How to switch from "On" to "Off" and back again with OxyR, DNA modification and a replication fork. Please note this is an edited version of the presentation. If you attended the meeting and would like a copy of the original drop me an email! Marjan van der Woude DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY Centre for Immunology and Infection STOMP Stochastic dynamical modelling of gene networks in prokaryotes … microbiologists, mathematicians and physical scientists, to use stochastic dynamical modelling for "real-life" problems pertaining to bacterial response and behaviour - specifically, contribute to understanding stochastic effects in gene regulation in response to environmental stresses, in communal living .. and in gene transfer .. Outline • Background • OxyR and Dam-dependent agn43 phase variation • Natural variation on the agn43 theme • Concluding thoughts Phase variation 2. 1. 1. Graded level of expression. Response to stimulus within population, stochastic. Non-heritable. 2. Phase variation. Population with both On and Off. Heritable. Phase variation: Heritable yet reversible gene expression states Cell division s io iv i ll d iv i ns Ce ll d s io Ce ns Switch frequency restreak restreak lacZ reporter Phase variation Very prevalent among all types/genera of bacteria Different molecular mechanisms • slipped strand mispairing, site specific recombination, DNA methylation • probably all have a stochastic element • some incorporate environmental signals, others do not Phase variable genes code for different classes of proteins, including: • • • • Adhesins Outer membrane proteins Transporters Restriction/modification genes Biological significance of phase variation? Prevalent theories: - Evade the immune system Benefits population- survival Co-existence serotypes - Adhesins: Facilitates bacterial dispersal -“Contingency” genes Swarming in soil bacteria Model system: Dam-dependent Phase Variation of Ag43 Wt= Off and On 100% ON culture • Outer membrane protein in E. coli • Variable roles attributed - adherence, biofilm, persistence (UTI)… • 0-3 alleles in E. coli isolates • Gene agn43 [aka flu] • Expression phase varies, requiring Dam and OxyR. aggregated The DNA binding protein: OxyR • • • • • • Is a repressor of agn43 transcription Binds DNA as a dimer of dimers Global regulator for protections agains oxidative stress Oxidation state does not affect agn43 repression Amount in cell: approx 150 molecules (Ishihama, pers comm) Probably just a few binding sites in genome (non-oxidative stress conditions) Dam The enzyme: Dam (Deoxyadenosine methyltransferase) • Methylates adenine at GATC sequences • Processive enzyme; both Hemi- and Unmethylated DNA is substrate • No de-methylating enzyme in E. coli • Is integral part of E coli biology and not part of restriction /modification system • Is always present; 100-300 molecules per cell? Unmeth GATC Meth GATC Unmethylated Hemi-methylated Methylated The agn regulatory region Questions: How is heritability conferred? What event determines whether a switch takes place? Can we identify parameters to predict occurrence? Summary of key data: OFF • • • • ON dam mutant locked OFF oxyR mutant locked ON DNA methylation state correspond to expression state In vitro • OxyR binds unmethylated agn43 region but not methylated agn43 region • OxyR binding sequesters region from Dam • OxyR represses in vitro transcription The 2 Basic Principles of the agn43 ON and OFF states: 1. DNA methylation-dependent OxyR binding 2. OxyR-dependent methylation protection GATC-II GATC-I GATC-III +1 -35 -10 agn lacZ OxyR binding site Dam Dam OxyR represses: OFF OxyR can not bind:ON Key aspects: Memory conferred by DNA methylation state No feedback from expression No known environmental signals incorporated The model explains a stable On and Off phase, but what is molecular event (or sources?) of stochastic behaviour and the switch? Events in the cell? ? OFF ON KEY OxyR Dam Methyl group DNA replication DNAs Old strand Newly synthesized strand OFF Two roles of methylation at agn43 • Decrease OxyR binding affinity 100 90 % bound Ag43 DNA 80 70 60 Non-meth: 50 40 30 Hemi-meth: 20 10 Top strand methylated 0 10 15 20 nanograms of OxyR 25 30 Bottom strand methylated 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 nanograms of OxyR (wt) • Enhance promoter activity oxyR mutant 11027 MU dam oxyR mutant 81 MU Significance OxyR binding affinity Role of each GATC and binding site WTK12 OFF Altered switch frequency x GATC mutants ON x (NA locked Off) x (NA locked Off) WTRS218 x x x x x Altered switch frequency PV depends on global Dam and OxyR concentration/ratio Locked OFF dam mutant OxyR overproducer Locked ON oxyR mutant Dam overproducer Dam Dam Dam OFF cells Dam Dam ON cells Haagmans et al, 2000 Wallecha et al 2002 Bias competition to OFF OFF UM ON M HM To Model: a DNA-binding protein a DNA-modifying enzyme effect of DNA replication. - Analysis of plasmid encoded GFP after signal amplification, FACS - Implicates additional factor in Off phase. - In addition to known Off, On intermediate states invoked, one with “nonspecific transcription” [“intermediate”]. - Model simulations: intermediate states are required “buffers” that facilitate inheritance of parental expression state. How do following fit? • OxyR Affinity • Concentration • RNA pol role • Dam processivity • Availability locally • Lim: intermediate states OxyR half site OxyR half site Molecular Rules Dam-dependent PV? ON agn family OxyR Pap family Lrp, needs PapI ( ) ) OFF David Low Known Dam-dependent PV Bacterial species Affected moiety /phenotype Campylobacter jejuni Escherichia coli LOS modification Fimbriae (type 1, CS18) Fimbriae (Pap, S, F1845, Clp) Outer membrane protein Fimbriae (Pef) DNA modification fimbriae LKP LOS modification DNA R/M LPS modification Flagella Membrane lipid composition Outer membrane proteins Haemoglobin receptors Capsule Fimbriae (MR/P) Capsule Metabolism DNA R/M Salmonella enterica Tm Haemophilu influenzae Helicobacter pylori Neisseria meningitidi s Proteus mirabilis Streptococcus pneumoniae OxyR and Dam Class(es) of regulated gene/operon enzyme structural, regulatory structural, regulatory structural sructural, regulatory enzyme structural enzyme enzyme enzymes structural enzyme structural structural enzyme structural, regulatory structural enzyme enzyme Molecular Mechanism SSM Recomb DNA methyl DNA methyl DNA methyl SSM SSM SSM SSM SSM SSM SSM SSM SSM SSM Recomb Recomb SSM SSM Lrp and Dam after van der Woude and Baumler, 2004 Defining the molecular rules: why? • Bacterial genera with dam, oxyR and lrp include Yersinia, Haemophilus, Vibrio, Neisseria, Legionella • Dam may interact with other regulators • Work to predict from genome sequence: o PV prediction (vaccine!) o systems insight • Use for synthetic biology? • • • • Renata Kaminska Sarah Broadbent Mark Davies Ruth Verstraten, Sophie Foppolo Matthew Lakins and other previous lab members Support from Previous funding NSF, Dupont, EU-IRG DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY Centre for Immunology and Infection GATC point mutations: only site specific methylation state is affected GATG AATC AATC agctcaataatagaataaaacgatcaatatcTattttatcgatcgtttatatcgatcgataagct motif atat t a ctat atag t a ctat Gelshift analysis with purified OxyR 100 90 Percent shifted 80 70 60 OxyR binding to mutant DNA is comparable to binding to unmethylated wild type DNA. 50 40 30 WT unmethylated DNA 20 10 GATC-I, II, III mutant DNA 0 0 20 40 60 OxyR(C199S) AU AU OxyR(C199S) 80