AIMA Journal The Global Forum for the Alternative Asset Management Industry Cover story: Opportunities in a volatile market p30 AIMA editorial: Why we need to understand what the public thinks about hedge funds p4 AIMA's quarterly Regulatory Update (members only) p9 Q1 2016 Number 106 Confidence to grow Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed felis nulla, ornare id, accumsan eget mollis amet, est. Mauris rutrum auctor quam. Pellentesque sollicitudin enim nec sem. Suspendisse dictum iaculis At Deloitte, we understand the importance of having confidence in your people, your ante. Quisque euismod lectus at urna. Duis sagittis tellus a sapien. Ut pretium. Nullam quis massa. processes, and your reporting. We help our clients act decisively through connectedness — bridging markets and market developments, managers and managed solutions, and business leaders and balance sheets. Our global, multidisciplinary Hedge Fund practice empowers our clients to go beyond the ledger, merging worldly awareness and local smarts to spot for new opportunities and deliver disciplined growth. No matter how complex the issues you are facing — and no matter where they arise — Deloitte has the resources and answers you need to move forward. To learn more about our hedge fund services, please visit About Deloitte Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Copyright © 201 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Contents AIMA updates 04 The importance of improving public opinion about our industry %\-DFN,QJOLV&(2$,0$ 06 Regulatory and tax submissions and papers in Q1 09 AIMA Regulatory update 25 Forthcoming AIMA events 27 AIMA news 69 AIMA's sponsoring partners 70 New members of AIMA 78 Contact AIMA internationally From our members 30 COVER STORY Opportunities in a volatile market %\1HLO0DVRQ6HQLRU0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU0DQ*/* 34 Not digital, not emotional, not aligned – why longonly funds are eating your lunch %\'DYLG0DVWHUV'LUHFWRUDQG3DUWQHU/DQVRQV 37 Implementation considerations within discretionary global macro %\ -RVK 3DOPHU 6HQLRU ,QYHVWPHQW $QDO\VW :LOOLV 7RZHUV:DWVRQ 40 MiFID II and paying for research: To bundle or unbundle? That is no longer the question %\6HDQ6WHLQPHW]*OREDO+HDGRI0DQDJHG%URNHUDJH 6HUYLFHV %ORRPEHUJ 7UDGHERRN DQG $QGUHZ (]HNLHO (0($ &RPPLVVLRQ 0DQDJHPHQW 6SHFLDOLVW %ORRPEHUJ Tradebook 43 Implementing SFTR – what is required for hedge fund managers? %\2ZHQ/\VDN6HQLRU$VVRFLDWH&OLIIRUG&KDQFHDQG -DFTXHOLQH-RQHV6HQLRU3URIHVVLRQDO6XSSRUW/DZ\HU &OLIIRUG&KDQFH 47 The changing landscape of major shareholding reporting in Europe %\&ODLUH)DUOH\+HDGRI5HJXODWRU\3URGXFWV$OOHQ 2YHU\//3DRVSKHUH 51 3HRSOH DQG FRQÀGHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 'HDOLQJ ZLWK key employment risks %\+D\OH\5RELQVRQ3DUWQHU0DFIDUODQHVDQG0DWWKHZ 5DPVH\3URIHVVLRQDO6XSSRUW/DZ\HU0DFIDUODQHV 54 ESMA Q&A on the application of the UCITS V Directive: Some breathing space to address compliance with the new rules? %\1LFROH6XLJQDUG6HQLRU$VVRFLDWH6LGOH\$XVWLQ//3 57 Section 871(m) - New US Withholding Tax on Dividend Equivalent Payments %\'DQ)DUUHOO3DUWQHU(UQVW<RXQJ//3DQG$PDQGD 0XUSK\'LUHFWRU(UQVW<RXQJ,UHODQG 59 5HÁHFWLRQVRQWKHSULYDWHGHEWPDUNHWLQ %\$OLVWDLU+LOO3DUWQHU6LPPRQV6LPPRQV 63 Rum punch and taxes – Puerto Rico may serve as an island escape %\$GDP-7HMHGD7D[3DUWQHU./*DWHVDQG)UDQN :'ZRUDN7D[3DUWQHU./*DWHV The AIMA Journal is published quarterly by the Alternative Investment Management Association Ltd (AIMA). The views and RSLQLRQV H[SUHVVHG GR QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHÁHFW WKRVH RI WKH $,0$ 0HPEHUVKLS $,0$ GRHV QRW DFFHSW UHVSRQVLELOLW\ IRU DQ\ VWDWHPHQWVKHUHLQ5HSURGXFWLRQRISDUWRUDOORIWKHFRQWHQWVRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQLVVWULFWO\SURKLELWHGXQOHVVSULRUSHUPLVVLRQ is given by AIMA. © The Alternative Investment Management Association Ltd (AIMA) 2016. All rights reserved. AIMA Journal Q1 2016 3 Address from the CEO The importance of improving public opinion about our industry %\-DFN,QJOLV&(2$,0$ E\LQYHVWLQJLQGLJLWDOPHGLDLQFOXGLQJDQHZZHEVLWH IRU$,0$WREHODXQFKHGLQWKHQH[WIHZPRQWKVWKDW will include additional educational material about alternative asset managers and funds. , EHOLHYH WKDW ZH KDYH PDGH VLJQLÀFDQW KHDGZD\ already. But this is an uphill battle - and there is a long way to go. To help us to understand the scale RIWKHFKDOOHQJHZHFRPPLVVLRQHGUHVHDUFKODVW\HDU into public perceptions of hedge funds. The research SURMHFW ZKLFK FRQFOXGHG UHFHQWO\ KDV HQDEOHG XV WR benchmark levels of favourability and test with the public whether our arguments about hedge funds truly resonate with them. What we have found (not surprisingly) is that a VLJQLÀFDQW PLQRULW\ RI WKH SRSXODWLRQ LV VFHSWLFDO DERXWRUKRVWLOHWRZDUGVWKHLQGXVWU\+RZHYHUPRUH people were found to be neutral or undecided. And the research also provided evidence that many sceptics could be won over if they better understood hedge funds’ relevance and value to them. 6LQFHWKHJOREDOÀQDQFLDOFULVLVSROLWLFLDQVMRXUQDOLVWV and the general public have questioned the social XWLOLW\RIÀQDQFLDOVHUYLFHVLQJHQHUDODQGKHGJHIXQGV in particular. This public discourse has impacted JRYHUQPHQW GHFLVLRQV LQÁXHQFHG WKH QDWXUH RI WKH post-crisis regulation of our industry and even swayed the investment decisions of pension funds and other investors. *LYHQ ZKDW KDV EHHQ DW VWDNH LW KDV EHHQ QHFHVVDU\ IRU $,0$ WR GHPRQVWUDWH RQ EHKDOI RI WKH LQGXVWU\ WKHEHQHÀWVWKDWDOWHUQDWLYHDVVHWPDQDJHUVDQGIXQGV offer to the “real economy” and society. We have carried out research into the employment the industry JHQHUDWHVWKHWD[HVLWSD\VWKHLQYHVWPHQWVLWPDNHVLQ VPDOOEXVLQHVVHVDQGWKHLPSDFWRILWVRYHUDOODFWLYLW\ RQ HFRQRPLF JURZWK ¶7KH &DVH IRU +HGJH )XQGV· ZKLFKFDQEHGRZQORDGHGIURPWKH$,0$ZHEVLWHSXOOV together many of the key facts and arguments.) We have also stepped up our engagement with PDLQVWUHDPPHGLDDVDQH[DPSOH\RXPD\KDYHVHHQ this interview I gave recently to The Independent newspaper in London) and have increased our activity RQ7ZLWWHUDQGRWKHUVRFLDOPHGLDFKDQQHOV,QDGGLWLRQ ZHKDYHHYROYHGWKHZD\ZHFRPPXQLFDWHH[WHUQDOO\ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 Why did we choose to measure public perceptions? Had ZHFKRVHQWRSROOVD\WKHLQGXVWU\·VFOLHQWEDVH²VXFK DV SHQVLRQ IXQGV HQGRZPHQWV DQG VRYHUHLJQ ZHDOWK IXQGV²ZHZRXOGKDYHKDGYHU\GLIIHUHQWUHVXOWV7KH hedge fund industry has grown at about 10% a year since WKHFULVLVWKDQNVWRQHWLQÁRZVDQGDPLGFRQVLVWHQWO\ high levels of client satisfaction. We also did not poll the regulatory community V\VWHPDWLFDOO\ DOWKRXJK WKH RIÀFLDOV LQ /RQGRQ DQG Brussels whom we did approach were clearly reassured by increased levels of regulation and transparency. But it is vital that we better understand why there are negative public perceptions if we want to prevent disproportionate or unworkable regulation or politically-motivated investor redemptions. $UPHG ZLWK WKH ÀQGLQJV RI WKLV UHVHDUFK WKH QH[W step will be to develop a programme of engagement that is impactful and resonates with the general public. We will know we are making progress when more members of the public believe that the success of the alternative asset management industry is in WKHLULQWHUHVWVDVZHOODVRXUV 4 CME Group TRADE › CLEAR › REPORT Find out more at CME Group is the trademark of CME Group, Inc. The Globe logo, Globex® and CME® are trademarks of Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc. CME Europe Limited is a Recognised Investment Exchange (RIE) recognised and supervised by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom. Issued by CME Marketing Europe Limited. CME Marketing Europe Limited (FRN: 220523) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom. Copyright © 2016 CME Group. All rights reserved. AIMA Regulatory Update 5HJXODWRU\DQGWD[VXEPLVVLRQVDQGSDSHUVSURGXFHGLQ4 DATE AUTHORITY 18 March DESCRIPTION AIMA position paper - Securitisation 16 March CFTC 8 March FCA AIMA response - Regulation Automated Trading Joint AIMA/MFA response - CP15/43 MiFID II Implementation Consultation Paper 1 AIMA summary - Algorithmic trading and HFT regulation 3 March 26 February SEC Joint AIMA/MFA response - Reg ATS Proposal 24 February MAS AIMA response - Proposed Amendments to Reporting of Derivatives Contracts 12 February FCA AIMA response3URSRVHGJXLGDQFHIRUÀQDQFLDOVHUYLFHVÀUPV outsourcing to the ‘cloud’ and other third party IT services 5 February BIS AIMA response&DSLWDOWUHDWPHQWIRU´VLPSOHWUDQVSDUHQWDQG comparable” securitisations 4 February FCA AIMA summary - MiFIDII Implementation Consultation Paper 1 3 February HMRC AIMA response - Carried interest draft Finance Bill legislation 3 February HMRC AIMA response on behalf of the Alternative Credit Council (ACC) Carried interest draft Finance Bill legislation 1 February ESMA Joint AIMA/MFA response - ESMA Consultation Paper on the Review of Article 26 of RTS No 153/2013 with respect to MPOR for client accounts 29 January EC AIMA response - Call for Evidence on the EU Financial Services Framework 22 January (%$(60$ EIOPA AIMA response - Joint Guidelines under Article 17 and 18(4) of Directive (EU) 2015/849 15 January EC AIMA response - Public consultation on CRD IV remuneration continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 6 AIMA Regulatory Update continuedŹ DATE AUTHORITY DESCRIPTION 14 January HMT AIMA response7D[GHGXFWLELOLW\RIFRUSRUDWHLQWHUHVWH[SHQVH 13 January SEC AIMA response - Proposed Rule on Open-End Fund Liquidity Risk Management Programs 8 January EC AIMA response&RPPRQ&RQVROLGDWHG&RUSRUDWH7D[%DVH 31 December SFC AIMA response - Consultation Paper on Short Position Reporting The global forum for the alternative investment management industry The global forum for the global hedge fund industry AIMA Journal AIMA Journal How derivatives market reforms affected clients p25 New: Quarterly AIMA Regulatory Update p7 AIMA's CEO looks back at 2015 p4 :RXOG\RXOLNHWRZULWHIRUWKHQH[W$,0$-RXUQDO" 7KH QH[W HGLWLRQ RI WKH AIMA Journal WKH JOREDO IRUXP IRU WKH DOWHUQDWLYH DVVHW PDQDJHPHQW LQGXVWU\ ZLOO EH UHOHDVHG DW WKH HQG RI -XQH ,I \RX DUH DQ $,0$ PHPEHUDQGZRXOGOLNHWRFRQWULEXWHWRWKLVHGLWLRQSOHDVHFRQWDFW'RPLQLF7RQQHU by the end of April at 2QO\H[LVWLQJ$,0$PHPEHUVPD\ZULWHIRUWKH$,0$-RXUQDO,I\RXUÀUPLVQRWFXUUHQWO\ DPHPEHUDQG\RXZRXOGOLNHWROHDUQPRUHDERXWWKHEHQHÀWVRIMRLQLQJSOHDVHFRQWDFW )LRQD7UHEOHDW IWUHEOH#DLPDRUJ. AIMA Journal Q1 2016 7 See potential from every angle The right combination unlocks hidden value AIMA Regulatory Update AIMA Regulatory Update An update from AIMA’s Government and Regulatory Affairs Team The AIMA Regulatory Update strives to provide a succinct XSGDWH WR PHPEHUV RQ WKH FXUUHQW VWDWH RI SOD\ RQ WKH PRVW LPSRUWDQW ÀOHV LQ WKH *RYHUQPHQW DQG 5HJXODWRU\ $IIDLUVVSDFH,WLVDRQHVWRSVKRSIRUPHPEHUVVHHNLQJWR JDLQDTXLFNRYHUYLHZRIWKHPDLQSRLQWVRILQWHUHVWWRWKH KHGJHIXQGLQGXVWU\ZKLOHDOVRSURYLGLQJOLQNVWRDQXPEHU RI LQWHUQDO DQG H[WHUQDO GRFXPHQWV IRU WKRVH LQWHUHVWHG in greater detail. The issues treated in the update do not SURYLGH DQ H[KDXVWLYH OLVW RI $,0$·V ZRUN LQ WKH DUHD DQG ZH HQFRXUDJH PHPEHUV WR FRQWDFW $,0$·V *RYHUQPHQW DQG 5HJXODWRU\$IIDLUVWHDPLIWKH\ZLVKWREHLQIRUPHGRQWKH SURJUHVVRIZRUNRQLVVXHVZKLFKDUHQRWFRYHUHG Contents • • • • CFTC Reg AT proposals EU rules on benchmarks Hong Kong - short position reporting 6LQJDSRUH²27&GHULYDWLYHVWUDGHUHSRUWLQJ Tax • (8$QWL7D[$YRLGDQFH3DFNDJH • )LQDQFLDO7UDQVDFWLRQV7D[ • %DVH(URVLRQDQG3URÀW6KLIWLQJ • $XWRPDWLFH[FKDQJHRILQIRUPDWLRQ$(2, • Carried Interest • Partnerships WG • 867D[ • +RQJ .RQJ ² LQWURGXFWLRQ RI DQ RSHQ HQGHG IXQG company Asset management regulation • Remuneration • UCITS V • AIFMD • Securitisation • Loan origination • Anti-money laundering • SEC • Shadow banking • &DWHJRULVDWLRQRILQYHVWPHQWÀUPV • $XVWUDOLD ² SRUWIROLR KROGLQJV GLVFORVXUH IRU VXSHU • • funds +RQJ.RQJ²1HZ3URIHVVLRQDO,QYHVWRU5HJLPH -DSDQ²OLFHQVLQJH[HPSWLRQ Markets regulation • Capital Markets Union • MiFID2/MiFIR • EMIR • Cross-border derivatives issues • SEC Reg ATS proposals 2WKHUÀOHV • UK Referendum on membership of the European Union Asset management regulation Remuneration (%$UHPXQHUDWLRQJXLGHOLQHV The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published its ÀQDO*XLGHOLQHVRQVRXQGUHPXQHUDWLRQSROLFLHVXQGHU the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV) along with an Opinion on proportionality. The EBA has stated that the Guidelines are to be applied in a manner and to WKH H[WHQW WKDW LV DSSURSULDWH EXW GR QRW H[SOLFLWO\ permit neutralisation of certain requirements. In its 2SLQLRQWKH(%$FDOOVIRUOHJLVODWLYHFKDQJHWRVXSSRUW VSHFLÀF H[HPSWLRQV RQ WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ RI GHIHUUDO continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 9 AIMA Regulatory Update DUUDQJHPHQWV DQG SD\ RXW RI LQVWUXPHQWV SURYLGHG FHUWDLQFULWHULDDUHPHW+RZHYHUWKH(%$KDVFODULÀHG its view that the application of the ‘bonus cap’ should QRWEHVXEMHFWWRDQ\H[HPSWLRQ The UK Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have QRWLÀHG WKH EBA that the regulators will comply with all aspects of WKH (%$ *XLGHOLQHV RQ 6RXQG 5HPXQHUDWLRQ 3ROLFLHV H[FHSWIRUWKHDSSOLFDWLRQRIWKHERQXVFDS (8 &RPPLVVLRQ TXHVWLRQQDLUH RQ &5' ,9 remuneration Counterparty Risk for UCITS (ESMA/2013/1950). This document is intended to be continually edited and updated as and when new questions are received. The FCA has published ÀQDO UXOHV DQG JXLGDQFH LPSOHPHQWLQJ ÀIWK 8QGHUWDNLQJV IRU &ROOHFWLYH Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS V) Directive. The FCA’s policy statement (PS 16/02) sets out Handbook changes which will affect managers and depositaries of UCITS and alternative investment funds (AIFs) and give the FCA’s response to the feedback received on their consultation regarding the implementation of the UCITS V requirements. The rules and guidance will come into force on 18 March 2016. AIMA submitted a response to the European Commission’s public consultation on impacts of PD[LPXP UHPXQHUDWLRQ UDWLR XQGHU WKH &5' ,9 DQG RYHUDOOHIÀFLHQF\RI&5',9UHPXQHUDWLRQUXOHV,QWKH UHVSRQVH$,0$FRPPHQWHGWKDWLWGLVDJUHHGZLWKWKH DSSOLFDWLRQRIWKHERQXVFDSWR&5',9LQYHVWPHQWÀUPV AIMA noted that compliance with the bonus cap by CRD ,9LQYHVWPHQWÀUPVLVOLNHO\WRQHJDWLYHO\LPSDFW&5' ,9LQYHVWPHQWÀUPV·FRPSHWLWLYHQHVVLQWKHVHFWRUDV &5',9LQYHVWPHQWÀUPVZRXOGRQO\EHDEOHWRFRPSHWH ZLWK QRQ&5' ÀUPV IURP D UHPXQHUDWLRQ SHUVSHFWLYH E\SD\LQJKLJKHUÀ[HGUHPXQHUDWLRQLQRUGHUWRDWWUDFW the best staff. AIMA submitted a brief response to the UK HM Treasury (HMT) consultation on amendments to the UCITS Directive to implement UCITS V ,Q WKH UHVSRQVH AIMA agreed with HMT that a copy-out approach is the correct way to implement the UCITS V provisions for depositary liability and that the provisions for the distribution of assets upon insolvency do not require substantial changes to the law. AIMA also commented WKDW JLYHQ WKH GHOD\ WR WKH ÀQDOLVDWLRQ RI WKH /HYHO PHDVXUHVZHZRXOGVXJJHVWWKDW+07VKRXOGDOORZ VXIÀFLHQW WLPH IRU 8&,76 PDQDJHPHQW FRPSDQLHV WR negotiate the details of their depositary agreements. • • AIMA contacts: Jennifer Wood (MZRRG#DLPDRUJ) and Anna Washington (née Berdinner) (awashington@ AIMA contacts: Jennifer Wood (MZRRG#DLPDRUJ) and Anna Washington (née Berdinner) (awashington@ UCITS V AIFMD The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published a document setting out questions and answers (Q&As) on the application of the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive. The document provides responses to questions posed by the general public and competent authorities in relation to the practical application of the UCITS framework and consolidates into a single document and replaces all Q&As relating to the UCITS Directive previously issued by ESMA i.e. the Q&As on: (i) the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) for UCITS (2015/ESMA/631); (ii) ESMA’s guidelines on ETFs DQGRWKHU8&,76LVVXHV(60$LLL1RWLÀFDWLRQ RI 8&,76 DQG H[FKDQJH RI LQIRUPDWLRQ EHWZHHQ competent authorities (ESMA/2012/428); and (iv) Risk 0HDVXUHPHQW DQG &DOFXODWLRQ RI *OREDO ([SRVXUH DQG The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published an updated version of its Questions and Answers (Q&As) on the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD). The document adds a new Q&A stating that the depositary liability regime does apply to those assets for which a depositary has safe-keeping duties on a look-through basis according WR $UWLFOHV ÀUVW VXESDUDJUDSK DQG ÀUVW sub-paragraph of the AIFMD Level 2 Regulation. This document is intended to be continually edited and updated as and when new questions are received. • AIMA contacts: Jennifer Wood (MZRRG#DLPDRUJ) and Anna Washington (née Berdinner) (awashington@ continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 10 AIMA Regulatory Update Securitisation 7KH 6HFXULWLVDWLRQ 5HJXODWLRQ ZKLFK GHÀQHG D QHZ FDWHJRU\ RI SURGXFW WKH 6LPSOH 7UDQVSDUHQW DQG 6WDQGDUGLVHG 676 VHFXULWLVDWLRQ ZKLFK KDV EHHQ DSSURYHG E\ WKH &RXQFLO KDV QRZ PRYHG RQ IRU consideration by the European Parliament. AIMA has submitted a position paper to key parliamentary VWDNHKROGHUV ZKLFK VHWV RXW RXU FRQFHUQV RQ WKH Securitisation Regulation as well as (i) including the GHÀQLWLRQ RI VSRQVRU WR HQVXUH LQYHVWPHQW IXQGV FDQ SDUWLFLSDWH LL HQVXULQJ WKDW DFWLYHO\ PDQDJHG IXQGV DUH QRW GLVTXDOLÀHG IURP 676 GHVLJQDWLRQ DQG LLL QDUURZLQJWKHVFRSHRIWKHGHÀQLWLRQVRILQVWLWXWLRQDO investors. AIMA has produced draft amendments to these ends and is now following up directly with the relevant MEPs. The timeline for the passage of the Securitisation Regulation is anticipated to be SURWUDFWHG ZLWK D ÀQDO SOHQDU\ YRWH QRW H[SHFWHG until January 2017. • AIMA contacts: Simon Horner ( and Jennifer Wood (MZRRG#DLPDRUJ) DQWLPRQH\ ODXQGHULQJ DQG FRXQWHULQJ WKH ÀQDQFLQJ RI WHUURULVP $0/&)7 *XLGHOLQHV ZKLFK DUH WR EH produced by the ESAs under the Fourth AML Directive. ,QWKHUHVSRQVH$,0$DJUHHGZLWKWKH(6$VWKDWÀUPV should be encouraged to take a holistic view and that the presence of isolated risk factors should not necessarily move a relationship into a higher or lower risk category. AIMA commented that it is imperative WKDW ÀUPV DUH H[SHFWHG WR FDUU\ RXW FXVWRPHU GXH diligence in a manner that is commensurate to the risk SRVHGE\DSDUWLFXODUFOLHQWDQGWKDWÀUPVDUHDZDUH RIZKDWLVH[SHFWHGIURPWKHPDQGKRZWKHDGHTXDF\ of their processes will be assessed by competent DXWKRULWLHV $,0$ DOVR FRPPHQWHG WKDW H[DPSOHV should only be included in the Guidelines where they relate to an issue which would always indicate a higher or lower ML/TF risk and where they are directly related to the guideline to which they attach and that terms such as “offshore” should be avoided where a more VSHFLÀFVWDQGDUGFDQEHUHIHUHQFHG • AIMA contacts: Jennifer Wood (MZRRG#DLPDRUJ) and Anna Washington (née Berdinner) (awashington@ Loan origination The Italian government has passed a law decree that will permit EU AIFs to lend directly to Italian corporates without the need of an Italian banking licence or partnership with an Italian fronting bank. 7KLVLVSURYLGHGWKDWWKHIXQGLVDQ(8$,)DEOHWROHQG LQD0HPEHU6WDWHRWKHUWKDQ,WDO\LVVWUXFWXUHGLQD closed- ended way and that other laws on AIFs in that 0HPEHU6WDWHQRWDEO\OHYHUDJHDUHVLPLODULQQDWXUH to Italian law. The Bank of Italy will now produce secondary regulations which we hope will bring further clarity on this decree. In particular it will provide more detail on equivalence. AIMA is compiling a note to set out where we feel further detail is necessary to increase certainty and will submit this to the Bank of Italy and Ministry of Finance. • AIMA contact: Simon Horner ( Anti-money laundering AIMA has responded to the Joint Committee of the WKUHH (XURSHDQ 6XSHUYLVRU\ $XWKRULWLHV· (%$ (,23$ and ESMA - ESAs) public consultations on two sets of SEC 7KH 86 6HFXULWLHV DQG ([FKDQJH &RPPLVVLRQ 6(& has published a proposing release entitled “The Use of Derivatives by Registered Investment Companies and Business Development Companies”. The proposed rules are meant to reduce the level of risk to investors associated with leverage from investments in derivatives and have three elements: • A portfolio limitation: The proposal would place D OLPLW RQ D IXQG·V WRWDO DJJUHJDWH H[SRVXUH WR GHULYDWLYHV LQVWUXPHQWV $ IXQG ZRXOG EH VXEMHFW WR HLWKHU DQ H[SRVXUHEDVHG RU D ULVNEDVHG OLPLW 7KH H[SRVXUHEDVHG OLPLW ZRXOG FDS D IXQG·V DJJUHJDWH QHW H[SRVXUH WR GHULYDWLYHV DQG FHUWDLQ RWKHU ÀQDQFLDO FRPPLWPHQW WUDQVDFWLRQV LH UHYHUVH UHSXUFKDVH DJUHHPHQWV WR RI WKH IXQG·V QHW DVVHWV $ IXQG·V ´H[SRVXUHµ IRU this purpose generally would be calculated as the aggregate notional amount of its derivatives WUDQVDFWLRQV WRJHWKHU ZLWK LWV REOLJDWLRQV XQGHU ÀQDQFLDO FRPPLWPHQW WUDQVDFWLRQV DQG RWKHU senior securities transactions. The risk-based OLPLW ZRXOG SHUPLW D IXQG WR REWDLQ H[SRVXUH LQ continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 11 AIMA Regulatory Update H[FHVV RI WKDW SHUPLWWHG XQGHU WKH H[SRVXUH based portfolio limit where the fund’s derivatives WUDQVDFWLRQVLQDJJUHJDWHUHVXOWLQDQLQYHVWPHQW SRUWIROLRWKDWLVVXEMHFWWROHVVPDUNHWULVNWKDQLI WKH IXQG GLG QRW XVH VXFK GHULYDWLYHV HYDOXDWHG using a test based on value-at-risk. A fund electing the risk-based portfolio limit generally would be UHTXLUHG WR OLPLW LWV H[SRVXUH XQGHU GHULYDWLYHV WUDQVDFWLRQV ÀQDQFLDO FRPPLWPHQW WUDQVDFWLRQV and other senior securities transactions to 300% of the fund’s net assets. • • Asset segregation requirements: A fund engaging in derivatives transactions would have to segregate assets in the amount of the sum total RI L WKH GDLO\ PDUNWRPDUNHW DPRXQW DQG LL a risk-based coverage amount. The risk-based coverage amount would be determined based on a reasonable estimate of the assets necessary to unwind a derivative position if the fund had to do VR XQGHU GLVWUHVVHG FLUFXPVWDQFHV ,Q DGGLWLRQ a fund could satisfy the segregation requirement only by segregating cash and cash equivalents; and A risk management program: The proposed rule ZRXOGUHTXLUHWKHERDUGVRIIXQGVWKDWH[FHHGD WKUHVKROGRIQRWLRQDOGHULYDWLYHVH[SRVXUHRUKROG FHUWDLQFRPSOH[GHULYDWLYHVLQVWUXPHQWVWRHVWDEOLVK D IRUPDO ULVN PDQDJHPHQW SURJUDP VSHFLÀFDOO\ addressed to derivatives. The fund board would have to approve policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent violations of derivatives rules and appoint a designated individual to act as derivatives risk manager. The board would have to regularly review the risk manager’s report and reapprove the policies and procedures. Comments on the proposal were due on 28 March DWWKHWLPHRIZULWLQJ$,0$LVLQWKHSURFHVVRI GHYHORSLQJDMRLQWUHVSRQVHZLWKWKH0)$ AIMA contacts: Jennifer Wood (MZRRG#DLPDRUJ) Shadow banking The EBA has published guidelines entitled ‘Limits RQ H[SRVXUHV WR VKDGRZ EDQNLQJ HQWLWLHV ZKLFK carry out banking activities outside a regulated framework under Article 395(2) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013’. The publication of the Guidelines follows the consultation paper LVVXHG HDUOLHU LQ WKH \HDU to which AIMA responded 7KH (%$ KDV PRGLÀHG LWV comments set out in the consultation paper that all alternative investment funds (AIFs) and UCITS that are money market funds should be considered to be ¶VKDGRZEDQNLQJHQWLWLHV·EXWVWDWHVWKDW´WKH(%$LV of the view that only AIFs with limited leverage could EHFRQVLGHUHGWRIDOORXWVLGHWKHGHÀQLWLRQRI¶VKDGRZ EDQNLQJ HQWLWLHV·µ ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKLV FRQGLWLRQ RQO\ AIFs which are not allowed to originate loans or SXUFKDVH WKLUG SDUWLHV· OHQGLQJ H[SRVXUHV DQG DGG WKHPWRWKHLUEDODQFHVKHHWVZRXOGEHH[FOXGHGIURP WKHGHÀQLWLRQRI¶VKDGRZEDQNLQJHQWLW\· • AIMA contacts: Jennifer Wood (MZRRG#DLPDRUJ) and Anna Washington (née Berdinner) (awashington@ EBA report concerning categorisation of LQYHVWPHQWÀUPV The EBA has published a UHSRUW RQ LQYHVWPHQW ÀUPV in response to the Commission’s call for advice of December 2014 on the suitability of certain aspects RI WKH SUXGHQWLDO UHJLPH IRU LQYHVWPHQW ÀUPV 7KH UHSRUW SUHVHQWV WKH (%$·V ÀQGLQJV DQG PDNHV FHUWDLQ recommendations that the EBA believes will lead to a more proportionate and risk-based prudential UHJLPH IRU LQYHVWPHQW ÀUPV )RU H[DPSOH WKH (%$ recommends a new categorisation of investment ÀUPV GLVWLQJXLVKLQJ EHWZHHQ V\VWHPLF DQG ¶EDQNOLNH· LQYHVWPHQWÀUPVWRZKLFKWKHIXOO&DSLWDO5HTXLUHPHQWV Directive (CRD)/Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) requirements should be applied; other investment ÀUPV ¶QRQV\VWHPLF· ZLWK D PRUH OLPLWHG VHW RI SUXGHQWLDO UHTXLUHPHQWV DQG YHU\ VPDOO ÀUPV ZLWK ‘non-interconnected’ services. %RWKIRU$,0$PHPEHUVZKRDUH0L),'ÀUPVUHJXODWHG E\&5'DQGIRUWKRVHWKDWDUHQRWWKLV(%$DGYLFHKDV the potential to induce the Commission to change the SUXGHQWLDO WUHDWPHQW IRU WKHLU W\SHV RI ÀUPV HLWKHU to be more or less onerous. AIMA is engaging with members to collate feedback on the current regime and potentially submitting a short paper designed to shape the EBA’s thinking when it comes to creating any new regulatory regime that would apply to this new FDWHJRU\RILQYHVWPHQWÀUP • AIMA contacts: Jennifer Wood (MZRRG#DLPDRUJ) and Anna Washington (née Berdinner) (awashington@ continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 12 AIMA Regulatory Update Australia - Portfolio holdings disclosure for super funds In welcome news for Australian superannuation IXQGV DQG WKHLU LQYHVWPHQW PDQDJHUV WKH $XVWUDOLDQ Government has released H[SRVXUHGUDIWOHJLVODWLRQ to UHÀQHWKHIUDPHZRUNIRUSRUWIROLRKROGLQJVGLVFORVXUH for superannuation funds. The release is a response to concerns about compliance costs for the superannuation industry and the FRPSOH[LW\RIWKHFXUUHQWGLVFORVXUHUHJLPHZKLFKOHG to a deferral of the commencement date. The requirements are currently proposed to come into effect on 1 July 2016 and the trustee of a registrable superannuation entity (RSE) (other than a pooled superannuation trust) will be required to report details of portfolio holdings twice annually (at each reporting GD\RI-XQHDQG'HFHPEHURQLWVZHEVLWHZLWKLQ 90 days of the reporting day. The proposal also means that parties to contracts and arrangements in relation to the acquisition of a ÀQDQFLDO SURGXFW XVLQJ DVVHWV GHULYHG IURP D VXSHU fund (which may include investment managers in some circumstances) would not have a legal obligation to inform