! F ! ! ! 2 2 - ! ! ! ! ! ! rl ! ) ! !r ! ! ! ,"EFn ThePeopfeand Places of Parshaff,NorthDakota Centenniaf 1gl 4 - 2014 Mapsof Main Street, ParshallND- 1964and 2014 by MarilynHudson Jan[ary,2014 Or the next pages,you will find two mapsof ParshallND. The first one, Prrshrll Circa 1964,is Main Sheetas it existedin 1964. The secondmap,Palslall Circa 2014,rcflectsMain Streettoday. It is oftensaid words." Thisbeingthecase,you canvisualizeour Parshallof 50yearsagoby that"a pictureis wortha thousand takingan imaginarystroll up its Main Street,the arteryandheartbeatofall smalltownsin rural America.The Map of2014 wi:l serveasa guideto Main Sbeettoday,onethalyou canphysicallyexpeienceby a short4-block waik. Pa/st att, No/th DakotaClrca 1961 & - P.and PryCl*.n 1! , L!.ln y, b{nata.rd 1l . f.nFL q q Urlon el.v.L. 17. J.?6 O..r: CdrP.ny ra . Olboin}Mcltii arr.lor tl . Wlxa$!o'| Flir.ti tldn. A r: . P.ll o&.tr.aut :o!b: rel I13 .E : ltl LlZ ll trt :a - l)r 8r.ti.ffr.rn $.drarl Ct 2! - f.!!hrr or!1 e|. :6 - Ar|,nc]r L!!r6r Cr0! 27-C.-.n!.tltwl rM.Mar3ra , " irolrnlln cBhly Rrd, !1 - Pol€r 9Lt6. rnd Fl! X.' 3 " F{rn /r llrrdl 34r.. 3?! 5 . P.6n ! as Cofip.rt J6rt ' 8t&drt o,riu|| lralon ,t, lllyfi Pant Lo!{ $rrlot .! . J.r*l c'trr &.n rbG .la , a{tar Plrntirrat ,rLdct a5 - UOai Ode 3b.a .! " R{r Stqlit Cdd, .S ' Sur.f r.r.iu€rnca.t a9 " R.$.!.!o. Ll.pnan Co !O. A!..i.i torr. Cohtrnt g:?!eg--.'--= +''' S" an 59 " Sr&lr.! E:,r art 2l ee. &. sr Wbcri.t a I Shol t9 - l{rryt lr.!., a}:ot r() - t€Id... lV a.di.r ai - lha C.mltri Siort !---ltsJ I I t a - I I a I a t a a I a a I I I a t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ]e64. sra(ins arthe ::i:*ll"rilji.[j1:";ixffi$"er south end or j:,n: iij:i i"..;.,:j,:i1?#i:ff l',ll:Tiii",j*;'Tli::*:,":ujj",y::lil,+i;i\: erela,ors somerimes car,.a.p,,r,i. i""i#rliilli: i,:lr::i:::i:?X1",*:l*n,, m,*; to'''ot*' ard vehiclespufchased lrlii ar rhe John Deerecompany.Hecrbers.s. iiril";11 schroedcr.s or i**,;;1**f;,j$it*+t$gli'1,ru mr,*++#r!'il::ftTry;..r.ruttll'" 8,*ft occupying severar rmirer coufts *r,*ir,"" r,-"ia#ir,i[r.JJ,",::.i"ffi:,:H.lFli]%?ni"j*g::l: emo'hrenr durirgthhperiodofrime.Afte;theycompleted th" in.ruff"tii,ofti."nii,rii"r, rh" onto "..*",nou"d ,,.".'"f i,il:ir:#i:llillr'fl;:l.Hl::ecr' ha\'c Fu can harr curarrhebarbershop vour rorabour $r.50. il,i'"'j.1,.ili"i; lilnm**:lll{,x;t r;l""ll, ntii*;l.\#i"#J,l;:l"*$,ffi jlllrg*iTf"T$l':X1l;:arvdsrf,Si/oucourdbuvaweek'sgroceriesro"'": ;::rtrff i,jijffi #l***## r*,,;:"#.":#p;{}J,;;t[fi:{ *;;'"il"';.fl.i?:l#i:i:il:i:ffiil1!ff1 :1.'a*l1il5f;l*ii'iJi";l:::',i?:'5ff cooR,you couldstopin at the Centrsl of Ni s:ll'-?:'.9,,: $Str0r&.a*l3lrll ld .1.i;"'..', "",ia " '.'. tlillfllF-^TtryTyFF' b-.w,"!'iur,,,(cons'noay riyourracrsceno ArLnougnwcslents sccmed to be the film of local [oti,s. t am srrre\4aD poppils, a ::olcety iyo4 AcadelnyA$ard nominec. i hi, ""s "s Across lhe srfeer from lhe Theatet. _ :' :H;f,:x,l,Fj" u:ul1*..JJTH::"1:j:ff-i:1'liiijF:!J:;;,y d,edicarron adrress.and s;or,*""1" :":il_,;y;:r:;1i;,:;WrYf:i:,; :!i iI ':;::iitr#'i;r,#{.trJ{X{:,f#::Xf;{*:fl^1;i;;;:i;:"#::;T.ltu,,"ou"a """#,T""i"oijj,"^:fr;i nom,he sou,h I b J e was You will seethatParshallin 1964wasprettymucha selfsufficienicommunity Almosteverr4hing availableto the residentsincludinga doctoranda dentistshouldthe needfot medicalseflices aris€. Therewasa firc hall analpolice stationtbr emergencies.You could buy what you neededfor your houseand yard at Jack's coastto coastHardwarestoreor a ncw suitofclothesat Millie's or Hanson'sstore, andyou coulddfivea new caror tractorotTthelot at oneoflhe localdealenhipsaboutParshallaboutthc yearsaroundthe lale 