a mechanism for seamless access and mining to such volumes of
unstructured data.
A grid enabled environment has the potential to solve this problem by
providing the core data mining engine with secure, reliable and scaleable high
bandwidth access to the various distributed data sources and formats across
various administrative domains. The architecture and a roadmap for a Gridenabled distributed data matching solution based on such technology will be
presented in this paper.
1 Introduction
The explosion in the size of data warehouses
and the proliferation of databases, handling
large volumes of unstructured data is still the
most critical element currently affecting
companies attempting to control their data
assets. This presents, even experienced data
managers, with a host of potential problems,
including matching, transformation, and
integration of various disparate data sources.
The emergence of Grid technology and the
ability to provide secure, reliable and
scaleable high bandwidth access to
distributed data sources across various
administrative domains is set to play an
important role in the area of data mining.
This paper will present the background and
motivation for the industrial e-Science project
GEDDM. The industrial partner in this
project, Datactics Ltd, has developed the
world’s first fully fuzzy parallelised data
matching algorithm. We describe the effect
fuzzy matching has on data mining and the
computational consequences. This paper will
present the nature of this industry with typical
business examples to explain the types of
errors encountered in real world data and the
fuzzy approach to data matching. The CPU
intensive demands and consequences of this
process will be described and a solution using
message passing will be outlined. Results are
presented for a wide range of hardware
scenarios to implement parallel solutions
from SMP to Beowulf clusters. The
architecture for a fully service oriented Grid
enabled distributed data matching solution is
2 Current Practice
Volume and structure of data are still the
most critical elements currently affecting
companies attempting to control their data
assets. At present, it can not be stressed
enough how poorly developed many of the
current practices are and how as the size of
datasets is increasing massively in the near
future, it is of significant commercial
importance to develop scalable affordable
techniques for handling these issues. In terms
of both crime prevention and national
security, it is imperative to streamline and
provide a mechanism for seamless access and
mining to such volumes of unstructured data.
Bringing together data from different sources
poses a number of difficulties. There are
straightforward problems of format and
standards in representing addresses and dates
and employing different systems, which were
intended for different uses and emphasis
different parts of the data.
In addition to the rich source of natural errors
there are also deliberate errors introduced for
We are particularly concerned with errors,
which lead to duplication - that is multiple
physical records in a database, which actually
refer to the same entity. We have classified
typical errors in databases, which lead to
duplicate entries into a number of classes:
replacement: Single character errors
in a field with no obvious reason.
Often either “typos” or extra
characters inserted when translating
between different data formats.
Phonetic errors: Single errors due to
Especially common with numbers eg.
15 / 50. The specific errors are often
dependant on the language being
Visual errors: Similar to typing
errors but it is possible to predict
which character was intended. These
are becoming more common as
legacy paper based data is
computerised or systems are used to
automate entering of manual forms.
Typical errors are confusing “m” and
“n” and OCR system confusing
1(one) and l (letter L).
Equivalent words: An interesting
class of errors occurs when words are
regarded as equivalent by human
operators such as the Ms/Mrs or
road/avenue/street/terrace. This can
even be deliberate in some areas to
claim a more desirable address.
Names are a rich source of these
errors. To everyone except a
computer “Richard” is equal to
“Dick”, this problem is even more
prevalent in cultures where names
contain honorifics or have different
forms depending on the situation.
Inconsistency errors: These are
errors, which can be identified
automatically. Mismatches between
the gender of a title and first name or
between a postcode and post town.
Of late, the Industrial partner has had requests
from major customers in the US (banking and
legal sectors) to interrogate data sources in
numerous structures, formats and disparate
administrative locations.
These business
opportunities all present a similar technical
problem, in that interfacing to such vast
amounts of information in a common
structured parallel approach across such
disparate structure and sources was a bottle
neck and problematic.
(E.g. one legal
customer held over 45Tb of data in various
formats including email, PDF, web logs,
various RDBMS).
3 Deduplication
The Datactics “DataTrawler” product consists
of a graphical user interface running on
Windows and most Unix like systems. This
shows the current view of the data and a tree
view of all the operations performed.