investee entities that the assets invested derived from a super fund or to report information to super funds for portfolio holdings disclosure purposes. As some superannuation funds may also have sought WRREOLJHLQYHVWPHQWPDQDJHUVXQGHUWKHLULQYHVWPHQW PDQDJHPHQWDJUHHPHQWVWRSURYLGHUHSRUWLQJWRWKH fund to assist with the portfolio holdings disclosure REOLJDWLRQV WKH SURSRVDO PD\ DOVR HDVH FRPSOLDQFH obligations for affected investment managers. The Government is seeking to introduce legislation in early 2016 with effect from 1 July 2016. • AIMA contact: Kher Sheng Lee ( The draft legislation proposes to: • Limit disclosure of a superannuation fund's SRUWIROLR KROGLQJV WR DVVHWV WKDW WKH IXQG RU DQ DVVRFLDWHGHQWLW\KDVGLUHFWO\LQYHVWHGLQLQVWHDG of requiring disclosure for all fund assets on a 'lookthrough' basis with respect to multiple levels of investment. The obligations to include information DERXW ÀQDQFLDO SURGXFWV RU RWKHU SURSHUW\ WKDW non-associated entities have directly invested are proposed to be repealed; • Allow a superannuation fund to choose not to disclose up to 5% of the assets attributable to HDFKLQYHVWPHQWRSWLRQZKLFKSURYLGHVÁH[LELOLW\ WR H[FOXGH IURP GLVFORVXUH D OLPLWHG QXPEHU of investments considered to be commercially sensitive; and • Repeal the reporting obligations on parties to FRQWUDFWVDQGDUUDQJHPHQWVWKDWDFTXLUHDÀQDQFLDO SURGXFW XVLQJ WKH DVVHWV RU DVVHWV GHULYHG IURP DVVHWVRIDQ56( The easing of a trustee's portfolio holdings obligations VRWKDWWKH\DUHOLPLWHGWRWKHÀUVWLQYHVWPHQWE\WKH fund in a non-associated entity or by associated entities may facilitate super fund investment in certain funds where public disclosure of underlying investments and YDOXHV LV FRPPHUFLDOO\ VHQVLWLYH IRU H[DPSOH KHGJH fund investments. Hong Kong - New Professional Investor Regime $V D UHPLQGHU NH\ DPHQGPHQWV WR WKH &RGH RI Conduct for Persons Licensed By or Registered with the Securities and Futures Commission (the “Code”) takes effect 25 March 2016. Key changes are as follows: • Intermediaries will no longer be able to waive FHUWDLQLQYHVWRUSURWHFWLRQSURYLVLRQVRIWKH&RGH including the requirement to ensure the suitability RIDUHFRPPHQGDWLRQRUVROLFLWDWLRQZKHQGHDOLQJ with professional investors who are individuals. Such individuals are to be treated under the new regime as non-professional investors for the purposes of the Code. • )RU LQYHVWPHQW YHKLFOHV IDPLO\ WUXVWV DQG corporate professional investors that are not institutional investors (each referred to as D &3, WKH LQWHUPHGLDU\ PD\ RQO\ GLVDSSO\ certain investor protection provisions if (i) the HQWLW\ VDWLVÀHV D SULQFLSOHVEDVHG DVVHVVPHQW RI NQRZOHGJHDQGLQYHVWPHQWH[SHULHQFHDOVRNQRZQ DVDFRUSRUDWHSURIHVVLRQDOLQYHVWRUDVVHVVPHQWRU CPI assessment) and (ii) has given its consent to be treated as professional investors. • ,QFRQGXFWLQJWKH&3,DVVHVVPHQWWKHLQWHUPHGLDU\ continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 13 AIMA Regulatory Update should assess whether or not the CPI meets all three of the following criteria: i. the CPI has the appropriate corporate structure DQG LQYHVWPHQW SURFHVV DQG FRQWUROV LH KRZLQYHVWPHQWGHFLVLRQVDUHPDGHLQFOXGLQJ whether the corporation has a specialised treasury or other function responsible for making investment decisions; ii. the person(s) responsible for making investment decisions on behalf of the CPI KDVKDYH VXIÀFLHQW LQYHVWPHQW EDFNJURXQG LQFOXGLQJ WKH LQYHVWPHQW H[SHULHQFH RI VXFK person(s)); and iii. the CPI is aware of the risks involved which is considered in terms of the person(s) responsible for making investment decisions. • ´$UWLFOH([HPSWLRQµ • ([LVWLQJ $UWLFOH ([HPSWLRQ ÀOHUV VKRXOG NQRZ that: Ⱦ )URP 0DUFK WKH\ DUH VXEMHFW WR WKH QHZ bookkeeping requirement and partially to the standards of conduct imposed on licensed Japanese investment managers. Ⱦ )URP0DUFKWKH\PXVWSURYLGHQRQSURIHVVLRQDO investors with periodic investment reports. Ⱦ %\ $XJXVW WKH\ DUH UHTXLUHG WR ÀOH D VXSSOHPHQW ÀOLQJ WR QRWLI\ DGGLWLRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ UHTXLUHG IRU WKH QHZ )RUP including information on a “Representative LQ -DSDQµ GHVLJQDWHG E\ WKH IXQG RSHUDWRU IDLOXUHRIZKLFKZRXOGUHVXOWLQGLVTXDOLÀFDWLRQ IURPWKH$UWLFOH([HPSWLRQDQGSRWHQWLDOO\ result in a criminal penalty. The FSA 2016 *XLGDQFH FODULÀHG WKDW D ´5HSUHVHQWDWLYH LQ Japan” is essentially a contact point of that fund operator in Japan for the regulator; DIÀOLDWHV-DSDQHVHEURNHUVODZ\HUVRUSXEOLF accountants based in Japan can be candidates for such “Representative”. Ⱦ ,PPHGLDWHO\ DIWHU WKH VXSSOHPHQW ÀOLQJ WKH\DUHVXEMHFWWRWKHQHZSXEOLFGLVFORVXUH requirement. Ⱦ %HJLQQLQJ ZLWK WKH ÀVFDO \HDU VWDUWLQJ RQ RU DIWHU 0DUFK WKH\ DUH VXEMHFW WR WKH QHZ annual public disclosure requirement. Ⱦ %HJLQQLQJ ZLWK WKH ÀVFDO \HDU VWDUWLQJ RQ RU DIWHU 0DUFK WKH\ PXVW VXEPLW DQ DQQXDO business report with the regulator within three months or such other period granted by the UHJXODWRUDIWHUWKHHQGRIWKHUHVSHFWLYHÀVFDO year. ,I DQ LQWHUPHGLDU\ LV UHDVRQDEO\ VDWLVÀHG WKDW D &3,PHHWVDOOWKHVHFULWHULDWKHLQWHUPHGLDU\PD\ treat the CPI as a “professional investor” so long as WKHLQWHUPHGLDU\KDVSURYLGHGDIXOOH[SODQDWLRQRI the consequences and the CPI has signed a consent. AIMA contact: Kher Sheng Lee ( Japan – Amendments to the Article 63 H[HPSWLRQÀQDOLVHG 2Q)HEUXDU\WKH)6$DGRSWHGWKHÀQDOUXOHV (only in Japanese) to implement the 2015 legislative changes WRDOLFHQVLQJH[HPSWLRQRQZKLFKPDQ\QRQ-DSDQHVH (as well as Japanese) fund operators of partnershiptype funds have relied (“2015 Amendment”). As the UHVXOW WKH $PHQGPHQW EHFDPH HIIHFWLYH RQ 0DUFK7KH)6$DOVRSXEOLVKHGH[WHQVLYHJXLGDQFH in response to comments it received during the public consultation in December 2015 (“FSA 2016 Guidance”) (only in Japanese). • %\ ZD\ RI UHPLQGHU WKH $PHQGPHQW HIIHFWLYHO\ OLPLWV WKH DYDLODELOLW\ RI DQG UHTXLUHV DGGLWLRQDO UHTXLUHPHQWV WR UHO\ RQ D OLFHQVLQJ H[HPSWLRQ XQGHU $UWLFOH RI WKH )LQDQFLDO ,QVWUXPHQWV DQG ([FKDQJH $FW ZKLFK H[HPSWV IXQGRSHUDWRUVRISDUWQHUVKLSW\SHIXQGVW\SLFDOO\ general partners) from licensing requirements to offer partnership interests to or manage funds received from Japanese investors on certain FRQGLWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ D SULRU )RUP QRWLÀFDWLRQ • The 2015 Amendment also introduced new eligibility requirements for investors who are not TXDOLÀHG LQVWLWXWLRQDO LQYHVWRUV ´4,,Vµ IURP 0DUFK WKH )6$ H[SHFWV IXQG RSHUDWRUV WR WDNH certain reasonable steps to verify the eligibility of an investor when offering partnership interests to non-QII investors. • )RU QRQ-DSDQHVH IXQG RSHUDWRUV DQ DOWHUQDWLYH OLFHQVLQJH[HPSWLRQPD\EHDYDLODEOHLQFDVHVZKHUH continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 14 AIMA Regulatory Update DIXQGRQO\KDVQLQHRUIHZHU-DSDQHVHLQYHVWRUV DOORIZKLFKDUH4,,VDQGWKHLULQYHVWPHQWVFRQVLVW of less than one-third of the total contribution WR WKH IXQG KRZHYHU VXFK H[HPSWLRQ GRHV QRW H[WHQG WR D 7\SH ,, EURNHUGHDOHU OLFHQVH WKDW LV required to offer partnership interests to Japanese investors. delay. As part of this process it is likely that they will DOVR H[WHQG WKH WUDQVSRVLWLRQ GHDGOLQH IRU 0L),' giving member states an additional 9 or 12 months for domestic implementation. A potential change to the /HYHO WH[W WR SURYLGH WKH PHDQV IRU WKH (XURSHDQ Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) to develop VSHFLÀF WUDQVSDUHQF\ UXOHV IRU SDFNDJHG WUDQVDFWLRQV is also on the table. AIMA contact: Kher Sheng Lee ( Markets regulation Capital Markets Union AIMA recently responded to the European Commission’s Call for Evidence on the EU Regulatory Framework; D NH\ DVSHFW RI WKH &DSLWDO 0DUNHWV 8QLRQ SURMHFW AIMA’s submission raised a number of areas where we have seen evidence of barriers preventing nonEDQN ÀQDQFH DQG FDSLWDO PDUNHWV IURP GHYHORSLQJ LQ the EU including: constraints on asset managers in participating on the supply side of the securitisation process; the impacts of bank capital measures on dealers’ intermediation capacity leading to changes in secondary market liquidity in a number of asset classes; the time and cost implications of complying with regulatory reporting requirements; and the impact of the public disclosure of short sales on equity market liquidity. AIMA has put forward a number of solutions to remedy these and other issues. The European Commission is continuing to progress its Action Plan on Building a Capital Markets Union. Key areas of focus in 2016 will include a consultation on the main barriers to the cross-border distribution of investment funds and a report on national barriers to the free movement of capital. • AIMA contacts: Adam Jacobs (DMDFREV#DLPD org 2OLYHU 5RELQVRQ $GHOH Rentsch ( 0L),'0L),5 The European Commission has formally adopted a proposal to push the MiFID2/MiFIR application date EDFNXQWLO-DQXDU\SURYLGLQJZHOFRPHDGGLWLRQDO time for industry to implement the new rules. The Council and European Parliament must now ratify the ,QWKH8.WKH)&$KDVFRQVXOWHGRQDVSHFWVRIWKH8.·V MiFID2 transposition in a Consultation Paper. While WKH)&$·VZRUNLVODUJHO\SURFHGXUDOJLYHQLWVJHQHUDO DSSURDFK RI GLUHFW FRS\RXW RI 0L),' UHTXLUHPHQWV WKH&3GLGUDLVHDQXPEHURILPSRUWDQWSROLF\SRLQWV which AIMA and MFA commented RQ ,Q SDUWLFXODU we signal our strong support for the FCA’s approach in respect of transaction reporting and its decision QRW WR H[WHQG WKH REOLJDWLRQ WR DVVHW PDQDJHUV WKDW DUH QRW 0L),' LQYHVWPHQW ÀUPV :H DOVR H[SUHVV RXU support for the FCA’s intention to make MiFID2 postWUDGH WUDQVSDUHQF\ ZDLYHUV DYDLODEOH LQ IXOO ZKLOVW encouraging the FCA to ensure that trading venues SURYLGH WUXH RSHQ DFFHVV WR EX\VLGH ÀUPV :H DOVR H[SUHVV VXSSRUW IRU WKH )&$·V GHFLVLRQ QRW WR UHTXLUH SHULRGLFUHSRUWLQJE\ÀUPVRQWKHLUXVHRIDOJRULWKPV ESMA has also consulted on guidelines on MiFID2 transaction reporting. • AIMA contacts: Adam Jacobs (DMDFREV#DLPD org 2OLYHU 5RELQVRQ $GHOH Rentsch ( EMIR The European Supervisory Authorities have now published ÀQDO GUDIW 5HJXODWRU\ 7HFKQLFDO 6WDQGDUGV (RTS) on EMIR risk mitigation techniques related to WKH H[FKDQJH RI FROODWHUDO WR FRYHU H[SRVXUHV DULVLQJ from non-centrally cleared over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives. The RTS also specify the criteria concerning LQWUDJURXSH[HPSWLRQVDQGWKHGHÀQLWLRQVRISUDFWLFDO and legal impediments to the prompt transfer of funds between counterparties. The draft RTS contain the following provisions: • For OTC derivatives not cleared by a Central &RXQWHUSDUW\ &&3 WKH GUDIW 576 SUHVFULEH WKDW FRXQWHUSDUWLHV KDYH WR H[FKDQJH ERWK LQLWLDO DQG variation margins. This will reduce counterparty FUHGLW ULVN PLWLJDWH DQ\ SRWHQWLDO V\VWHPLF ULVN continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 15 AIMA Regulatory Update and ensure alignment with international standards. • The draft RTS outline the list of eligible collateral IRUWKHH[FKDQJHRIPDUJLQVWKHFULWHULDWRHQVXUH WKH FROODWHUDO LV VXIÀFLHQWO\ GLYHUVLÀHG DQG QRW VXEMHFWWRZURQJZD\ULVNDVZHOODVWKHPHWKRGV to determine appropriate collateral haircuts. • The draft RTS lay down the operational procedures UHODWHGWRGRFXPHQWDWLRQOHJDODVVHVVPHQWVRIWKH enforceability of the agreements and the timing of WKHFROODWHUDOH[FKDQJH • • AIMA contacts: Adam Jacobs (DMDFREV#DLPD org 2OLYHU 5RELQVRQ $GHOH Rentsch ( The draft RTS cover the procedures for counterparties and competent authorities related to the treatment of intragroup derivative contracts. 7KH &RPPLVVLRQ PXVW QRZ DGRSW WKH 576 ZKLFK ZLOO need to be approved by Parliament and Council. If WKLQJVSURFHHGDVSODQQHGWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVZLOOHQWHU into force on 1 September 2016. • from CFTC regulations for discrete aspects of DCO/ CCPs’ non-US clearing activities. The substituted compliance determination enables DCO/CCPs to comply with the relevant CFTC rules by complying with the corresponding requirements under EMIR. The CFTC has also announced that they are streamlining their registration process for DCO/CCPs. The Determination will be effective upon publication in the Federal Register. AIMA contacts: Adam Jacobs (DMDFREV#DLPD org 2OLYHU 5RELQVRQ $GHOH Rentsch ( Cross-border derivatives issues ,Q )HEUXDU\ WKH (XURSHDQ &RPPLVVLRQ DQG 86 Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced a common approach regarding requirements for central clearing counterparties (CCPs). To LPSOHPHQW WKH DJUHHPHQW WKH (XURSHDQ &RPPLVVLRQ and CFTC have issued reciprocal determinations to enable CCPs to provide clearing services in both the (8 DQG 86 ZKLOH UHPDLQLQJ VXEMHFW SULPDULO\ WR WKHLU local requirements. Under the European Commission’s Implementing Decision 2016/377D86&&3UHIHUUHGWRDVV\VWHPLFDOO\ important and opt-in derivatives clearing organisations (SIDCOs and DCOs)) will have to apply to ESMA for UHFRJQLWLRQ DQG FRQÀUP WKDW WKHLU LQWHUQDO UXOHV DQG procedures meet a number of conditions related to the default fund and the calculation and collection of LQLWLDOPDUJLQVWRDOLJQZLWK(0,5VHH$UWLFOHRIWKH Implementing Decision). SEC Regulation of NMS Stock ATSs )ROORZLQJ FDOOV IURP LQGXVWU\ WKH 6(& LQ ODWH published proposed rules amending Regulation ATS to enhance the operational transparency and regulatory oversight of all US Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs) that offer trading of stocks listed on a national VHFXULWLHV H[FKDQJH 106 6WRFNV 7KH KHDGOLQH proposal is for operators of such NMS stock ATSs to PDNH D QHZ SXEOLFO\ DYDLODEOH ÀOLQJ ¶)RUP $761· ² that will have to be approved by the SEC for the ATS to FRQWLQXH HQMR\ LWV H[HPSWLRQ IURP DXWKRULVDWLRQ DV D QDWLRQDOVHFXULWLHVH[FKDQJH Form-ATS-N will include information about the ATS RSHUDWRULWVDIÀOLDWHVWKHW\SHVRIRUGHUVDQGPDUNHW GDWD XVHG RQ HDFK RI LWV $76V DV ZHOO DV HDFK $76·V H[HFXWLRQDQGSULRULW\SURFHGXUHV7KLVLVDVLJQLÀFDQW departure from the current regime which requires QRWLÀFDWLRQ DORQH E\ $76 RSHUDWRUV WR HQMR\ WKH H[HPSWLRQIURPDXWKRULVDWLRQDVDQDWLRQDOVHFXULWLHV H[FKDQJH 7KLVTXDUWHU$,0$FRVLJQHGDMRLQWUHVSRQVH with the 0)$H[SUHVVLQJVWURQJVXSSRUWIRUWKH6(&·VSURSRVDOV WR H[WHQG DGGLWLRQDO WUDQVSDUHQF\ REOLJDWLRQV DQG IRU ¶)RUP$761·7KHUHVSRQVHDOVRVXJJHVWVWKHH[WHQVLRQ of the obligations beyond NMS Stock ATSs to include À[HGLQFRPHDQGJRYHUQPHQWVHFXULWLHV AIMA contacts: Adam Jacobs (DMDFREV#DLPDRUJ Oliver Robinson ( $GHOH 5HQWVFK ( The CFTC FRQÀUPHG that its substituted compliance framework was unanimously accepted. The CFTC is also issuing a no-action letter to provide limited relief continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 16 Bloomberg’s streamlined technology gives your hedge fund the solid foundation it needs today, and the scalability it demands tomorrow. Simplify investment operations, reduce operational risk, minimize upfront infrastructure costs and long-term overheads to ensure you can focus on your top priority—powering absolute return for your investors. Learn how we can help your fund at AIMA Regulatory Update CFTC Regulation AT proposals 7KLV TXDUWHU $,0$ KDV UHVSRQGHG WR WKH &)7&·V Regulation Automated Trading (Regulation AT) proposals which were published late last year. As KDV EHHQ KLJKOLJKWHG LQ SUHYLRXV $,0$ SXEOLFDWLRQV 5HJXODWLRQ $7 LV D VLJQLÀFDQW UXOHPDNLQJ LQWHQGHG WR regulate the entire algorithmic trading landscape of IXWXUHV RQ 86 'HVLJQDWHG &RQWUDFW 0DUNHWV '&0V ² IURP WUDGLQJ ÀUPV WKURXJK WR WKH '&0V WKHPVHOYHV AIMA’s response builds on our position supporting proportionate and well-tailored regulation of all SDUWLFLSDQWVLQWKHDOJRULWKPLFWUDGLQJFKDLQ²HQVXULQJ WKDWDOO¶$73HUVRQV·&OHDULQJ)&0VDQG'&0VPDLQWDLQ WKHLU RZQ SUHWUDGH DQG RWKHU ULVN FRQWUROV DV ZHOO as utilising robust testing and development processes. 1RQHWKHOHVV ZH H[SUHVV VSHFLÀF FRQFHUQV DERXW WKH FXUUHQW GHÀQLWLRQV FRQWDLQHG ZLWKLQ 5HJXODWLRQ $7 ² IRU H[DPSOH WKH IXQGDPHQWDO GHÀQLWLRQ RI ‘Algorithmic Trading’ which we argue is far too broad and would capture activities which are demonstrably not algorithmic trading. Another area of principal concern for AIMA members are the CFTC’s proposals to obtain summary access to all AT Persons’ source code as part of the Regulation AT ‘source code repositories’ framework. AIMA’s response strongly pushes back on WKLVSURSRVDORQWKHEDVLVRIVHFXULW\ULVNVWRH[WUHPHO\ commercially sensitive information and the lack of any FRPPHQVXUDWHVXSHUYLVRU\EHQHÀWUHVXOWLQJIURPVXFK source code access. AIMA will continue to engage with WKH&)7&DVSDUWRILWVRQJRLQJZRUNWRGHYHORSDÀQDO rulemaking for Regulation AT. • AIMA contacts: Adam Jacobs (DMDFREV#DLPD org 2OLYHU 5RELQVRQ $GHOH Rentsch ( Market Abuse Regulation $IWHU D VLJQLÀFDQW SHULRG RI ZDLWLQJ (60$ KDV QRZ published its consultation paper on draft Level 3 guidelines under the EU Market Abuse Regulation 0$5 ZKLFK LV GXH WR HQWHU LQWR HIIHFW RQ -XO\ WKLV \HDU 7KH GUDIW JXLGHOLQHV FRYHU DPRQJ RWKHU WKLQJV WKH REOLJDWLRQV RQ SHUVRQV UHFHLYLQJ PDUNHW VRXQGLQJV 065V XQGHU $UWLFOH RI 0$5 VXFK DV what to do in the event of a discrepancy of opinion between the MSR and disclosing market participant DV WR ZKHWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ WKDW LV WKH VXEMHFW RI WKH PDUNHW VRXQGLQJ LV LQVLGH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG SURFHVVHV for the internal handling of information passed during the course of a market sounding. The deadline for comments is 31 March after which ESMA will adopt its ÀQDO JXLGHOLQHV $,0$ DWWHQGHG DQ RSHQ KHDULQJ DW (60$ RQ WKH FRQVXOWDWLRQ GXULQJ ZKLFK (60$ QRWHG WKDWLWLVXQOLNHO\WKDWWKHVHJXLGHOLQHVZLOOEHÀQDOLVHG in time for 3 July this year. ESMA’s current intention LVWRÀQDOLVHWKHJXLGHOLQHVGXULQJ4IROORZLQJWKHLU Board of Supervisors meeting in July. $OVR IXUWKHU WR WKH LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI 0$5 FHUWDLQ Level 2 delegated regulations containing regulatory technical standards (RTS) have recently been adopted by the European Commission. These RTS deal with (i) SUHYHQWLQJGHWHFWLQJDQGUHSRUWLQJDEXVLYHSUDFWLFHV (suspicious transaction and order reporting); (ii) buyback programmes and stabilisation measures; and (iii) investment recommendations. Before these can be SXEOLVKHGLQWKH2IÀFLDO-RXUQDORIWKH(8WKHGHOHJDWHG regulations must undergo a period of scrutiny by the European Parliament and Council. The most important of these from the perspective of AIMA members is WKH ÀQDO 576 GHDOLQJ ZLWK VXVSLFLRXV WUDQVDFWLRQ DQG order reporting by persons ‘professionally arranging RU H[HFXWLQJ WUDQVDFWLRQV· ² IXUWKHU WR WKH REOLJDWLRQ contained under Article 16(2) of MAR. We still await WKH ÀQDOLVDWLRQ RI RWKHU NH\ /HYHO SURYLVLRQV VXFK DV ÀQDO 576 RQ WKH REOLJDWLRQV RI GLVFORVLQJ PDUNHW participants during market soundings. • AIMA contacts: Adam Jacobs (DMDFREV#DLPD org 2OLYHU 5RELQVRQ $GHOH Rentsch ( EU rules on benchmarks ,Q'HFHPEHUWKH(8OHJLVODWLYHLQVWLWXWLRQVUHDFKHGDQ DJUHHPHQW RQ WKH /HYHO WH[W IRU WKH (8 5HJXODWLRQ RQLQGLFHVXVHGDVEHQFKPDUNVLQÀQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV DQGÀQDQFLDOFRQWUDFWV7KH5HJXODWLRQÀUVWSURSRVHG LQ LQ UHVSRQVH WR WKH /,%25 ULJJLQJ VFDQGDOV LV intended to place particular requirements on the administrators of any EU benchmark or any thirdcountry benchmark used by a supervised entity in the EU. The European Parliament is due to vote on WKH /HYHO WH[W LQ $SULO DQG ZKLOH LW LV H[SHFWHG WR SDVV ODUJHO\ XQFKDQJHG D QXPEHU RI FKDQJHV KDYH been under consideration to address inconsistencies between the treatment of EU and third-country EHQFKPDUNDGPLQLVWUDWRUV7KH5HJXODWLRQLVH[SHFWHG WRHQWHULQWRIRUFHLQ-XQHKRZHYHUWKHUHLVVRPH uncertainty regarding the timeframe for application. continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 18 AIMA Regulatory Update $W WKH HDUOLHVW WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV PD\ DSSO\ IURP around early 2018. In order to meet the tight timeframes for LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ (60$ UHOHDVHG D EURDG Discussion Paper on the Level 2 measures in February for public FRQVXOWDWLRQRQWKHEDVLVRIWKHFXUUHQW/HYHOWH[W before the Parliament. There are early indications WKDWWKHÀUVW'LVFXVVLRQ3DSHUPD\KDYHGLYHUJHGIURP WKHLQWHQWRIWKH/HYHOWH[W(60$ZLOOVXEVHTXHQWO\ UHOHDVH D &RQVXOWDWLRQ 3DSHU ZLWK WKH IXOO GUDIW WH[W of the technical standards or the technical advice. AIMA will continue to monitor and report on potential LPSDFWVRQPHPEHUVLQFOXGLQJWKHXVHRIWKLUGFRXQWU\ benchmarks. • AIMA contacts: Adam Jacobs (DMDFREV#DLPD org 2OLYHU 5RELQVRQ $GHOH Rentsch ( $OO FRXQWHUSDUWLHV H[HUFLVLQJ UHXVH RYHU UHFHLYHG FROODWHUDOKDYHVL[PRQWKVWRFRPSO\ZLWKWKHUHOHYDQW SFTR reuse obligations. An important outstanding question for AIMA hedge fund manager members is the scope of the SFT UHSRUWLQJ DQG UHFRUGNHHSLQJ REOLJDWLRQ XQGHU 6)75 with non-EU counterparties only caught if they use an (8 EUDQFK WR XQGHUWDNH WKH 6)7 $,0$ KDV LGHQWLÀHG WKDWWKHH[SOLFLWZRUGLQJRI6)75WKHUHIRUHH[FOXGHV non-EU AIFs from scope of Article 4 SFT reporting DQG UHFRUGNHHSLQJ UHJDUGOHVV RI WKH ORFDWLRQ RU authorisation of its AIFM. We have discussed the PDWWHU ZLWK WKH (XURSHDQ &RPPLVVLRQ ZKR QRWHG their agreement with our interpretation. We now await IRUPDO FRQÀUPDWLRQ WKURXJK (XURSHDQ &RPPLVVLRQ ‘FAQs’ on the interpretation of SFTR. • AIMA contacts: Adam Jacobs (DMDFREV#DLPD org 2OLYHU 5RELQVRQ $GHOH Rentsch ( Securities Financing Transactions The European Regulation on transparency of securities ÀQDQFLQJ WUDQVDFWLRQV DQG UHXVH 6)75 HQWHUHG LQWR effect back in January of this year. The key obligations contained within the SFTR include: (i) SFT reporting and recordkeeping - two-sided reporting of the details of all SFTs to trade repositories by all EU established FRXQWHUSDUWLHVDQGEUDQFKHVLLLQYHVWRUGLVFORVXUHV² pre-contractual and periodic disclosures by authorised AIFMs and UCITS managers to investors as to their funds authorisation and use of SFTs and total return VZDSV DQG LLL UHXVH ULVN GLVFORVXUH DQG FRQVHQW ² obligations on persons receiving collateral further to DQ\ FRQWUDFW QRW MXVW 6)7V WR PDNH ULVN GLVFORVXUHV and obtain consent from their counterparty in order WREHDEOHWRH[HUFLVHUHXVHULJKWVRYHUWKDWFROODWHUDO 7KHVHPDLQREOLJDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRYDU\LQJSKDVHLQ SHULRGVZLWKWKH6)7UHSRUWLQJSKDVHLQRQO\VWDUWLQJ once Level 2 measures further specifying the details of reports have been developed and published by ESMA and the European Commission. Pre-contractual disclosures will apply to any new funds constituted after the entry into force of SFTR and 18 months later IRU H[LVWLQJ IXQGV 3HULRGLF LQYHVWRU GLVFORVXUHV ZLOO start in January 2017. ESMA are empowered to adopt RTS further specifying the details of such investor UHSRUWV KRZHYHU (60$ KDV VWDWHG WKDW LW GRHV QRW intend to use this power for the time being; it’s focus will be on developing Level 2 measures for SFT reports. Hong Kong - SFC publishes consultation conclusions on expansion of the scope of short position reporting The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) released its Conclusions on a consultation regarding new rules WR H[SDQG WKH VFRSH RI +RQJ .RQJ VKRUW SRVLWLRQ UHSRUWLQJ $V D UHFDS NH\ KLJKOLJKWV RI WKH SROLF\ proposals were as follows: • ([SDQGLQJ WKH SUHVHQW VKRUW SRVLWLRQ UHJLPH WR cover all securities that are determined by The 6WRFN([FKDQJHRI+RQJ.RQJ/LPLWHG6(+.WREH “Designated Securities”; • The reporting threshold trigger for Designated Securities that are stocks remains the same LH HTXDOV WR RU H[FHHGV RI WKH PDUNHW capitalisation of the listed issuer concerned or +.'PLOOLRQZKLFKHYHULVORZHUDQG • )RU&,6VWKDWDUHQRZFDXJKWXQGHUWKHH[SDQGHG VFRSHWKHUHSRUWLQJWKUHVKROGWULJJHULVSURSRVHG to be set at HK$30 million. The SFC has concluded that short position reporting ZLOO EH H[SDQGHG WR FRYHU DOO VHFXULWLHV WKDW FDQ EH VKRUW VROG XQGHU WKH UXOHV RI 7KH 6WRFN ([FKDQJH RI continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 19 AIMA Regulatory Update Hong Kong Limited. The reporting threshold for stocks will remain unchanged (being the lower of 0.02% of the VWRFN·VPDUNHWFDSLWDOLVDWLRQRU+.PLOOLRQZKLOH the threshold for collective investment schemes will be set at HK$30 million. The proposed amendments to the rules will be submitted to the Legislative Council for negative vetting. To give WKHPDUNHWDUHDVRQDEOHOHDGWLPHIRUSUHSDUDWLRQWKH SFC plans for the amended rules to come into effect RQ 0DUFK VXEMHFW WR WKH OHJLVODWLYH SURFHVV The SFC will make further announcements regarding RSHUDWLRQDOUHSRUWLQJDUUDQJHPHQWVIRUWKHH[SDQGHG regime in due course. AIMA contact: Kher Sheng Lee ( Singapore - AIMA responds to the MAS's Consultation on OTC Derivative Trade Reporting AIMA has submitted a response to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)’s recent consultations on proposals to implement reporting of commodity derivative contracts and equity derivatives contracts RWKHU WKDQ H[FKDQJHWUDGHG HTXLW\ GHULYDWLYHV FRQWUDFWV DV ZHOO DV UHYLVLRQV WR ÀQHWXQH WKH UHSRUWLQJ REOLJDWLRQV IRU FHUWDLQ QRQEDQN ÀQDQFLDO institutions. AIMA contact: Kher Sheng Lee ( Tax (8²$QWL7D[$YRLGDQFH3DFNDJH&&&7% 7KH (8 &RPPLVVLRQ KDV SUHVHQWHG DQ $QWL7D[ $YRLGDQFH3DFNDJHLQWHQGHGWRUHIRUPFRUSRUDWLRQWD[ ZLWKLQWKH(8)LUVWO\WKHUHLVDSURSRVDOIRUD&RXQFLO Directive (ATA DirectiveOD\LQJGRZQUXOHVDJDLQVWWD[ avoidance practices including: (1) a limitation on relief IRU LQWHUHVW SD\PHQWV DQ H[LW WD[DWLRQ SURYLVLRQ DQGVZLWFKRYHUFODXVHZKLFKZLOOOLPLWWD[H[HPSWLRQ RQ SURÀWV UHFHLYHG IURP FRPSDQLHV LQ ORZWD[ MXULVGLFWLRQVDJHQHUDODQWLDEXVHUXOH*$$5 controlled foreign company rules; and (5) a framework WRWDFNOHK\EULGPLVPDWFKDUUDQJHPHQWV,QDGGLWLRQ the Commission proposes to amend the Directive on administrative cooperation (to be DAC4) to include the H[FKDQJHRIWD[UHODWHGLQIRUPDWLRQRQPXOWLQDWLRQDOV (and so enacting the OECD’s country-by-country reporting rules). Both measures will be submitted to the European Parliament for consultation and to the EU Council for approval. The Commission is also endorsing (i) a recommendation RQ PHDVXUHV DJDLQVW DEXVH RI WD[ WUHDWLHV WKDW ZLOO EXLOG RQ D *$$5 DQG WKH UHYLVHG 2(&' GHÀQLWLRQ RI permanent establishment; and (ii) an H[WHUQDOVWUDWHJ\ WR HQVXUH HIIHFWLYH WD[DWLRQ $V SDUW RI WKLV VWUDWHJ\ the EU will develop a process for assessing and listing WKLUGFRXQWU\WD[UHJLPHVLQOLQHZLWKWKHFXUUHQWQRQ FRRSHUDWLYHMXULVGLFWLRQOLVW7KH$7$3PHDVXUHVEXLOG RQWKH2(&'%(36SURMHFWEXWJRIXUWKHULQDQXPEHU of respects. :LWKUHJDUGWR'$&WKH$7$3LQFOXGHVD&RPPLVVLRQ proposal for a Council Directive to amend the DAC (8 7KH '$& KDV EHHQ WKH VXEMHFW RI D VHULHVRIDPHQGPHQWVLQUHFHQW\HDUVDQGLWVFXUUHQW IRUP FDQ EH H[SODLQHG DV WKH (8 KDV GRQH here) as follows: (1) the original DAC(2011) set out to enhance DGPLQLVWUDWLYH FRRSHUDWLRQ LQ WKH ÀHOG RI GLUHFW WD[DWLRQ DQG LQFOXGHG SURYLVLRQ IRU WKH H[FKDQJH RI WD[LQIRUPDWLRQRQUHTXHVWLQ'HFHPEHUWKH DAC was amended to incorporate the OECD’s Common 5HSRUWLQJ6WDQGDUG&56IUDPHZRUNZKLFKIDFLOLWDWHV DXWRPDWLF H[FKDQJH RI ÀQDQFLDO DFFRXQW LQIRUPDWLRQ (DAC2 DQG WKH ODWHVW WH[W DJUHHG LV DAC3 which H[WHQGHG DXWRPDWLF H[FKDQJH RI LQIRUPDWLRQ WR advance cross-border rulings and advance pricing arrangements (applying from 2018). To this will be DGGHG WKH SURSRVHG QHZ 'LUHFWLYH ² DAC4 ZKLFK would apply country-by-country reporting to certain MNEs from 2017. ,Q SDUDOOHO WKH &RPPLVVLRQ SXEOLVKHG ODVW \HDU D consultation to help identify the key measures for LQFOXVLRQLQWKHUHODXQFKRIWKHSURSRVDOIRUD&&&7% as part of the implementation of the Commission's $FWLRQ 3ODQ IRU )DLU DQG (IÀFLHQW &RUSRUDWH 7D[DWLRQ which was presented in June 2015. AIMA responded to WKHFRQVXOWDWLRQVXEPLWWLQJWKDWWKHVSHFLDOQDWXUHRI collective investment schemes needed to be taken into account when designing the proposed framework and WKDWLWVLQWHUDFWLRQZLWKRWKHULQLWLDWLYHVVXFKDV%(36 75$&( DQG WKH DQWLFLSDWHG &08 ZRXOG DOVR QHHG WR be evaluated. • AIMA contact: Paul Hale ( or Enrique Clemente ( continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 20 AIMA Regulatory Update Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) )77 KDV QRW VHHQ DQ\ VLJQLÀFDQW SURJUHVV LQ WKH ÀUVW TXDUWHURI7KH(&30HPEHU6WDWHVQRZUHGXFHG WRWHQDV(VWRQLDKDVZLWKGUDZQIURPWKHJURXSKDYH not met their self-imposed deadline for application of WKH)77DVIURP-DQXDU\DQGDWWKLVSRLQWHYHQ meeting a January 2017 deadline seems to be unlikely. The ECP Member States disagree on core aspects of the FTT and differences remain in satisfying the different QHHGV RI VPDOO DQG ODUJH SDUWLFLSDWLQJ MXULVGLFWLRQV There must be progress at a technical level before any negotiations are taken forward to the representatives of the Member States. The Council Legal Services has produced a paper which sets out the voluntary and ÁH[LEOHFKDUDFWHURI(&3DQGFRQÀUPVWKDWD0HPEHU State may withdraw prior to a directive being agreed. • AIMA contact: Paul Hale ( or Enrique Clemente ( WRDFNQRZOHGJHWKHJHQHUDOSULQFLSOHRIWD[QHXWUDOLW\ the treatment of non-CIVs is to be developed further by the OECD. AIMA intends to continue to put the case of non-CIVs to the OECD and to respond to concerns H[SUHVVHG E\ WKH 2(&' WKDW QRQ&,9V DUH XVHG E\ investors that are not themselves entitled to treaty EHQHÀWV DQG WKDW LQYHVWRUV PD\ GHIHU UHFRJQLWLRQ RI income through non-CIVs. AIMA has been in contact with the UK Treasury to inform the commentaries of a Principle Purpose Test (PPT) should it be included LQIXWXUHWD[WUHDWLHVEXWZLOODOVRUHVSRQGWRIXWXUH OECD consultation published on 24 March. In a development that may be relevant to the ability of (8PHPEHUVWDWHVWRDGRSWD/2%LQWKHLUWD[WUHDWLHV UDWKHUWKDQWKHPRUHJHQHUDO337WKH&RPPLVVLRQKDV declared that the proposed LOB would in its nature be FRQWUDU\ WR WKH SULQFLSOHV RI WKH 6LQJOH 0DUNHW DQG WKHUHIRUHLIUHVWULFWLRQVZHUHWREHLQFOXGHGWRDFFHVV 06WD[WUHDWLHVWKH\ZRXOGWDNHWKHIRUPRID337 $FWLRQ8.