1950'sandeally comments one of the mostoft-repeated 1960'sis saturdaynighton Main street. It wasa lavoritetimc for everyone.Peoplepafkedon Main andsatin their carsandwarchedall the action. Kids ran up anddown the streetchasingeachoihel andhaving a goodtime. The men gatheredin the local breweriesand talked aboutgrain prices. The womenshoppedand ran enandsand vjsited wathfiiends and neighbors. Teenagerswho werc lucky enoughto havewheelsdroveup and down main ..cool"wit! the radioblastingoul a Beatlessongwhile theirpafentsshookthei headsand streettryingto look wofiied. Belowis anundatedphotoofParshallMain shcetwhichlr|ill bring backmanymemodesandwhich placeswe discussed. showsmanyof thebusiness g e It €i e g e B e- e e c c EF E e c e e e s e 5 e t e arcundthelate1950's Photoof Main SheetParshall v H 5 e e F q cl q cl cl El = q - t a a t rt a D a a Mao of Parshall2014 Parshall,North Dal<oECtrca2011 1. Pro9Llsilt grnk : ' Frm|.rS t nionlnrunnct l - olvfr tar g.Nlca a . Anrara.roa'.Ea I D I'ltua l{E a I a I tl I t M l! :z - t d. in.r - t p ! F F p p p p p F E l l * P :!.:l/, Oi g.rvb. 2a.or H.! corlllay 2t.rY.,r.&ury 26. ef $,trB.'{. tt p E E n ! 29. Fooaft|d.3,!c.fy lc.C,/ba t.flt fl.faala.r.ton raltn .lc Colntirrt 32.!9. lr..*n &!drg a t - e.h sbr.c. E :l - er*r lrvrlr oro' - t t t t t t t * t" q{.r B.dyStrop €l 6 - F.|(hnl C.r W..tl I I "trrlrcomrt li| t. ALt C.i EorlngAlLy!'E LorrE l9'o.|6..Qu.Wg.er E f0 . L'ldro! FuncralHo.ro El U - F.'dr.I Moro.ho t u . apariia.lt E ii u . eol oltlcet xrr.got It 13. AD..tr!.rit !f ra. Pi$* Dart t qrd. ! ff - Anrrc..i L.donOrD ! fa. Ctt Halrtt rr!,lrano.bt ttrt| I tt-Fhr.l ! l!. Rrc udF!Do.. Surdhe ! 19. &iiq a&.r. Cdr.. ! 20. P.||hd R.sr.r. C.rn r ! :t.TrD.ro .|. 0 t-l# 0!6 *rj -f;tr 8 Today,50 yearslater,Main Stlectis stitl identifiableas tbe Main Str€etof t964. It is still 4 ca$, you will find many blocls long andyou still parkyour car at ar angleto the curb.hst€adof passenger pickups parked extended csb here, Thd seemsto makeMsin Stre€trarrol{€r thanit usedto be, Most of tlre andsomearevacadtandboardedup.You canstill buildingsarcstill thercalthoughsomehouseotherbusinesses (Item 29)' not Super stopin at the local groceryin the sameplace as you did 50 yearsago lt is now-FoodPride and $6 28 Viu aftfrouehma"i old timers continueto call it as such. *ou will pay abour52 99 for a loaf ofbread gallon of milk. for a You may seethe proprietor,RichardBolkan, €itherin the storeor on the run io City Hali up the sfieet. In my opinion, fuchard is the hardestworkilg guy in town. Not or{y doeshe opemtethe food store now open? daiJa weekwifi extendedeveninghoun. but he is also our town'sMayor. You will havelo askMayotfuchardwhichjob is lhe most difficult. Richardwas one ofthe subjectsin the film "Boom Torvn'in 2011. The film, producedand directedby RachelLiebert for PlanetGree& docuo€ntedthe impact ofthe oil boom on the City of Parsh.ll. Since that time, hundreds of joumalists, newsmen, job-seekersand DhotographeB,developers.enneprmeurs.investors, otheriru_vecorneto Parshallbecauseof lhe Bakkenoil boom. Iq I a a I a a t andimpactsoflhe As you walk downMain Street,you canpersonallyobservesomeof the.aspects its existenceNow I for and ranching faming upon .urriu" oil b'oo-. Historically,Parshallhasbeendependent produoing a million banelsof I wcitemNorth Dakota 'Resources *" *" ir tft" UaAf" a rapidlychangingeoonomy-with "f "the most itnporto oil oallsrhe Bakkenfield ofto].rtinental aq. H-td'H";ii"tt*'"rl" I disioveryin the past50jears. And it's iustgeningstarred.. can agicultureandtheoil industy co-existin our by expertsh thesefields' andwill havero beanswered I yr Thisis theiopic of