Towards modeling epigenetic phase variation of virulence factors Marjan van der Woude DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY Centre for Immunology and Infection Expression of Virulence factors Infectious dose Bottlenecks Haraga 2008 Phase variation: Heritable yet reversible gene expression Cell division QuickTime™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTi me™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. restreak restreak lacZ reporter 1 in 10-104 cells switch per generation Cells in a clonal population may never have identical phenotype Qui ckTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see thi s pi cture. 2. 1. 1. Variable level of response within population 2. Phase variation Results in heterogeneous clonal population with cells expressing (ON) and not expressing gene(OFF). Why study population heterogeneity? Interesting biology we may be missing: Host- pathogen /commensal interactions, interaction with (abiotic) environment, biofilms, resistance Wider implications: Combating Infectious Disease Diagnostics, Epidemiology, Vaccine development Biological significance of phase variation? - Evade the immune system - ?Alters host pathogen interactions? PV of adhesins: - ?Facilitates bacterial dispersal? (from biofilms or colonized host tissue) Phase variation: Heritable yet reversible gene expression Cell division QuickTime™ and a TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTi me™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. restreak restreak lacZ reporter 1 in 10-104 cells switch per generation Reporter fusions to analyze PV: gfp: Green Fluorescent Protein +1 RNA polymerase gfp Also for Flow cytometry Alternatives: lux lacZ Native protein Single cells: overlay of phase contrast (all cells) and fluorescent image (ON cells, GFP+) Microbial Challenge #1 Getting the data: Analyze and Visualize an infrequent event Suitability -population, individual cells -lab, in vitro or infection model Sensitivity (need single copy for PV) Reporter relation to “native” protein? Phase variation controlled by DNA methylation (epigenetic) OxyR OFF -35 -10 Protein CDS GATCs promoter ON Dam Protein CDS Example: OxyR is a repressor but can only bind if 3 Dam target sequences (GATC) are unmethylated. Once OxyR is bound, Dam can not access GATC. OFF UM ON METH HM • Competition DNA binding protein and processive enzyme • Actual DNA and protein concentration (at site) [Kaminska et al 2010] • Role passage DNA replication fork(s) [Kaminska et al 2010] • Other growth related variables Significance OxyR binding affinity Role of each GATC WTK12 GATC mutants OFF ON Altered switch frequency x x (NA locked Off) x (NA locked Off) WTRS218 x x x x x Altered switch frequency Microbial Challenge #2 Getting the data: Acquiring relevant numerical data (low concentration proteins and enzyme) Microbial Challenge #3 Reduce complexity w/o oversimplifying (include DNA replication, growth?) OxyR and Dam-dependent PV: variation on a theme E. coli agn family ON OFF Salmonella enterica sp. gtr ON OFF Sarah Broadbent “Molecular Rules” Dam-dependent PV? ON OFF agn family gtr family Agn- outer membrane protein family in E. coli Gtr- LPS modification operons in Salmonella Both with evidence of past horizontal (phage) transfer Expression of gtr can affect Salmonellae serotyping >2500 serovars Genus Species Subspecies >98% of human clinical isolates Enterica (I) Bongori (V) Salmonella Salamae (II) Arizonae (IIIa) Strain Serotypes Typhimurium Typhi Choleraesuis Paratyphi Enteriditis … … … Enterica Diarizonae (IIIb) … Houtenae (IV) … Indica (VI) … LT2 14028 DT104 SL1344 TR7095 … Serotypes (Kauffmann-White scheme) -Based on immunoreactivity of