+07FRQVXOWDWLRQ5HVSRQVH %DVH(URVLRQDQG3URÀW6KLIWLQJ%(36 The OECD released the 2015 Base Erosion and 3URÀW 6KLIWLQJ %(36 deliverables which form a comprehensive set of changes to the international EDVLVRIFRUSRUDWHWD[DWLRQ7KHSURSRVHGIUDPHZRUN RSHUDWHV DV D FRPELQDWLRQ RI PLQLPXP VWDQGDUGV UHLQIRUFHGLQWHUQDWLRQDOSULQFLSOHVDQGEHVWSUDFWLFHV and includes these areas: (i) the interaction between GLIIHUHQWGRPHVWLFWD[UXOHVVXFKDVFRQWUROOHGIRUHLJQ FRPSDQ\ UHJLPHV K\EULG PLVPDWFK DUUDQJHPHQWV LL WKH VXEVWDQFH RI LQWHUQDWLRQDO WD[ SURYLVLRQV DQG PRGHO WD[ FRQYHQWLRQV DQWLDYRLGDQFH SURYLVLRQV WR SUHYHQW WUHDW\ DEXVH FKDQJHV LQ WKH GHÀQLWLRQ RI D SHUPDQHQWHVWDEOLVKPHQWWUDQVIHUSULFLQJSULQFLSOHV DQG LLL WUDQVSDUHQF\ DQG FHUWDLQW\ RI 01( WD[ liabilities (country-by-country reporting). $FWLRQ²3UHYHQWWKHJUDQWLQJRIWUHDW\EHQHÀWV in inappropriate circumstances (treaty abuse) Additional work remains to be done in 2016 in various DUHDV LQ SDUWLFXODU LQ WKH FRQWH[W RI WUHDW\ DEXVH $FWLRQ ² ÀQDO UHSRUW) where the ability to access WD[ WUHDWLHV PD\ EH UHVWULFWHG DV WKH GUDIW OLPLWDWLRQ RQ EHQHÀWV /2% FODXVH KDV OLPLWHG SURWHFWLRQ for regulated collective investment vehicles (CIVs) and does not offer a carve out for non-CIVs such as DOWHUQDWLYHIXQGV$OWKRXJKWKHÀQDOUHSRUWQRZVHHPV HM Treasury published last year FRQVXOWDWLRQ RQ WD[ GHGXFWLELOLW\ RI LQWHUHVW H[SHQVH IRU FRPSDQLHV. The FRQVXOWDWLRQ IROORZHG WKH 2(&' UHSRUW RQ $FWLRQ which provides recommendations for a best practice approach to the design of rules to prevent base erosion through the use of interest deductions. The OECD UHSRUW UHFRPPHQGV WKH FRPELQDWLRQ RI D À[HG UDWLR rule (under which a company may deduct net interest H[SHQVHXSWRDQHW(%,7'$UDWLREHWZHHQDQG a group ratio rule as general principles together with RWKHUWDUJHWHGSURYLVLRQVVXFKDVVSHFLÀFUXOHVIRUWKH banking and insurance sectors). AIMA’s response to that FRQVXOWDWLRQZDVVXEPLWWHGHDUOLHUWKLV\HDUZKHUHWKH Secretariat stressed the need for developing further WKHUXOHVWDUJHWHGDWWKHÀQDQFLDOVHUYLFHVLQGXVWU\LQ SDUWLFXODU ZLWK UHJDUGV WR WKH VHFXULWLVDWLRQ PDUNHW as well as technical considerations on grandfathering SHULRGde minimis thresholds or FX gains and losses. • AIMA contact: Paul Hale ( or Enrique Clemente ( Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) The OECD’s Common Reporting Standard (CRS) went live on 1 January 2016. Financial institutions (FIs) HVWDEOLVKHG LQ SDUWLFLSDWLQJ MXULVGLFWLRQV DUH UHTXLUHG to implement due diligence procedures when new continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 21 AIMA Regulatory Update DFFRXQWVDUHRSHQHGDQGWRUHYLHZH[LVWLQJDFFRXQWV Reporting will commence in 2017. The evolution IURP )$7&$ WR WKH EURDGHU DXWRPDWLF H[FKDQJH RI LQIRUPDWLRQ XQGHU &56 ZLOO EH FKDOOHQJLQJ DQG $,0$ will continue to take up members’ concerns with the 2(&' WKH (8 &RPPLVVLRQ DQG WD[ DXWKRULWLHV ZKLOH encouraging sound practices in the industry. • salaried members and therefore employees. This WG has been refreshed with the mandate to engage with HMRC on some of the practical implications that the legislation has produced. AIMA contact: Paul Hale ( or Enrique Clemente ( AIMA contact: Paul Hale ( or Enrique Clemente ( US tax Carried interest (UK) The Autumn Statement delivered on 25 November 2015 LQFOXGHG IHZ WD[ PHDVXUHV DORQJVLGH WKH VSHQGLQJ UHYLHZ IRU WKH QH[W ÀQDQFLDO \HDU 'UDIW )LQDQFH Bill legislation (released on 9 December) contained measures restricting the opportunities for full FDSLWDO JDLQV WD[ WUHDWPHQW LQ UHVSHFW RI PDQDJHUV· receipts of carried interest to funds with an average LQYHVWPHQW KROGLQJ SHULRG RI DW OHDVW IRXU \HDUV QRZ UHGXFHG WR PRQWKV DW WKH %XGJHW *HQHUDOO\ hedge fund management businesses in the UK receive SHUIRUPDQFH IHHV ZKLFK DUH WD[HG DV LQFRPH DQG will not be affected by the measure. AIMA has been involved in discussions on the proposals with HMRC and submitted a response RQ EHKDOI RI PHPEHUV IRUPLQJ WKH $OWHUQDWLYH &UHGLW &RXQFLO ZKLFK IRFXVHV RQ WKH impact that these income-based carried interest rules could have on funds that are alternative credit SURYLGHUV LQ SDUWLFXODU WKRVH PHDVXUHV UHODWLQJ WR direct lending funds. AIMA also submitted a more general response. It is hoped that the Finance Bill to be published after the Budget delivered on 16 March ZLOOUHÁHFWVRPHRIWKHWHFKQLFDODVSHFWVUDLVHGLQRXU submission and by other parties. • AIMA contact: Paul Hale ( or Enrique Clemente ( Partnership Working Group $,0$·V 3DUWQHUVKLS 7D[ :* ZDV VHW XS WR FRQVLGHU FKDQJHVWRWKH8.WD[DWLRQRISDUWQHUVKLSVZKLFKZHUH subsequently enacted in Finance Act 2014. It is apparent WKDW VRPH PHPEHUV DUH H[SHULHQFLQJ GLIÀFXOWLHV LQ agreeing with HMRC the interpretation of the rules relating to the treatment of some members of LLPs as 7KHUH KDYH EHHQ D QXPEHU RI 86 WD[ GHYHORSPHQWV in 2015 which may affect hedge funds holding US investments or managers operating in the US. These LQFOXGH WKH LVVXH RI ÀQDO UHJXODWLRQV JRYHUQLQJ withholding under section 871(m) of the Internal 5HYHQXH &RGH UHODWLQJ WR GHHPHG GLYLGHQGV VXFK DV may arise on the change of terms of a convertible VHFXULW\ DQG DOVR WKH WUHDWPHQW RI EDVNHW RSWLRQ contracts. The House of Representatives and the Senate passed the Bipartisan Budget Act 2015ZKLFKLQFOXGHG VLJQLÀFDQW FKDQJHV WR WKH ,QWHUQDO 5HYHQXH 6HUYLFH ,56 SDUWQHUVKLS DXGLW SURFHVVHV DQG DGMXVWPHQWV which will be relevant to alternative investment funds and management entities which are partnerships which ÀOH86WD[UHWXUQV3RWHQWLDOOLDELOLWLHVIRUQRQ86DVVHW managers with investors in states such as California DV D UHVXOW RI VWDWH WD[ PDUNHWEDVHG VRXUFLQJ UXOHV even when the fund and fund manager have no physical SUHVHQFH LQ WKH VWDWH KDYH DWWUDFWHG D JUHDW GHDO RI DWWHQWLRQ DOWKRXJK DPHQGHG JXLGDQFH LVVXHG LQ California seems to have reduced the risk. The apparent tension between the need for LQWHUQDWLRQDOWD[UHIRUPLQWKHDIWHUPDWKRI%(36DQG what US bodies see as unreasonable scrutiny of US PXOWLQDWLRQDOHQWHUSULVHV01(VLQSDUWLFXODUWKH(8 VWDWHDLGLQYHVWLJDWLRQVZKLFKPD\OHDGWRDUHGXFWLRQ LQ86WD[UHYHQXHVKDVEURXJKWWKHGHEDWHFHQWUHVWDJH in Washington. Following a full committee hearing on )HEUXDU\ ZKHUH WKH (8 DFWLRQ RQ %(36 DQG WKH growing number of corporate inversions moving US EXVLQHVVHVRIIVKRUHZHUHGLVFXVVHGWKHGHDGOLQHIRUDQ LQWHUQDWLRQDOWD[ELOOKDVEHHQDFFHOHUDWHG7KLVFRXOG include country-by-country reporting and an interest deductibility limit among other BEPS-based provisions. The US Treasury has also released a revised Model ,QFRPH 7D[ 7UHDW\ ZLWK QHZ PHDVXUHV RQ EHQHÀFLDO ownership and an amendment to the limitation on EHQHÀWV SURYLVLRQ /2% WR LQFRUSRUDWH D GHULYDWLYH EHQHÀWVFODXVH$WWKHVDPHWLPHVRPHSROLWLFLDQVDQG business organisations are arguing that the US should continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 22 AIMA Regulatory Update UHMHFWWKH%(36SURJUDPPHDVKDUPIXOWR86LQWHUHVWV • AIMA contact: Paul Hale ( or Enrique Clemente ( Hong Kong - Introduction of a HK OpenEnded Fund Company (OFC) The Hong Kong government on 27 January 2016 commenced the legislative process to implement the OFC regime. It introduced the relevant bill into the Legislative Council (LegCo) with a view to securing the passage of the bill before the summer of 2016. AIMA has been working for some years to promote the introduction of open-ended fund company legislation to establish Hong Kong as a successful domicile for private funds. AIMA responded to the Consultation Paper published in March 2014 by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB). AIMA was also invited by the FSTB to provide comments on the draft legislative proposals in November 2015. A copy of AIMA’s comments on the draft legislative proposals can be found here. 2Q-DQXDU\WKH)LQDQFLDO6HUYLFHV7UHDVXU\%XUHDX (FSTB) issued a concept paper to gauge views on the SRVVLEOH H[WHQVLRQ RI WKH SURÀWV WD[ H[HPSWLRQ WR RQVKRUHSULYDWHO\RIIHUHG2)&V2Q-DQXDU\ the Legco’s House Committee agreed to form a Bills Committee to study the legislative bill for the OFC UHJLPH7KH%LOOV&RPPLWWHHKHOGLWVÀUVWPHHWLQJRQ 23 February 2016 with members of the administration in attendance. 2WKHUÀOHV UK referendum on membership of the European Union The UK is rapidly approaching an in-out referendum to determine its future relationship with the EU. On -XQH YRWHUV LQ WKH 8. ZLOO GHFLGH ZKHWKHU the UK should (i) stay in the EU (in light of the UK government securing a limited EU reform package (‘HM Government settlement’LLRUH[LWWKH(8+RZHYHU what the UK’s relationship with the EU would look like DIWHU DQ H[LW LV FXUUHQWO\ QRW FOHDU DQG WKH RXWFRPH could be one of a number of scenarios that will affect DVVHWPDQDJHPHQWÀUPVLQGLIIHUHQWZD\V Although the withdrawal mechanism is included in $UWLFOHRIWKH7UHDW\RQWKH(XURSHDQ8QLRQ7(8 WKHSRWHQWLDORXWFRPHRIWKH8.·VZLWKGUDZDOLVGLIÀFXOW to predict as there is no precedent in the international FRQWH[W &RPSOH[ DQG OHQJWK\ QHJRWLDWLRQV DQG FRQÁLFWLQJLQWHUHVWVZRXOGSUREDEO\KDYHDQHIIHFWRQ ÀQDQFLDOPDUNHWVEXWDOVRRQWKHZLGHU8.HFRQRP\ 0RUHRYHU WKH H[LVWLQJ (8 UHJXODWRU\ IUDPHZRUN DQG ÀQDQFLDOVHUYLFHVVSHFLÀFDOO\ZLOOQHHGDWUDQVLWLRQDO period or a mutual recognition process to avoid UHJXODWRU\ JDSV <HW ZKDW LV FOHDU LV WKDW LI WKH 8. ZHUHWROHDYHWKH(8WKH8.·VDELOLW\WRLQÁXHQFH(8 SROLF\ZRXOGQRWFRQWLQXHLQWKHIXWXUHDQGWKH8.·V DFWLYHHQJDJHPHQWLQNH\SURMHFWVVXFKDVWKH&DSLWDO Markets Union (CMU) would be discontinued. • AIMA contact: Enrique Clemente (eclemente@ 7KH +RQJ .RQJ WD[ FRPPLWWHH DORQJ ZLWK WKH 2)& working group which AIMA has formed are assessing potential impact on members and considering a response to the concept paper. AIMA contact: Kher Sheng Lee ( AIMA Journal Q1 2016 23 SHAPING OUR FUTURE AIMA Global Policy & Regulatory Forum 2016 18 MAY 2016 VENUE TIME Lancaster Hotel Lancaster Terrace London, W22TY 09:00 - 17:00 Please join us for AIMA’s 2016 Global Policy and Regulatory Forum, which will take place in London. Providing you with a greater understanding of the key policy themes that will impact the evolution of the industry in coming years, the event will feature senior regulators sharing SHUVRQDOLQVLJKWDVZHOODVDIRFXVRQNH\ȴQDQFLDOVHUYLFHVOHJLVODWLYHXSGDWHVDQGSHHU networking opportunities. AIMA members / Regulators Non-members ‘early bird’ rate Non-members standard rate Free £500 + VAT £750 + VAT (until 24th March) (after 24th March) The Alternative Investment Management Association Limited (AIMA) 2nd Floor, 167 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2EA. United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0)20 7822 8380 | AIMA events Forthcoming AIMA events Canada - AIMA/PRMIA/CAIA Montréal Career Panel 'DWH$SULO 7LPH 9HQXH)DLUPRQW7KH4XHHQ(OL]DEHWK+RWHO 0RQWUpDO4XpEHF &DQDGD²7RURQWR4XDUWHUO\6RFLDO 'DWH0D\ 7LPH)URP 9HQXH6WUDWXV5HVWDXUDQW:HOOLQJWRQ6W: Toronto 6LQJDSRUH%XGJHW%ULHÀQJ4 'DWH$SULO 7LPH² 9HQXH(<2QH5DIÁHV4XD\1RUWK7RZHU/HYHO 6LQJDSRUH +RQJ.RQJ²1HWZRUNLQJGULQNV 'DWH0D\ 7LPH² Canada - AIMA Canada Alberta Ski Day 2016 'DWH$SULO 9HQXH6XQVKLQH9LOODJH6NL6QRZERDUG5HVRUW %DQII&DQDGD 6LQJDSRUH²1HWZRUNLQJGULQNV 'DWH$SULO 7LPH² 9HQXH7KH%ODFN6ZDQ3RZGHU5RRP&HFLO6W 6LQJDSRUH +RQJ.RQJ²1HWZRUNLQJGULQNV 'DWH$SULO 7LPH² 9HQXH7KH+RQJ.RQJ&OXE-DFNVRQ5RDG&HQWUDO +RQJ.RQJ Canada - 12th Annual AIMA Canada Charity Golf Tournament 'DWH-XQH 9HQXH$QJXV*OHQ*ROI&OXE.HQQHG\5G 0DUNKDP2QWDULR/&1 &DQDGD²9DQFRXYHU6XPPHU6RFLDO 'DWH-XQH 7LPH² 9HQXH1DW%DLOH\6WDGLXP2QWDULR6WUHHW 9DQFRXYHU AIMA Canada Hedge Fund Conference 2016 'DWHV2FW 9HQXH6KHUDWRQ0RQWUpDO0RQWUpDO4XpEHF For information on these and our other forthcoming FEATURED EVENT IN Q2 AIMA's Global Policy & Regulatory Forum 2016 $,0$ V *OREDO 3ROLF\ 5HJXODWRU\ )RUXP KHOG DQQXDOO\ LV RXU OHDGLQJ SROLF\ DQG regulatory event. Speakers will include UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV RI (60$ WKH (XURSHDQ &RPPLVVLRQ WKH (XURSHDQ 3DUOLDPHQW WKH )&$WKH&HQWUDO%DQNRI,UHODQGWKH)UHQFK Finance Ministry and the AMF. 'DWH0D\ 7LPHDPSP 9HQXH/DQFDVWHU+RWHO/DQFDVWHU7HUUDFH /RQGRQ:7< AIMA Journal Q1 2016 25 Get Ready, Investment Strategies Are Evolving Traditional investment strategies are strained. With shifting demographics, volatile markets and low interest rates, the financial industry is transforming. As diverse asset classes gain mainstream appeal,* alternative investment managers have a powerful opportunity to deliver innovative solutions to the market. The question is: are you ready? * State Street 2015 Asset Owners Survey IIn n nve v st stin ting ti ng iinvolv involv olv ol olves lves es riisk k iincl ncludin ludin uding di g th the risk rriisk k of of lloss losss o off p priinci inc nccipal. nci pa al. l The h whol whol who ole e or o an any ny par ny part of thi his w work k mayy n not ot be re ot rep prod pro rod rod oduced uce ced, ced ce copi opied ed or or tr t ansm nsm n smitte sm ittte ted ed o orr any an a ny ny o off its tss cont con on n ents nts dis nts disclos clos o e ed to th third rd d part r ies ie with ithout th hout outt Stat Stat Sta tate S Sttre rreet eet'ss exxpre xp xpr pre ressss writ rritt ri iitt ttten conse ons on nse ns nse sent nt. n tt.. ©2 20 016 16 1 6 State ate a e Str Sttrree S eet e et Cor Co Corp orrrp orp o pora orat rat ra rat atiio ion n - Al A All ll R Riight ghts gh ghts ht Res Re ese es errv erve rrve vved CORP ORP OR ORP RP-18 -1 -186 18 86 8 65 | Expi Exp xp p rrati ra ation n Da ate ate: te te: 0 03 03. 3 3..31 31.2 31. 3 1.2 .2017 2017 17 1 7 16-2729 161 16 66 27 27 272 2729 729 290-03 900-03 0-0 0 --03 -0 03 0 316 16 AIMA news AIMA launches Bermuda member network AIMA is to establish a new volunteer network in Bermuda. AIMA members on the island will be represented by D QHZ ([HFXWLYH &RPPLWWHH ([&R 7KLV ([&R DQG supporting committees will seek to boost membership and support the continued development of Bermuda’s alternative investment community. 7KH LQLWLDWLYH LV EHLQJ FKDLUHG E\ &UDLJ %ULGJHZDWHU D0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRURI.30*LQ%HUPXGDZKRFDOOHG IRUYROXQWHHUVWRMRLQWKH([&RDQGFRQWULEXWHWR$,0$ initiatives locally and globally at a launch event at the Bermuda National Gallery attended by around 85 professionals on 3 March. Other speakers at the event included Dr the Hon *UDQW*LEERQV-303%HUPXGD·V0LQLVWHURI(FRQRPLF 'HYHORSPHQW6KDXQD0DF.HQ]LH'LUHFWRU3ROLF\/HJDO and Enforcement at the Bermuda Monetary Authority; DQG6HDQ0RUDQ%XVLQHVV'HYHORSPHQW0DQDJHUZLWK the Bermuda Business Development Agency. Mr Bridgewater said: “We look forward to AIMA Bermuda becoming the focal point and voice for the industry in Bermuda. We are keen to increase AIMA’s activities in Bermuda and will be organising events and &UDLJ %ULGJHZDWHU RI .30* SLFWXUHG DW WKH $,0$ ODXQFK HYHQWLQ%HUPXGDRQ0DUFK creating working groups and committees to encourage participation and collaboration among local AIMA members and other industry partners.” -DFN,QJOLV&(2RI$,0$VDLG´,DPGHOLJKWHGDERXW WKH HVWDEOLVKPHQW RI DQ ([&R IRU $,0$ LQ %HUPXGD and I very much look forward to collaborating with the JURXS JRLQJ IRUZDUG $,0$·V H[SDQVLRQ FRQWLQXHV WR JDWKHU SDFH ZLWK RIÀFHV DQG YROXQWHHU QHWZRUNV LQ every region of the globe.” News in brief New set of hedge fund director DDQs released AIMA published a set of Due Diligence Questionnaires (DDQs) for hedge fund directors in March. They were produced E\ D ZRUNLQJ JURXS RI PRUH WKDQ $,0$ PHPEHU ÀUPV ZKR FRQVXOWHG ZLWK LQYHVWPHQW PDQDJHUV LQYHVWRUV LQGLYLGXDOGLUHFWRUVDQGSURIHVVLRQDOGLUHFWRUVHUYLFHVÀUPVJOREDOO\GXULQJWKHGUDIWLQJSURFHVV7KHUHDUHWKUHH versions of the new DDQ - an Illustrative Questionnaire for the Due Diligence of Individual Hedge Fund Directors (Investor Version); an Illustrative Questionnaire for the Due Diligence of Individual Hedge Fund Directors (Manager Version); and an Illustrative Questionnaire for the Due Diligence of Hedge Fund Boards of Directors. The new DDQs DUHFRPSOHPHQWHGE\$,0$·V)XQG'LUHFWRUV·*XLGHZKLFKZDVSXEOLVKHGODVW\HDU9LVLWWKH$,0$ZHEVLWHWRUHTXHVW the DDQs (members only). A summary is here. Guide to operational risk management published in Q1 $,0$UHOHDVHGDQHZJXLGHWRRSHUDWLRQDOULVNPDQDJHPHQWIRUDVVHWPDQDJHPHQWÀUPVLQ)HEUXDU\7KH$,0$*XLGH to Sound Practices for Operational Risk Management focuses on a wide variety of risks that could result in loss from LQDGHTXDWHRUIDLOHGLQWHUQDOSURFHVVHVSHRSOHDQGV\VWHPVRUIURPH[WHUQDOHYHQWV,WKDVEHHQVSRQVRUHGE\:HOOV )DUJR*OREDO)XQG6HUYLFHVJURXS7KHIXOO*XLGHLVDYDLODEOHWR$,0$PHPEHUVYLDWKH$,0$ZHEVLWH$QH[HFXWLYH VXPPDU\ZKLFKLVDOVRDYDLODEOHWRQRQPHPEHUVFDQEHGRZQORDGHGhere. AIMA Journal Q1 2016 27 AIMA news Basel III fundamentally changes how asset managers are FRQQHFWHG WR WKH ÀQDQFLDO V\VWHPVD\V$,0$6SDSHU Basel III reforms have fundamentally changed how asset PDQDJHUVDUHFRQQHFWHGWRWKHÀQDQFLDOV\VWHPZLWK KHGJHIXQGVFKDOOHQJHGWRXQGHUVWDQGH[SHQVHXVDJH DQGDFFHVVWRWKHÀQDQFLQJSRZHUJULGDFFRUGLQJWRD MRLQWVXUYH\DQGUHSRUW by AIMA and S3 Partners. The survey of fund managers worldwide found that: • • • • • • )LQDQFLQJFRVWVKDYHULVHQIRURIÀUPVZLWKDQ even split between those who quantify the level of cost increase as being greater than 10% and below 10%. RIÀUPVH[SHFWIXUWKHUFRVWLQFUHDVHVRYHUWKH QH[WWZR\HDUV The impact is consistent regardless of a fund PDQDJHU·VVL]HLQYHVWPHQWVWUDWHJ\RUORFDWLRQ 75% have been asked to change how they do EXVLQHVVZLWKWKHLUSULPHEURNHUVZKLOHPRUHWKDQ 67% have had to cut the amount of cash they keep on their brokers’ balance sheets. Most alternative asset managers over the last two years have either maintained or increased WKH QXPEHU RI SULPH EURNHUV WKH\ XVH ZLWK WKH DYHUDJHQXPEHURIÀQDQFLQJUHODWLRQVKLSVIRXQGWR be four. Only 20% of fund managers have a clear understanding of how their prime brokers calculate their worth in terms of the revenue they provide UHODWLYHWREDODQFHVKHHWLPSDFWNQRZQDV´UHWXUQ on assets” or RoA. Fewer still have the data necessary to calculate this themselves. 7KHVXUYH\WLWOHG¶$FFHVVLQJWKH)LQDQFLDO3RZHU*ULG +HGJH IXQG ÀQDQFLQJ FKDOOHQJHV XQGHU %DVHO ,,, DQG EH\RQG· DOVR KLJKOLJKWHG D ODFN RI FRQVHQVXV DURXQG WKH PHDQLQJ RI D QXPEHU RI SULPH EURNHUDJH WHUPV VXFK DV ´UHFRQFLOLDWLRQµ ´FROODWHUDO PDQDJHPHQWµ and “collateral optimisation”. AIMA and S3 say this KLJKOLJKWV WKH QHHG IRU D FRPPRQ ODQJXDJH WR GHÀQH key terms. Recommendations Hedge fund managers can put themselves in a stronger position to deal with the changing nature of the prime brokerage relationships. To maintain access to the AIMA Journal Q1 2016 ´JULGµRIÀQDQFLQJPDQDJHWKHLURYHUDOOFRVWRIGRLQJ EXVLQHVVDQGRSWLPLVHWKHPXWXDOYDOXHRIWKHLUSULPH brokerage and counterparty relationships within the QHZ UHJXODWRU\ ODQGVFDSH KHGJH IXQGV DQG RWKHU investment managers must increasingly: • • • 0DNH VXUH WKH\ KDYH WKH ULJKW GDWD LQFOXGLQJ unbiased data sources. Use a different set of analytic tools and calculation. 0DNH VXUH WKDW WKH\ DQG WKHLU ÀQDQFLQJ counterparties are speaking a common language WR SURPRWH EHQHÀFLDO ÀQDQFLQJ UHODWLRQVKLSV DQG effective collateral management activities. The survey is comprised of 78 alternative asset managers with combined assets under management (AUM) of more than $400bn. Respondents ranged from small single-strategy managers (under $100m of AUM) to large global multi-strategy managers (over $10 billion of AUM). To download ‘Accessing the Financial Power Grid: +HGJH IXQG ÀQDQFLQJ FKDOOHQJHV XQGHU %DVHO ,,, DQG EH\RQG· FOLFN KHUH \LQGH[FIPGRFLG&)%'%' BB11BB6E401CF7C6 28 MARKET LEADERSHIP Our Investment Management practice is one of the largest and most sophisticated global investment management practices, operating on four continents across Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Perhaps the best measure of our practice stems from client perceptions of working with our investment management team members: “UNPARALLELED DEPTH AND BREADTH OF EXPERTISE.” - The Legal 500 “THEY DO WORK OF TREMENDOUS QUALITY.” - Chambers USA “I SIMPLY CANNOT IMAGINE A BETTER LEGAL TEAM SERVING OUR FUNDS.” - U.S. News & Best Lawyers K&L Gates LLP. Global legal counsel across five continents. To learn how we partner with clients in the investment management and brokerage industries, please visit From our members Opportunities in a volatile market AIMA SPONSORING PARTNER %\1HLO0DVRQ6HQLRU0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU 0DQ*/* Introduction 7KHPDUNHWVKDYHZLWQHVVHGDQH[WUHPHO\YRODWLOHVWDUW to the year. Equities had been in retreat until midFebruary but have recently rebounded. Despite this ERXQFH ZH VWLOO EHOLHYH WKDW D QHZ GRZQZDUG SKDVH of the cycle is possible. While we do not view another VW\OH VFHQDULR DV D FXUUHQW WKUHDW ZH GR WKLQN WKDW VLJQLÀFDQW YRODWLOLW\ WKH 63 IRU H[DPSOH has already dropped 11% and risen 9% this year) and stock dispersion may continue. Warren Buffet has been right so many times that his pronouncements have become platitudes. But with palpable oscillations between fear and greed on the ÀQDQFLDOVWUHHWVWKLVFRXOGEHWKHNLQGRIHQYLURQPHQW in which investment opportunities may begin to VKRZ WKHPVHOYHV %HORZ ZH VHW RXW RXU IRXU KLJKHVW conviction ideas for potentially taking advantage of this volatility. 1) Merger Arbitrage M&A (mergers and acquisitions) arbitrage is a strategy LQ ZKLFK PDQDJHUV VHHN WR EHQHÀW IURP SULFH discrepancies in the stocks of acquirers and targets undergoing corporate takeovers. 2015 was the best year for merger and acquisition volumes since the ÀQDQFLDOFULVLV1DQGZHWKLQNWKLVSDWWHUQPD\FRQWLQXH WKURXJK$VPDFURULVNVHVFDODWHZHEHOLHYH&(2V are going to be more likely to put their often ample war chests to work in order to combat volatility with GLYHUVLÀFDWLRQ %XWLIYROXPHLVLQFUHDVLQJWKHQVRLVFRPSOH[LW\0$ VSUHDGV²WKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKHWDUJHW·VFXUUHQW price and that which the acquirer has said they will SD\ ² KDYH ZLGHQHG QRWLFHDEO\ VLQFH WKH PLGGOH RI 7KH:DOO6WUHHW-RXUQDO² continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 30 From our members 20152. Wider spreads can be considered as an indicator WKDW WKH PDUNHW KDV OHVV FRQÀGHQFH WKH GHDO ZLOO EH completed. We see this scepticism as having two causes. First deals appear to be getting bigger and more legally FRPSOH[ WKLQN 86 WD[ LQYHUVLRQV IRU H[DPSOH DQG VHFRQGO\ WKH YRODWLOLW\ GHVFULEHG DERYH VHHPV WR EH making investors nervy that many proposed mergers will collapse. 