manydiscussions *..rti -It_was tom there. is no looger depot soo Line the Ai thesouthendoi-Mainstreet,by therailroadfracks, I y"., ago. And until the oii boom,the railroadwasusedonly for occasional$ain haulingeast' ,olnr do* Today,3 fr;ins eac-hpulling 100carsloadedwith Bakten oil passthroughParshallon theii way to eastem I andfircs in of the rccentoil hain derailments refineries.This is causingsomeconcemfor residentsbeoause ND. andCasselton, Alabama,Canada Mirmesota, "'-"'--X post place. postnasterMartinNadeauwill I Oifroe(Item 12) is in thesame_ v." t"rif "p Main, the mail a letterfor you for 49 cents. Therearefar'moremail boxesthanthecewerein 1964 No longerdoesthe I in townanymore.TheKing Oil Company(ItemNo. lorcreveryonein town. No onelorcwseveryone Doshnaster whatusedto betheHobbyshop.a favoriteshoppingplacefor I iii l^ * om"" in *'" samebuilding. tt occupies ( ii. lo*i *orn"n in 1964. Pa*ed i;front of thepostofficebuildingaodlhe Laundromatlt.em7)' youwill see t andso licenseplates.ManyarefromWyomin&ldaho,Montana'Washington carsandpickupswith out-of-state such t is one librarian our city fields' the oil work in here to of Parshall, on. Thes"ari oul new resialents ih" andher husbandmovedherefiom Montanaabouta year ago. Sheis very happywith the t ;;"il; we'dbe I theyfoundhere.Sheusesthephrase..lfitweren'tfor theBalsrken. v alrJ** ,l€ opporhrnities ""lnTr_,l walkin'!" -ManyofthevehiclesparkedonMainsrreeta'eserviceandutilitypickupsandtrucks.Theyhauloilfi I _Many from havetheh companynarnesandlogoson the doors Adoss the street I equipment. andconstruJtion petecoffee,Jr.,wolkstherc r""J i.la" i" t iui.t i,ffice(Itemil) whereJack'scoasrto coaststoreusedto be. " oil well sitesto be srllethereis no distubance I Oilicer. Hisjob is to inspectproposed asa CulturalPreservation a to the Stateor to the Tribe. In 2009.the SlawsonOil Co. developeda well, Wombat 1-25H, in the trorthwestoorneroftown. The 640_aorespacingunit includesthe land under Parshall, All lot owners in town receive a small royalty (about $10per month)ftom the productionofthis well. You canno longergraba bite to eatat the Centralor Niche Caf6' The TasteeFleezeis now the Tasty Treats(Item 22). You can still get ao ice creamconctherebut you can also get a variefy of fast foods' The car and fann impleEent buildings are either vacantol used by another is now an oil field comoanv.Whai usedto be Zavalney'sLaundrornat by lhe Colden taken over now been bar has George's iuitaing. srorage the souds are there group. No longer citizen's senior Jet Sit. the local jute smoke of oigalette or the smell box of be€rbottle tops being popped,the wailing of a country silger on the playing like activities seda& opendoor of th" building. It is now usedfot more *"ni"i irt" trr"lu."t i".?" ofburial sitesor areasofhistorical I I t I I t I I I t I I ) t a ) - t I I : I t a t t ! t t I t ) a a ) ) - a I I - I t t t - t a cards,puttrng togetherjigsaw puzzles and an occasionallucheon meeting. Membersof this Jet set are the peoplewho in 1964 workedand sholped in the businessplaceson Main Street. Farther up the sheet, the Reseflation TelephoneCo. (Item 31) has grown and expandeclsince its begirning daysin the 1950's. It is now a commrmicationsleaderfirmishing telephone,cable Tv and wireless intemet and "bundles" to Parshalland much of westeh North Dakota. AsLthe ladies at the seniorcenter,anal they will be able to tell you when Parshallrelephone co. $as a lady sitting in a little building with a srnall switchboardnear what is now Monte's Body shop. Todat RTc eftploys about 100 people ani'has the latest state-of-the-artequipmentand services.The new RTC building occupiesthe spotwhere-thicrand