(and more) – Twitter as a student owned TwEVS clicker system

TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned
clicker system (and more)
Martin Hawksey
e-Learning Advisor (Higher Education)
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
RSCs – Stimulating and supportingMay
31, 2016
in learning
| slide 1
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 2
 How you can use twitter for voting
 The bigger picture – an educational twitter
 Some ‘whys’
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 3
Twitter 101
 Twitter is a social networking and microblogging
service that enables its users to send and read
messages known as tweets. Tweets are textbased posts of up to 140 characters displayed on
the author's profile page and delivered to the
author's subscribers who are known as followers.
Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle
of friends or, by default, allow open access.
Wikipedia [bD8]
 Tweets can be a searched and collated using a
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 4
The big idea
It occurred to me that
since I already have
aTwitter backchannel
going in many of my
presentations, it might be
possible to use Twitter to
collect student votes … I
thought you could ask a
question and give a
unique hashtag for each
possible answer.
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 5
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 6
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 7
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 8
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 9
 Question text
A. Option 1
B. Option 2
C. Option 3
D. Option 4
Embedded using free
LiveWeb plugin for
PowerPoint [bGn]
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 10
Alternatively …
Also MASHe Review: Electronic voting systems (clickers) [bGo]
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 11
Benefits of using twitter for voting
 Even most basic phone can be used to vote via
SMS [multi device]
 Very low cost [no handsets, no batteries, no
software licence]
 Opportunity to extend the pedagogy [pre/post
questions, response can be prefixed with reason
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 12
Other ideas of how twitter can be used to
support education (an ecosystem)
 Free SMS broadcast [bGp]
– Users on Vodafone, Orange, O2 and ‘3’ can receive free
status updates via SMS
– As well as administration could be used to send
questions pre class
 Lecture capture enhancement [bGq]
– Using the backchannel communication as a source of
data to enhance navigation and opportunities for
vicarious learning
– http://www.rsc-ne-scotland.org.uk/mashe/ititle/seek.html
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 13
How I see life
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 14
The ‘why not’
 …
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 15
Funding opportunity
 Grant 05/10: Flexible service delivery programme:
Call for projects
– Shared Service and Cloud Computing Pilots Up to
10 months duration between £50,000 and £150,000
available per project.
– Deadline: 12:00 noon Wednesday 19 May 2010
TwEVS – Twitter as a student owned clicker system (and more) | #estict #twevs
May 31, 2016 | slide 16