6R ULVN KDV LQFUHDVHG EXW VR KDV RSSRUWXQLW\ :H EHOLHYHWKDWLI\RXKDYHWKHZLOODQGWKHH[SHUWLVHWR really engross yourself in the minutiae of the regulatory landscape associated with these deals then attractive RSSRUWXQLWLHVFRXOGH[LVW %DQN&DSLWDO Despite staging something of a comeback in recent ZHHNV ÀQDQFLDOV KDYH EHHQ H[SHULHQFLQJ SULFH movements that recall the sovereign debt turmoil of 2011 and the credit crisis 2008/9. We believe that price drops in the recent volatility may have represented VLJQLÀFDQW EX\LQJ RSSRUWXQLWLHV GXH WR WKH FOHDU differences between this panic and previous ones. In WKH WZR SDVW FULVHV EDQNV ZHUH DW WKH FHQWUH RI WKH SDQLFGXHWRWKHLUOHDNLQJEDODQFHVKHHWVEORDWHGZLWK GXELRXVDVVHWV7RGD\WKRXJKEDQNVDSSHDUWREHLQ LPSURYHGÀQDQFLDOKHDOWK7KHYDVWPDMRULW\KDYHOHVV H[SRVXUHWRWKHHQHUJ\DQGFRPPRGLW\ÀUPVZKRKDYH EHHQVXIIHULQJGXHWR&KLQD·VWUDYDLOV6LQFHWKH\ have raised large amounts of high quality capital whilst UHGXFLQJOHYHUDJH,QDGGLWLRQWKHODUJHJRYHUQPHQW backed lines of credit that have been put in place since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) aim to avert any shortWHUPOLTXLGLW\FULVLV7KHUHDUHRIFRXUVHH[FHSWLRQV²ZH are hesitant about whether Italian banks have actually UHFRYHUHG IURP WKH IDOORXW RI DQG ² EXW why a stable UK lender such as Lloyds should have had such a white-knuckle ride this year is mysterious to us. We think there could well be further volatility to come and future troughs may provide more opportunities. A space that warrants particular mention is AT1 DGGLWLRQDO WLHU FRQWLQJHQW FRQYHUWLEOH ERQGV commonly known as CoCos. These instruments sit between equity and subordinated debt in a bank's capital structure. They are issued as a source of additional capital in case the bank hits trouble. At the February nadir these bonds fell into the 80s on 2 a cash price basis. We believe this was partly due to technical pressure as daily liquidity income funds SDQLFVROGRQDQLQGLVFULPLQDWHEDVLV²DWXUQRIHYHQWV which we believe may be repeated in the near future. Under such circumstances we feel the asset class could be considered for selective investment. &/2V Two years of low volatility and high prices in the levered loan market came to a dramatic end at the start of 2016. Much of the pain has been felt by FRPSDQLHVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKHQHUJ\PLQLQJDQGXWLOLWLHV In the chaos we believe there are often instances of overreaction. Identifying them involves detailed work around the fundamentals of credit investing: poring RYHU WKH QXPEHUV UXQQLQJ VWUHVV WHVWV WDONLQJ WR VWDNHKROGHUVDQGXQGHUWDNLQJLQGHSWKFROODWHUDODQG documentation reviews. One potential way of participating in loan market GLVORFDWLRQVLVWRLQYHVWLQWUDQFKHVRI&/2V²VHFXULWLHV which reference a pool of underlying levered loans. 'RLQJWKLVUHTXLUHVDVHFRQGDU\OHYHORIDQDO\VLVWRÀQG D PDQDJHU ZLWK WKH H[SHUWLVH WR ORRN WKURXJK WR WKH underlying loans and employ rigorous credit selection in the construction of their portfolios. Success in this analysis offers the opportunity of FDSLWDOLVLQJ RQ D GRXEOH GLVORFDWLRQ ZLWK VWUHVVHG technically-driven pricing in both the underlying loans and in the CLO tranches which reference them. There LV GLVWUHVV LQ WKH PDUNHWSODFH FHUWDLQO\ EXW SULFLQJ levels have dropped across an entire universe of VHFXULWLHVLQH[FHVVRIZKDWZHVHHDVEHLQJMXVWLÀHG by underlying fundamentals. That splashing sound you can hear? In our opinion it's babies being thrown out with the bathwater. 'LVWUHVVHG6HFXULWLHV &RQVLVWHQW ZLWK RWKHU YLHZV H[SUHVVHG LQ WKLV DUWLFOH we believe that a new distressed cycle has started. Energy has already been hit hard and could offer VLJQLÀFDQW SRWHQWLDO LQ RXU YLHZ 7KH VHFWRU DSSHDUV WREHULFKZLWKDVVHWVWKDWDUHH[SHQVLYHWRUHSOLFDWH Energy businesses are also often highly operationally JHDUHG DQG VR LI ERXJKW LQWR DW WKH ULJKW WLPH attractive returns may potentially be generated in a normalisation scenario. We think that price stabilisation over recent weeks may be further supported by supplyVLGH FRQWUDFWLRQV QRWLQJ WKH FDSDFLW\ UHGXFWLRQV LQ the dry bulk market as evidence of this. Bloomberg continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 31 From our members :HH[SHFWWKDWWKHQXPEHURIGLVWUHVVHGRSSRUWXQLWLHV will be bolstered by an increasing lack of access to ÀQDQFLQJ,QRXUYLHZWKHUHDUHDQXPEHURIFRPSDQLHV which are over-levered and have been limping along in UHFHQW\HDUV:HIHHOWKHUHLVDVLJQLÀFDQWSRVVLELOLW\ that banks would be ever-more capital-constrained and we believe there may be a reversal of the loose FUHGLW HQYLURQPHQW HQMR\HG E\ ÀUPV LQ UHFHQW \HDUV We would not be surprised to reach a position where only the most credit-worthy companies will be able to DFFHVVWKHGHEWPDUNHWVWRUHÀQDQFHWKHLUORDQV0DQ\ RWKHUVFRXOGZHOOEHIRUFHGWRUHVWUXFWXUHDQGIXUWKHU opportunities may arise. Conclusion The general theme as we see it is this: the markets appear to be entering a new phase of the cycle and the more swiftly investors acknowledge and react WR WKLV WKH EHWWHU :KLOVW UHFHQW ZHHNV KDYH VHHQ D SRVLWLYH UHYHUVDO LQ FUHGLW DQG HTXLW\ PDUNHWV ZH believe volatility is more likely to persist and continue to produce potential opportunities for investors with WKHDELOLW\WRDFW:HH[SHFWWKHUHZLOOEHUHFXUULQJ technical pressures on many in the markets. A clear head in response to these moments could help investors to identify situations where fundamental value is being ignored. Important Information $OOLQYHVWPHQWVLQYROYHULVNVDQGWKHYDOXHRIDQLQYHVWPHQW DQGDQ\LQFRPHGHULYHGIURPLWFDQJRGRZQDVZHOODVXSDQG investors may not get back their original amount invested. $OWHUQDWLYH LQYHVWPHQWV FDQ LQYROYH VLJQLÀFDQW DGGLWLRQDO ULVNV DUH PRUH VSHFXODWLYH LQ QDWXUH DUH QRW VXLWDEOH IRU DOOFOLHQWVDQGLQWHQGHGIRUH[SHULHQFHGDQGVRSKLVWLFDWHG investors who are willing to bear the higher economic risks associated. 7KLV PDWHULDO LV IRU LQIRUPDWLRQ SXUSRVHV RQO\ DQG GRHV QRW FRQVWLWXWH DQ RIIHU RU LQYLWDWLRQ WR LQYHVW LQ DQ\ SURGXFW IRU ZKLFK DQ\ 0DQ *URXS SOF DIÀOLDWH SURYLGHV investment advisory or any other services. The content is QRWLQWHQGHGWRFRQVWLWXWHLQYHVWPHQWDGYLFHRIDQ\QDWXUH nor an investment recommendation or opinion regarding the DSSURSULDWHQHVVRUVXLWDELOLW\RIDQ\LQYHVWPHQWRUVWUDWHJ\ DQGGRHVQRWFRQVLGHUWKHSDUWLFXODUFLUFXPVWDQFHVVSHFLÀF to any individual recipient to whom this material has been sent. 2SLQLRQVH[SUHVVHGDUHWKRVHRIWKHDXWKRUDVRIWKHGDWHRI WKHLUSXEOLFDWLRQDQGDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH 7KLVPDWHULDOUHSUHVHQWVDQDVVHVVPHQWRIPDUNHWFRQGLWLRQV DW D SDUWLFXODU WLPH 6RPH VWDWHPHQWV FRQWDLQHG LQ WKHVH PDWHULDOVFRQFHUQLQJJRDOVVWUDWHJLHVRXWORRNRURWKHUQRQ KLVWRULFDOPDWWHUVPD\EH¶IRUZDUGORRNLQJVWDWHPHQWV·DQG are based on current indicators and expectations at the date RIWKHLUSXEOLFDWLRQ:HXQGHUWDNHQRREOLJDWLRQWRXSGDWH RU UHYLVH WKHP )RUZDUGORRNLQJ VWDWHPHQWV DUH VXEMHFW WR risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to GLIIHUPDWHULDOO\IURPWKRVHLPSOLHGLQWKHVWDWHPHQWV )LQDQFLDO LQGLFHV DUH VKRZQ IRU LOOXVWUDWLYH SXUSRVHV RQO\ DQG DUH SURYLGHG IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI PDNLQJ JHQHUDO PDUNHW GDWD DYDLODEOH DV D SRLQW RI UHIHUHQFH $Q LQGH[ is a statistical measure that shows changes in the economy RUÀQDQFLDOPDUNHWVDQGPD\VHUYHDVDEHQFKPDUNDJDLQVW ZKLFKHFRQRPLFDQGÀQDQFLDOSHUIRUPDQFHRIDQLQYHVWPHQW LVPHDVXUHG$QLQGH[LVQRWDYDLODEOHIRUGLUHFWLQYHVWPHQW DQG LWV SHUIRUPDQFH GRHV QRW UHÁHFW WKH H[SHQVHV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH PDQDJHPHQW RI DQ DFWXDO SRUWIROLR &HUWDLQLQIRUPDWLRQLVEDVHGRQGDWDSURYLGHGE\WKLUGSDUW\ VRXUFHVDQGDOWKRXJKEHOLHYHGWREHUHOLDEOHKDVQRWEHHQ LQGHSHQGHQWO\ YHULÀHG DQG LWV DFFXUDF\ RU FRPSOHWHQHVV cannot be guaranteed. 8QOHVVVWDWHGRWKHUZLVHWKHVRXUFHRIDOOLQIRUPDWLRQLV0DQ *URXSSOFDQGLWVDIÀOLDWHVDVDW0DUFK 7KLV SUHVV UHOHDVH KDV EHHQ VHQW E\ D PHPEHU RI WKH 0DQ *URXS ´0DQµ 0DQ V SDUHQW FRPSDQ\ 0DQ *URXS SOF LV UHJLVWHUHGLQ(QJODQGDQG:DOHVFRPSDQ\QXPEHU DW5LYHUEDQN+RXVH6ZDQ/DQH/RQGRQ(&5$' AIMA Journal Q1 2016 32 ENTREPRENEURIAL ASSET MANAGEMENT INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK. Man Group is one of the largest independent alternative investment managers in liquid, alpha investment strategies. With our clients’ needs at our core, we offer a comprehensive suite of absolute return and long-only funds through our performance-driven investment engines. We believe that the key to alpha generation from capital markets is to provide an institutional framework for our entrepreneurial asset managers to operate in, allowing them to focus solely on alpha generation and research. Opinions expressed are those of the author and may not be shared by all personnel of Man Group plc (‘Man’). These opinions are subject to change without notice, are for information purposes only and do not constitute an offer or invitation to make an investment in any financial instrument or in any product to which any member of Man’s group of companies provides investment advisory or any other services. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the statements. Unless stated otherwise this information is communicated by Man Investments AG which is regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Authority FINMA. In Australia, communicated by Man Investments Australia Limited ABN 47 002 747 480 AFSL 240581, which is regulated by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC). This information has been prepared without taking into account anyone’s objectives, financial situation or needs. In the United States this material is presented by Man Investments Inc. (‘Man Investments’). Man Investments is registered as a broker-dealer with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (‘SEC’) and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (‘FINRA’). Man Investments is also a member of Securities Investor Protection Corporation (‘SIPC’). Man Investments is a wholly owned subsidiary of Man Group plc. (‘Man Group’). The registrations and memberships in no way imply that the SEC, FINRA or SIPC have endorsed Man Investments. In the US, Man Investments can be contacted at 452 Fifth Avenue, 27th floor, New York, NY 10018, Telephone: (212) 649-6600. P/16/0466/GL/DIR/AO From our members 1RWGLJLWDOQRWHPRWLRQDOQRWDOLJQHG²ZK\ORQJRQO\IXQGVDUH eating your lunch %\'DYLG0DVWHUV'LUHFWRUDQG3DUWQHU/DQVRQV The hedge fund sector has done well to recover its UHSXWDWLRQDOLWWOHLQUHFHQW\HDUVEHQHÀWWLQJLQSDUW from managers that have re-invented themselves as LQVWLWXWLRQDODVVHWPDQDJHUV0RUHUHPDLQVWREHGRQH KRZHYHU SDUWLFXODUO\ DV WKH ORQJRQO\ FRPSHWLWLRQ have been in that market longer. The good news is that institutional investors are positively disposed towards alternative strategies at SUHVHQWDWOHDVWDFFRUGLQJWRUHVHDUFKIURP'HXWVFKH Bank that says that investors are likely to increase DOORFDWLRQV %XW LQ WKLV LQWHUPHGLDWHG FRQVXOWDQW GULYHQ HQYLURQPHQW WKLV ZLOO EHQHÀW D IHZ PDQDJHUV UXQQLQJ D VSHFLÀF VHW RI VWUDWHJLHV PRUH WKDQ WKH industry overall. There are a few other challenges DKHDGDVZHOO2QWKHSROLWLFDOIURQWWKHUHDUHVRPH RPLQRXV UXPEOLQJV IURP WKH 86 DQG WKH VLWXDWLRQ LQ WKH8.DQG(8DOVRVWDQGVWREHQHÀWWKRVHSROLWLFLDQV ZLWK VLPLODUO\ H[WUHPH YLHZV +RZ SRVLWLYH LQYHVWRU sentiment stands up to any crisis in bond fund liquidity is hopefully a problem we won’t have to face. Investor sentiment is not a perfect gauge of reputation DQ\ZD\ DQG UHPDLQV VKRUWWHUPLVW LI QRW GRZQULJKW VNLWWLVK3DUWRIWKHLVVXHLV,WKLQNWKDWZKLOHPDQDJHUV IURP WKH KHGJH IXQG ZRUOG KDYH PDGH H[FHOOHQW LQ roads into the institutional markets (and many have taken the logical corollary of launching long-only funds DVZHOOUHODWLRQVKLSVDUHVWLOO\RXQJDQGVNLQGHHS The descriptive transition from ‘hedge fund’ to ‘institutional asset manager’ is never clearer than in how these managers describe themselves online. We VXUYH\HG WKH ODUJHVW KHGJH IXQG ÀUPV1 and found that virtually none use the term ‘hedge fund’ in how they describe themselves online and those few who GR DUH RIWHQ EXVLQHVVHV RZQHG E\ EDQNV SUHVXPDEO\ for whom the association with alternative strategies is weakest. Institutional investors may like ‘alternative strategies’ but it seems they don’t want to invest in ‘hedge funds’. 1 As ranked by Institutional Investor’s Alpha $V WKH PDUNHW IRU DOWHUQDWLYH VWUDWHJLHV HYROYHV particularly through the use of liquid alternative YHKLFOHV VR LW EHFRPHV PRUH LPSRUWDQW WR EH DEOH WR HQJDJH ZLWK VWDNHKROGHUV RQ WKHLU WHUPV ² WR GHPRQVWUDWH WKDW H[WUD OD\HU RI XQGHUVWDQGLQJ 7KH research highlighted above shows that whilst hedge IXQG ÀUPV KDYH PRGHUDWHG WKHLU GHVFULSWRUV WKH\ DUHVWLOOHQJDJLQJRQDPRQROLWKLFEDVLVZKHUHDVWKHLU competitors from the long-only world are much better at describing themselves in a way which is aligned to their client interests. Being client-centric does not make you more of an asset gatherer than an asset PDQDJHU EXW LW PLJKW PDNH \RX PRUH RI DQ DVVHW retainer. ,VWKHUHUHDOO\DFRUUHODWLRQEHWZHHQWKHZRUGVÀUPVXVH to describe themselves and their attitude to clients? Of WKHODUJHVWÀUPVZHVXUYH\HGRQHLQSDUWLFXODUKDG DZHEVLWHWKDWGHVSLWHFRQWDLQLQJDORWRIGHSWKUHDOO\ GLGQ·WVHHPFOLHQWFHQWULFDWDOO²WKHPHVVDJHLWJDYH FRXOGEHEHVWVXPPHGXS¶WKLVLVZKRZHDUHWDNHLW RU OHDYH LW· )XQQLO\ HQRXJK D IHZ ZHHNV ODWHU WKH\ announced their decision to withdraw from managing H[WHUQDOPRQH\« 7KH GLJLWDO HTXDWLRQ LV LPSRUWDQW 0RVW RI WKH PDMRU institutional asset managers formerly known as hedge funds have moved beyond simple landing pages for all but clients to provide a healthy level of detail about their business. The one or two that haven’t done so do at least have LinkedIn pages or similar which give DVXIÀFLHQWRYHUYLHZRIWKHFRPSDQ\SDUWLFXODUO\IRU potential recruits. This latter point is not to be underestimated. The rise of employer review sites such as does more than provide disgruntled former employees the chance to vent their spleen online; it’s also a useful source of information for manager selectors. A bad review on such a site isn’t likely to be a deal breaker (no-one VKRXOGHYHUWDNHWKHPDWIDFHYDOXHEXWLWFDQEHD XVHIXOVRXUFHRIGLIÀFXOWTXHVWLRQVWRDVN6RFLDOPHGLD DQGWKHGLJLWDOZRUOGSURYLGHDQH[FHOOHQWFKDQQHOWR engage and reassure clients once you navigate the UHJXODWRU\ LVVXHV EXW DUH ODUJHO\ XQGHUXWLOLVHG 7KLV continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 34 From our members LVPXFKOHVVWKHFDVHIRUWKRVHORQJRQO\ÀUPVZKR·YH EHHQZRUNLQJWKHLQVWLWXWLRQDOPDUNHWIRUORQJHUDQG it’s time that the gap was closed. 2QH SUREOHP LV WKDW RYHUDOO PXFK RI WKH VDOHV DQG marketing approach from the asset management LQGXVWU\ DSSHDUV UHVROXWHO\ VWXFN LQ WKH V ² PDUNHWLQJDQGSURPRWLRQLVVHHQDVMXVWDVDOHVDLG7KH ZRUOGKDVPRYHGRQDQGWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIDQHPRWLRQDO FRQQHFWLRQZLWKDXGLHQFHVUHPDLQVLPSRUWDQW²DQGD vital counter-balance to the ever increasing emphasis RQGLJLWDO$JDLQWKH¶HPRWLRQDO·DSSURDFKFDQVHHP counter-intuitive to the investment world as it moves DZD\IURPWKHWUDGLWLRQDOSHUIRUPDQFHPHVVDJH²EXW given that few managers achieve really consistent RXWSHUIRUPDQFH IRU DQ\ SHULRG RI WLPH VXUHO\ WKDW·V a good thing. AIMA Journal Q1 2016 35 Global Fund Services A global partner in administration and operations outsourcing services Fund View: One platform, three powerful views Fund View is our enhanced operational management system built exclusively for managing hedge fund and private equity fund middle and back office operations, fund accounting, and investor and regulatory activities. Composed of three modules: Operations View, Accounting View, and Investor View, Fund View provides COOs, CFOs, CCOs, investor relations professionals and other designated users with a comprehensive webbased platform to monitor and analyze operational activities, measure and mitigate operational risk, and maintain and access fund and investor information on a real-time intraday basis. Fund View also provides critical information that can be leveraged by fund directors, operational due diligence analysts, auditors, and other authorized third parties. Fund View provides full lifecycle transparency and reporting across all functions and activities outsourced to Wells Fargo Global Fund Services: · Operations View: middle and back office activities such as trade capture, confirmation, settlement, cash and collateral management, asset servicing and P&L calculations · Accounting View: activities related to NAV calculation and financial statement processing · Investor View: subscription/redemption and capital call/distribution, KYC/AML, and investor accounting and servicing activities Wells Fargo Global Fund Services offers comprehensive fund administration and operations outsourcing services for investment managers, family offices, endowments P]S foundations, and pension funds worldwide. For more information contact or 917-260-1532 or visit Wells Fargo Global Fund Services (“WFGFS”) refers to the fund administration, middle-office and operations services to hedge funds and other alternative investment firms provided by Wells Fargo & Co. and its affiliates. WFGFS (UK) Limited is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, and WFGFS (Ireland) Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Wells Fargo Securities is the trade name for the capital markets and investment banking services of Wells Fargo & Company and its subsidiaries, including but not limited to Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, a member of NYSE, FINRA, NFA and SIPC, Wells Fargo Prime Services, LLC, a member of FINRA, NFA and SIPC, and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC and Wells Fargo Prime Services, LLC are distinct entities from affiliated banks and thrifts. © 2015 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved. WCS-1368101 From our members Implementation considerations within discretionary global macro AIMA SPONSORING PARTNER %\-RVK3DOPHU6HQLRU,QYHVWPHQW $QDO\VW:LOOLV7RZHUV:DWVRQ 3HUKDSV LQ FRQWUDVW WR RWKHU LQYHVWPHQW VWUDWHJLHV discretionary global macro (“macro”) managers cannot be easily categorised into homogeneous groups. Macro IXQGVZLOOYDU\E\DQXPEHURIFKDUDFWHULVWLFVLQFOXGLQJ EXW QRW H[FOXVLYH WR DVVHWFODVV IRFXV JHRJUDSKLFDO IRFXV WUDGLQJ VW\OH WKHPDWLF YHUVXV LGLRV\QFUDWLF investment horizon and structuring sophistication. The focus for a particular manager will of course EH LQÁXHQFHG E\ WKH VNLOO VHW DQG H[SHULHQFH RI WKH portfolio managers and their team. The result is that the portfolio manager will approach WKHPDUNHWVLQWKHLURZQVSHFLÀFVW\OHDQGHDFKIXQG ZLOOEHDQRUJDQLFDJJUHJDWLRQRILWVVSHFLÀFXQGHUO\LQJ GLVFUHWLRQDU\YLHZVDQGVXEVHTXHQWLQYHVWPHQWV7KLV FRXSOHGZLWKWKHVLJQLÀFDQWEUHDGWKRIPDFURWUDGLQJ UHVXOWVLQGLIIHUHQWLDWHGIXQGVHYHQZLWKLQVXEVHWVRI PDFUR²VXFKDVGHYHORSHGPDUNHWV'0PDFUR7KLVLV UHLQIRUFHGE\WKHW\SLFDOO\ORZORQJWHUPFRUUHODWLRQV EHWZHHQPDFURIXQGVDVZHOODVPDFURLQJHQHUDODQG other hedge fund strategies and market betas. As a UHVXOWZHEHOLHYHWKDWPDFURPDQDJHUVZDUUDQWDORQJ term strategic allocation within investors’ portfolios. ,Q ZKDW IROORZV ZH GLVFXVV WKH LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ options available within macro to investors. We start with DM macro and analyse how this sub-strategy has been impacted by the market environment in the past few years. We then argue why the outlook for DM macro appears to be improving and outline how the opportunity set may evolve. Later we discuss emerging market (EM) macro and the evolution of the PDQDJHUOLQHXSDQGRSSRUWXQLW\VHWKHUH:HÀQLVKE\ FRQVLGHULQJ KRZ IRU KLJKHU JRYHUQDQFH LQYHVWRUV DQ allocation to EM macro could supplement that of DM global macro. The case for DM macro $V DOOXGHG WR DERYH ZH EHOLHYH WKDW PDFUR managers warrant a long-term strategic allocation within investors’ portfolios. The strategy provides GLYHUVLÀFDWLRQWKURXJKORZORQJWHUPFRUUHODWLRQVZLWK RWKHU VWUDWHJLHV DQG DVVHW FODVVHV LW WHQGV WR SURÀW in times of rising uncertainty and volatility (due to a VWUXFWXUDOORQJYRODWLOLW\ELDVDQGSURYLGHVVLJQLÀFDQW H[SRVXUHWRVNLOOSUHPLDUDWKHUDQGEXONPDUNHWEHWDV +LVWRULFDOO\ DOORFDWLRQV WR PDFUR KDYH EHHQ WLOWHG WR '0IRUVHYHUDOUHDVRQV)LUVWWKHUHDUHDODUJHQXPEHU of managers with a DM focus possessing strong and long WUDFNUHFRUGV6HFRQGWKHVL]HDQGGHSWKRIOLTXLGLW\ in DM markets create an attractive opportunity set by DOORZLQJ IRU WKH ÁH[LELOLW\ WR UHDFW TXLFNO\ DV PDUNHW drivers change in real-time and macro-economic WUHQGVSOD\RXW7KLUGWKHUHKDVEHHQDODUJHDPRXQW of investor appetite for such strategies historically DLPHGDWGLYHUVLI\LQJDZD\IURP'0EXONEHWDV/DVW DM managers were well established and large and presented much less business risk than EM managers WKDWZHUHJHQHUDOO\VWLOOÀQGLQJWKHLUIHHW +RZHYHU '0 PDFUR KDV QRW IDUHG WRR ZHOO LQ recent years. Part of the reason for the strategy’s underwhelming returns has been the protracted period of quantitative easing and coordinated central bank policy setting across the developed world. This has vastly reduced the opportunity set by anchoring current interest rates close to zero and subsequently reducing uncertainty in the interest-rate-futures market. This has weighed on performance through the UHGXFWLRQLQGLUHFWLRQDODQGDUELWUDJHRSSRUWXQLWLHVDV well as the payoff to trades due to supressed volatility. ,W ZDV GLIÀFXOW WR SUHGLFW WKH H[WHQGHG GXUDWLRQ RI FHQWUDOEDQNFRRUGLQDWLRQ+RZHYHUZHDUHQRZVHHLQJ DVLJQLÀFDQWLPSURYHPHQWLQWKHRSSRUWXQLW\VHWLQWKH IRUPRIVRFDOOHGSROLF\GLYHUJHQFH,QGHHGWKH)HGHUDO 5HVHUYHKDVHPEDUNHGRQLWVÀUVWLQWHUHVWUDWHKLNHLQ QHDUO\ D GHFDGH ZKLOH WKH %DQN RI -DSDQ %R- DQG European Central Bank (ECB) defy the lower bound for interest rates. These opposing monetary policies have created an attractive divergence trade for DM macro PDQDJHUVWRFDSWXUHDVLWGHYHORSV)XUWKHUPRUHWKLV GLYHUJHQFHRIPRQHWDU\SROLF\LVXQOLNHO\WREHVPRRWK continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 37 From our members despite attempts to provide forward guidance- which currently many market participants feel resembles IRUZDUG GHFHSWLRQ. This will further enhance the opportunities for DM macro managers who should be DEOHWRSURÀWIURPWKHLULQVLJKWVWUXFWXULQJVNLOOVDQG broad tool kit across asset classes. ,Q FRQFOXVLRQ WKH RXWORRN IRU '0 PDFUR DSSHDUV WR be improving as the opportunity set evolves. With the EHQHÀWRIKLQGVLJKWDQDOORFDWLRQWR'0PDFURZRXOG not have been the best decision over the last three \HDUVKRZHYHUQRZLVQRWWKHWLPHWRFXWH[SRVXUH The case for EM macro An allocation to EM macro could also be considered by high governance investors as a supplement to their H[LVWLQJ OLNHO\ '0 PDFUR DOORFDWLRQ 7KH HPHUJLQJ markets are becoming increasingly institutionalised DQGOLTXLGEHFRPLQJPRUHVXLWDEOHIRUDGLVFUHWLRQDU\ PDFUR VWUDWHJ\ VLQFH WKLV DOORZV IRU WKH ÁH[LELOLW\ WR react quickly as market drivers change in real time DQGPDFURHFRQRPLFWUHQGVSOD\RXW,QDGGLWLRQWKH broadening and deepening of capital markets allows IRUPRUHVRSKLVWLFDWLRQLQWUDGHH[SUHVVLRQ +RZHYHUWKHPRVWVDOLHQWEHQHÀWRIVXSSOHPHQWLQJ'0 ZLWK(0PDFURLVGLYHUVLÀFDWLRQ*LYHQWKHLUGLIIHULQJ DQG LQFUHDVLQJO\ EURDG RSSRUWXQLW\ VHWV DQG WKH KHWHURJHQHLW\ ZLWKLQ (0 LWVHOI LW LV PXFK OHVV OLNHO\ that both will suffer from the same headwinds such as developed world central bank policy coordination. (YHQ LI WKLV ZHUH WKH FDVH ² VRPH (0 HFRQRPLHV DUH DFWXDOO\ FXWWLQJ LQWHUHVW UDWHV ² WKHUH DUH JUHDWHU LQHIÀFLHQFLHV LQ (0 DV D UHVXOW RI OHVV FRYHUDJH IURP LQYHVWPHQW EDQNV OHVV IRFXV IURP LQYHVWRUV DQG OHVV capital chasing the opportunities. who is immersed in these economies and possesses the requisite skill set. Discretionary macro implementation considerations manager $VGLVFXVVHGHDFKPDFURIXQGLVWKHRUJDQLFDJJUHJDWLRQ RI LWV XQGHUO\LQJ GLVFUHWLRQDU\ RSSRUWXQLVWLF LQYHVWPHQWVZKLFKZLOOEHLQÁXHQFHGE\WKHSDUWLFXODU VNLOOVHWDQGH[SHULHQFHRIWKHSRUWIROLRPDQDJHUVDQG their team. So simply having one DM focused manager GRHV QRW QHFHVVDULO\ SURYLGH H[SRVXUH WR DOO RI WKH RSSRUWXQLW\VHWZLWKLQ'06LPLODUO\KDYLQJH[SRVXUH WRDVLQJOH(0PDFURPDQDJHUZLOOQRWSURYLGHH[SRVXUH to all emerging markets. )RU KLJKHU JRYHUQDQFH FOLHQWV DQ DOORFDWLRQ WR (0 macro could supplement an allocation to DM global PDFUR $V KDV EHHQ DUJXHG WKURXJKRXW '0 DQG (0 macro managers possess very different skill sets and H[SHULHQFHV ZKLFK DUH UHTXLUHG LQ RUGHU WR FDSLWDOLVH on their respective opportunity sets. In times of FHQWUDOEDQNSROLF\FRRUGLQDWLRQLQGHYHORSHGPDUNHWV the EM macro funds can provide alternative return GULYHUV&RQYHUVHO\WKHOLIWRIIIURP]HURUDWHVLQWKH US combined with the ECB and BOJ’s ongoing battle ZLWKGHÁDWLRQLVDQRSSRUWXQLW\QRWWREHPLVVHG MRVKXDSDOPHU#ZLOOLVWRZHUVZDWVRQFRP 7KHUHDUHLVVXHVKRZHYHUDVVRFLDWHGZLWKLQYHVWLQJLQ HPHUJLQJPDUNHWVVXFKDVWKHDYDLODELOLW\DQGTXDOLW\ RI LQIRUPDWLRQ FRPPXQLFDWLRQ EDUULHUV DQG PDUNHW regulations. Therefore we feel it is clear that having a specialist immersed in these economies is critical in order to capitalise on the alpha opportunities and to obtain an edge. 7R VXPPDULVH HPHUJLQJ PDUNHWV RIIHU D ULSH RSSRUWXQLW\ VHW GXH WR WKHLU VFDOH GLYHUVLW\ DQG generally desynchronised business cycles and policy frameworks. However investing in this opportunity set comes with many issues that need to be understood so as to mitigate risk and capitalise on RSSRUWXQLWLHV 7KHUHIRUH IRU DQ LQYHVWPHQW LQ (0 PDFUR ZH UHFRPPHQG KLULQJ D VSHFLDOLVW PDQDJHU AIMA Journal Q1 2016 38 The HedgeFund Intelligence European Summit 2016 25-27 April 2016 Palais de la Bourse, Paris 10% discount available for AIMA members Visit our website for more information Europe’s leading alternative investment event that brings together the global hedge fund business for high-level discussions, insights and networking For more information contact Simon Miley T: +44 (0) 20 7556 6033 E: We are delighted to invite institutional investors to attend free of charge From our members MiFID II and paying for research: To bundle or unbundle? That is no longer the question AIMA SPONSORING PARTNER %\ 6HDQ 6WHLQPHW] *OREDO +HDG RI 0DQDJHG %URNHUDJH 6HUYLFHV %ORRPEHUJ 7UDGHERRN DQG $QGUHZ (]HNLHO (0($ &RPPLVVLRQ 0DQDJHPHQW 6SHFLDOLVW Bloomberg Tradebook The European Commission’s (EC) draft of MiFID II GHOHJDWHG DFWV ZKLFK ZDV OHDNHG LQ 'HFHPEHU caused a stir regarding the use of commission sharing arrangements (CSAs) in paying for research going IRUZDUG :KLOH WKH ÀQDO GUDIWV DUH QRW H[SHFWHG WR be released until later this year and each individual national regulator will still need to make its own LQWHUSUHWDWLRQWKHOHDNHGGRFXPHQWSURPSWHGLQGXVWU\ VSHFXODWLRQWKDW&6$VPD\EHDOORZHGWRFRH[LVWZLWK research payment accounts (RPAs) in a post MiFID II environment. Regulators are seeking greater transparency throughout WKHWUDGLQJSURFHVVSDUWRIZKLFKZLOOHQWDLOVHSDUDWLQJ the costs of trading activity from research spend. The concept of unbundling is now very much on the table. +RZHYHULWLVLPSRUWDQWWRXQGHUVWDQGWKHGLVWLQFWLRQ EHWZHHQ&6$V53$VDQGKRZEXQGOLQJYVXQEXQGOLQJ works in practice. A CSA breaks down the commission a buy-side ÀUP GLUHFWV WR LWV EURNHUV LQWR D GLVWLQFW H[HFXWLRQ component and a distinct research (CSA) component. 