two surface antigens i) O Antigen (LPS) ii) H Antigen (Flagellar) gtr operons modify the O-antigen Enteritidus PT4_II Gallinarum_II Dublin_III Typhi CT18_II (Pseudo gtrB) Typhi TY2_I Paratyphi A_I ∆gtrA Typhimurium D23580_BTP1 ∆gtrB Cholerasuis_II Infantis_II Cholerasuis_III Infantis_I Cholerasuis_I Hadar_1 gtrC Phage ST104 Phage ST64T Typhimurium DT104_III Group 1 Paratyphi A_III * Phage P22 Hadar_II Typhimurium SL1344_II Typhimurium D23580_II Typhimurium DT10_I Typhimurium DT2_I Typhimurium LT2_II Choleraesuis_IV * Infantis_III Typhi CT18_I Typhi TY2_II Paratyphi A_II * Enteritidus PT4_I Gallinarum_I Typhimurium DT2_II Typhimurium LT2_I Typhimurium SL1344_I Typhimurium DT104_II Paratyphi B Typhimurium D23580_I 0.1 L C + increasing #O repeats Group 2 oafA OAc:O5 Group 4 gtrABC Lt2_I Glc:O122 1 4 6 gtr P22 Glc:O1 1 LPS gel Gal Rha Abe Man O4, O12 Lipid-core S. Typhimurium LT2 O-antigen Group 3 SPI16-like ? ∆oafA ∆Lt2_I ∆Lt2_II WT ptac Lt2_1 Which gtr cluster conveys which O-serotype? Model for gtr phase variation;Dam and OxyR OxyR ON +1 CH3-35 CH3 RNApol OxyR A OxyR B CH3 OFF -10 CH3 gtrA OxyR C OxyR +1 OxyR A -35 gtrA OxyR B Broadbent et al 2010 -10 OxyR C gtrABC: modifies the O-antigen and phase varies 0-4 copies of gtr-family operons per Salmonella genome (phage remnants) Also on phage genomes If 3 of 4 copies PV then one can have 8 phenotypic variants in a population just from the gtr family! Combine with PV of possibly as many as 11 adhesins ….. WebLogo of 33 gtr regulatory regions identifies putative important elements Predict PV rates / regulation based on DNA sequence and paramters? OxyR half b.s.motif : ATAG/T.T…A.CTAT Salmonella LPS modification project BIOCHEMISTRY Relate genes to chemical modification ROLE OF MODIFICATION Host-Pathogen interactions MOLECULAR -Genome sequencing SEROTYPING -Improve ? Complete, Molecular diagnostics EXPRESSION -Phase variation /Regulated? Can we predict Dam-dependent PV from DNA sequence? Any methylation dependent PV? Bacterial species Affected moiety /phenotype Campylobacter jejuni Escherichia coli * Salmonella enterica Tm Haemophilu influenzae Helicobacter pylori * * Neisseria meningitidis * Proteus mirabilis * Streptococcus pneumoniae OxyR and Dam LOS modif ication Fimbr iae (type 1, CS18) Fimbr iae (Pap, S, F1845, Clp) Outer membrane protein Fimbr iae (Pef) DNAmodification modi fication LPS fimbr iae LKP LOS modif ication DNA R/M LPS modif ication Flagella Membrane lipid composition Outer membrane proteins Haemo globin receptors Capsule Fimbr iae (MR/P) Capsule Metabolism DNA R/M Class(es) of regulated gene/operon enzyme structural, regulatory structural, regulatory structural sructural, regulatory enzyme structural enzyme enzyme enzymes structural enzyme structural structural enzyme structural, regulatory structural enzyme enzyme Molecular Mechanism SSM Recomb DNA methyl DNA methyl DNA methyl SSM methyl DNA SSM SSM SSM SSM SSM SSM SSM SSM SSM Recomb Recomb SSM SSM Lrp and Dam from van der Woude and Baumler, 2004 “Molecular Rules” Dam-dependent PV? ON OFF agn family gtr family Pap family Lrp, needs PapI Microbial Challenge #4 Testing relevance Choosing the strain and conditions that represent a natural situation of relevance Microbial Challenge #5 Devising and executing experiments within adhering to those wishes Challenge(s) #6 What is enough data to make modeling feasible? How to decide if modeling is a worthwhile endeavor for the system? If the system is the best for the modeling? • • • • • Renata Kaminska Sarah Broadbent Mark Davies Matt Lakins previous lab members Support from With previous support from NSF DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY Centre for Immunology and Infection