Dr Neil Geddes CCLRC Head of e-Science Director of the UK Grid Operations Support Centre UK Core e-Science programme Situation Today National Grid Service Level-2 Grid * Leeds Manchester * * DL * Oxford RAL * The Future According to Hey N G S UK Grid Operations Support Centre NGS “Today” Interfaces OGSI::Lite Projects e-Minerals e-Materials Orbital Dynamics of Galaxies Bioinformatics (using BLAST) GEODISE project UKQCD Singlet meson project Census data analysis MIAKT project e-HTPX project. RealityGrid (chemistry) Users Leeds Oxford UCL Cardiff Southampton Imperial Liverpool Sheffield Cambridge Edinburgh QUB BBSRC CCLRC. WSRF::Lite SRB service OGSA-DAI service Also includes: http://www.csar.cfs.ac.uk/ 256 Itanium2 processor SGI Altix 512 processor Origin3800 http://www.hpcx.ac.uk/ Full installation = 1600 IBM p690+ Regatta processors currently 1236 processors EMBL Nucleotide Sequences NCBI, BLAST, EMBOSS, FASTA, Gaussian •Thus, the NGS provides access to over 2000 processors, over 36TB of "data-grid" capacity, common scientific applications and extensive data archives. •Other resource providers anticipated to join in the future … GOSC Roles UK Grid Services National Services NGS Services CPU, (meta-) data storage, key software Services to be coordinated with others (eg OMII, NeSC, LCG): Job submission, simple registry, data transfer, data access and integration, resource brokering, monitoring and accounting, grid management services, workflow, notification, operations centre. NGS core-node Services Authentication, authorisation, certificate management, VO management, security, network monitoring, help desk + support centre. Integration testing, compatibility & Validation Tests, User Management, training Administration: Policies and acceptable use SLA’s, SLD’s Coordinate deployment and Operations GOSC + ETF • Core of GOSC built around experience in deploying and running National Grid Service (NGS) – Support service • Important to coordinate and integrate this with deployment and operations work in EGEE, LCG and similar projects. – e.g. EGEE – low level services, CA, GOC, CERT... • Focus on deployment and operations, NOT development. EGEE… Other software sources Prototypes & specifications NGS ETF Software with proven capability & realistic deployment experience OMII ‘Gold’ services Feedback & future requirements Deployment/testing/advice UK Campus Operations and other Grids ETF • Registry – A freely available UDDI implementation has been deployed/tested between 4 sites – Experience passed on to the GRIMOIRES OMII project. • Secure Flocking of Condor – Condor pools at 4 sites have been flocked together, through firewalls – authentication through use of X.509 certifcates – OMII test bed • Portals – Support access to the NGS. – Tied in with JISC VRE developments • Evaluations – – – – InnerGrid - Contractual issues delayed start - just started. OMII – Start later this month GT4 – Start later this month gLite – start next month Stuff We Don’t Do • Run a repository • Develop software – contribute to developments to influence/adapt cf “I’ve got one of those you can have. You just need to …” • (Training – Edinburgh/NeSC are part of GOSC) • Extensive user hand-holding and app support – Need the e-Science Centres – Priorities will be driven by users UofD U of A H P C x Commercial Provider PSRE Man. Leeds GOSC RAL Oxford C S A R U of B U of C NGS Core Nodes: Host core services, coordinate integration, deployment and support +free to access resources for all VOs. Monitored interfaces + services NGS Sites: Integrated with NGS, some services/resources available for all VOs Monitored interfaces + services NGS Connected Sites: Integrated with NGS, support for some VO’s Monitored interfaces (+security etc.) How do I Join ? • Acceptable use and Security policies • Install required interfaces (~EGEE) – VDT – EGEE CE and SE interfaces (and Authorisation) – Monitoring and accounting • Provide services as defined in your own SLD – Buys you representation at the board (?) “Tomorrow” GOSC Timeline NGS WS Service NGS Expansion (Bristol, Cardiff…) NGS Production Service NGS WS Service 2 OGSA-DAI NGS Expansion WS2 plan WS plan Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2004 Q2 Q3 2005 Q4 Q1 Q2 OMII release gLite release 1 EGEE gLite alpha release Q3 2006 EGEE gLite release OMII Release Web Services based National Grid Infrastructure UK e-Infrastructure Users get common access, tools, information, Nationally supported services, through NGS Regional and Campus grids Integrated internationally VRE, VLE, IE LHC ISIS TS2 HPCx + HECtoR Core services to facilitate collaborative (grid) computing – run by GOSC UK e-Science Cert. •Authentication (PKI X509) gsi-ssh, globus-job-submit, condorG •Job submission/batch service EDG-RB •Resource brokering VOM/VOMS •Authorisation •Virtual Organisation management VOMS (+Grid3/EGEE) myProxy(++) •Certificate management BDII/Glue •Information service •Data access/integration services (SRB/OGSA-DAI/DQPS) ? ETF ? •National Registry (of registry’s) ? EGEE ? •Data replication ? EGEE ? •Data caching EGEE/LCG + ETF +TeraGrid •Grid monitoring EGEE/LCG/ETF/GGF •Accounting Timeline NGS WS Service NGS Expansion (Bristol, Cardiff…) NGS Production Service NGS WS Service 2 OGSA-DAI NGS Expansion WS2 plan WS plan Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2004 Q2 Q3 2005 Q4 Q1 Q2 2006 OMII release gLite release 1 EGEE gLite alpha release Q3 EGEE gLite release OMII Release The End NGS Status October 2004 • All 4 cluster nodes (+HPC) operational – Pre-Production 5th April – Production Service from September 1 • 120 registered users – 20 users registered since 1 September 2004 – Not yet “full”