7KLV DOORZV D EX\VLGH ÀUP WR XVH WKH &6$V DFFUXHG with its brokers to pay for research from a provider RI FKRLFH LQFOXGLQJ LQGHSHQGHQW UHVHDUFK KRXVHV 3ULRU WR &6$V DQ\ SDUWLFXODU SLHFH RI UHVHDUFK GLG QRWQHFHVVDULO\KDYHDQDEVROXWHSULFH)RUH[DPSOH LI FRPPLVVLRQ UDWHV UHPDLQHG XQFKDQJHG EXW D ÀUP WUDGHGPRUHWKLV\HDUWKDQODVW\HDUHVVHQWLDOO\ they would pay 50% more for the same research service. MiFID II has proposed the creation of RPAs ZKLFK ZRXOG DOORZ ÀUPV WR VHW DQ DEVROXWH PRQHWDU\ budget to pay for their research to help divorce the relationship between trading activity and research spend. Reviewing the language that ESMA and the EC KDYHXVHGWRGHVFULEHDQ53$LWLVSRVVLEOHWRFRQFOXGH that an RPA is merely an enhanced CSA. RPAs could also be interpreted as separate accounts. &XUUHQWO\ EX\VLGH ÀUPV KDYH VHYHUDO ZD\V WR SD\ for research—depending on their approach to the “unbundling” of the relationship with their broker. $ ÀUP WKDW KDV D EXQGOHG DSSURDFK SD\V RQH UDWH RI commission to its broker and essentially receives its research as an add-on. Regulators are looking to bring PRUH WUDQVSDUHQF\ WR WKLV SURFHVV VLQFH EXQGOHG commission and research spend do not provide clarity on the actual cost of the research. 8QEXQGOLQJ LV WKH SURFHVV E\ ZKLFK D ÀUP VHSDUDWHV LWV H[HFXWLRQ FRPPLVVLRQV IURP LWV UHVHDUFK VSHQG ,W will generally use CSAs or other mechanisms to manage WKDW SURFHVV 0DQ\ ÀUPV XVH WKH &6$ PHFKDQLVP WR build up a research “pot” during the early part of a \HDUDQGWKHQVZLWFKWR´H[HFXWLRQRQO\µFRPPLVVLRQ rates once an acceptable research budget has been HVWDEOLVKHG2WKHUEX\VLGHÀUPVVHWXS&6$DFFRXQWV ZLWKDVPDQ\RIWKHLUH[HFXWLQJEURNHUVDVSRVVLEOHLQ RUGHUWRVDWLVI\WKHLURZQOLTXLGLW\RU´EHVWH[HFXWLRQµ UHTXLUHPHQWV &OHDUO\ WKLV OHDGV WR FRQIXVLRQ DERXW the various options available. We recently conducted a survey of over 100 European buy-side clients to gauge market sentiment around some of these issues. Of those respondents whose ÀUPVSD\IRUUHVHDUFKDUHSUHVHQWO\SD\LQJZLWK bundled commissions VRPHWKLQJ WKDW ZLOO QRW OLNHO\ be possible once MiFID II is implemented. It will be LQWHUHVWLQJ WR VHH KRZ WKHVH ÀUPV DGDSW WKH\ FRXOG LQVWLWXWH &6$V RU 53$V SD\ GLUHFWO\ IURP WKHLU RZQ UHVRXUFHV RU SRVVLEO\ VWRS SD\LQJ IRU UHVHDUFK DOO together. DUH SD\LQJ IRU UHVHDUFK XVLQJ PDLQO\ CSAsDQGKDYHWKHUHIRUHDOUHDG\PDGHVWULGHVWRZDUG continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 40 From our members XQEXQGOLQJ²D VWHS FORVHU WR ZKDW WKH UHJXODWRUV DUH looking for. When asked if their interpretation of the MiFID II drafts mean that research payment accounts will allow for &6$V D PDMRULW\ RI UHVSRQGHQWV ³ ³ GLGQ·W know. This underscores the level of uncertainty in the market and also the reluctance to make decisions until PRUH FODULW\ LV RIIHUHG RQ WKH ÀQDO UHOHDVH KDYH not considered how they will pay for research once the new regulation is implemented. 7KH SDWK WR FRPSOLDQFH ZLOO EH VPRRWKHVW IRU 8.² EDVHG ÀUPV ZKHUH &6$V KDYH EHHQ LQ SODFH VLQFH 7KURXJKRXW PXFK RI FRQWLQHQWDO (XURSH ORFDO UHJXODWRUV VWLOO GR QRW HQGRUVH &6$V VR EXQGOHG commissions are much more common. Despite the ODFNRIFODULW\ZHWKLQNWKDWÀUPVVKRXOGH[DPLQHWKH EHQHÀWV RI WKRURXJKO\ EXGJHWLQJ DQG DFFRXQWLQJ IRU their research spend before the regulations come into force. Irrespective of whether CSAs do eventually gain FOHDUDQFH UHJXODWRUV ZLOO FHUWDLQO\ UHTXLUH LQFUHDVHG DFFRXQWDELOLW\DQGDWWULEXWLRQLQVRPHZD\$GGLWLRQDOO\ there are savings to be made. With the microscope on buy-side research spend and a movement away from EXQGOHGFRVWVZHDQWLFLSDWHWKHWRWDOVSHQGE\ÀUPV on research to decrease. 80% of our survey respondents DJUHHGH[SHFWLQJWKHLUWRWDODPRXQWSDLGIRUUHVHDUFK to either stay the same or decrease. :LWK DOO WKH DERYH IDFWRUV LQ PLQG LQYHVWPHQW managers will need to start evaluating budgeting tools that can help them meet their research transparency requirements. Firms will also need clear audit trails and the ability to provide full disclosure to their end-clients in order to demonstrate how they are staying MiFID IIcompliant. Further attribution and accountability are the underlying themes of the new regulation. Tools that help investment managers in that process will be necessary moving forward. AIMA Journal Q1 2016 41 The Pulse of Fintech, 2015 in Review Global Analysis of Fintech Venture Funding March 9, 2016 © 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. From our members ,PSOHPHQWLQJ 6)75 ² ZKDW LV required for hedge fund managers? AIMA SPONSORING PARTNER %\2ZHQ/\VDN6HQLRU$VVRFLDWH&OLIIRUG &KDQFH DQG -DFTXHOLQH -RQHV 6HQLRU 3URIHVVLRQDO 6XSSRUW /DZ\HU &OLIIRUG &KDQFH A new European regulation has come into force which will be important for EU and third country hedge funds HQJDJLQJ LQ VHFXULWLHV ÀQDQFLQJ WUDQVDFWLRQV VXFK DV UHSR DQG VHFXULWLHV OHQGLQJ RU WUDQVDFWLRQV ZKLFK involve the reuse of collateral. 7KH 6HFXULWLHV )LQDQFLQJ 7UDQVDFWLRQV 5HJXODWLRQ RU 6)75DVLWLVNQRZQFDPHLQWRIRUFHLQ-DQXDU\ LPSRVLQJQHZUXOHVPRVWEXWQRWDOORIZKLFKZLOO EHSKDVHGLQRYHUWKHQH[WWZR\HDUVRUVR This article focuses on the key requirements for hedge fund managers and highlights some of the issues that need to be addressed by the market as it moves towards implementation. SFTR requirements The SFTR imposes requirements in three keys areas: • • • In relation to the re-use of collateral received through a security or title transfer collateral arrangement; Disclosure to investor requirements for managers of UCITS and AIFs; 7UDGHUHSRUWLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVWRDWUDGHUHSRVLWRU\ following the model in EMIR. 3HUKDSV VXUSULVLQJO\ JLYHQ LWV QDPH WKH UHJXODWLRQ LV QRW UHVWULFWHG WR VHFXULWLHV ÀQDQFLQJ WUDQVDFWLRQV as it also applies in some instances to commodities ÀQDQFLQJ WUDQVDFWLRQV WR WRWDO UHWXUQ VZDSV DQG WR any transaction where collateral is received under securities or title transfer collateral arrangements. This is because the scope of the three key UHTXLUHPHQWVGLIIHUVDSSO\LQJWRGLIIHUHQWWUDGHVRUWR different parties. 7KH VWDUWLQJ SRLQW WKHUHIRUH LV IRU PDQDJHUV WR give the scope requirements of the SFTR careful consideration. SFTR highlights Ⱦ Ⱦ Ⱦ Ⱦ Ⱦ Ⱦ Ⱦ Ⱦ Ⱦ 1HZLQIRUPDWLRQDQGH[HFXWLRQFRQGLWLRQV on the reuse of securities collateral Disclosure requirements on the use of SFTs and total return swaps by fund managers to fund investors New requirements to report SFTs to a trade repository by T+1 SSOLHV WR ÀQDQFLDO DQG QRQÀQDQFLDO counterparties and fund managers Applies to a broad range of transactions in DGGLWLRQ WR 6)7V ² GHULYDWLYHV FROODWHUDO total return swaps and some commodities ÀQDQFHWUDQVDFWLRQV ([WUDWHUULWRULDOVFRSH 9HU\OLPLWHGH[HPSWLRQV Phased implementation of most requirements Some requirements (e.g. record-keeping and pre-contractual disclosure for new funds) apply from 12 January 2016 Disclosure to investor requirements (Article 13 and 14) The SFTR requires EU authorised managers of UCITS and AIFs to make disclosures with respect to SFTs and total return swaps. Managers must make detailed disclosure through: • Periodic reports: including disclosure of certain SUHVFULEHG LQIRUPDWLRQ LQ WKH VL[ PRQWKO\ DQG annual reports required under the UCITS Directive or the annual report required under the AIFMD; • Pre-contract disclosure: including disclosure of FHUWDLQ SUHVFULEHG LQIRUPDWLRQ LQ WKH SURVSHFWXV as required under the UCITS Directive or relevant pre-contractual/offering documentation required under the AIFMD. continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 43 From our members Managers already have to comply with the precontractual requirements in respect of funds FRQVWLWXWHGDIWHU-DQXDU\ZKLFKZDVWKHGD\ WKH6)75FDPHLQWRIRUFH)XQGVDOUHDG\LQH[LVWHQFH do not have to comply until 13 July 2017 because of the transitional provisions. For the periodic disclosure UHTXLUHPHQWVWKHUHLVDPRQWKJUDFHSHULRGIRUERWK QHZDQGH[LVWLQJIXQGVVRPDQDJHUVZLOOKDYHXQWLO -DQXDU\ WR FRPSO\ DOWKRXJK WKH\ ZLOO QHHG WR start thinking about those requirements now to ensure that they are capturing the required information for the coming year. 1RWVXUSULVLQJO\WKHLVVXHVZKLFKKDYHHPHUJHGVRIDU FRQFHUQ WKH SUHFRQWUDFWXDO GLVFORVXUH UHTXLUHPHQWV as they already apply for 'new' funds. Questions have EHHQ UDLVHG DERXW ZKDW WKLV PHDQV LQ SUDFWLFH DQG LQ SDUWLFXODU ZKHWKHU QHZ VXEIXQGV LQ DQ H[LVWLQJ umbrella structure would be able to take advantage of the grandfathering provisions. It appears that national regulators have different views on this. It is reported that the current view of the UK FCA is that the pre-contractual disclosure (prospectus) requirements in article 14 apply to all new sub-funds RI 8&,76 DQG $,)V DV ZHOO DV HQWLUHO\ QHZ VFKHPHV ZKHUHDV RWKHU UHJXODWRUV IRU H[DPSOH WKH &66) LQ /X[HPERXUJ KDYH WDNHQ WKH RSSRVLWH YLHZ VR WKDW QHZVXEIXQGVRIDQXPEUHOODVWUXFWXUHZKLFKH[LVWHG before the SFTR came into force will be grandfathered. Managers have also been considering the level of detail that has to be included in pre-contractual GLVFORVXUHV7KH6)75LQVHFWLRQ%RIWKH$QQH[OLVWV WKHLQIRUPDWLRQWREHSURYLGHGWRLQYHVWRUVEXWJLYHV no indication of the level of detail required. ESMA may develop RTS in respect of periodical reports and pre-contractual disclosure by managers of UCITS and $,)V EXW QR WLPHOLQH LV VSHFLÀHG IRU WKHVH DV WKH\ are optional. These means that managers will need to reach a view on an appropriate level of detail and it ZRXOGEHEHQHÀFLDOIRUWKHPDUNHWWRFRPHXSZLWKD consistent approach to this. 5HXVHRIFROODWHUDO$UWLFOH 7KH6)75LPSRVHVFRQGLWLRQVRQWKHUHXVHRIÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWVSURYLGHGDVFROODWHUDO)URP-XO\DOO FRXQWHUSDUWLHV QRW MXVW ÀQDQFLDO LQWHUPHGLDULHV ZLOO KDYHWKHULJKWWRUHXVHÀQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWVUHFHLYHG as collateral under a security or title transfer collateral arrangement only if the disclosure and consent SURYLVLRQV LQ WKH 6)75 DUH VDWLVÀHG (YHQ LI WKRVH FRQGLWLRQV DUH VDWLVÀHG VR WKDW D SDUW\ KDV WKH ULJKW WR UHXVH FROODWHUDO WKHUH LV PRUH WR EH GRQH DV WKH SFTR also stipulates additional conditions which apply WR WKH H[HUFLVH RI DQ\ ULJKW RI UHXVH QDPHO\ WKDW the reuse must be undertaken in accordance with the WHUPVRIWKHFROODWHUDODUUDQJHPHQWDQGWKHÀQDQFLDO instruments received under a collateral arrangement must be transferred from the account of the providing counterparty. The requirements on reuse of collateral in Article 15 DUH EURDG 7KH\ DSSO\ WR FRXQWHUSDUWLHV ZKLFK LV any 'undertaking' established in the EU or in a third FRXQWU\WKDWUHFHLYHVFROODWHUDOZLWKDULJKWRIUHXVH The requirements apply to counterparties established in the EU even if they are acting through a branch outside the EU. 7KH\ DOVR DSSO\ H[WUDWHUULWRULDOO\ WR QRQ(8 FRXQWHUSDUWLHVEXWRQO\LIWKH\DUHUHFHLYLQJFROODWHUDO from counterparties established in the EU or if the non-EU counterparty is acting through a branch in the EU. Also notable the scope of the reuse provisions LV ZLGHU WKDQ MXVW 6)7V DV WKH\ DSSO\ WR WKH UHXVH RIVHFXULWLHVDQGRWKHUÀQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWVSURYLGHG as collateral under all security and title transfer FROODWHUDO DUUDQJHPHQWV LQ DQ\ FRQWH[W QRW MXVW LQ WKHFRQWH[WRI6)7V 7KHUH DUH OLPLWHG H[HPSWLRQV HJ WKH UHXVH requirements will not apply to members of the (XURSHDQ6\VWHPRI&HQWUDO%DQNV(6&%EXWWKLVGRHV not apply to both sides of the trade as counterparties UHFHLYLQJ FROODWHUDO IURP H[HPSW HQWLWLHV PXVW VWLOO comply with the reuse requirements. ,QRUGHUWRJLYHWKHPDUNHWWLPHWRSUHSDUHWKHUHXVH UHTXLUHPHQWV ZLOO WDNH HIIHFW VL[ PRQWKV DIWHU WKH 6)75FRPHVLQWRIRUFHRQ-XO\+RZHYHUWKH UHTXLUHPHQWVZLOOKDYHUHWURDFWLYHHIIHFWDVWKH\ZLOO DOVR DSSO\ WR FROODWHUDO DUUDQJHPHQWV H[LVWLQJ RQ WKH date the reuse requirements take effect. The SFTR reuse requirements will impact hedge funds e.g. through their repo activity or prime brokerage arrangements. The main focus for the market now is on ensuring that there is adequate disclosure to providing FRXQWHUSDUWLHVDVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVVHHPOLNHO\WRJR EH\RQGH[LVWLQJGLVFORVXUHV,QGXVWU\DVVRFLDWLRQVKDYH collaborated to prepare market standard disclosures ZKLFKZRXOGEHVHQWWRH[LVWLQJFRXQWHUSDUWLHVEHIRUH the new rules come into effect and incorporated into new arrangements going forward. Aside from the ZRUGLQJ RI WKH GLVFORVXUHV WKH PDUNHW LV WKLQNLQJ continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 44 From our members DERXWWKHORJLVWLFDOH[HUFLVHRIPDNLQJWKHGLVFORVXUHV DFKDOOHQJHLQLWVHOIDQGLVDLPLQJIRUDVDFRQVLVWHQW approach as possible across the market. Reporting to trade repositories (Article 4) The SFTR reporting regime generally follows the model IRUGHULYDWLYHVUHSRUWLQJXQGHU(0,58QGHUWKH6)75 ERWK SDUWLHV WR D WUDGH ZKHWKHU WKH\ DUH ÀQDQFLDO RU QRQÀQDQFLDO FRXQWHUSDUWLHV ZLOO KDYH WR UHSRUW QHZ PRGLÀHG RU WHUPLQDWHG 6)7V WR D UHJLVWHUHG RU recognised trade repository by T+1 and must maintain UHFRUGV RI 6)7V IRU DW OHDVW ÀYH \HDUV IROORZLQJ WKH termination of the transaction. UCITS managers and AIFMs will have to report on behalf of their funds. The reporting requirements apply to counterparties HVWDEOLVKHG LQ WKH (8 LQFOXGLQJ WKHLU EUDQFKHV RXWVLGHWKH(8DQGWR(8EUDQFKHVRIWKLUGFRXQWU\ FRXQWHUSDUWLHV7KHUHLVKRZHYHUVRPHXQFHUWDLQW\ as to the application of the reporting requirements WR$,)VLQSDUWLFXODUZKHUHDQRQ(8$,)LVPDQDJHG by an EU AIFM. It seems likely that these queries will be resolved by FAQs in the two to three years before the reporting obligation would apply to these HQWLWLHV(60$LVH[SHFWHGWRFRQVXOWRQWKHUHSRUWLQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV RI $UWLFOH LQ WKH VSULQJ RI VR more information on the reporting requirements may be forthcoming shortly. 7RDOORZWKHPDUNHWVXIÀFLHQWWLPHWRSUHSDUHIRU6)75 UHSRUWLQJ WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV ZLOO EH SKDVHGLQ RYHU D period of between 12 and 21 months after the detailed rules (known as Regulatory Technical Standards or RTS) for trade reporting come into force and thus the full requirements are known. The length of the transitional period will vary depending on the type of UHSRUWLQJFRXQWHUSDUW\ZLWK8&,76DQG$,)VKDYLQJ PRQWKV1RQÀQDQFLDOFRXQWHUSDUWLHVZLOOQRWQHHGWR begin reporting their trades until 21 months after the relevant RTS comes into force. reported to the trade repository and further detail will be provided in the RTS and ITS to be adopted under the SFTR. These will need to ensure consistency with the reporting regime under EMIR and internationally agreed VWDQGDUGV LQ SDUWLFXODU WKH 6WDQGDUGV DQG 3URFHVVHV for Global Securities Financing Data Collection and Aggregation published by the FSB (November 2015). +RZHYHURWKHUUHJXODWRU\RUVXSHUYLVRU\DXWKRULWLHV such as the ECB are introducing SFT reporting regimes LQDGGLWLRQWR6)75DQGWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRYHUODSWR a degree. This is challenging from an implementation SHUVSHFWLYH DQG ZRXOG OHDG WR LQHIÀFLHQFLHV VR the industry is working with regulators to develop a consistent approach to the interpretation of the requirements and the collection of data in order to comply with as little duplication of effort as possible. Implementation $OWKRXJK OHVV H[WHQVLYH WKDQ RWKHU UHFHQW UHJXODWRU\ UHIRUPV PRVW QRWDEO\ 0L),' WKH 6)75 QRQHWKHOHVV SUHVHQWVVLJQLÀFDQWFRPSOLDQFHFKDOOHQJHV$WWKHFRUH ZLOOEHLGHQWLI\LQJLQVFRSHHQWLWLHVDQGWUDQVDFWLRQV which may require systems build and establishing internal processes e.g. to capture all new in-scope FROODWHUDODUUDQJHPHQWVE\-XO\6RPHVROXWLRQV such as those for the collateral re-use disclosures and UHSRUWLQJZRXOGEHRSWLPDOLIWKH\DSSOLHGDFURVVWKH PDUNHW VR HIIRUWV E\ WKH WUDGH DVVRFLDWLRQV WR ZRUN collaboratively on this are to be welcomed. In some FDVHV QRWDEO\ WUDGH UHSRUWLQJ IXUWKHU UHJXODWRU\ guidance will be required before the issues can be fully resolved. It is hoped that further clarity will be provided as the Level 2 process unfolds. MDFTXHOLQHMRQHV#FOLIIRUGFKDQFHFRP ,Q FRQWUDVW WR WKH UHSRUWLQJ UHTXLUHPHQW WKHUH ZLOO be no grace period for record-keeping. Counterparties must comply with the record-keeping obligation from 12 January 2016.This may be onerous for entities that FXUUHQWO\GRQRWNHHSUHFRUGVRI6)7VLQWKLVZD\HYHQ though the SFTR does not specify a particular form or content requirements for these records. $OWKRXJKVWLOOVRPHZD\RIILWLVDOUHDG\FOHDUWKDWWKHUH are a number of issues around SFT reporting. Much of these relate to overlapping reporting requirements. The SFTR sets out the information that must be AIMA Journal Q1 2016 45 More Tier 1 rankings than any other firm “They are excellent to work with; the senior people are very hands-on. I appreciate their willingness to thrash out ideas and come up with solutions that work.” Chambers Global 2015: Investment Funds We also advise funds on direct lending, acquisitions and disposals across the M&A, private equity, real estate and infrastructure sectors, accessing financing, derivatives and structured products transactions, as well as regulatory, tax, employment and litigation advice. We have dedicated funds and investment management resource across key jurisdictions, including Amsterdam, Beijing, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, New York, Paris, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo. Key Contacts Mark Shipman Global Head of Funds & Investment Management T: +852 2825 8992 E: mark.shipman@ Cliff Cone Partner, New York T: +1 212 878 3180 E: clifford.cone@ Simon Crown Partner, London T: +44 20 7006 2944 E: Paul Van den Abeele Partner, Luxembourg T: +352 485050 478 E: paul.vandenabeele@ Clifford Chance shares a global commitment to dignity, diversity and inclusiveness. Clifford Chance LLP Our funds and investment management group is recognised as an industry leader with unequalled experience in all aspects of fund establishment and operation, including structuring and formation, advising on marketing and investor negotiations, advisor remuneration, tax structuring (including carried interest arrangements), regulatory advisory, custody and back-office services and listing of fund vehicles. We maintain involvement with fund managers throughout the lifecycle of their funds, advising on operational issues, restructurings and exits and working closely with our leading private equity transactional and acquisition finance teams. We are experienced in dealing with large global investors and are adept at negotiating with these investors on behalf of our clients. From our members 7KHFKDQJLQJODQGVFDSHRIPDMRUVKDUHKROGLQJUHSRUWLQJLQ(XURSH %\&ODLUH)DUOH\+HDGRI5HJXODWRU\3URGXFWV$OOHQ2YHU\//3DRVSKHUH The rules across Europe requiring disclosure by LQYHVWRUV RI PDMRU VKDUHKROGLQJV DUH FXUUHQWO\ undergoing the most comprehensive set of revisions since the Transparency Directive came into force in PHPEHU VWDWHV LQ %X\VLGH FRPSOLDQFH RIÀFHUV are likely to need to increase their focus on this area while member states switch over to the new disclosure requirements and on an on-going basis as a result of the greater reach of the rules and heightened sanctions when things go wrong. Background 7KH 7UDQVSDUHQF\ 'LUHFWLYH (& 7' together with implementing Commission Directive (& KDV VHW RXW WKH IUDPHZRUN IRU PDMRU shareholding disclosures across Europe since it came into force in member states in 2007. The TD FRQWDLQHGWKHWZLQREMHFWLYHVRILQFUHDVLQJWKHPDUNHW WUDQVSDUHQF\RIPDMRUSRVLWLRQVLQLVVXHUVZKRVHVKDUHV are traded on an EU regulated market and establishing a harmonised requirement across Europe for investors WRQRWLI\PDMRUSRVLWLRQV It became increasingly apparent that these twin REMHFWLYHV ZHUH QRW EHLQJ PHW )LUVW WKHUH ZHUH variations in member states’ rules from the outset resulting from the way member states transposed the provisions of the TD into national law and elected to H[FHHGWKHWHUPVRIWKH7'DSUDFWLFHNQRZQDVJROG SODWLQJ 6HFRQG LQQRYDWLRQ LQ ÀQDQFLDO PDUNHWV OHG to the creation of new instruments that gave investors HFRQRPLFH[SRVXUHWRLVVXHUVWKHGLVFORVXUHRIZKLFK was never contemplated by the TD. A number of highSURÀOHFDVHVKLJKOLJKWHGWKDWFDVKVHWWOHGLQVWUXPHQWV FRXOGEHXVHGWRVHFUHWO\DFTXLUHSRVLWLRQVSRWHQWLDOO\ resulting in market abuse and a false and misleading picture of economic ownership. In an attempt to shut WKH GRRU RQ VXFK SUDFWLFHV VHYHUDO PHPEHU VWDWHV implemented piecemeal changes to their national UXOHVUHVXOWLQJLQDIXUWKHUIUDJPHQWDWLRQRIWKHUXOHV ZKLFK LV VLPLODU WR WKDW H[SHULHQFHG ZKHQ KROGLQJ shares. It also introduces other important changes WR LQFUHDVH KDUPRQLVDWLRQ RI WKH PDMRU VKDUHKROGLQJ disclosure rules across Europe [VHH ER[ RQ IROORZLQJ page]. Financial instruments with similar economic effect 7KH SUH7'$ SRVLWLRQ UHTXLUHG GLVFORVXUH RI PDMRU positions in (1) voting shares of issuers which are admitted to trading on an EU regulated market (“inVFRSH VKDUHVµ DQG ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWV ZKLFK JLYHWKHKROGHUDQHQWLWOHPHQWWRDFTXLUHDWLWVRZQ RSWLRQ LQVFRSH VKDUHV 7KH 7'$ KDV H[SDQGHG WKH VFRSH RI GLVFORVDEOH ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWV WR LQFOXGH ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWV ZLWK D VLPLODU HFRQRPLF HIIHFW WR KROGLQJ VKDUHV RU HQWLWOHPHQWV WR DFTXLUH VKDUHV whether cash-settled or physically-settled1. Both the TDA and ESMA provide lists of instruments that may EH GLVFORVDEOH DV HLWKHU ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWV JLYLQJ DQ HQWLWOHPHQW WR DFTXLUH RU ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWV with similar economic effect. Although these lists DUH KHOSIXO WR VRPH H[WHQW WZR OLVWV DUH EHWWHU WKDQ QRQH"ERWKDUHLQGLFDWLYHRQO\DVDQLQVWUXPHQWZKLFK is not on the lists may nevertheless be disclosable if its FKDUDFWHULVWLFV VDWLVI\ WKRVH RI D GLVFORVDEOH ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQW DQG FRQYHUVHO\ DQ LQVWUXPHQW ZKLFK LV included on the lists might not be disclosable. In DGGLWLRQQHLWKHUOLVWVSHFLÀHVWKHFDWHJRU\RIÀQDQFLDO instrument into which a particular instrument may fall. This distinction is important in practice because WKH GLVFORVXUH QRWLÀFDWLRQ PXVW LQFOXGH D EUHDNGRZQ by instrument type across the three categories of GLVFORVDEOH LQVWUXPHQWV ² VKDUHV HQWLWOHPHQWV WR acquire and instruments with similar economic effect - as well as distinguishing between cash-settled and SK\VLFDOO\VHWWOHGÀQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV2. To determine whether an instrument is a disclosable ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQW DQG LI VR ZKDW W\SH D KROGHU Closing the loophole The Amending Transparency Directive (2013/50/EU) (TDA) seeks to close off this loophole across all member VWDWHVDQGUHTXLUHVGLVFORVXUHRIÀQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV WKDWJLYHLQYHVWRUVDQHFRQRPLFH[SRVXUHWRDQLVVXHU 1 Article 13(1)(b) of the amended TD 2 Articles 13(1) and 13a of the amended TD continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 47 From our members $PHQGHG7'QRWLÀFDWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWVDVKROGLQJVLQVKDUHVDQGÀQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV change Day Position of direct/indirect holdings of voting rights (Art 9/10)* Position in ÀQDQFLDO instruments (Art 13) Total position (Art 13a) 1RWLÀFDWLRQ required? Threshold triggered according to which basket $UW 13a)? 