ITU Workshop on “Cloud Computing” Regulatory Issues for the Development of Cloud Computing in Tunisia Tunis, Tunisia, 18 – 19 June 2012 Internet in Tunisia International bandwidth Capacity: 65.5 Gbps. Maximum Bandwidth used: 50 Gbps. Ingoing international traffic is increasing yearly by 35% but it’s still almost 5 times less than the Outgoing one. Local traffic is increasing but it’s just 6% of the international one. 2 ITU Workshop on “Cloud Computing”, June 18 – 19, 2012 Before the revolution #14Jan “No opportunities for Cloud Computing Development in Tunisia!” Regulatory framework: completely obsolete for Internet. Governance: inadequate mono-stakeholder model centralized on ATI – Unique Internet Model with a lot of barriers, Competition: weak and requires urgent actions especially regarding the wholesale market, Broadband infrastructure: Relatively good compared to our neighbors especially international connectivity, Services and contents: poor hosting capabilities, lack of innovation, severe control by the Ben Ali regime, etc. Freedom: Inappropriate censorship “Ammar404”, Privacy: In practice not guaranteed for Internet users. 3 ITU Workshop on “Cloud Computing”, June 18 – 19, 2012 Actual policy and regulation model #Complex “A new model is required involving a convergent & independent regulator” Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (INPDCP) National Telecommunications Commission (INT) National Frequencies Agency (ANF) Independent High Authority of Audiovisual Communication (HAICA) National Digital Certification Agency (ANCE) National Agency for Computer Security (ANSI) Data and Digital Confidence 4 Center of Telecom Studies and Research (CERT) Telecommunications National Broadcasting Corp. (ONT) Media Broadcasting ITU Workshop on “Cloud Computing”, June 18 – 19, 2012 Transforming the ATI: #TunIXP ATI, not a regulator for Internet, Towards a transparent IXP: A89%+8.D68.&#B688%ED'/9=#96#93%#A89%+8%9# Connect to ATI not as a regulatory obligation for security reasons, Guarantee an open access to a shared platform for IP transit and interconnection, Wholesale IP service provision based on a cost oriented model. Fostering partnerships with Internet intermediaries, especially Tunisian innovative SMEs, as a IaaS provider. An opportunity for nascent Data Centers to access to Internet. 5 !"# $%&'()*+%# !"# 0.12.3# !"# ,-.+)/.# 5-8AF4# 4,4# $%&'()*+%# 4,4# 0.12.3# 4,4# ,-.+)/.# 5678%9:55# ;%<.2=9%# ,+.8>%# 5-8/1/%# 5-8%9: 5-8/1/.8.# !&62.&?%9# ITU Workshop on “Cloud Computing”, June 18 – 19, 2012 @5A:B?A:C# Regulatory fundamental #principles “It’s a also a matter of trust, and respect to human rights” #Netneutrality #Netfreedom “No inappropriate stewardship” #Privacy #Transparency A new approach is required: “Smart” Internet Regulation model based on an inclusive, transparent and open multi-stakeholder process. Supporting a Global Internet Regulation model won’t be a solution but could be a threat to freedom of expression and privacy. 6 ITU Workshop on “Cloud Computing”, June 18 – 19, 2012 ITU Workshop on “Cloud Computing” “By leading in ICTs, which are essential to any competitive economy, Tunisia can continue to be a leader in the region!” Eileen Murray, World Bank Country Manager for Tunisia Toronto, 19 March 2012 Ph.D Moez Chakchouk, Chairman & CEO Email: moez.chakchouk@a,.tn Twitter: @mchakchouk Thank you. 7 com@ati_tn follow us @ati_tn