Collaboration program with Brunei,

ITU Regional Standardization Forum for
Asia Pacific Region
(Bangkok, Thailand, 25 August 2014)
Collaboration program with Brunei,
Observation & Suggestion
Jongbong Park,
TTA of Korea
Bangkok, Thailand, 25 August 2014
Discussion Topic
Legislation and policy for conformity assessment
Framework for conformity assessment
Best practice
Standardization framework
- Mandatory standard vs Voluntary standard
How to & why correspond to ITU activities
How to set up national study group (secretariat) to
correspond to ITU activities
Main idea for Discussion
There is no right answer for policy and system
Every country has to find their own way under their
own circumstances
Recommendations and suggestions by TTA are only
reference to support AITI’s decision
In this regard, TTA shared best practices of
various countries in related with
standardization and conformity assessment
The cases include developed countries, developing
countries, countries who are in lack of industry, to
seek an optimal answer through comparing &
analyzing those cases
Characteristics of Brunei
High GDP per capita (Approx. USD 40,000)
High demands for new ICT products
Rapid importing process demanded
Small size of economy (The size of population is
approx. 400,000)
Relatively small volume of importing products
The cost for getting test report could become a factor
for increasing import cost
Technical regulations of Brunei are identical
to those of Singapore
High possibility of utilizing ICT framework of Singapore
Brunei Specific : Need to harmonize with NSC
National Standard Committee under Ministry of Industry
and Primary Resources has structured a well defined
No committee for communications
Brunei Specific : Need to harmonize with NSC
AITI is required to participate in the NSC activities
as a secretariat and/or participants
(e.g) Singapore case
SPRING Singapore
WG 1~N
Special WG
11 Standards Committee
MICA : Ministry of Information, Communication and Arts
MTI : Ministry of Trade and Industry
IDA : Infocomm. Development Authority
TSAC : Telecommunication Standards Advisory Committee
Brunei Specific : Need for Working Platform
Need a forum to coordinate views in int’l activities
Not only ITU but also others, like APT
Responsible Agency
National Advisory Committee for ITU
National Advisory Committee for ITU-T
NSG 17
NSG: National
Study Group
Brunei Specific : Need for Working Platform
• Management of the national organization and processes
• Dissemination of information from ITU/APT/others
• Responses to ITU inquiries/consultations
• Development of national positions, strategies and
action plans for ITU/APT/others
• Leading international delegations
• Reviewing ITU recommendations to adopt them
as a Technical Specification or Standard
Brunei Specific : Participation from stakeholders
Who makes Mandatory Standard?
Regulator? Ministry?
ICT technologies and services develop rapidly,
accordingly, regulations on ICT services should keep up
with the change (Government officer is not a superman)
Small streams come together to form a river
(Participation from various stakeholders makes
Mandatory Standard more valid and it can lead self
Working platform to develop/review the standard
composed of the stakeholders is needed
Type of participation can be optional, writing a draft? Or
only for review
Brunei Specific : Participation from stakeholders
On the 2nd stage, make regulation (mandatory
standards) be minimum
Deregulation and privatization are global trend
Working platform is also needed for development /
review of a voluntary standard
Experts who are involved in activity for mandatory
standards will be also participating in voluntary
Nature of a mandatory and voluntary standard is
different, however, attribute of activities in
developing/reviewing is similar
Brunei Specific : Mandatory vs. Voluntary
Mandatory Standard exists
Test Technical Specification
No Voluntary Standard
Regulation should be minimum and the remaining
things should be treated by standards
Easy to revise (In case that a regulation refers to an int’l
standard and the int’l standard is revised regularly)
Flexible to accommodate views from various stakeholders
Brunei Specific : Conformance Assessment
It has its own specific CA system
Requiring dealer license to facilitate and regulate the
sale & import of telecom equipment and to make
sure the equipment is safe for consumer
Levelling 3 type of equipment according to a risk of
the equipment, and operating different processes in
accordance with the level (level 1~3)
There is no testing laboratories so that it requires only
brochure of equipment and/or test report and/or
certificate from testing labs outside of the country
No way to verify the certificate, test report as well as
the testing lab itself
Brunei Specific : Conformance Assessment
TTA made some suggestions to the CA system
Test reports could be produced by either in-house lab
of manufacturer or accredited lab regardless of
geographical location, domestic or abroad, with
responsibility of response from AITI request
Since technical regulation in Brunei is identical to one
in Singapore, TUV in Singapore could become a
major resource for producing test reports for Brunei
AITI is recommended to drive signing-up MRA with
many economies as possible,
(It is beneficial for Brunei to accredit test reports
from MRA labs designated by Singapore)
Future Plan
Further Development of some suggestions for
Possibility for study visit to Korea will be reviewed
Continue to collaborate with AP countries for
enhancing its standardization capabilities