1 7% - 7% Yes Art 9/10 2 7% 2% 9% No - 3 8% 4% 12% Yes Art 13a(1) 4 H[HUFLVH RIÀQDQFLDO instrument) 1% 12% Yes Art 9/10 5 8% 6% 14% Yes Art 9/10 Art 13 6 8% 4% 12% Yes Art 13 7 H[HUFLVH RIÀQDQFLDO instrument) 3% 12% No - 8 9% 7% 16% Yes Art 13 Art 13a(1) 9 12% 7% 19% Yes Art 9/10 )RUFRQYHQLHQFHKROGLQJVXQGHU$UWLFOHDQGDUHQRWVHSDUDWHO\UHSUHVHQWHG 7KLVLVDQH[DPSOHRI$UWLFOHDZKHUHWKHKROGHUDFTXLUHVWKHXQGHUO\LQJVKDUHVRIWKHÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWDQGFURVVHVRUUHDFKHVDWKUHVKROGODLGGRZQE\$UWLFOHDQGKDVWRPDNHDGLVFORVXUHDFFRUGLQJO\ 6RXUFH(60$4$VRQ7UDQVSDUHQF\'LUHFWLYHGDWHG2FWREHU should start by considering whether the instrument VDWLVÀHV WKH FULWHULD RI D ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQW WKDW gives an entitlement to acquire3. If the answer is QR EHFDXVH IRU H[DPSOH WKH LQVWUXPHQW FRQWDLQV conditions the satisfaction of which are outside the FRQWURO RI WKH KROGHU RU LV H[FOXVLYHO\ FDVKVHWWOHG the holder should then go on to consider whether WKH LQVWUXPHQW LV D ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQW ZLWK VLPLODU economic effect4. $GLVFORVXUHLVUHTXLUHGLIDWRWDOVKDUHVRUEWRWDO ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWV RU F WRWDO VKDUHV DQG WRWDO 3 Article 13(1)(a) of the amended TD 4 Article 13(1)(b) of the amended TD ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWV WULJJHU D WKUHVKROG 1RW DOO member states currently require aggregation of shares DQGÀQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWV5VRLQYHVWRUVZLOOQHHGWRUH assess their holdings post-TDA to see if their positions trip an aggregated threshold. ESMA has produced a KHOSIXO WDEOH RI ZRUNHG H[DPSOHV LOOXVWUDWLQJ ZKHQ QRWLÀFDWLRQV DUH UHTXLUHG DV KROGLQJV LQ VKDUHV DQG ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWV FKDQJH >VHH WDEOH RQ IROORZLQJ page]. The number of voting rights attributable to ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWV ZKLFK SURYLGH H[FOXVLYHO\ IRU D FDVKVHWWOHPHQWLVFDOFXODWHGRQDGHOWDDGMXVWHGEDVLV DQG IRU DOO RWKHU ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWV LV FDOFXODWHG using the full notional amount of shares underlying the instrument. )RUH[DPSOH&\SUXV/X[HPERXUJDQG6SDLQ continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 48 From our members Other Key Changes • • • • Mandatory availability of trading book H[HPSWLRQ$OOPHPEHUVWDWHVDUHUHTXLUHG WR RSHUDWH D WUDGLQJ ERRN H[HPSWLRQ (previously trading book was not available in all member states ). ESMA’s Final Report on draft Regulatory Technical Standards contains very helpful commentary on horizontal and vertical aggregation rules for both the trading book and market PDNLQJH[HPSWLRQV 1R VWDQGDORQH FOLHQW VHUYLQJ H[HPSWLRQ ESMA did not consider itself mandated by the TDA to establish a standalone client VHUYLQJ H[HPSWLRQ DQG FRQFOXGHG WKDW WKHWUDGLQJERRNH[HPSWLRQVKRXOGKDYHD double function - the initial purpose it was designed for and also to cover client-serving WUDQVDFWLRQV 7KH VWDQGDORQH H[HPSWLRQV in Germany and the UK have been removed WRUHÁHFWWKLVSRVLWLRQ ([LVWLQJ H[HPSWLRQV DSSO\ WR LQVWUXPHQWV ZLWK VLPLODU HFRQRPLF HIIHFW ([LVWLQJ H[HPSWLRQV XQGHU WKH 7' VXFK DV WKH disaggregation rules for parents of management companies and investment ÀUPVDSSO\HTXDOO\WRYRWLQJULJKWVKHOGYLD ÀQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWVZLWKVLPLODUHFRQRPLF effect. Heightened sanctions: Sanctions for breach of the shareholding disclosure rules have EHHQ VWUHQJWKHQHG DQG LQFOXGH ÀQHV RI up to EUR 10 million or 5% of total annual turnover; or up to twice the amounts of SURÀWV JDLQHG IURP WKH EUHDFK ZKLFKHYHU LV WKH KLJKHU ZLWK VXVSHQVLRQ RI YRWLQJ rights in the most serious cases. WR WKH EDVNHWLQGH[ ZLWK RWKHU VKDUHV RU ÀQDQFLDO instruments it may have in respect of the same XQGHUO\LQJLVVXHULHDGLVFORVXUHLVQRWDXWRPDWLFDOO\ triggered if either the 1% or 20% threshold is met. There LV QR UHTXLUHPHQW WR GLVFORVH ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQWV referenced to a series of baskets/indices which are XQGHUWKHWKUHVKROGVLQGLYLGXDOO\EXWZRXOGH[FHHGWKH thresholds if aggregated. Securities lending transactions A lender who transfers securities to a borrower with the right to reacquire on maturity the loaned securities has a disclosable entitlement to acquire shares under Article 13(1)(a) of the amended TD. This is not new. The original TD position captured rights of recall as entitlements to acquire but their treatment was VXEMHFW WR QDWLRQDO YDULDWLRQ UHVXOWLQJ LQ DQ XQHYHQ disclosure position across Europe. ESMA acknowledged the resulting uncertainty regarding regulatory practices in this area in its Final Report on draft Regulatory Technical Standards6 and the TDA includes the right RIUHFDOOLQWKHOLVWRIÀQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWVZKLFKDUH VXEMHFW WR QRWLÀFDWLRQ UHTXLUHPHQWV FODULI\LQJ WKDW LUUHVSHFWLYHRISUHYLRXVUHJXODWRU\SUDFWLFHWKHULJKW WRUHFDOOVKDUHVLVVXEMHFWWRGLVFORVXUH 6WDWHRIÁX[ Although the deadline for transposition of the TDA by member states into national law has passed7 implementation of the new disclosure rules by member VWDWHV UHPDLQV SDWFK\ $V DW -DQXDU\ member states8 have transposed the TDA into their QDWLRQDOOHJLVODWLRQWZRPHPEHUVWDWHV9 are operating D WUDQVLWLRQDO UHJLPH WZR PHPEHU VWDWHV10 are permitting (but not requiring) investors to report on the basis of the new rules even though they are not yet 6 ESMA’s Final Report on draft Regulatory Technical Standards GDWHG6HSWHPEHUSDUDJUDSKVDQG %DVNHWVLQGLFHV )LQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWVUHIHUHQFHGWRDEDVNHWRULQGH[ (whether actively or passively managed) are now disclosable if the underlying shares either represent 1% or more of voting rights attached to shares of the VSHFLÀFLVVXHURUUHSUHVHQWRUPRUHRIWKHYDOXH RI WKH VHFXULWLHV LQ WKH EDVNHWLQGH[ 7KH thresholds represent the point at which a holder should start to aggregate interests in the underlying issuer UHSUHVHQWHG E\ WKH ÀQDQFLDO LQVWUXPHQW UHIHUHQFHG 1RYHPEHU $XVWULD &URDWLD 'HQPDUN (VWRQLD )LQODQG )UDQFH *HUPDQ\+XQJDU\,UHODQG0DOWD6ORYDNLD6SDLQ8. ,WDO\ 3RUWXJDO ERWK UHTXLUH FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK WKH Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/761 despite the nontransposition of the TDA into national law) 10 /X[HPERXUJ3RUWXJDO continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 49 From our members in force in national law and 13 member states11 have yet to transpose the TDA and are continuing to require compliance with their pre-TDA disclosure rules. Even amongst member states that have switched over WRWKHQHZUXOHVWKHUHFRQWLQXHVWREHGLYHUJHQFHLQ a number of key areas such as the initial disclosure WKUHVKROG ZLWK $XVWULD *HUPDQ\ ,UHODQG 6SDLQ DQG the UK continuing to retain initial thresholds which are ORZHUWKDQWKH7'$VWDQGDUGRIQRWLÀFDWLRQWLPLQJ ZLWK$XVWULD'HQPDUN)LQODQG+XQJDU\,UHODQGDQG WKH8.UHTXLULQJQRWLÀFDWLRQVWREHPDGHPRUHTXLFNO\ than the T+4 TDA standard) and additional disclosures IRU KROGLQJV RI VKDUH FDSLWDO ZLWK 'HQPDUN )LQODQG )UDQFH +XQJDU\ DQG WKH 1HWKHUODQGV UHWDLQLQJ WKHLU pre-TDA requirements to disclose shares in addition to voting rights). Of the member states that have QRW \HW LPSOHPHQWHG WKH QHZ UXOHV VRPH DUH DQWLFLSDWLQJVLJQLÀFDQWGHOD\VVXFKDV,FHODQGZKHUH LPSOHPHQWDWLRQEHIRUHDXWXPQLVXQOLNHO\ZKLOH others lack any certainty or even an indication of their potential timelines to implementation. With a variety of disclosure regimes currently operating ZLWKLQ (XURSH D FRQWLQXHG ODFN RI KDUPRQLVDWLRQ RI the rule book even amongst member states that have DGRSWHG WKH QHZ GLVFORVXUH UHJLPH WKH H[WHQVLRQ RI WKH UHDFK RI WKH UXOHV E\ WKH LQFOXVLRQ RI ÀQDQFLDO instruments with a similar economic effect and KHLJKWHQHGVDQFWLRQVLW·VFOHDUWKDWWKLVLVDQDUHDWKDW EX\VLGH FRPSOLDQFH RIÀFHUV ZLOO QHHG WR FRQWLQXH WR monitor closely. Disclaimer: 7KHLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKLVDUWLFOHLVFROODWHGDVRI-DQXDU\ 2016. Nothing in this article is intended to provide legal or RWKHUSURIHVVLRQDODGYLFHDQG$OOHQ2YHU\//3DRVSKHUH //3 DQG LWV DIÀOLDWHV GR QRW DFFHSW DQ\ UHVSRQVLELOLW\ IRU DQ\ ORVV ZKLFK PD\ DULVH IURP UHOLDQFH RQ WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ contained in this article. 11 %HOJLXP%XOJDULD&\SUXV&]HFK5HSXEOLF*UHHFH/DWYLD /LWKXDQLD /X[HPERXUJ 1HWKHUODQGV 3RODQG 5RPDQLD 6ORYHQLD Sweden AIMA Journal Q1 2016 50 From our members 3HRSOH DQG FRQÀGHQWLDO information: Dealing with key employment risks AIMA SPONSORING PARTNER %\+D\OH\5RELQVRQ3DUWQHU0DFIDUODQHV DQG0DWWKHZ5DPVH\3URIHVVLRQDO6XSSRUW /DZ\HU0DFIDUODQHV $PRQJVW D ÀUP·V NH\ DVVHWV DUH LWV SHRSOH DQG LWV proprietary information. This article looks at some RI WKH ULVNV DIIHFWLQJ WKHVH WZR DUHDV DQG GLVFXVVHV VWUDWHJLHV WR HQVXUH ÀUPV DUH DGHTXDWHO\ SURWHFWHG ,QSDUWLFXODUZH·OOORRNDWKRZWRHQVXUHFRQÀGHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQLVSURSHUO\SURWHFWHGDQGZKDWVWHSVDUH available to restrict key people moving to competitors. &RQÀGHQWLDOLQIRUPDWLRQ Firms naturally regard their proprietary information as FULWLFDOWRWKHLUVXFFHVVLQWKHPDUNHW²EXWSHRSOHDUH OHDN\DQG,7V\VWHPVDUHQRWIRROSURRI7KHH[SORVLRQ of mobile devices and wearables in recent times poses DQ LQFUHDVHG ULVN RI FRQÀGHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ OHDNDJH 0DQ\ ÀQDQFLDO VHUYLFHV FOLHQWV SURKLELW VPDUWSKRQHV LQ WKH IURQW RIÀFH IRU VRXQG ULVN PDQDJHPHQW DQG regulatory reasons. But what other steps can and VKRXOG ÀUPV EH WDNLQJ WR ORFN GRZQ EXVLQHVVFULWLFDO LQIRUPDWLRQ ZKHWKHU WKDW LV LQYHVWRU OLVWV WUDGLQJ algorithms or employee data? The answer usually comes in three parts: have a clear policy setting out what is acceptable; have an effective means of enforcing that policy; and have enforceable restrictions to operate during notice periods and posttermination. Policies The common law gives an employer relatively little SURWHFWLRQ LQ UHODWLRQ WR FRQÀGHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ generally only restricting the disclosure or use of trade secrets. Trading algorithms might fall within WKDW FDWHJRU\ EXW LQ RUGHU WR SURWHFW RWKHU IRUPV RI information an employer will need clear contractual provisions coupled with a clear policy. These ought to describe in granular detail the types of information WKDW DUH UHJDUGHG DV FRQÀGHQWLDO DQG UHVWULFWHG DQG should give employees clear guidance on what they may and may not do. Monitoring and enforcement $OWKRXJKVHWWLQJFOHDUUXOHVLVDQHFHVVDU\ÀUVWVWHSLQ the modern age the real challenge lies in the policing. Employees are seldom foolish or naïve enough to use ZRUN HPDLO WR SUHSDUH IRU WKHLU GHSDUWXUHV VR ÀUPV need to address all the myriad ways in which data FDQ EH GLVVHPLQDWHG ,QVWDQW PHVVDJLQJ V\VWHPV smartphones and social media platforms all offer RSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUXQVFUXSXORXVHPSOR\HHVSDUWLFXODUO\ LQÀUPVZKLFKRSHUDWH%<2'RU¶EULQJ\RXURZQGHYLFH· arrangements. This is an increasingly popular means RIUHGXFLQJ,7EXGJHWVDQGVHHVSURSULHWDU\VRIWZDUH loaded onto an employee’s own device (tablet or laptop HWFVRWKHHPSOR\HHFDQHIÀFLHQWO\ZRUNUHPRWHO\ As emails and messages continue to be routed through WKHHPSOR\HU·VV\VWHPVLQD%<2'DUUDQJHPHQWÀUPV should continue to be able to monitor usage as if the employee were at their desk. The European Court of Human Rights analysed in January what types RI PRQLWRULQJ RI EHKDYLRXU DUH SHUPLVVLEOH DQG WKH decision largely mirrors what is established best practice in the UK. 7KHFRXUW·VMXGJPHQWLQ%ČUEHOHVFXY5RPDQLD>@ ECHR 61 was widely reported in the press as giving D JUHHQ OLJKW WR DOO IRUPV RI PRQLWRULQJ ,Q UHDOLW\ the position is rather more nuanced and the case was KHDYLO\LQÁXHQFHGE\WKHSDUWLFXODUIDFWV,QEULHI0U %ČUEHOHVFXVHWXSD<DKRR0HVVHQJHUDFFRXQWIRUZRUN purposes and was very clearly told that no private usage was permitted. He used the account for private GLVFXVVLRQV QRWZLWKVWDQGLQJ WKDW LQVWUXFWLRQ DUJXHG when challenged that he had never used it for personal PDWWHUV DQG WKHQ VRXJKW WR DUJXH WKDW KLV HPSOR\HU should not have monitored the account to prove he had in fact done so. 8QVXUSULVLQJO\ JLYHQ WKRVH IDFWV WKH &RXUW IRXQG Romanian law permitting the monitoring to be compliant with the over-arching human right to respect continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 51 From our members for private life and correspondence. But that is not the same as ruling in favour of unrestricted monitoring. In WKH8.OHJLVODWLRQDQGLQSDUWLFXODUWKH,QIRUPDWLRQ Commissioner’s Employment Practices Code make clear that monitoring will usually be permissible if: • • • The employer carries out a risk assessment before embarking on monitoring Employees are informed in advance (usually via the employer’s policies) that monitoring may be FDUULHG RXW ZKDW ZLOO EH PRQLWRUHG ZK\ DQG what will be done with the results The employer acts in a reasonable and proportionate way: this covers every aspect of data processing DQG FROOHFWLRQ IURP FKRRVLQJ WKH OHDVW LQWUXVLYH PHWKRGRIPRQLWRULQJWRFRQVLGHULQJKRZORQJWKH results will be retained and who will have access to them ,I WKH FRQÀGHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ SURYLVLRQV DUH ZHOO GUDIWHGWKH,7DQGGLVFLSOLQDU\UXOHVDUHFOHDUDQGWKH PRQLWRULQJV\VWHPLVHIIHFWLYHÀUPVVKRXOGEHDEOHWR feel safe in taking a robust line. Notice periods, garden leave and posttermination restrictions ,QHYLWDEO\ PLVXVH RI FRQÀGHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ XVXDOO\ takes place when an employee is contemplating a move and there are additional methods of protecting business-critical information at that stage. Well-drafted employment agreements will typically DOORZ WKH ÀUP WR VHQG DQ HPSOR\HH KRPH IRU SDUW RU DOO RI WKHLU QRWLFH SHULRG ² JDUGHQ OHDYH *DUGHQ leave provisions will usually restrict the employee’s FRQWDFW ZLWK LQYHVWRUV RWKHU HPSOR\HHV DQG FOLHQWV and contractual restrictions on the use of social media are now increasingly common. 6RPHÀUPVXVHOHQJWK\QRWLFHSHULRGVRIWHQE\DJUHHLQJ WRÀ[HGWHUPFRQWUDFWVZLWKRXWDEUHDNFODXVHRURWKHU notice provision. Even though employees continue to GUDZVDODU\DQGEHQHÀWVGXULQJQRWLFHWKH\DUHRIWHQ UHOXFWDQWWRVSHQGOHQJWK\SHULRGVRXWRIWKHPDUNHW and the courts will generally only force an employee to sit on their hands for a limited period. and try to evade garden leave-type arrangements. For that reason it’s important to have in place restrictions that operate post-termination. Restrictive FRYHQDQWV SUHYHQWLQJ DQ H[HPSOR\HH IURP ZRUNLQJ for a competitor or soliciting clients or investors can EH HQIRUFHDEOH EXW RQO\ LI WKH\ JR QR IXUWKHU WKDQ LV UHDVRQDEOH WR SUHYHQW D ÀUP·V OHJLWLPDWH EXVLQHVV interests. Those interests can include the protection RI LWV FRQÀGHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ WKH VWDELOLW\ RI LWV ZRUNIRUFHDQGWKHPDLQWHQDQFHRILWVFOLHQWRULQYHVWRU relationships. Post-termination restrictions are often YLHZHGDVGLIÀFXOWWRHQIRUFHEXWWKHUHDUHQXPHURXV H[DPSOHVRIWKHFRXUWVHQIRUFLQJOHQJWK\UHVWULFWLRQV SDUWLFXODUO\LQWKHÀQDQFLDOVHUYLFHVVHFWRU,WZRXOG be a mistake to disregard them when developing a suite of strategies to protect key information or employees. Firms may be able to achieve a higher degree of SURWHFWLRQLQUHODWLRQWRWKHLU//3PHPEHUVLQFOXGLQJ by making use of the court’s traditional willingness to permit longer restrictions against partners and other business owners. Some fund documentation also seeks to prolong a partner/member’s period of restraint by using the (largely untested) tactic of indirect restraints often linked to a period of passive membership where WKH SDUWQHU FHDVHV WR KDYH DQ\ UROH LQ WKH ÀUP EXW continues to have an economic interest in one or more funds. Firms cannot operate without good people and good LQIRUPDWLRQ .HHSLQJ WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ ÁRZLQJ EXW VHFXUHDQGNHHSLQJERWKSHRSOHDQGLQIRUPDWLRQIURP FRPSHWLWRUVIRUDVORQJDVSRVVLEOHDUHNH\DLPVWKDW ZLWK FDUH GR QRW QHHG WR EH PXWXDOO\ H[FOXVLYH RU unattainable. The challenges posed by technological development and social media means that the law is RIWHQ EHKLQG WKH FXUYH EXW DV GHPRQVWUDWHG LQ WKLV DUWLFOHWKHUHUHPDLQDQXPEHURIVHQVLEOHSUHYHQWDWLYH SUHFDXWLRQDU\VWHSVÀUPVVKRXOGWDNHWRSURWHFWWKHLU positions. )L[HGWHUPFRQWUDFWVDQGORQJQRWLFHSHULRGVDUHDOVR FRPPRQPHWKRGVRIW\LQJHPSOR\HHVLQWRDÀUP2IWHQ FRXSOHGZLWKFORVHO\OLPLWHGQRWLFHZLQGRZVWKH\FDQ be effective ways of blocking an employee from going elsewhere. But inevitably some employees will leave AIMA Journal Q1 2016 52 UCITS We are leading advisers on the UCITS regime. We regularly advise managers on how to bring a UCITS to market, whether by establishing their own fund or by joining a hosted platform, and on service provider and distribution arrangements. Macfarlanes is a leading legal adviser to financial services firms, asset managers and investment funds and is an active adviser in the hedge fund space. We represent clients ranging from small start-ups and boutique operations to some of the largest institutions. Our advice is not limited to designing and building the funds. Our Macfarlanes hedge funds and derivatives teams, working together with the other practice areas in the firm, have extensive experience advising hedge fund managers on all aspects, and at all stages, of the business cycle. LORA FROUD PARTNER DD +44 (0)20 7849 2409 TIM CORNICK PARTNER DD +44 (0)20 7849 2510 Macfarlanes LLP 20 Cursitor Street London EC4A 1LT T +44 (0)20 7831 9222 F +44 (0)20 7831 9607 DX 138 Chancery Lane From our members ESMA Q&A on the application of the UCITS V Directive: Some breathing space to address compliance with the new rules? %\1LFROH6XLJQDUG6HQLRU$VVRFLDWH6LGOH\$XVWLQ//3 7KH ÀIWK LWHUDWLRQ RI WKH 8QGHUWDNLQJV IRU &ROOHFWLYH Investment in Transferable Securities Directive (UCITS V) is scheduled to be implemented throughout the European Economic Area (EEA) by 18 March 2016 (Implementation Date). Although the scope of the UCITS V Directive is relatively modest and largely in line with equivalent provisions of the Alternative Investment )XQG 0DQDJHUV 'LUHFWLYH $,)0' WLPHO\ FRPSOLDQFH with the new rules ahead of the Implementation Date may prove challenging given the limited transitional SURYLVLRQVDQGWKHGHOD\LQÀQDOLVLQJERWKWKHGHOHJDWHG Level 2 Regulation implementing the UCITS V Directive (Level 2 Regulation) and the ESMA guidelines on UHPXQHUDWLRQ WKH ODWWHU RI ZKLFK LV H[SHFWHG WR EH LVVXHGE\WKHÀUVWTXDUWHURI,QWKLVDUWLFOHZH will provide an overview of the additional guidance DQG ÁH[LELOLW\ LQWURGXFHG E\ (60$ LQ LWV 4$ RQ WKH application of UCITS V. $FNQRZOHGJLQJ WKH SRWHQWLDO GLIÀFXOWLHV 8&,76 IXQGV and management companies face in updating their UHOHYDQW GRFXPHQWDWLRQ E\ WKH ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ 'DWH the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) SXEOLVKHG D 4$ RQ )HEUXDU\ UHJDUGLQJ WKH application of the UCITS V Directive. The Q&A provides YDOXDEOHJXLGDQFHDQGPXFKQHHGHGÁH[LELOLW\RQWKH timeframe for implementation of various aspects of UCITS V. This is particularly welcome given the lack of formal general guidance on implementation by national UHJXODWRUV RI NH\ 8&,76 MXULVGLFWLRQV VXFK DV ,UHODQG DQG/X[HPERXUJ8QWLOUHFHQWO\WKH)LQDQFLDO&RQGXFW Authority (FCA) was one of the few regulators formally voicing its position in favour of a transitional period to address compliance with the new requirements. In OLQHZLWKWKH(60$DSSURDFKWKHÀQDO)&$UXOHVDQG guidance on UCITS V have been consolidated in the FCA 3ROLF\ 6WDWHPHQW SXEOLVKHG RQ )HEUXDU\ which will come into force on the Implementation Date. Depending on how compliance with UCITS V is DSSURDFKHG VWDNHKROGHUV ZLOO EH GLYLGHG LQWR WZR FDPSV L WKRVH ZKR ZLOO RSW WR EHQHÀW IURP WKH LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ ÁH[LELOLW\ EURXJKW E\ WKH (60$ 4$ and will not rush into updating their documentation and (re)negotiating their depositary agreement by the Implementation Date; and (ii) those who have already started revising their documentation in light of UCITS V and will continue to make necessary arrangements with a view to becoming fully compliant by the Implementation Date. The 11th-hour implementation reprieve brought by the ESMA Q&A is arguably redundant to this second group. UCITS stakeholders should now keep an eye on any local UCITS V transposition guidance DQGUHTXLUHPHQWVWKHÀQDO/HYHO5HJXODWLRQDVZHOO DVWKH(60$ÀQDOJXLGHOLQHVRQUHPXQHUDWLRQ Prospectus and KIIDs update 8QGHU8&,769DQXPEHURIDGGLWLRQDOGLVFORVXUHVZLOO EHUHTXLUHGWREHUHÁHFWHGLQWKHSURVSHFWXVLQFOXGLQJ (i) details of the remuneration policy and procedures; (ii) description of any safe-keeping functions delegated E\WKHGHSRVLWDU\DQGLLLGLVFORVXUHRIDQ\FRQÁLFWV of interest that may arise from the delegation of safe-keeping duties by the depositary as well as any SRWHQWLDO FRQÁLFWV RI LQWHUHVW EHWZHHQ WKH 8&,76 RU LWV LQYHVWRUV WKH PDQDJHPHQW FRPSDQ\ DQG WKH depositary. Each KIID must also specify that details of the up-to-date remuneration policy are available on D VSHFLÀHG ZHEVLWH DQG XSRQ UHTXHVW $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH(60$4$WKHGHDGOLQHIRUFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKH prospectus disclosure requirements will be either the GDWH RI WKH 8&,76 QH[W SODQQHG XSGDWH RU 0DUFK ZKLFKHYHU LV WKH VRRQHU .,,'V ZLOO QHHG WR EH XSGDWHG HLWKHU DW WKH QH[W DQQXDO XSGDWH DIWHU WKH ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ 'DWH RU RQ WKH ÀUVW RFFDVLRQ DIWHU the Implementation Date on which the KIID is revised RUUHSODFHGIRUDQRWKHUSXUSRVHLIWKHLQIRUPDWLRQLV available at that point in time. Depositary arrangements ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR DSSRLQWLQJ D VLQJOH HOLJLEOH GHSRVLWDU\ UCITS must ensure each depositary agreement ZKHWKHUE\XSGDWHRUE\QHZDJUHHPHQWUHÁHFWVWKH following requirements introduced by UCITS V: (i) an updated description of the services to be provided by WKHGHSRVLWDU\DVLWVGXWLHVZLOOH[WHQGEH\RQGVDIH NHHSLQJDQGRYHUVLJKWWRLQFOXGHFDVKÁRZPRQLWRULQJ LL FKDQJHV WR WKH OLDELOLW\ SURYLVLRQV WR UHÁHFW WKH new “strict liability” standard; (iii) new delegation requirements and restrictions; and (iv) references to the reuse of assets held in custody by the depositary (and its delegates) in line with the new Restrictions. :KLOVW D QXPEHU RI H[LVWLQJ GHSRVLWDU\ DJUHHPHQWV contain liability clauses that are inconsistent with the continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 54 From our members GHSRVLWDU\OLDELOLW\UXOHVVHWRXWXQGHU8&,769(60$ KDV FODULÀHG WKDW VXFK SURYLVLRQV ZLOO EH YRLG ZLWK effect from the Implementation Date. The stricter UCITS V liability provisions will therefore automatically apply as of such date and depositary agreements will not be required to be updated by the Implementation 'DWH WR UHÁHFW WKH QHZ OLDELOLW\ UHTXLUHPHQWV 7KDW VDLG (60$ VWURQJO\ HQFRXUDJHV 8&,76 WR ´SURPSWO\µ revise their depositary agreements in accordance with any transitional arrangements outlined in the Level 2 Regulation. The Level 2 Regulation is currently being approved by the European Parliament and will become DSSOLFDEOH VL[ PRQWKV DIWHU LWV SXEOLFDWLRQ LQ WKH 2IÀFLDO-RXUQDORIWKH(XURSHDQ8QLRQ Annual report disclosures Similar in scope to the disclosure requirements under $,)0' 8&,76 DQQXDO UHSRUWV ZLOO EH UHTXLUHG WR disclose: (i) the aggregate amount of remuneration IRU WKH ÀQDQFLDO \HDU VSOLW LQWR À[HG DQG YDULDEOH UHPXQHUDWLRQ WRJHWKHU ZLWK WKH QXPEHU RI EHQHÀFLDULHV DQG ZKHUH DSSOLFDEOH SHUIRUPDQFH fees paid by the UCITS; (ii) the aggregate amount of remuneration broken down by category of employees or other staff members; (iii) a description of how the UHPXQHUDWLRQ DQG WKH EHQHÀWV KDYH EHHQ FDOFXODWHG (iv) the outcome of the periodic reviews of the remuneration policy; and (v) a description of any PDWHULDOFKDQJHVWRWKHH[LVWLQJUHPXQHUDWLRQSROLF\ Given the potential impact of the remuneration rules RQ GHOHJDWHV WKLUG SDUW\ LQYHVWPHQW PDQDJHUV DUH also likely to be caught within the above disclosure requirements. 7KH(60$4$VSHFLÀHVWKDWWKHDERYHGLVFORVXUHVZLOO RQO\QHHGWREHUHÁHFWHGLQDQQXDOUHSRUWVUHODWLQJWR periods that end on or after the Implementation Date DOWKRXJKLQDQ\HYHQWEHIRUHWKH8&,76PDQDJHPHQW FRPSDQ\ KDV FRPSOHWHG LWV ÀUVW DQQXDO SHUIRUPDQFH period in which it has to comply with the relevant UCITS 9 UHPXQHUDWLRQ UHTXLUHPHQWV ,Q VXFK FDVHV 8&,76 management companies are required to include the UHOHYDQWGLVFORVXUHVRQDEHVWHIIRUWVEDVLVDQGWRWKH H[WHQWSRVVLEOHWRH[SODLQWKHEDVLVIRUDQ\RPLVVLRQ Establishment of remuneration policies and procedures Remuneration is another key area where UCITS PDQDJHUV DUH OLNHO\ WR EHQHÀW IURP LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ OHHZD\6XEMHFWWRÀQDOUHPXQHUDWLRQJXLGHOLQHVIURP (60$ 8&,76 PDQDJHPHQW FRPSDQLHV DQG LQYHVWPHQW managers that fall within the scope of the remuneration rules will most likely not be required to apply the UCITS remuneration principles until they commence their ÀUVW IXOO SHUIRUPDQFH SHULRG VWDUWLQJ RQ RU DIWHU WKH ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ'DWHHJLIWKHDFFRXQWLQJSHULRGRI a UCITS management company ends on December 31 AIMA Journal Q1 2016 RI HDFK \HDU WKH UHPXQHUDWLRQ SULQFLSOHV ZLOO DSSO\ IRUWKHÀUVWWLPHLQUHODWLRQWRWKHDFFRXQWLQJSHULRG ending on 31 December 2017). 2Q 2FWREHU (60$ SXEOLVKHG UHVSRQVHV to its consultation concerning guidelines on sound remuneration policies under the UCITS V Directive and the AIFMD (Consultation). ESMA is yet to publish its ÀQDOUHPXQHUDWLRQJXLGHOLQHVEDVHGRQWKHIHHGEDFNLW KDVUHFHLYHGRQWKH&RQVXOWDWLRQDQGZKLOHWKHVHDUH H[SHFWHGWREHSXEOLVKHGE\WKHÀUVWTXDUWHURI SULRUWRWKH8&,769GLUHFWLYHWUDQVSRVLWLRQGHDGOLQH UHFHQWUHSRUWVKDYHLQGLFDWHGWKDWWKHÀQDOWH[WPD\ QRWEHLVVXHGXQWLODIWHUWKLVGDWH7KDWVDLGLQLWV4$ ESMA encourages management companies to publish on a website relevant details of the management company’s remuneration arrangements in light of the 8&,76 9 UHTXLUHPHQWV WR WKH H[WHQW DYDLODEOH 7KLUG SDUW\ VXELQYHVWPHQW PDQDJHUV PD\ FRQVLGHU HYHQ DWWKLVVWDJHHQJDJLQJ8&,76PDQDJHPHQWFRPSDQLHV (or self-managed UCITS funds) as regards the implementation of remuneration policy requirements. Conclusion Although the implementation of UCITS V has not been KHOSHGE\WKHYDULRXVGHOD\VDQGFRQIXVLRQRYHUÀQDO UXOHVDQGJXLGDQFHLWVHHPVWKDWWKLQJVDUHQRZFOHDUHU DQGWKDWPDQDJHUVFDQFRQÀGHQWO\VWDUWLPSOHPHQWLQJ most of the requirements without having to rush into XQFRPSHWLWLYHGHDOVGRFXPHQWXSGDWHDQGUHJXODWRU\ ÀOLQJVE\WKH,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ'DWH*LYHQWKHÁH[LELOLW\ EURXJKWE\WKH(60$4$WKHRYHUDOOLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ SURFHVV PLJKW WDNH XS WR D \HDU LQ FHUWDLQ FDVHV VXEMHFW WR DQ\ WUDQVLWLRQDO DUUDQJHPHQWV LQ VXFK UCITS' home Member State. With UCITS V by and large UHVROYHGIRFXVLVQRZWXUQLQJWR8&,769,ZKLFKKDV been dormant since the publication of a consultation paper by the European Commission back in 2012. The consultation covers a number of sensitive topics including the application of sophisticated investment VWUDWHJLHV E\ 8&,76 IXQGV DQG WKH H[SRVXUH WR QRQ eligible assets through derivative instruments. Although a formal UCITS VI proposal is yet to be issued and the consultation should not prompt UCITS funds and managers to recast their business model DQGPDQDJHPHQWSUDFWLFHVDWWKLVVWDJHWKHLQGXVWU\ should begin to brace itself for future changes to the 8&,76 IUDPHZRUN ZKLFK SRWHQWLDOO\ PD\ EH IDU PRUH disruptive to UCITS managers than the requirements introduced under UCITS V. 55 21 S T ANNUAL Sohn Investment Conference Wednesday, May 4, 2016 | David Geffen Hall | Lincoln Center | NYC In Partnership with The world-renowned Sohn Investment Conference is the original and premier investment conference. Since 1995, the Conference has brought together fresh insights and PRQH\PDNLQJLGHDVWREHQHĆWWKH6RKQ&RQIHUHQFH Foundation’s work to end childhood cancer. REGISTR ATION NOW OPEN For sponsorship opportunities contact paula@ From our members Section 871(m) - New US :LWKKROGLQJ 7D[ RQ 'LYLGHQG Equivalent Payments AIMA SPONSORING PARTNER %\ 'DQ )DUUHOO 3DUWQHU (UQVW <RXQJ //3DQG$PDQGD0XUSK\'LUHFWRU(UQVW <RXQJ,UHODQG 2Q 6HSWHPEHU WKH 86 JRYHUQPHQW UHOHDVHG ÀQDO DQG WHPSRUDU\ UHJXODWLRQV XQGHU ,5& 6HFWLRQ 871(m) (“the regulations”) affecting non-US persons WKDW KROG ÀQDQFLDO SURGXFWV VXFK DV FHUWDLQ QRWLRQDO SULQFLSDO FRQWUDFWV GHULYDWLYHV DQG RWKHU HTXLW\ linked instruments (ELIs) with payments that reference (or are deemed to reference) dividends on US equity securities. Parties to such contracts may become UHVSRQVLEOH IRU LPSRVLQJ 86 ZLWKKROGLQJ WD[ RQ DQ\ such dividend equivalent payments that are made to a QRQ86SHUVRQRULQFHUWDLQFLUFXPVWDQFHVPD\DOVR EHUHTXLUHGWRVHOIDVVHVVWD[RQWKHLURZQWUDGLQJLQ VXFKLQVWUXPHQWVDV86ZLWKKROGLQJWD[PD\QRWDOZD\V EH VDWLVÀHG DW VRXUFH ,Q SDUWLFXODU DVVHW PDQDJHUV that trade instruments that are within the scope of the rules will need to consider the application of the rules to each type of affected trade to determine WKHLU LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ ZLWKKROGLQJ DQG UHSRUWLQJ responsibilities. Background 3ULRUWR6HFWLRQPEHFRPLQJHIIHFWLYHSD\PHQWV on notional principal contracts (NPCs) were generally VRXUFHGE\UHIHUHQFHWRWKHUHVLGHQFHRIWKHUHFLSLHQW WKXVPDNLQJWKHPQRQ86VRXUFHDQGH[HPSWIURP86 ZLWKKROGLQJ WD[ ,Q KRZHYHU &RQJUHVV HQDFWHG 6HFWLRQPZKLFKDWWKHWLPHDIIHFWHGGLYLGHQG equivalent payments made on a narrow class of 13&V 2Q 'HFHPEHU SXUVXDQW WR VWDWXWRU\ DXWKRULW\WKH,56UHOHDVHGSURSRVHGUHJXODWLRQVXQGHU Section 871(m) that would have broadened the scope of instruments on which withholding was required to include payments on derivative instruments over 86 GLYLGHQGSD\LQJ VWRFNV WKDW KDYH D GHOWD GHÀQHG below) of 0.7 or greater at the time the instrument LV LVVXHG 8QGHU WKH ÀQDO UHJXODWLRQV WKH GHOWD measurement was changed to 0.8 or greater and a new test for contracts with indeterminate deltas was introduced. The regulations will be effective to payments made on transactions issued on or after 1 -DQXDU\$VRULJLQDOO\LVVXHGWKHUHJXODWLRQVDOVR DSSOLHGWRVSHFLÀHG(/,VLVVXHGRQRUDIWHU-DQXDU\ DQGEHIRUH-DQXDU\EXWRQO\WRSD\PHQWV on such contracts that were to be made on or after 1 -DQXDU\2Q'HFHPEHU7UHDVXU\DQGWKH Internal Revenue Service released corrections to the UHJXODWLRQVUHPRYLQJVSHFLÀHG(/,VHQWHUHGLQWRGXULQJ calendar year 2016 from the scope of the regulations. 