NeSC Lattice QCD and eScience David Richards (Jefferson Laboratory) Robert Edwards Chip Watson • Introduction - Jefferson Laboratory, a research tool for QCD. • Lattice QCD and large-scale simulation • SciDAC • Future prospects Lattice QCD. . . -1- September 2002 NeSC Jefferson Laboratory Jefferson Laboratory is a nuclear physics facility housing the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility. Lattice QCD. . . -2- September 2002 NeSC “To understand the structure and interaction of hadrons in terms of quarks and gluons” The strong interaction is described by Quantum Chromodynamics - QCD, whose fundamental particles are the quarks and gluons. QCD is a gauge theory, like QED, but non-Abelian and non-linear. Lattice QCD. . . -3- September 2002 NeSC What do the experiments tell us? The distribution of the quarks and gluons within the hadron - structure functions and form factors of protons and neutrons. The Neutron’s Charge Distribution Provides Further Insights into Hadron Structure (cont) Pion Cloud RCQM Total • New neutron electric form factor data reveal the shape of the charge distribution • And the importance of relativistic effects in nucleon structure IP_9-02_final.ppt 8/19/2002 4:26 PM Lattice QCD. . . -4- September 2002 NeSC The masses of the radial and orbital excitations of nucleons Lattice QCD. . . -5- September 2002 NeSC 12 GeV Upgrade • The origin of confinement by looking for flux tubes - Hall D • Calculation of Generalised Parton Distributions that describe the full structure of hadrons Lattice QCD. . . -6- September 2002 NeSC The only ab initio means we have of solving the theory is through large scale numerical simulation - lattice QCD. Replace continuum space-time by lattice or grid of points. • Quarks live on the Sites. • Gluons live on the Links ν µ x+ ν Uν (x) x Uµ (x) x+ µ Requirements of large physical volume and small discretation uncertainties requires terascale computational facilities for calculation commensurate with experimental programme - SCIDAC. Lattice QCD. . . -7- September 2002 NeSC 5 4 m N r0 N(1535) 3 N(939) 2 Jacobi Fuzzed 1 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 2 (a/r0) M. Göckeler et al, PLB 532, 63 (2002) Lattice QCD. . . -8- September 2002 NeSC Early Lattice Calculations Also Predict Flux Tubes Flux tube forms between qq From G. Bali: quenched QCD with heavy quarks Lattice QCD. . . -9- September 2002 NeSC National Computational Infrastructure for Lattice Gauge Theory Objective Create the software and hardware infrastructure needed for terascale simulations of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) Lattice QCD. . . -10- September 2002 NeSC Scientific Goals Non-perturbative study of QCD • Calculation of weak decays of strongly interacting particles * Determination of least well known parameters of the Standard Model * Precision tests of the Standard Model • Investigation of matter under extreme conditions * Mapping the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter * Determination of properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma • Understanding the structure and interactions of hadrons * Calculation of the spectrum of hadrons existing in nature and exploration of their interactions * Determination of the quark and gluon structure of the nucleon and other hadrons Lattice QCD. . . -11- September 2002 NeSC Project Goals Create a unified programming environment that will enable the US lattice community to achieve very high efficiency on diverse multiterascale hardware • Portable, scalable software • High-performance optimization on two target architectures • Exploitation and optimization of existing application base • Infrastructure for national community • Sharing of valuable lattice data and data management Lattice QCD. . . -12- September 2002 NeSC Distributed Terascale Facility The U.S. Lattice community five-year plan includes 3 machines of scale ten teraflops, sited at • Brookhaven National Laboratory • Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory • Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Lattice QCD. . . -13- September 2002 NeSC QCD API Design Level 3 Dirac Operators, CG Routines, etc. Level 2 Data Parallel QCD Lattice Wide Operations (overlapping Algebra and Messaging) Linear Algebra e.g. A = B * C Data Movement SHIFT(A, mu) Level 1 Single Node Lin Alg e.g. SU(3), Dirac Lattice QCD. . . Message Passing Map Lat to Network -14- September 2002 NeSC Data Grid The Lattice Portal will give access to all QCD data, such as generated lattice configurations • Replicated data (multi-site), global tree structured name space (like a local file system) • Replica catalog, using SQL database, replicated to multiple sites for fault tolerance • Browse by attributes as well as by name • Parallel file transfers (bbftp, gridftp, jparss,. . . ) • Drag-n-drop between sites (gui) • Policy based replication (auto migrate between sites) Lattice QCD. . . -15- September 2002 NeSC QCD API Status and Schedule∗ • Level 1 Linear Algebra 1st draft completed. • Level 1 Message Passing (MP-API) design completed. Implementation in MPI completed Myrinet optimization on GM C++ MP-API for QCDOC Application Port to MP-API QDP++ Sept 2001 Feb 2002 begun begun begun • Demo of Level 2 “vertical slice”, Feb 2002 • Optimization of Lin Alg for P4 by March 2002 ∗ Lattice QCD. . . -16- September 2002 NeSC QCDOC Project • Multi-teraflops QCD requirements scale as ∼ (Nlattice 2.5 sites ) requiring: * Thousands of processors. * High-bandwidth, low-latency network. • QCDOC (= QCD on a chip) architecture exploits lattice QCD regularity and supports ∼ 20K 1 Gflops