rheater stood. so peoplehopingto gab that sundaymatineecan't do so andmay haveto go 6 RTc and graba ..bundle,,instead. You \r.ill seea lot ofactivity taking placeat City Hall (Iteh 16). . The Medodal Hall is being remodeled, We have a new citv ofrice building which also housesthe city library. The City has hned additional stafr such as an engineerand a planner to assistand advise them in the m.ny issues confionting a mpidly gowing ciq,. AI Chistianson and the maintenancestalf are kept busy making sure the residentsare suppliedwith watet, safe streetsand all other aspectsofa publicworkssysl€m. At the end ofyour 4-block walh you will seethe palshall Motor Inn (Item l1). This motel and its owner were also featued in the film D Town." Like LK€ most "Boom mo$ other ourer hotels r norcls and ano motels in rn westem North Dakota,the.Motor k'n housesoil workers and nrely has a vacancy. Travelefi to this ar€ahave a difficult time finding a place to stay. so it is possiblethere will be more housing constructionas the oil boom continuesto impacton coftmunities like Parchall. we hope you have enjoyedyour sholl through our Main street on this occasionof the cefiennial of P,arshall.__ what th€ ftture holds is anyone'sguessright now. will the oil boom continue? If so, for how long? what will be the fallout fiom the bust? No one is able to answerrhesequestionswith any degreeof certainly. L recentsurveyformdParshallresidentsdivided on the issueofthe oil boom,whetherit is a,,blessing"or a ..curse." Most peoplefall into a middle-of-the-loadcategoryon this issue. In the meanwhile,parshall is Eerefiting ftom someof the oil revenuewhich flows to the state's coffers and which has madeNorth Dakota one of th; most fiscally sound states in the union. Someof the money is being usedto ihprove the steets and sidewalksin Parshall. By the time of the centennialcelebration,you may be walking on someof the sidewalksand diiving on the highwaysfinded by the oil boom. AbouttheMans parshall. The map symboliz.tion using color _ we hope our readersenjoy thesemapsof Main sheet of andicons was interestingand educationalfor us. we ale very proud of the finishedproduct. This is the siory of how thesemapscameto be. Dr' sebastianBraun from the Depalhnentof Indian studiesat rhe universify ofNorth Dakotais a good _. friend of the people of Fort Berthold. when he heard about the parshall centennial and the historv boo[ he offered his kind assistance.we told him we neededa map to illus&ate pa$hall, ita past and its pres€nt. Dr. Brarm discussedthe project with Dr. Michael Niedzielski of the Geogaphy Departrnentat uND. They then visited Parshall, met with our coDmittee and discussedvmious ways r" aepict ou, story in a map iomat, Identifing Main sheet as it existedin 1964was not as easya task as we thought, However,with som; research and discussionwith long-time residents,we werc ableto reconstructthe 4-blo;k sheet and identifi the buildings andbusinesses.Michael was very patientwith the committe€with the many coEectionsand chaogeswe madeis we went along. The type ofbusinesswas also ofimportancesincean icon oi symbol ofthe business(a gaspump for the stations,a spoonand fmk for lestauants,etc.)was needed. My person;l favorite is the greensq;arc-wftL the bam and silos depictingagriculture. It is usedto identiry fie grain elevatorsby the railroadtrack. We ar,every apprcciativeofthe expeltisegovided to us by Dr. Niedzielski by designingaod developing . thesemaps. we could not have done this without hih. you will seeMichael's nameon the lowo tieht hatri comerofthe maps. He receivesfiIl credit andachrowledgmentfoi the existenceofthese maps. I ) ! 26