7KHUHIRUH VSHFLÀHG (/,V EHFRPH VXEMHFW WR 6HFWLRQ 871(m) and its regulations if they are issued on or after 1 January 2017. The delta and substantial equivalence tests The "delta" of an instrument is a measure of the relationship between changes in value of the instrument and changes in value of the underlying VWRFN ,I DQ LQVWUXPHQW KDV D GHOWD RI FKDQJHV LQ the value of the instrument should mirror changes in WKHYDOXHRIWKHVWRFNH[DFWO\8QGHUWKHUHJXODWLRQV any NPC or ELI that has a delta of 0.8 or greater at the time of issuance would be a Section 871(m) inVFRSH WUDQVDFWLRQ VXEMHFW WR ZLWKKROGLQJ RQ GLYLGHQG HTXLYDOHQW SD\PHQWV ZKLFK LV D WD[SD\HU IDYRXUDEOH change from prior proposed regulations which required continuous testing of the delta at each payment date and a more inclusive delta of 0.7. The delta test is used for simple contracts. The delta of certain types RI H[RWLF GHULYDWLYHV VXFK DV ELQDU\ DQG GLJLWDO RSWLRQV LV LQGHWHUPLQDWH DQG WKXV WKH UHJXODWLRQV introduced a new "substantial equivalence test" to GHDOZLWKVXFKFRPSOH[FRQWUDFWV9HU\JHQHUDOO\WKH substantial equivalence test uses an in-scope contract DVDEHQFKPDUNWRFRPSDUHZLWKWKHFRPSOH[FRQWUDFW using the level at which the short party would need to vary the number of shares of stock in its hedge as the price of the underlying security changes. Combined transactions Long parties (and agents thereof) must treat two or more transactions as combined for purposes of testing and application of the rules if they reference the same underlying security and the combined transactions continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 57 From our members replicate the economics of a transaction that would be a Section 871(m) in-scope transaction. Funds could be trading the same or similar products across brokers which will need to be tracked in case such multiple transactions may need to be treated as a single transaction for Section 871(m) purposes. This is particularly important where the payments on such products are not withheld on by the short party due to certain favourable presumptive rules that allow WKHVKRUWSDUW\LQFHUWDLQLQVWDQFHVWRQRWFRPELQH contracts that are in different accounts or that are separated by at least two business days. Note that such presumptive rules are not applicable to the long SDUW\ 7KH EXUGHQ RI WKH WD[ LV D MRLQW DQG VHYHUDO OLDELOLW\ EXW WKH ORQJ SDUW\ VKRXOG EH VHOIDVVHVVLQJ WKHWD[LQFLUFXPVWDQFHVZKHUHLWLVQRWZLWKKHOGDW source. What payments are affected? *HQHUDOO\ IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI WKHVH UHJXODWLRQV D ´GLYLGHQGHTXLYDOHQWµLVGHÀQHGDV 1. Any substitute dividend that references a US source dividend made pursuant to a securities lending or sale-repurchase transaction 2. Any payment that references a US source dividend PDGHSXUVXDQWWRDVSHFLÀHG13& 3. Any payment that references a US source dividend PDGH SXUVXDQW WR D VSHFLÀHG (/, LH IRUZDUGV IXWXUHVRSWLRQVHWF 4. Any other substantially similar payment The amount of the dividend equivalent is calculated VOLJKWO\GLIIHUHQWO\IRUHDFKGLYLGHQGHTXLYDOHQWGHÀQHG DERYH *HQHUDOO\ IRU D VLPSOH FRQWUDFW WKH GLYLGHQG equivalent amount is calculated by multiplying the pershare dividend amount with respect to the underlying security times by the number of notional shares of the underlying by the delta of the 871(m) transaction. Withholding under Section 871(m) *HQHUDOO\ D ZLWKKROGLQJ DJHQW LV QRW REOLJDWHG WR withhold on a dividend equivalent until the later of when a payment is made with respect to a Section 871(m) transaction or when the amount of a dividend equivalent is determined. A payment with respect to a Section 871(m) transaction must generally occur when WKHORQJSDUW\UHFHLYHVDJURVVSD\PHQWZKHQWKHUHLV DÀQDOVHWWOHPHQWRIWKH6HFWLRQPWUDQVDFWLRQRU when the long party sells or otherwise disposes of the Section 871(m) transaction. AIMA Journal Q1 2016 Exceptions to the Section 871(m) rules Certain transactions and payments may be treated as out of scope for Section 871(m) purposes such as FRPSHQVDWLRQSDLGXQGHUFHUWDLQUHVWULFWHGVWRFNSODQV UHWXUQ RI FDSLWDO GLVWULEXWLRQV ´GXH ELOOV UHODWHG WR H[WUDRUGLQDU\GLYLGHQGVVSHFLÀFLQVXUDQFHFRQWUDFWV GHULYDWLYHVUHODWHGWRDTXDOLÀHGLQGH[HWF Industry insight Brokers serving the asset management industry in the US have begun preparing for the implementation RI 6HFWLRQ P DQG ZKLOH VRPH 8. EURNHUV KDYH DOVR VWDUWHG WR DQDO\VH WKH LPSDFW SUHSDUDWLRQV IRU readiness are beginning to ramp up this quarter. *OREDOO\ DVVHW PDQDJHUV DUH EHFRPLQJ IDPLOLDU ZLWK WKH UXOHV DQG VRPH DUH ZRUNLQJ WR GHWHUPLQH WKH impact on their business and understand the level of assistance that their service providers may be able to provide as well as the level of effort that will be required in-house. Next steps *LYHQWKHVFRSHRIWUDQVDFWLRQVFRYHUHGWKHFRPSOH[LW\ RIWKHUHJXODWLRQVDQGWKHGHWDLOHGUXOHVRQH[HPSWHG WUDQVDFWLRQV6HFWLRQPZLOOUHTXLUHWKDWDIIHFWHG SDUWLHVVSHQGWLPHGXULQJWRGHWHUPLQHUHDGLQHVV LPSOHPHQW RSHUDWLRQDO FKDQJHV PDNH QHFHVVDU\ changes to legal and service level agreements and make any necessary systems changes prior to the 1 January 2017 effective date. This would include: • • • • Identifying in-scope transactions 'HWHUPLQLQJ DIIHFWHG EXVLQHVV XQLWV DQG SURFHVV system and data challenges 5HYLHZLQJ DQG XSGDWLQJ LQWHUQDO DQG H[WHUQDO communications and agreements Compliance program design and implementation $SSOLFDWLRQRIWKH6HFWLRQPUHJXODWLRQVLVFRPSOH[ DQGLWLVVWURQJO\UHFRPPHQGHGWKDWIXQGVWDNHVSHFLÀF advice where their strategies may be impacted. 7KLVSXEOLFDWLRQFRQWDLQVLQIRUPDWLRQLQVXPPDU\IRUPDQG LV WKHUHIRUH LQWHQGHG IRU JHQHUDO JXLGDQFH RQO\ ,W LV QRW LQWHQGHG WR EH D VXEVWLWXWH IRU GHWDLOHG UHVHDUFK RU WKH H[HUFLVH RI SURIHVVLRQDO MXGJPHQW 0HPEHU ÀUPV RI WKH JOREDO(<RUJDQL]DWLRQFDQQRWDFFHSWUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUORVV to any person relying on this article. 58 From our members 5HÁHFWLRQV RQ WKH SULYDWH GHEW market in 2015 AIMA SPONSORING PARTNER %\ $OLVWDLU +LOO 3DUWQHU 6LPPRQV 6LPPRQV Introduction ,QWKHVHFRQGTXDUWHURI$,0$SXEOLVKHGDresearch paper highlighting the growing and important role of SULYDWHGHEWIXQGVLQÀQDQFLQJ(XURSH·VHFRQRP\7KLV research underlined that one of the most enduring FRQVHTXHQFHV RI WKH ÀQDQFLDO FULVLV LV WKDW (XURSH·V GHEWPDUNHWVKDYHPRYHGSDUWLFXODUO\IRUWKHIXQGLQJ RI60(DQGPLGPDUNHWWUDQVDFWLRQVWRDPRGHOPRUH DNLQWRWKDWZKLFKSUHYDLOVLQWKH86ZKHUHEDQNORDQV RQO\DFFRXQWIRUDSSUR[LPDWHO\RIFRUSRUDWHGHEW 2015 saw a continued shift away from banks WUDGLWLRQDOO\ DFFRXQWLQJ IRU EHWZHHQ ² RI ÀQDQFLQJIRU(XURSHDQFRPSDQLHVWRDYDULHW\RIQHZ GHEW SURYLGHUV VXFK DV SULYDWH HTXLW\ LQVWLWXWLRQDO LQYHVWRUV LQVXUDQFH FRPSDQLHV SHQVLRQ IXQGV DQG a variety of alternative credit providers. This shift in funding sources for European corporates is now a SHUPDQHQW VWUXFWXUDO IHDWXUH DFURVV D QXPEHU RI GLIIHUHQWDVVHWFODVVHVLQFOXGLQJFRUSRUDWHUHDOHVWDWH and infrastructure debt. The principal reasons for this structural shift in the (XURSHDQÀQDQFLQJPDUNHWVDUHQRZZHOOGRFXPHQWHG and focus on a combination of bank retrenchment in a number of lending markets (as the panoply of national and international regulatory frameworks LQWURGXFHGVLQFHWKHÀQDQFLDOFULVLVKDYHIRUFHGEDQNV to strengthen their balance sheets) coupled with the unprecedented low interest environment which has forced institutional money to hunt for yield in less liquid corporate and other debt instruments. Given this background this article summarises a number of the key themes emerging in the private debt markets last year and looks at some of the challenges that may lie ahead for the industry. Wall of money Whilst there is some evidence that the pace of fundraising for alternative debt slowed in the last TXDUWHURIWKHIDFWUHPDLQVWKDWYHU\ODUJHVXPV of capital are being raised to invest in this asset class. ,Q 1RYHPEHU %OXH%D\ DQQRXQFHG WKH FORVLQJ RI LWVVHFRQGGLUHFWOHQGLQJIXQGDW(85ELOOLRQVRPH 160% bigger than its maiden direct lending fund. This theme has been repeated for a number of the larger SULYDWH GHEW PDQDJHUV RSHUDWLQJ LQ WKH PDUNHW ZLWK ICG’s latest direct lending fund almost double the size of its June 2013 fund. $FFRUGLQJWRGDWDIURP3UHTLQWKHUHDUHRYHU(XURSH focused private debt funds currently attempting to raise a combined amount of circa EUR 48 billion. ‘Convergence’ (and documentary terms weakening) of 2QHRIWKHFRQVHTXHQFHVRIWKLVZDOORIPRQH\LVWKDW whilst there were a number of macro concerns in the world economy during 2015 (and these have become LQFUHDVLQJO\SURQRXQFHGLQWKHÀUVWTXDUWHURIWKLV\HDU ZDVLQWKHPDLQDJRRGWLPHWREHDERUURZHU At the top end of the market the competition between the high yield market (when it was open for business) DQGWKHORDQPDUNHWVDQGPRUHJHQHUDOO\WKURXJKRXW WKH PLGPDUNHW WKH FRPSHWLWLRQ EHWZHHQ EDQNV DQG alternative credit providers has meant that borrowers (and their lawyers) have been able to “cherry pick” terms from a variety of different products leading to what has been labelled as a “convergence” of terms as covenant-lite structures and terms from the US high \LHOGDQG7HUP/RDQ%PDUNHWVÀQGWKHLUZD\LQWRPRUH and more European deals. Whilst there is a view that private debt managers have “held the line” in the European mid-market and FRQWLQXHWRLQVLVWRQÀQDQFLDODQGRWKHUPDLQWHQDQFH FRYHQDQWV WKHUH LV HYLGHQFH WKDW WKLV GLVFLSOLQH KDV QRWEHHQDEOHWRZLWKVWDQGWKHFRPSHWLWLRQIRUGHDOV SDUWLFXODUO\DVEDQNVÀJKWIRUPDUNHWVKDUH )RU H[DPSOH LQ 6HSWHPEHU GHEW;SODLQHG published research looking at sub EUR 250 million debt transactions to determine whether the more aggressive features of larger transactions had impacted mid-market deals (where private debt tends to feature PRUH VLJQLÀFDQWO\ 7KH UHVHDUFK IRXQG WKDW ZKLOVW in 2013 over 90% of sub EUR 250 million transactions IHDWXUHG WKH WUDGLWLRQDO IRXU ÀQDQFLDO PDLQWHQDQFH continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 59 From our members FRYHQDQWSDFNDJHOHYHUDJHLQWHUHVWFRYHUFDVKÁRZ FRYHUDQGFDSH[WKLVKDGGHFOLQHGWROHVVWKDQRI transactions in 2015. Whilst a leverage covenant remains sacrosanct for PRVW SULYDWH GHEW SURYLGHUV LQ WKH PLGPDUNHW ERUURZHUVVSRQVRUVDQGWKHLUODZ\HUVKDYHFRQWLQXDOO\ been able to make incremental improvements to documentary terms and this is a theme which is likely to continue into 2016 and until the current credit cycle GHÀQLWLYHO\WXUQV Governments are playing their part Many European states have traditionally given banks a preferred status in lending transactions e.g. the requirement for bank licences in France and Italy in order WR OHQG GLUHFWO\ WR FRUSRUDWHV LQ WKRVH MXULVGLFWLRQV ,Q DGGLWLRQ LQ VRPH FRXQWULHV RQO\ EDQNV KDYH EHHQ DEOHWRWDNHFHUWDLQW\SHVRIVHFXULW\RUEHQHÀWIURP FHUWDLQ ZLWKKROGLQJ DQG RWKHU WD[ DGYDQWDJHV :KLOVW the credit crisis has led to the harmonisation of a QXPEHU RI ÀQDQFLDO UHJXODWLRQV WKHUH UHPDLQ D ODUJH QXPEHURIQDWLRQDOUHJXODWLRQVSDUWLFXODUO\LQUHODWLRQ to bank licensing requirements. European governments have recognised however that in order for there to be a sustained economic UHFRYHU\ LW LV QHFHVVDU\ WR LPSURYH WKH PL[WXUH DQG overall resilience of funding sources to corporates and have therefore taken action to encourage this GLYHUVLÀFDWLRQ )RU H[DPSOH LQ ,WDO\ ZKHUH GLUHFW OHQGLQJ KDV traditionally been reserved to banks and certain ÀQDQFLDOHQWLWLHVUHJLVWHUHGZLWKWKH%DQNRI,WDO\ZKLFK DUH VXEMHFW WR UHJXODWRU\ DQG SUXGHQWLDO SURYLVLRQV VLPLODUWRWKRVHDSSOLFDEOHWREDQNVOHJLVODWLRQEHFDPH HIIHFWLYHLQZLWKWKHVSHFLÀFDLPRI´OLEHUDOLVLQJµ the lending market so that securitisation vehicles as well as Italian insurance companies are now allowed to lend directly to Italian companies provided they retain D´VLJQLÀFDQWLQWHUHVWµIRUWKHOLIHRIWKHWUDQVDFWLRQ The changes also enable collective investment schemes to invest in loan receivables effectively enabling them to also lend directly. $OOLHGWRWKLVWKHWD[UXOHVLQ,WDO\KDYHEHHQFKDQJHG VRWKDWDZLWKKROGLQJWD[H[HPSWLRQWKHZLWKKROGLQJ rate being 26%) will apply to payments of interest WR FHUWDLQ QRQUHVLGHQW OHQGHUV LQFOXGLQJ ÀQDQFLDO institutions established in an EU Member State and insurance companies established and authorised under the law of an EU Member State. Banks versus alternative credit providers It is important to recognise that whilst there is clearly a competitive threat to commercial banks from the variety of alternative credit providers now operating in the market and more generally by the deployment of more institutional capital in banks’ traditional PDUNHWV LQ PDQ\ LQVWDQFHV FRPPHUFLDO EDQNV DQG private debt managers are working together to VWUXFWXUH WUDQVDFWLRQV IRU WKH PXWXDO EHQHÀW RI clients. This structuring takes account of the fact that banks and private debt mangers may have different risk appetites and can therefore structure (through a unitranche arrangement) a “one loan” solution for borrowers whilst at the same time apportioning the risk on that loan between themselves by virtue of an agreement between lenders or other intercreditor arrangement. ,QDGGLWLRQLQDOODVVHWFODVVHVFRPPHUFLDOEDQNVZLOO FRQWLQXH WR EH D NH\ SURYLGHU RI KHGJLQJ ZRUNLQJ capital and other ancillary banking arrangements (often necessitating the use of bespoke super senior intercreditor arrangements). Whilst the co-operation between banks and private debt managers has in VRPH LQVWDQFHV EHHQ IRUPDOLVHG LQWR D MRLQW YHQWXUH DUUDQJHPHQWPRVWEDQNVDQGSULYDWHGHEWIXQGVVHHP to prefer a less formal series of alliances with a set of interceditor documentation pre-agreed to take to PDUNHW WKHUHE\ VKRUWHQLQJ GHDO H[HFXWLRQ WLPH DQG minimising legal cost. What happens when the cycle turns? The three-year bull run in private debt has yet to be WHVWHGE\DVLJQLÀFDQWGRZQWXUQLQWKHFUHGLWPDUNHWV DQGVRPHKDYHH[SUHVVHGFRQFHUQVDERXWKRZSULYDWH GHEWPDQDJHUVZLOOUHDFWZKHQLQHYLWDEO\GHIDXOWVLQ European corporate debt increase (and there is some evidence that this is now beginning to happen). 7KHÀUVWSRLQWWRPDNHLVWKDWLQPDQ\LQVWDQFHVSULYDWH debt managers have tended to operate bilaterally or in YHU\VPDOOV\QGLFDWHVDQGRIWHQZULWHYHU\VLJQLÀFDQW FKHTXHVZKHQFRPSDUHGWRVD\DPD[LPXPKROGIRU a bank of EUR 20-25 million) and have not sold on their positions. This inevitably means that they will be very active participants in any debt restructurings as any losses they sustain will have a material impact on their fund’s performance. Whilst it is a truism that each turn in the cycle begets SUHGLFWLRQVRIHYHUPRUHFRPSOH[UHVWUXFWXULQJVLWLV inevitable that some of the intercreditor structuring on which private debt deals have been predicated in the continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 60 From our members last two to three years will make it harder and more complicated to restructure debt. This is particularly the case in unitranche transactions which have been structured using an agreement between lenders to which borrowers are not party. Based on recent court MXGJPHQWV LQ (QJODQG WKHVH VWUXFWXUHV FRXOG DOVR provide an unpleasant surprise for “last out” creditors LQ WKRVH VWUXFWXUHV ZKR PD\ ÀQG WKDW EHFDXVH WKH agreement between lenders is structured without a FRQWUDFWXDOQH[XVWRWKHERUURZHUWKHLUVXERUGLQDWHG position won’t necessarily guarantee them their own separate class should a scheme of arrangement be XVHGWRFUDPGRZQGLVVHQWLQJMXQLRUFUHGLWRUV AIMA Journal Q1 2016 61 Solutions for a changing world “A dominant presence in the hedge funds market” Chambers & Partners 2015 Our leading hedge funds practice has been finding new solutions for the changing world faced by our clients for more than 20 years. We are committed to finding innovative ways of providing a world class, user-friendly service to address the legal, tax and regulatory challenges faced by the hedge fund industry. Our Simmons & Simmons navigator product range covers areas including global fund marketing, share disclosure, derivatives, alternative lending and product tax. Other products developed focus on UCITS registrations and data protection. We now offer tools to manage the implementation of MiFID2 (MiFID2 Manager) and the hedge fund start-up process (LaunchPlus). @SimmonsLLP Simmons & Simmons is an international legal practice carried on by Simmons & Simmons LLP and its affiliated practices. Simmons & Simmons LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales with number OC352713 and with its registered office at CityPoint, One Ropemaker Street, London EC2Y 9SS. It is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. From our members 5XPSXQFKDQGWD[HV²3XHUWR5LFR may serve as an island escape AIMA SPONSORING PARTNER %\ $GDP - 7HMHGD 7D[ 3DUWQHU ./ *DWHVDQG)UDQN:'ZRUDN7D[3DUWQHU ./*DWHV1 6LJQLÀFDQWSUHVVKDVEHHQGHYRWHGWRWKHEHQHÀWVWKDW US individual investment managers compensated with a “carried interest” are afforded when the allocations attributable to such “carried interest” are attributable to long-term capital gains.2 2IWHQRYHUORRNHGKRZHYHULVWKDWWKHSUHIHUHQWLDOWD[ rate attributable to long-term capital gains is typically reserved for private equity fund or other investment PDQDJHUV ZLWK ORQJWHUP LQYHVWPHQW VWUDWHJLHV HJ real estate funds and hedge funds with sporadic WUDGLQJ DFWLYLWLHV EHFDXVH WKH SUHIHUHQWLDO WD[ UDWHV DSSO\RQO\ZLWKUHVSHFWWRORQJWHUPFDSLWDOJDLQVLH gains attributable to capital assets held for more than one year). US individual hedge fund managers who are compensated VROHO\ ZLWK PDQDJHPHQW IHHV SHUIRUPDQFH IHHV performance allocations attributable to short-term FDSLWDO JDLQV RU D FRPELQDWLRQ RI VXFK FRPSHQVDWLRQ (such compensation is collectively referred to herein as “ordinary income itemsµDUHRIWHQOHIWRXWRIWKH SDUW\ DQG VXEMHFW WR 86 IHGHUDO LQFRPH WD[ DW WKH $GDP7HMHGDLVDWD[SDUWQHUDW./*DWHV//3·V1HZ<RUN RIÀFHDQG)UDQN'ZRUDNLVDWD[SDUWQHUDW./*DWHV//3·V2UDQJH &RXQW\RIÀFH7KHDXWKRUVZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQN(GJDU5tRV0pQGH] DWD[SDUWQHUZLWK3LHWUDQWRQL0pQGH]$OYDUH]//&LQ3XHUWR5LFR IRUKLVKHOSIXOFRPPHQWVVXJJHVWLRQVDQGJXLGDQFHUHJDUGLQJ3XHUWR 5LFDQWD[PDWWHUVGLVFXVVHGKHUHLQ 2 The character of an item of income allocated from an HQWLW\WUHDWHGDVDSDUWQHUVKLSIRU86IHGHUDOLQFRPHWD[SXUSRVHV is determined at the partnership level so that if a U.S. individual receives a “carried interest” allocation that is attributable to longWHUPFDSLWDOJDLQVVXFK´FDUULHGLQWHUHVWµZLOOEHFRQVLGHUHG ORQJ WHUPFDSLWDOJDLQV6HFWLRQE([FHSWDVRWKHUZLVHLQGLFDWHG KHUHLQ DOO VHFWLRQ UHIHUHQFHV DUH WR WKH 86 ,QWHUQDO 5HYHQXH &RGHRIDVDPHQGHGWKH´&RGHµDQGDOO5HJXODWLRQ6HFWLRQ references are to the U.S. Treasury Regulations issued thereunder.) UDWHV DSSOLFDEOH WR RUGLQDU\ LQFRPH 1RQHWKHOHVV such hedge fund managers may be able to reduce their RYHUDOOWD[EXUGHQDQGHLWKHUDFKLHYHRUFRPHFORVHWR DFKLHYLQJWKHEHQHÀWVDYDLODEOHIRUORQJWHUPFDSLWDO JDLQ ´FDUULHG LQWHUHVWµ DOORFDWLRQV RU DV GHVFULEHG EHORZ UHDOLVH D EHWWHU UHVXOW E\ UHVWUXFWXULQJ WKHLU advisory operations to or initiating their advisory operations in Puerto Rico. 6SHFLÀFDOO\ LQGLYLGXDO KHGJH IXQG PDQDJHUV WKDW EHFRPH ERQD ÀGH UHVLGHQWV RI 3XHUWR 5LFR DQG RZQ an ownership interest in a Puerto Rican investment DGYLVRU\FRUSRUDWLRQWKDWTXDOLÀHVDVDQH[SRUWVHUYLFH FRPSDQ\ XQGHU WKH 3XHUWR 5LFR ([SRUW 6HUYLFHV $FW (an “$FW&RPSDQ\” and “Act 20µUHVSHFWLYHO\PD\ EHDEOHWRUHGXFHWKHLULQFRPHWD[EXUGHQRQRUGLQDU\ income items attributable to such advisory services to WKHH[WHQWVXFKLQGLYLGXDOLVFRPSHQVDWHGWKURXJKWKH receipt of dividends from such corporation. ,Q DGGLWLRQ DQ LQGLYLGXDO KHGJH IXQG PDQDJHU WKDW GRHVQRWEHFRPHDERQDÀGHUHVLGHQWRI3XHUWR 5LFR but conducts his or her operations through an Act 20 &RPSDQ\ PD\ EH DEOH WR VLJQLÀFDQWO\ UHGXFH KLV RU KHU86IHGHUDOLQFRPHWD[EXUGHQRQRUGLQDU\LQFRPH items attributable to his or her advisory activities to FORVHO\DSSUR[LPDWHWKHWD[EHQHÀWVDIIRUGHG´FDUULHG interest” allocations of long-term capital gains. Overview of relevant US tax considerations ,QJHQHUDO86LQGLYLGXDOWD[SD\HUVLHIRUSXUSRVHV RI WKLV DUWLFOH 86 FLWL]HQV DQG ODZIXO SHUPDQHQW UHVLGHQWVDUHVXEMHFWWR86IHGHUDOLQFRPHWD[RQWKHLU worldwide income regardless of where such resident individual is domiciled.3$86LQGLYLGXDOWD[SD\HUPD\ be able to renounce his or her citizenship or otherwise H[SDWULDWH DQG WKHUHDIWHU EH VXEMHFW WR 86 IHGHUDO 3 Section 7701(a)(30) and Regulation Section 1.1-1(b). continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 63 From our members LQFRPH WD[ RQO\ ZLWK UHVSHFW WR KLV RU KHU 86 VRXUFH LQFRPH $Q ´H[LW WD[µ PD\ DSSO\4 KRZHYHU ZKLFK JHQHUDOO\ LPSRVHV 86 IHGHUDO LQFRPH WD[ DV LI WKH H[SDWULDWH VROG DOO RI KLV RU KHU DVVHWV IRU WKHLU IDLU PDUNHWYDOXHSULRUWRWKHH[SDWULDWLRQ51HYHUWKHOHVV WKH H[LW WD[ GRHV QRW DSSO\ WR D 86 LQGLYLGXDO ZKR moves to Puerto Rico without renouncing his or her US citizenship or terminating his or her status as a lawful permanent US resident.6 7KH KLJKHVW 86 IHGHUDO LQFRPH WD[ UDWH FXUUHQWO\ applicable to US resident individuals on ordinary LQFRPH LV 7KH KLJKHVW 86 IHGHUDO LQFRPH WD[ rate currently applicable to US resident individuals RQ ORQJWHUP FDSLWDO JDLQ LV DQG DQ DGGLWLRQDO WD[RIPD\DSSO\WRVRPHRUDOORID86UHVLGHQW individual’s “net investment income”.7 ´4XDOLÀHG dividend income” received by a US resident individual JHQHUDOO\ LV VXEMHFW WR 86 IHGHUDO LQFRPH WD[ DW WKH rates applicable to long-term capital gains.8 Dividends received by a US resident individual from a corporation organised in Puerto Rico generally are considered ´TXDOLÀHGGLYLGHQGLQFRPH9 Notwithstanding the general rule that a US resident LQGLYLGXDO LV VXEMHFW WR 86 IHGHUDO LQFRPH WD[ RQ D ZRUOGZLGH EDVLV 6HFWLRQ JHQHUDOO\ SURYLGHV WKDW D86LQGLYLGXDOWD[SD\HU´ZKRLVDERQDÀGHUHVLGHQW RI 3XHUWR 5LFRµ GXULQJ WKH HQWLUH WD[DEOH \HDU LV QRW VXEMHFW WR 86 IHGHUDO LQFRPH WD[ ZLWK UHVSHFW WR 4 Section 877A. 6HFWLRQ $ $Q LQÁDWLRQ DGMXVWHG DPRXQW LV H[FOXGHG IURP DQ H[SDWULDWH·V JURVV LQFRPH LQ GHWHUPLQLQJ VXFK LQGLYLGXDO·V WD[DEOHLQFRPHUHVXOWLQJIURPH[SDWULDWLRQ 6XFKDQLQGLYLGXDOZRXOGQRWEHFRQVLGHUHGDQ´H[SDWULDWHµ VXEMHFWWR6HFWLRQ$6HFWLRQ$JDQG 7 Section 1411. “Net investment income” generally refers to passive income and gross income derived in a trade or business that constitutes a passive activity (within the meaning of Section ZLWKUHVSHFWWRDWD[SD\HURUDWUDGHRUEXVLQHVVRIWUDGLQJLQ ÀQDQFLDOLQVWUXPHQWVRUFRPPRGLWLHV6HFWLRQF 8 Section 1(h)(11). 6HFWLRQ K%L &L 6HFWLRQ G 6HFWLRQ G3XEOLFDWLRQ7D[*XLGHIRU,QGLYLGXDOVZLWK,QFRPHIURP 863RVVHVVLRQV. such individual’s Puerto Rican source income.10 The Regulations provide a detailed set of rules regarding whether income will be considered to be derived from Puerto Rican sources.11 9HU\ JHQHUDOO\ L FRPSHQVDWLRQ LQFRPH UHFHLYHG E\ D ´ERQD ÀGH UHVLGHQWµ RI 3XHUWR 5LFR IRU VHUYLFHV performed in Puerto Rico is considered Puerto Rican source income12; (ii) dividends received by a 86 LQGLYLGXDO WD[SD\HU ZKR RZQV OHVV WKDQ RI D Puerto Rican corporation are considered to be Puerto Rican source income; (iii) dividends received by any 86 LQGLYLGXDO WD[SD\HU ZKR RZQV RU PRUH RI WKH total voting stock of a Puerto Rican corporation are considered to be Puerto Rican source income if (a) 80% or more of the gross income of the corporation during the prior three years (or the period during which such FRUSRUDWLRQZDVLQH[LVWHQFHLIOHVVWKDQWKUHH\HDUV ZDVGHULYHGIURPVRXUFHVZLWKLQ3XHUWR5LFRDQGE 50% or more of the gross income during the prior three years (or the period in which such corporation was in H[LVWHQFH LI OHVV WKDQ WKUHH \HDUV ZDV GHULYHG IURP the active conduct of a trade or business within Puerto Rico13; and (iv) dividends received by a US individual WD[SD\HU ZKR RZQV DW OHDVW RI WKH WRWDO YRWLQJ stock of a Puerto Rican corporation not described in (iii) will be considered Puerto Rican source income RQO\WRWKHH[WHQWRIVXFKFRUSRUDWLRQ·V3XHUWR5LFDQ 10 A U.S. resident individual generally will be considered WR EH D ´ERQD ÀGH UHVLGHQWµ RI 3XHUWR 5LFR LI L WKH LQGLYLGXDO LV SUHVHQWLQ3XHUWR5LFRGXULQJWKHWD[DEOH\HDUIRUDWOHDVWGD\V LLWKHLQGLYLGXDOGRHVQRWKDYHDWD[KRPHRXWVLGHRI3XHUWR5LFR GXULQJWKHWD[DEOH\HDUDQGLLLWKHLQGLYLGXDOGRHVQRWKDYHDFORVHU connection to the United States or a foreign country other than Puerto 5LFR GXULQJ WKH WD[DEOH \HDU 6HFWLRQ D 5HJXODWLRQ 6HFWLRQ EH$IXUWKHUGLVFXVVLRQRIWKLV´ERQDÀGHUHVLGHQWµWHVW DQG WKH GHWHUPLQDWLRQ RI ZKHWKHU D 86 LQGLYLGXDO WD[SD\HU PD\ EHFRPHD´ERQDÀGHUHVLGHQWµRI3XHUWR5LFRIRUWKHHQWLUHRUSDUW RIDWD[DEOH\HDULVEH\RQGWKHVFRSHRIWKLVDUWLFOH 11 6HHJHQHUDOO\Regulation Section 1.937-2. 12 Section 937(b)(1) generally provides that rules similar to determining whether income is from sources within the United States or is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the United States shall apply for purposes of determining whether income is from Puerto Rican sources. 13 Regulation Section 1.937-2(g)(1)(ii). continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 64 From our members source income.14 While the source of capital gains generally is determined by reference to the residence RIDWD[SD\HUDSRUWLRQRIFDSLWDOJDLQVUHDOLVHGZLWK UHVSHFWWRSURSHUW\RZQHGE\D86LQGLYLGXDOWD[SD\HU at the time of his or her move to Puerto Rico may UHPDLQ VXEMHFW WR 86 IHGHUDO LQFRPH WD[ LI UHDOLVHG within 10 years of emigration to Puerto Rico.15 Overview and relevant Puerto Rican tax considerations Act 20 and the complementary Puerto Rico Individual Investors Act (“Act 22”) were enacted in January 2012 ZLWK WKH REMHFWLYH RI LQFHQWLYLVLQJ WKH HPLJUDWLRQ RI businesses and individuals to Puerto Rico. $Q $FW &RPSDQ\ LV QRW VXEMHFW WR JUDGXDWHG FRUSRUDWH WD[ UDWHV LQ 3XHUWR 5LFR EXW LV LQVWHDG VXEMHFW WR D ÁDW WD[ RI ZLWK UHVSHFW WR H[SRUW services performed by the company in Puerto Rico. ([SRUWVHUYLFHVDUHVHUYLFHVSHUIRUPHGLQ3XHUWR5LFR for service recipients located outside of and with QR QH[XV WR 3XHUWR 5LFR ,QYHVWPHQW PDQDJHPHQW services performed by an Act 20 Company are FRQVLGHUHGH[SRUWVHUYLFHVIRUWKLVSXUSRVH An Act 20 Company may be a start-up company or an H[LVWLQJEXVLQHVVDOWKRXJKDQHZ3XHUWR5LFDQHQWLW\ generally must be established).16 Transfer pricing issues must be considered if an Act 20 Company is part of a group business that operates both in and RXWVLGHRI3XHUWR5LFR,QDGGLWLRQ$FWSURYLGHV IRU D GLYLGHQG WD[ H[HPSWLRQ ZLWKKROGLQJ RU RWKHUZLVH D JHQHUDO H[HPSWLRQ IURP SHUVRQDO SURSHUW\ WD[ IRU FHUWDLQ H[SRUW VHUYLFH EXVLQHVVHV DQGUHDOSURSHUW\WD[HVDQGDJHQHUDOH[HPSWLRQ IURPPXQLFLSDOWD[HV 7R TXDOLI\ DV DQ $FW &RPSDQ\ DQ HQWLW\ PXVW L SURYLGH TXDOLÀHG H[SRUW VHUYLFHV LL HPSOR\ DW OHDVW WKUHH LQGLYLGXDOV UHVLGLQJ LQ 3XHUWR 5LFR ÀYH LQGLYLGXDOVIRUDSSOLFDWLRQVÀOHGRQRUDIWHU'HFHPEHU 14 Regulation Section 1.937-2(g)(1)(i). 