processors. • CPU/FPU and communications hardware integrated on a single chip manufactured by IBM. Lattice QCD. . . -17- September 2002 NeSC QCDOC Architecture • Single-chip processing node: * 1 Gflops, 64 bit IEEE FPU, PowerPC. * 4 Mbytes on-chip memory. • 6-dim mesh network. * 1.5 Gbyte/sec/node network bandwidth. * ≤ 500 ns network latency. • ≤ 2 Gbyte DIMM DDR SDRAM external memory per node. • Commodity Fast Ethernet provides independent host access to each node. Lattice QCD. . . -18- September 2002 NeSC QCDOC Status and Schedule • ASIC design nearly finished. • Physics code running in simulator: single node FPU, SU(3)×2-spinor cache fill/flush to eDRAM bandwidth from/to eDRAM DDR fill/flush 84% (L1 cache) 78% (eDRAM) 3.2 GB/s sustained 2.5/2.0 GB/s 1.2/1.7 GB/s • 2-node Ethernet simulation. • 4-node OS development system: PowerPC 405GP and Ethernet/JTAG boards. • preliminary schedule: ∼ 1.5 TFlops sustained in 2002 ∼ 10 TFlops sustained in 2003 Lattice QCD. . . -19- September 2002 NeSC Commodity Clusters Flexible and powerful • Exploit commodity processor board and computer network engineering. • Exploit commodity software (Linux OS, open source software, MPI, . . . ) • Program, run legacy codes effortlessly. Cost effective • Price/performance on lattice codes down to $1/MF on single node Pentium 4s. • Clone, upgrade continuously and cheaply. • Steady-state: continual upgrades, several thousand nodes, replace oldest third of system each year. Lattice QCD. . . -20- September 2002 NeSC Cluster Status and Schedule • 128-node Pentium IV Xeon cluster, with switched Myrinet interconnect installed at JLAB Aug. 2002 • Augment in 2002/2003 with (probably) GigE grid interconnect. • By end of FY2003 0.5 Tflop/sec sustained cluster • National plan envisages 8 Tflop/sec sustained in 2005/2006 • Comparable cluster deployed at FNAL • JLAB Lattice Portal Lattice QCD. . . -21- September 2002 NeSC Performance on Pentium IV Lattice gauge calculations dominated by calculation of Dirac operator 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 active dims 1 active dims 2 active dims 3 active dims 2* 2* 2 2* *2 2* 2 2* *4 2* 4 2* *4 4* 4 4* *4 4* 4 4* *4 4* 4 4* *8 4* 8 6* *8 6* 6 8* *6 8* 8* 8 16 ^4 Mflops Wilson-Dirac Operator Performance: QMP/MPI-GM Subgrid Lattice size (after checkerboarding) Exploitation of SSE instructions allows 2 Gflop/sec for the single-precision Dirac operator on a single processor, for problems residing in cache. Lattice QCD. . . -22- September 2002 NeSC Weak Decays Some fundamental parameters of particle physics can be experimentally extracted only with aid of lattice gauge theory calculations. The constraints on the ρ and η quark transition parameters require both experimental measurements and accurate lattice calculations; a non-zero η leads to violation of CP symmetry as observed in Kaon decays and as needed to explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe. Any disagreements between the determinations signal a breakdown of the standard model of particle physics. Nearly all uncertainties will soon be dominated by lattice QCD uncertainties. 1 ∆md CK M fitter ∆ms & ∆md 0.8 η 0.6 |εK| 0.4 |Vub/Vcb| 0.2 sin 2βWA 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 ρ Lattice QCD. . . -23- |εK| September 2002 NeSC The Quark-Gluon Plasma Last seen a few microseconds after the big bang, the quark gluon plasma is the quarry of the RHIC facility, and can be explored from first principles using lattice gauge theory. QCD phase diagram alice/phase-diag.jpg Lattice QCD. . . -24- September 2002 NeSC Hadron Structure High energy scattering experiments have measured the distribution of quarks and gluons in the proton. Ten teraflops sustained facilities will enable calculation of the moments of the distributions from first principles. 0.6 g/15 0.4 uv dv u– – d – – (d – u) *5 s c x f (x,Q) Q=5 GeV 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x The quark and gluon distributions in the proton. Lattice QCD. . . -25- September 2002 NeSC Moments of Quark Distributions in Proton Tflop-Year 0 1 10 0.05 2 10 10 0.04 Physical mass Current exp 3 <x > 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0.3 0.2 2 mπ Lattice QCD. . . 0.1 2 (GeV ) -26- September 2002 NeSC A Complementary Theory Effort is Essential to Unravel Strong QCD (e.g. for the GlueX Project) Tflop-year First data from CEBAF @12 GeV 102 101 100 10-1 FY06 Clusters 8 Tflop/sec Exotic candidate at BNL FY03 Clusters 0.5 TFlop/sec Hybrid Decays Full Hybrid Spectrum 10-2 Quenched Hybrid Spectrum Lattice Spectrum agrees with Experiment for Conventional Mesons. 10-3 10-4 Flux tubes between Heavy Quarks 10-5 Hints of a confining potential Lattice gauge theory invented 10-6 1974 Lattice QCD. . . 1990 2000 2010 -27- September 2002 NeSC …and to Understand the Quark and Gluon Structure of Hadrons Tflop-year First data from CEBAF @12 GeV 102 101 100 10-1 FY06 Clusters 8 Tflop/sec GPD Measurements shown at JLAB FY03 Clusters 0.5 TFlop/sec Nucleon GPD’s in Full QCD Pion form factor in full QCD 10-2 Quenched nucleon GPD’s Nucleon valence quark momentum agrees with experiment 10-3 10-4 First nucleon structure function calculations 10-5 First numerical simulations Lattice gauge theory invented 10-6 1974 Lattice QCD. . . 1990 2000 2010 -28- September 2002 NeSC Summary • Lattice QCD is our only means of gaining a quantitative ab initio study of QCD • Precise calculations commensurate with experiment require terascale computing • Efficient use of terascale facilities requires a suitable software infrastructure • Sharing of valuable configurations data - data grids Lattice QCD. . . -29- September 2002