Operations range from simple import and
conversion of data to complex fuzzy logic
deduplication of large datasets but all can be
performed with no programming or
specialized database knowledge. Each
operation is actually carried out by a separate
engine, which may be running locally or on a
different platform or even in a cluster. The
results of the engine are reflected in the GUI.
In addition a batch script can be generated
allowing the sequence of operations to be
performed automatically. An audit report of
all operations is generated for all runs.
The range of errors described above need a
variety of approaches which are all contained
The mixture of mostly random point errors
and structural errors lead to our unique
approach combining user supplied domain IP
and fuzzy matching technology together with
HPC computing power.
Match files: All the operations in the tool are
first subject to a set of user editable
templates. These allow specific patterns of
letters and numbers to be matched, or
equivalent words to be compared or certain
characters to be removed. This has the
advantage of allowing non-programming
users to contribute domain specific business
intelligence and allowing easy specialization
and customization for a specific country.
Fuzzy: All the matching engines within
Duplitrix can employ Fuzzy matching. This
allows a defined number of allowable errors
to be specified for each match. An error is a
single missing character or a swapped pair of
characters. The level of Fuzziness can be
tuned depending on the data to be matched.
For example in first names we might specify
an overall level of 1 error but for long,
complicated, foreign or often mis-spelt names
a higher error level would be permitted.
Since many of the errors are just as likely to
occur in the first character allowing a fuzzy
match prevents many of the indexing
techniques commonly used to search data.
Ultimately this becomes a brute force
approach of matching every character of
every record against every other record.
Two recent advances have made possible this
level of error matching on large datasets.
Cheap commodity high performance PCs
with large memory/storage coupled with fast
networking and cheap (free) available
operating systems, which allow clusters of
machines to be built easily.
Messaging: The Datactics matching engines
use MPI (specifically mpich) to operate
seamlessly on SMP and clusters under
Windows, Linux and a wide range of Unixlike operating systems.
4 Towards a Grid Architecture
The Grid based Distributed Data Mining
architecture presented here is based on the
Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA)
model [1] derived from the Open Grid
Services Infrastructure specification defined
by the OGSI Working Group within the GGF
The Open Grid Services Architecture
(OGSA) represents an evolution towards a
Grid architecture based on Web services
concepts and technologies. It describes and
defines a service oriented architecture
composed of a set of interfaces and their
distributed resource sharing and accessing in
heterogeneous dynamic environments [3].
However before widespread adoption
happens within this sector a number of
fundamental areas will need to be addressed:
manner across various administrative
boundaries. The data-mining sector is an
ideal candidate to exploit the benefits of such
a framework.
Figure 1
Figure 1 shows the individual components of
the service-oriented architecture (SOA). The
service directory is the location where all
information about all available grid services
is maintained. A service provider that wants
to offer services publishes its services by
putting appropriate entries into the service
directory. A service requestor uses the service
directory to find an appropriate service that
matches its requirements.
An example of such a requirement is the
maximum price a service requestor is willing
to accept for a specific data mining service.
When a service requestor locates a suitable
service, it binds to the service provider, using
binding information maintained in the service
directory. The binding information contains
the specification of the protocol that the
service requestor must use as well as the
structure of the request messages and the
resulting responses. The communication
between the various agents all occurs via an
appropriate transport mechanism.
5 Summary
Grid technology presents a framework that
aims to provide access to heterogeneous
resources in a secure, reliable and scalable
Heterogeneous Resource: The challenge in
grid enabling a commercial product comes
from the requirement to use a mixture of
different resources and platforms, efficiently
use mixtures of nodes with very different
performance and capabilities and manage
external resources with unknown availability.
All this must be provided to a non-technical
user in a simple and straightforward manner.
Management: As grids evolve as a
heterogeneous array of heterogeneous nodes
the monitoring and management of such grids
becomes more and more critical. To date,
little or no work has been undertake to
investigate a cohesive strategy to managing
such arrays of heterogeneous grid elements
and how such monitoring and management
strategies will be integrated into applications
S. Burbeck, “The Tao of e-Business
Services,” IBM Corporation (2000); see