15 5HJXODWLRQ 6HFWLRQ ILL 1RWLFH C.B. 681. 16 ,IDQ$FW&RPSDQ\UHODWHVWRDQH[LVWLQJEXVLQHVVFHUWDLQ RXWERXQG WUDQVIHU UXOHV PXVW EH FRQVLGHUHG LQFOXGLQJ 6HFWLRQ and the anti-inversion rules under Section 7874. DQGLLLVXEPLWDQDSSOLFDWLRQWRWKH2IÀFH RI ,QGXVWULDO 7D[ ([HPSWLRQ RI 3XHUWR 5LFR 8SRQ DSSURYDO DQ $FW &RPSDQ\ ZLOO UHFHLYH D WD[ H[HPSWLRQ GHFUHH IURP WKH JRYHUQPHQW RI 3XHUWR 5LFR7KHWD[H[HPSWLRQGHFUHHLVD\HDUELQGLQJ contract between the government of Puerto Rico and the Act 20 Company providing that the Act 20 &RPSDQ\ZLOOEHHQWLWOHGWRWKHDIRUHPHQWLRQHGWD[ EHQHÀWV IRU VXFK \HDU SHULRG UHJDUGOHVV RI DQ\ FKDQJHVLQ3XHUWR5LFDQWD[ODZV ,Q JHQHUDO $FW SURYLGHV DQ H[HPSWLRQ IRU SDVVLYH LQFRPH LH GLYLGHQGV LQWHUHVW DQG SRVWPLJUDWLRQ VRXUFHFDSLWDOJDLQVUHDOLVHGE\ERQDÀGH3XHUWR5LFDQ residents. Built-in gains accrued while residing outside of Puerto Rico and realised within 10 years of becoming a Puerto Rican resident17 DUH VXEMHFW WR 3XHUWR 5LFDQ LQFRPH WD[ DW D UDWH RI DQG VXFK EXLOWLQ JDLQV realised after 10 years of becoming a Puerto Rican UHVLGHQW DUH VXEMHFW WR 3XHUWR 5LFDQ LQFRPH WD[ DW D rate of 5%. 7KXV WRJHWKHU ZLWK WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ RI 6HFWLRQ D 86 LQGLYLGXDO WD[SD\HU ZKR EHFRPHV D ERQD ÀGH 3XHUWR5LFDQUHVLGHQWVKRXOGQRWEHVXEMHFWWR86RU 3XHUWR5LFDQLQFRPHWD[ZLWKUHVSHFWWR3XHUWR5LFDQ VRXUFHGLYLGHQGVLQWHUHVWDQGSRVWPLJUDWLRQFDSLWDO JDLQV 1RWDEO\ KRZHYHU QRW DOO SDVVLYH LQFRPH UHDOLVHG E\ D 86 LQGLYLGXDO WD[SD\HU DIWHU KLV RU KHU emigration to Puerto Rico is free from both US and 3XHUWR5LFDQWD[HV$VVXFKLQGLYLGXDOVZKRTXDOLI\ under Act 22 are incentivised to invest in Puerto Rican businesses and real estate after emigration to Puerto Rico because passive income from these sources JHQHUDOO\ PD\ EH H[HPSW IURP ERWK 86 DQG 3XHUWR 5LFDQIHGHUDOLQFRPHWD[HV &RPSHQVDWLRQ LQFRPH UHFHLYHG E\ D ERQD ÀGH $FW 3XHUWR 5LFDQ UHVLGHQW LV VXEMHFW WR LQFRPH WD[ LQ 3XHUWR5LFRDWJUDGXDWHGUDWHVZLWKWKHPD[LPXPUDWH EHLQJ IRU QHW WD[DEOH RUGLQDU\ LQFRPH H[FHHGLQJ 'RXEOH WD[DWLRQ RI VXFK LQFRPH EHWZHHQ the United States and Puerto Rico should not result EHFDXVHVXFKLQFRPHJHQHUDOO\VKRXOGQRWEHVXEMHFW WR86IHGHUDOLQFRPHWD[HVXQGHU6HFWLRQ An individual who owns an Act 20 Company may choose 17 6XFKEXLOWLQJDLQVJHQHUDOO\DOVRZRXOGEHVXEMHFWWR86 IHGHUDO LQFRPH WD[ ZKHQ UHFRJQL]HG EXW D 86 IRUHLJQ WD[ FUHGLW PD\EHDYDLODEOHWRDYRLGGRXEOHWD[DWLRQ continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 65 From our members to limit the amount of compensation he or she receives from the Act 20 Company and instead receive dividend GLVWULEXWLRQVIURPWKH$FW&RPSDQ\,QVXFKDFDVH Puerto Rico may treat a dividend as compensation LQFRPH WR WKH H[WHQW WKDW 3XHUWR 5LFR GHHPV WKH individual to have received less than reasonable compensation for his or her services. Whether compensation is reasonable is based on the facts and circumstances in each case. Puerto Rico SURYLGHV D VDIH KDUERU KRZHYHU XQGHU ZKLFK LW will not challenge an arrangement as providing for disguised compensation where an individual receives DW OHDVW 86' RI FRPSHQVDWLRQ IURP DQ $FW 20 Company. UDWH RI DSSUR[LPDWHO\ 19 If the investment management business is operational prior to the IRUPDWLRQRIWKH$FW&RPSDQ\WKH86LQGLYLGXDO WD[SD\HU ZLOO QHHG WR FRQVLGHU FHUWDLQ UXOHV UHODWLQJWRWKHRXWERXQGWUDQVIHURIDQH[LVWLQJ86 EXVLQHVV HJ 6HFWLRQ DQG WKH DQWLLQYHUVLRQ UXOHVXQGHU6HFWLRQEXWWKHXVHRI$FWLV still possible. • A US-based individual investment manager that EHFRPHVD´ERQDÀGHµUHVLGHQWRI3XHUWR5LFRPD\ be able to organise an Act 20 Company to conduct his or her investment management operations and TXDOLI\IRUWKH3XHUWR5LFDQWD[EHQHÀWVDIIRUGHG under Act 22. In that case (i) the Act 20 Company’s LQFRPH ZRXOG EH VXEMHFW WR 3XHUWR 5LFDQ LQFRPH WD[ RI LL WKH LQGLYLGXDO ZRXOG EH VXEMHFW WR 3XHUWR5LFDQEXWQRW86LQFRPHWD[ZLWKUHVSHFW to Puerto Rican source compensation received from the Act 20 Company; (iii) the individual generally ZRXOGQRWEHVXEMHFWWR3XHUWR5LFDQRU86LQFRPH WD[ZLWKUHVSHFWWRGLYLGHQGGLVWULEXWLRQVIURPWKH Act 20 Company; (iv) the individual generally would QRWEHVXEMHFWWR3XHUWR5LFDQDQG86LQFRPHWD[ with respect to gains realised upon the sale of the $FW &RPSDQ\ SURYLGHG WKDW WKH FRPSDQ\ ZDV organised following the individual’s emigration to Puerto Rico; and (v) the individual generally ZRXOGQRWEHVXEMHFWWR3XHUWR5LFDQRU86LQFRPH WD[HVZLWKUHVSHFWWR3XHUWR5LFDQVRXUFHFDSLWDO gains recognised on capital assets acquired after EHFRPLQJDERQDÀGH3XHUWR5LFDQUHVLGHQW • ,Q HLWKHU FDVH WUDQVIHU SULFLQJ LVVXHV PXVW EH considered if a group of companies under common control conducts investment management activities both in and outside of Puerto Rico. The relevant transfer pricing rules may require that a portion of the group’s income be allocated to the United 6WDWHVDQGVXEMHFWWR86IHGHUDOLQFRPHWD[ 7RTXDOLI\XQGHU$FWDQLQGLYLGXDOPXVWLQRWKDYH been a resident of Puerto Rico at any time during the \HDU SHULRG SULRU WR WKH HQDFWPHQW RI $FW LH -DQXDU\LLDSSO\WRDQGJDLQDSSURYDORIWKH 2IÀFHRI,QGXVWULDO7D[([HPSWLRQRI3XHUWR5LFRDQG (iii) change his or her domicile to Puerto Rico.18 The island vacation – putting it all together 2QEDODQFH6HFWLRQ$FW$FWDQGWKHUXOHV UHODWHG WR ´TXDOLÀHG GLYLGHQG LQFRPHµ PD\ SURYLGH D 86 LQGLYLGXDO WD[SD\HU ZLWK DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR VXEVWDQWLDOO\ UHGXFH KLV RU KHU DJJUHJDWH WD[ EXUGHQ ZKHUH WKH WD[SD\HU FRQGXFWV LQYHVWPHQW DGYLVRU\ RSHUDWLRQV LQ 3XHUWR 5LFR 7KH SRWHQWLDO EHQHÀWV RI these provisions may be summarised as follows: • A US-based individual investment manager who GRHVQRWEHFRPHD´ERQDÀGHµUHVLGHQWRI3XHUWR Rico may be able to organize an Act 20 Company to conduct his or her investment management RSHUDWLRQV ,Q VXFK D FDVH DIWHU DFFRXQWLQJ IRU WKH WD[ RQ QHW LQYHVWPHQW LQFRPH WKH 3XHUWR 5LFDQ WD[ WKDW ZRXOG EH LPSRVHG RQ WKH $FW &RPSDQ\ DQG DVVXPLQJ WKDW WKH KLJKHVW 86 IHGHUDO LQFRPH WD[ UDWHV ZLOO DSSO\ GLYLGHQG LQFRPH UHDOLVHG E\ D 86 LQGLYLGXDO WD[SD\HU IURP DQ$FW&RPSDQ\ZLOOEHVXEMHFWWRDQHIIHFWLYH FRPELQHG86IHGHUDODQG3XHUWR5LFDQLQFRPHWD[ 18 Domicile refers to the intention of the individual to SHUPDQHQWO\UHVLGHLQ3XHUWR5LFRDQGWKHUHIRUHWKLVWHVWLVPRUH VXEMHFWLYH WKDQ WKH 86 ´ERQDÀGH UHVLGHQWµ WHVW GHVFULEHG LQ footnote 9 above. 19 )RU H[DPSOH DVVXPH DQ $FW &RPSDQ\ UHFRJQL]HG LQFRPH RI DQG GLVWULEXWHG LWV DIWHUWD[ LQFRPH WR LWV VROH VKDUHKROGHUD86LQGLYLGXDO7KH$FW&RPSDQ\ZRXOGEHVXEMHFW WRRIWD[LQ3XHUWR5LFROHDYLQJDYDLODEOHIRUGLVWULEXWLRQ to its shareholder. Assuming the application of the highest U.S. IHGHUDOLQFRPHWD[UDWHRQ´TXDOLÀHGGLYLGHQGLQFRPHµDQGWKH DSSOLFDWLRQ RI WKH WD[ RQ ´QHW LQYHVWPHQW LQFRPHµ WKH GLYLGHQG ZRXOG EH VXEMHFW WR 86 IHGHUDO WD[HV RI ZLWKDQDJJUHJDWH86IHGHUDODQG3XHUWR5LFDQLQFRPHWD[ OLDELOLW\RIRUDQHIIHFWLYHWD[UDWHRIDSSUR[LPDWHO\ continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 66 From our members Conclusion A US individual hedge fund manager who is not compensated with carried interest allocations of longWHUP FDSLWDO JDLQ JHQHUDOO\ LV VXEMHFW WR 86 IHGHUDO LQFRPHWD[RQVXFKFRPSHQVDWLRQDWRUGLQDU\LQFRPH WD[UDWHV,QDGGLWLRQDKLJKQHWZRUWK86LQGLYLGXDO JHQHUDOO\ FDQQRW H[SDWULDWH ZLWKRXW SRWHQWLDOO\ EHLQJ VXEMHFW WR D 86 H[LW WD[ 8QGHU FXUUHQW ODZ D 86 individual hedge fund manager may be able to take DGYDQWDJHRI$FW$FWDQGFHUWDLQ86WD[EHQHÀWV related to ownership of a Puerto Rican corporation DQGRU 3XHUWR 5LFDQ UHVLGHQF\ ZLWK WKH UHVXOW WKDW WKH LQGLYLGXDO PD\ EH DEOH WR VLJQLÀFDQWO\ UHGXFH KLV RUKHUDJJUHJDWHLQFRPHWD[EXUGHQDQGRUUHGRPLFLOH ZLWKRXWEHLQJVXEMHFWWRDQH[LWWD[:KLOHRUJDQL]LQJ or reorganizing investment management operations to Puerto Rico may not be suitable for all US individual KHGJH IXQG PDQDJHUV JLYHQ WKHVH PHDQLQJIXO WD[ EHQHÀWVDSHUPDQHQWYDFDWLRQWRWKHWURSLFDOLVODQGRI 3XHUWR5LFRLVFHUWDLQO\ZRUWKH[SORULQJ DGDPWHMHGD#NOJDWHVFRP continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 67 CONTEXT SUMMITS TEXAS 2016 JUNE 5 - 7, 2016 THE PREEMINENT TEXAS INVESTOR SUMMIT FOR THE ALTERNATIVE ASSET MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY, JUNE 5-7, 2016 - AT&T STADIUM, ARLINGTON, TX . . . . Most proven, efficient, and productive event format in the alternative asset management industry. Investors perform substantive due diligence through focused, pre-scheduled, one-on-one meetings with hundreds of portfolio managers over a two-day period. Elevated conference experience through a superior, innovative format where targeted relationship building leads to unmatched results with a maximized return on time and investment. Single-site social events provide unmatched opportunities to network and develop long-term meaningful relationships to drive success and grow assets. WEBSITE: PHONE: 908-379-3900 10% DISCOUNT FOR FUNDS CODE: ASSN-AIMA AIMA's sponsoring partners Sponsoring Partners of AIMA Sponsoring Partners of AIMA AIMA Journal Q1 2016 69 New members 7KH IROORZLQJ FRUSRUDWH PHPEHU ÀUPV MRLQHG $,0$ GXULQJWKHIRXUWKTXDUWHURI 0HPEHUVKLS RI $,0$ LV FRUSRUDWH )RU IXUWKHU GHWDLOV SOHDVH FRQWDFW )LRQD 7UHEOH DW IWUHEOH#DLPDRUJ 7R OHDUQ DERXW WKH EHQHÀWV RI DQ $,0$PHPEHUVKLSFOLFNhere$OOLQIRUPDWLRQVXSSOLHG LQ WKH IROORZLQJ PHPEHU SURÀOHV KDV EHHQ SURYLGHG by the member company and its accuracy is not guaranteed by AIMA. ABBEY CAPITAL (US) LLC Country: USA Contact: Helen Doody Telephone: +1 646 495 5546 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: ADAPTIVE REASONING LTD Country: UK Contact: John Berry Business activity: IT/Systems/Software Services Website: %XVLQHVVDFWLYLW\)XQG$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ$FFRXQWLQJ Custody Services Website: BOVILL ASIA PTE LIMITED Country: Singapore &RQWDFW%LOOLH-R'L[RQ Telephone: +65 3157 2156 Business activity: Consultant (Other) Website: BULKARA CAPITAL LIMITED Country: UK Contact: Adam O'Neil Telephone: +44 (0)20 8144 8233 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: CACEIS IRELAND LIMITED Country: Ireland Contact: Oscar Garcia Telephone: +353 1 672 16 00 %XVLQHVVDFWLYLW\%DQNLQJ6HUYLFHVH[FOSULPH brokerage) Website: AITKEN INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT PTY LTD CIBC ASSET MANAGEMENT INC Country: Australia Contact: Les Andrews Telephone: +61 2 9236 7250 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: Country: Canada Contact: Ela Karahasanoglu Telephone: +1 416 364 5620 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: ARKK SOLUTIONS CLARITY CAPITAL PTY LTD Country: UK Contact: Richard Metcalfe Telephone: +44 (0)20 7036 2758 Business activity: Consultant (Other) Website: Country: Australia Contact: Ryan Donaldson Telephone: +61 2 9231 0600 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: BNP PARIBAS SECURITIES SERVICES COPPER STREET CAPITAL Country: Ireland Contact: Pete Townsend Telephone: +353 1 612 6400 %XVLQHVVDFWLYLW\)XQG$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ$FFRXQWLQJ Custody Services Website: BNP PARIBAS SECURITIES SERVICES Country: Hong Kong Contact: Aisling Keane Telephone: +852 2909 8888 Country: UK Contact: Vishal Shete Telephone: +44 (0)20 3824 1500 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser CROWN STERLING LLC Country: USA Contact: Whitney Holmes Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 70 New members CUBE CAPITAL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LIMITED Country: UK Contact: Mike Williams Telephone: +44 (0)20 7291 8180 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: DEVET CAPITAL INVESTMENTS Country: UK Contact: Leonardo Marroni Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: DYAL CAPITAL PARTNERS Country: USA Contact: Jeffry Brown Telephone: +1 212 476 8525 Business activity: Consultant (Investment) EAGLEWOOD CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC Country: USA Contact: Nancy Lynch Telephone: +1 212 729 4688 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: EAGLEWOOD EUROPE LLP Country: UK Contact: Dipali Sahni Telephone: +44 (0)20 7925 4865 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: FREETHINK CAPITAL INC Country: Canada Contact: Rebecca Mullin Telephone: +1 780 443 6980 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser GLOBAL CREDIT INVESTMENTS PTY LTD Country: Australia Contact: Adam Schwartz Telephone: +61 2 8247 3120 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: GRANITE ALPHEN CAPITAL FUND LIMITED Country: Gibraltar &RQWDFW0D[ZHOO0DQQLQJ Telephone: +350 200 748 54 Business activity: Fund of Hedge Funds Manager Website: GREYLOCK CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC Country: USA Contact: John C. Maguire Telephone: +1 212 808 1800 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: GRUSS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LP Country: USA Contact: Michael Cassidy Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: GSO CAPITAL PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL LLP Country: UK Contact: Sara Cunningham Telephone: +44 (0)20 7758 9000 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: HARNEY WESTWOOD & RIEGELS SINGAPORE LLP Country: Singapore Contact: Lisa Pearce Telephone: +65 3152 1930 Business activity: Legal Services HARNEYS CORPORATE SERVICES (ASIA) LIMITED SHANGHAI REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE Country: China Contact: Kristy Calvert Telephone: +86 13 9185 98782 Business activity: Legal Services HARNEYS SERVICES JAPAN KK Country: Japan &RQWDFW<XML$VDQR Telephone: +81 3 5219 1233 Business activity: Legal Services HGC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INC Country: Canada Contact: Brett Lindros Telephone: +1 647 776 2200 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 71 New members IBV CAPITAL LTD Country: Canada Contact: Ryan Perillo Telephone: +1 416 603 4282 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: INDEPENDENT VIEW Country: The Netherlands &RQWDFW5RELQYDQ%R[VHO Telephone: +31 1 20 737 2783 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: INVEREWE CAPITAL LONDON LIMITED Country: UK Contact: Michael Murphy Telephone: +44 (0)20 7493 4316 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: INVICO CAPITAL CORPORATION Country: Canada Contact: Shivek Ratnaswamy Telephone: +1 403 538 4771 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: ITG Country: France Contact: Jonathan Touboul Telephone: +33 1 8283 7010 Business activity: Other Service Providers ITG INC Country: USA Contact: Scott Kurland Telephone: +1 212 588 4000 Business activity: Other Service Providers Website: ITI ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD Country: UK Contact: Shaun Blake Telephone: +44 (0)20 3287 3038 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: JAMES RIVER CAPITAL CORP Country: USA Contact: Lisa Blankenship Telephone: +1 804 784 4500 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser :HEVLWHZZZMUFFQHW JP MORGAN SECURITIES LLC Country: USA Contact: Eric Klein Telephone: +1 212 648 1563 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser :HEVLWHZZZMSPRUJDQVHFXULWLHVFRPSDJHVDP securities/home KIMURA CAPITAL LLP Country: UK Contact: Kristofer Tremaine Telephone: +44 (0)20 7887 2231 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: KIMURA CAPITAL LLP Country: USA Contact: Morgan Metters Telephone: +1 212 601 9356 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: KOHLBERG KRAVIS ROBERTS & CO LTD Country: UK Contact: Ludo Bammens Telephone: +44 (0)20 7839 9800 Business activity: Debt Manager Website: MACKENZIE FINANCIAL CORPORATION Country: Canada Contact: Simon Bedard Telephone: +1 416 967 2000 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: MACROMONEY INVESTMENTS Country: Cayman Islands Contact: Simone Dalle Nogare Telephone: +48 22 300 26 48 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: MACX ASSET AG Country: Switzerland Contact: Jose Eduardo Homes de Montes Telephone: +41 41 729 49 65 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 72 New members MARTIN CURRIE INC Country: USA Contact: Alastair Barrie Telephone: + 1212 258 1900 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser MAVEN INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LIMITED Country: UK &RQWDFW$OH[DQGHU'RQQHOO\ Telephone: +44 (0)20 3668 0767 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: MILL HILL CAPITAL Country: USA Contact: David Meneret Telephone: +1 212 520 2953 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser NEWGEN ASSET MANAGEMENT Country: Canada Contact: Robert Duncan Telephone: +1 416 941 9111 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser NUOXIN CAPITAL (HONG KONG) LIMITED Country: Hong Kong Contact: Antony Wood Telephone: +852 3580 2766 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser :HEVLWHZZZFKLQDQ[KN OESA LIMITED Country: UK Contact: Kate Wormald Telephone: +44 (0)20 7907 9850 Business activity: Consultant (Investment) Website: PALMERSTON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLP Country: UK Contact: Jesse McCormick Telephone: +44 (0)20 3701 7730 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: PAVILION ADVISORY GROUP LTD Country: Canada &RQWDFW$OH['D&RVWD Telephone: +1 514 932 1548 Business activity: Consultant (Other) Website: PERISCOPE CAPITAL INC Country: Canada Contact: Steve Elgee Telephone: +1 416 365 2785 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: PICTET & CIE (EUROPE) SA &RXQWU\/X[HPERXUJ Contact: Bettina Graeber Telephone: +352 467 171-1 %XVLQHVVDFWLYLW\)XQG$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ$FFRXQWLQJ Custody Services Website: PIXL8 INTERACTIVE LTD Country: UK Contact: Neil Rosewarn Telephone: +44 (0)845 260 0726 Business activity: IT/Systems/Software Services :HEVLWHZZZSL[OFRXN PRYTANIA INVESTMENT ADVISORS LLP Country: UK Contact: Gideon Fackrell Telephone: +44 (0)20 7002 1555 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: QQM FUND MANAGEMENT AB Country: Sweden &RQWDFW2OD%MRUNPR Telephone: +46 8 407 5050 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser QUANTIUS INC Country: Canada Contact: Svetlana Koretskaia Telephone: +1 123 123 1234 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: R&F CAPITAL ADVISORS LP Country: USA Contact: Daniel Naccarella Telephone: +1 646 213 7000 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser RUBY CAPITAL LLP Country: UK Contact: Mark George Telephone: +44 (0)20 7290 3700 continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 73 New members Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: RVX ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC Country: Canada Contact: Charles Lemay Telephone: +1 514 600 1520 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser :HEVLWHZZZUY[DPFRP SABRE MANAGEMENT SERVICES LTD Country: Isle of Man Contact: Andrew Rouse Telephone: +44 (0)20 3180 1550 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: SAXO BANK FX SECURITIES KK Country: Japan Contact: Yuti Shimada Telephone: +81 3 5545 6351 Business activity: Prime Brokerage Services SAXO CAPITAL MARKETS PTE LTD Country: Singapore Contact: Matthew Cartwright Telephone: +65 6303 7800 Business activity: Prime Brokerage Services :HEVLWHZZZPDUNHWVVD[R SAXO CAPITAL MARKETS PTY LTD Country: Australia Contact: Andrew Wood Telephone: +61 2 8267 9000 Business activity: Prime Brokerage Services SCHRODER INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT (LUXEMBOURG) SA &RXQWU\/X[HPERXUJ Contact: Noel Fessey Telephone: +352 34 13 42 212 Business activity: Fund of Hedge Funds Manager Website:[HPERXUJ SCHRODER INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT (SINGAPORE) LTD Country: Singapore Contact: Rupert Rucker Telephone: +65 6535 3411 Business activity: Fund of Hedge Funds Manager Website: SCHRODER INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LIMITED Country: UK Contact: Charles Hopkinson-Woolley Telephone: +44 (0)20 7658 6000 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: SCHRODER INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT NORTH AMERICA INC Country: USA Contact: Eric Nelson Telephone: +1 212 641 3830 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: SCOTIA GLOBAL BANKING AND MARKETS Country: Singapore Contact: Ramsay Carter Telephone: +65 6305 8333 Business activity: Prime Brokerage Services Website: SCOTIABANK Country: UK Contact: Michael Brian Telephone: +44 (0)20 7638 5644 Business activity: Prime Brokerage Services Website: SCOTIABANK Country: USA Contact: Lauren Malafronte Telephone: +1 212 250 6623 Business activity: Prime Brokerage Services Website: SKYSCAPE CAPITAL INC Country: Canada Contact: Michael Wellwood Telephone: +1 587 333 2830 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser STATE STREET ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT SOLUTIONS Country: USA Contact: Finnian McCaul %XVLQHVVDFWLYLW\)XQG$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ$FFRXQWLQJ Custody Services continuedŹ AIMA Journal Q1 2016 74 New members THREE STONES CAPITAL LIMITED Country: Hong Kong Contact: Nicholas Bloom Telephone: +852 3955 2784 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: UNAVISTA, LSEG Country: USA Contact: Robert Grant Telephone: +1 212 314 1240 Business activity: Consultant (Other) Website: VALGREEN ADVISORS LTD Country: Cayman Islands Contact: Mary Allyn Telephone: +456 166 7183 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser VARDE PARTNERS ASIA Country: Singapore Contact: Carrie Seele Telephone: +65 6579 0800 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: VISTA FUND SERVICES LIMITED Country: Gibraltar Contact: Carol Ruffell Telephone: +350 200 764 58 %XVLQHVVDFWLYLW\)XQG$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ$FFRXQWLQJ Custody Services Website: WHITECOVE CAPITAL Country: Australia Contact: Stefan Chytra Telephone: +61 2 9251 6669 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser YARLUN CAPITAL PTE LIMITED Country: Singapore Contact: Geoff Main Telephone: +65 6303 0730 Business activity: Hedge Fund Manager / Adviser Website: AIMA Journal Q1 2016 75 20–22 June, 2016 Hotel Okura, Amsterdam Where Managers and Investors in Alternatives Collaborate to Drive Capital, Implement New Industry Standards and Source Cutting Edge Information on Future Returns. 500 global participants. Hundreds of Investor/ Manager meetings. The world of alternatives in one place. CO-LOCATED 20–21 June, 2016 Hotel Okura, Amsterdam Where C-level Hedge Funds and Private Equity Operations, Due Diligence and Compliance Experts Meet to Achieve Operation Excellence and Mitigate Regulatory Impact. Exclusive peer-to-peer boardrooms. International regulators. All global jurisdictions represented. AIMA — Representing the interests of the global hedge fund industry AIMA has more than 1,700 corporate members in over 50 countries and is present in all of the PDMRUÀQDQFLDOFHQWUHVJOREDOO\ Track record AIMA was founded in 1990 and over 25 years has grown into the only truly global hedge fund industry association, with more than 1,700 corporate members in over 50 countries. Representing the industry We represent the world’s hedge fund industry to regulators, policymakers, investors, the press and other stakeholders. Speaking for the whole industry AIMA’s members come from all parts of the global industry — including managers, service providers, allocator managers (including FoHFs), advisers and investors. AIMA’s manager members manage a combined $1.5 trillion in assets. Regulatory updates AIMA members receive comprehensive regulatory updates and tools. Sound Practices and DDQs AIMA members receive access to our full range of sound practices material, covering hedge fund management, valuation and asset pricing, administration, governance, business continuity, as well as DDQs for managers and service providers, offshore alternative fund directors and fund of hedge funds managers. Loyal members We consistently have a high membership renewal rate. Insight Our members get access to our online library of industry knowledge and expertise. Additionally, they receive our weekly newsletter, covering all the latest key industry and regulatory developments, and our ÁDJVKLSTXDUWHUO\SXEOLFDWLRQWKHAIMA Journal. Positive start Due to the amount of information available from AIMA and assistance we can provide through sound practices JXLGDQFHPHPEHUVKLSRI$,0$LVRIWHQRQHRIWKHÀUVW VWHSVWDNHQE\QHZÀUPVLQWKHLQGXVWU\ZKHUHYHUWKH\ are based. Get involved 2XUPHPEHUVDUHDEOHWRVKDUHLGHDVDQGLQÁXHQFH outcomes by either joining one of our many committees and regulatory working groups or by taking part in one of our many events around the world. Regular events Our Annual Conference and Global Policy and Regulatory Forum, open to all AIMA members, attract leading speakers from the industry and among policymakers, and hundreds of delegates, from around the world. We also hold regular events globally, which provide intelligence and networking opportunities. +HDG2IÀFH The Alternative Investment Management Association Ltd 2nd Floor, 167 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2EA Tel: +44 (0) 20 7822 8380 Email: Registered in England & Wales at the above address Company No. 4437037 — VAT No. 577 5913 90 Contact us $,0$+HDG2IÀFH )OHHW6WUHHW/RQGRQ(&$($8. +44 20 7822 8380 AIMA in the USA 3DUN$YHQXHWK)ORRU1HZ<RUN1<86$ +1 646 397 8411 AIMA Hong Kong 8QLW):\QGKDP6WUHHW&HQWUDO+RQJ.RQJ +852 2526 0211 AIMA Singapore 0DULQD9LHZ$VLD6TXDUH7RZHU6LQJDSRUH +65 6535 5494 AIMA Australia *32%R[6\GQH\16:$XVWUDOLD +61 412 224 400 AIMA Canada 6XLWH5LFKPRQG6WUHHW:HVW7RURQWR2QWDULR0+$&DQDGD +1 416 453 0111 MEXUURQ#DLPDFDQDGDRUJ AIMA Cayman AIMA Japan FR*0$&'LY,&6&RQYHQWLRQ'HVLJQ,QF&KL\RGD%OGJ 6DUXJDNXFKR&KL\RGDNX7RN\R-DSDQ +81 3 3219 3644 DLPDMDSDQ#LFVLQFFRMS