Vehicle Design and Performance You may answer no more tharl of the foilowillg two questions: A. Vehicle Design and Performance (Aeronautics) B. Vehicle Design and Performance (Astronautics) Vehicle Design and Performance (Aeronautics) An aircraft sizing study is performed, using -the following independent design parameters. m C Aa f gross takeoff mass takeoff wing loading aspect ratio airfoil thicknessJchord ratio CL lift coefficient From these, simple structural, aera,powcrplant, and weight models are then used to derive numerous relevant dependent parameters. S o r n ~examples are b = \lrnsAR/z wing span wing (fuel) volume v 21 0. 5b3/A2 V = J w flightspeedattakeoffmass fk = VSJvb average-chord Reynolds number power-specific fuel consuxnption HFC = PSK(mengi,,, . . .) drag coefficient CD = C2JTAI cdp(&, CLvi) + . . . Mruei = m ( l - f ,,) - mstructure(m, C, A?. . .) - mengine . . . allowable fuel mass + A payload/gross mass fraction of f,, = O,l is assumed, The assumed structural material properties correspond to common composites. The Breguet range is then finally examined, ultimately as a function of the independent parameters. In a sizing study, the gross mass is varied over a wide range rn = I . . .I00 000 kg (small UAV to large transport). All the other irldepcndent parameters are optimized so as to maximize the range R at each specified ~ n .The resulting optirnun~R is shown in Figure 1, and the associated optimum Pn and C are shown in Figures 2 and 3. I) In Figure 1, what physical effects cause R to increase as m is increased from 1kg to about 20000 kg? What causes the slight decreme a m increases beyond 20000 kg. Hint: examine the variables in the Rreguet expression. 2) In Figure 2, why is the optimum /R largest for an intermediate mass? What causes is to decrease on the left of this maximum? On the right of this maximum? 3) In Figure 3, the optimum wing loading increases very nearly as m1/3. What physical principle is responsible for this? 4) The assumed material properties are rlow upgradeci to match exotic higher-strength and higher-stiffness composites, and the sizing study is repeated. Briefly describe how each of the curves in the three figures would change. Figure 1: Range R versus mass m. All other pnrarncters optimized for maximum range. 1 10 7 00 1000 10000 1 f OOOOO m (kg) Figure 2: Aspect ratio A! optimized for rnaxirllurn range, versus mass m. Figure 3: Wing loading C optinnixed for maxirnum range, versus mass m. --- Vehicle Design and Performance (Astronautics) .-- Two competing architectures for lunar exploration must bc compared in terms of their total departure mass in low Earth orbit (LEO), see Figure 1. Each architecture uses a slightly different set of modules and operational sequence. Lunar Surface Lunar Surface -I-.. LLO ----- - - m a - - CM i . -:i 1 :. \. "I,unar Orbit Rendezvous" ,; : "Moon Directn p LE --- ----------------SM Earth Earth Figure 1: (left) "Moon Direct", (right) "Lunar Orbit Rendezvous" Moon Direct: The Command Module (CM), Ascent Stage (AS), Descent Stage (DS) and Trans-Lunar Stage (TLS) leave together fiom low Earth orbit (LEO). The mans-lunar injection burn is provided by the TLS. Upon amval in low lunar orbit (LLO) the TLS fires again to circularize the orbit around the Moon and is subsequently abandoned. The CM-AS-DS descend to the Moon together, with the DS providing descent propulsion and stabilization on the surface (landing gear). AAer surface expIoration is complete, the CM-AS lift off together with the AS providing propulsion and the DS being left behind on the surface. The AS fires again in CLO to provide trans-Earth injection for the CM. The CM enters Earth's atmosphere directly for a ballistic reentry. Lunar Orbit Rendezvous: The CM-SMand LM-AS-DS leave low Earth orbit together with the SM providing both the AV for trans-lunar injection and circularization in LLO. The LM-AS-DS descend to the lunar surface with the DS providing descent propulsion and stabilization on the surface (landing gear). During surface exploration the CM-SM waits in orbit. After surface exploration i s complete, the LM-AS lift off together with the AS providing propulsion and the DS being left behind on the surface. The LM-AS and CM-SM rendezvous in orbit and the astronauts transfer from the LM back to the CM.T h e empty LM-AS are abandoned in lunar orbit. The SM fires to provide trans-Earth injection for the CM and is subsequently jettisoned. The CM enters Earth's atmosphere directly for a ballistic reentry. a) Compute the total departure mass in LEO [kg] for both architectures and compare. b) Explain why one architecture is superior to another in terms of departure mass. C) At what ratio of masses LMICM wonld both architectures be equivalent in terms of deparhre mass? d) What criteria, other than mass, must be considered for architecture selection? Data to be used: I,=400 [s], CM=6000 [kg], LM=2000 [kg], assume all tanks and engines are massless. AV: LEO+ LLO circularize at LLO LEO+ Lunar Surface Lunar Surface 3 LLO T.l,r>+ LEO 3400 m l s 1100 d s 2200 mls 2200 rnls 1 100 mls (trans-lunar injection) (trans-Earth iniectionl MIT OpenCourseWare 16.842 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering Fall 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: